diff --git a/cts/cluster_test b/cts/cluster_test index 4da682df67..baed75078d 100755 --- a/cts/cluster_test +++ b/cts/cluster_test @@ -1,184 +1,184 @@ #!/bin/bash anyAsked=0 if [ -e ~/.cts ]; then . ~/.cts fi CTS_master=`uname -n` CTS_numtests=$1 if [ "x$CTS_master" = "x" ]; then anyAsked=1 echo "This script should only be executed on the test master." echo "The test master will remotely execute the actions required by the tests and should not be part of the cluster itself." read -p "Is this host intended to be the test master? (yN)" CTS_master if [ "x$CTS_master" != "xy" ]; then echo "This script must be executed on the test master" exit 1 fi fi if [ "x$CTS_node_list" = "x" ]; then anyAsked=1 read -p "Please list your cluster nodes (eg. node1 node2 node3): " CTS_node_list else echo "Beginning test of cluster: $CTS_node_list" fi if [ "x$CTS_stack" = "x" ]; then anyAsked=1 read -p "Which cluster stack are you using? ([corosync], openais, or heartbeat): " CTS_stack if [ -z $CTS_stack ]; then CTS_stack=corosync fi else echo "Using the $CTS_stack cluster stack" fi tmp=`echo ${CTS_node_list} | sed s/$HOSTNAME//` if [ "x${CTS_node_list}" != "x${tmp}" ]; then echo "This script must be executed on the test master and the test master cannot be part of the cluster" exit 1 fi printf "+ Bootstraping ssh... " if [ -z $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]; then printf "\n + Initializing SSH " agent_tmp=/tmp/.$$.ssh ssh-agent > $agent_tmp . $agent_tmp rm $agent_tmp echo " + Adding identities..." ssh-add rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then echo " -- No identities added" printf "\nThe ability to open key-based 'ssh' connections (as the user 'root') is required to use CTS.\n" read -p " - Do you want this program to help you create one? (yN)" auto_fix if [ "x$auto_fix" = "xy" ]; then ssh-keygen -t dsa ssh-add else echo "Please run 'ssh-keygen -t dsa' to create a new key" exit 1 fi fi else echo "OK" fi test_ok=1 printf "+ Testing ssh configuration... " for n in $CTS_node_list; do ssh -l root -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=5 $n /bin/true rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then - printf "\n - connection to %s failed" "$n" + echo " - connection to $n failed" test_ok=0 fi done if [ $test_ok = 0 ]; then printf "\n\nThe ability to open key-based 'ssh' connections (as the user 'root') is required to use CTS.\n" printf " Please install one of your SSH public keys to root's account on all cluster nodes\n" # todo - look for identities and guide the installation of one exit 1 fi echo "OK" if [ -z $CTS_logfile ]; then anyAsked=1 read -p " + Where does/should syslog store logs from remote hosts? (/var/log/messages) " CTS_logfile if [ "x$CTS_logfile" = "x" ]; then CTS_logfile=/var/log/messages fi fi if [ ! -e $CTS_logfile ]; then echo "$CTS_logfile doesn't exist" exit 1 fi if [ -z $CTS_logfacility ]; then anyAsked=1 read -p " + Which log facility does the cluster use? (daemon) " CTS_logfacility if [ "x$CTS_logfacility" = "x" ]; then CTS_logfacility=daemon fi fi if [ -z $CTS_boot ]; then read -p "+ Is the cluster software started automatically when a node boots? [yN] " CTS_boot if [ -z $CTS_boot ]; then CTS_boot=0 else case $CTS_boot in 1|y|Y) CTS_boot=1;; *) CTS_boot=0;; esac fi fi if [ -z $CTS_numtests ]; then read -p "+ How many test iterations should be performed? (500) " CTS_numtests if [ -z $CTS_numtests ]; then CTS_numtests=500 fi fi if [ -z $CTS_asked_once ]; then anyAsked=1 read -p "+ What type of STONITH agent do you use? (none) " CTS_stonith if [ "x$CTS_stonith" != "x" ]; then read -p "+ List any STONITH agent parameters (eq. device_host=switch.power.com): " CTS_stonith_args fi if [ -z $CTS_adv ]; then read -p "+ (Advanced) Any extra CTS parameters? (none) " CTS_adv fi fi if [ $anyAsked = 1 ]; then read -p "+ Save values to ~/.cts for next time? (yN) " doSave fi if [ "x$doSave" = "xy" ]; then echo "# CTS Test data" > ~/.cts echo CTS_master=\"$CTS_master\" >> ~/.cts echo CTS_stack=\"$CTS_stack\" >> ~/.cts echo CTS_node_list=\"$CTS_node_list\" >> ~/.cts echo CTS_logfile=\"$CTS_logfile\" >> ~/.cts echo CTS_logport=$CTS_logport >> ~/.cts echo CTS_logfacility=$CTS_logfacility >> ~/.cts echo CTS_asked_once=1 >> ~/.cts echo CTS_adv=\"$CTS_adv\" >> ~/.cts echo CTS_stonith=$CTS_stonith >> ~/.cts echo CTS_stonith_args=\"$CTS_stonith_args\" >> ~/.cts echo CTS_boot=\"$CTS_boot\" >> ~/.cts fi cts_extra="" if [ "x$CTS_stonith" != "x" ]; then cts_extra="$cts_extra --stonith-type $CTS_stonith" if [ "x$CTS_stonith_args" != "x" ]; then cts_extra="$cts_extra --stonitha-params \"$CTS_stonith_args\"" fi else cts_extra="$cts_extra --stonith 0" echo " - Testing a cluster without STONITH is like a blunt pencil... pointless" fi printf "\nAll set to go for %d iterations!\n" "$CTS_numtests" if [ $anyAsked = 0 ]; then echo "+ To use a different configuration, remove ~/.cts and re-run cts (or edit it manually)." fi echo Now paste the following command into this shell: echo python "`dirname "$0"`"/CTSlab.py -L $CTS_logfile --syslog-facility $CTS_logfacility --no-unsafe-tests --stack $CTS_stack $CTS_adv --at-boot $CTS_boot $cts_extra $CTS_numtests --nodes \"$CTS_node_list\"