diff --git a/rpm/pacemaker.spec.in b/rpm/pacemaker.spec.in index c0c8a5baaf..741e4231f2 100644 --- a/rpm/pacemaker.spec.in +++ b/rpm/pacemaker.spec.in @@ -1,893 +1,893 @@ # Globals and defines to control package behavior (configure these as desired) ## User and group to use for nonprivileged services %global uname hacluster %global gname haclient ## Where to install Pacemaker documentation %if 0%{?suse_version} > 0 %global pcmk_docdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version} %else %if 0%{?rhel} > 7 %global pcmk_docdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-doc %else %global pcmk_docdir %{_docdir}/%{name} %endif %endif ## GitHub entity that distributes source (for ease of using a fork) %global github_owner ClusterLabs ## Upstream pacemaker version, and its package version (specversion ## can be incremented to build packages reliably considered "newer" ## than previously built packages with the same pcmkversion) %global pcmkversion X.Y.Z %global specversion 1 ## Upstream commit (or git tag, such as "Pacemaker-" plus the ## {pcmkversion} macro for an official release) to use for this package %global commit HEAD ## Since git v2.11, the extent of abbreviation is autoscaled by default ## (used to be constant of 7), so we need to convey it for non-tags, too. %global commit_abbrev 7 ## Python major version to use (2, 3, or 0 for auto-detect) %global python_major 0 # Define globals for convenient use later ## Workaround to use parentheses in other globals %global lparen ( %global rparen ) ## Short version of git commit %define shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; case ${c} in Pacemaker-*%{rparen} echo ${c:10};; *%{rparen} echo ${c:0:%{commit_abbrev}};; esac) ## Whether this is a tagged release %define tag_release %([ %{commit} != Pacemaker-%{shortcommit} ]; echo $?) ## Whether this is a release candidate (in case of a tagged release) %define pre_release %([ "%{tag_release}" -eq 0 ] || { case "%{shortcommit}" in *-rc[[:digit:]]*%{rparen} false;; esac; }; echo $?) ## Heuristic used to infer bleeding-edge deployments that are ## less likely to have working versions of the documentation tools %define bleeding %(test ! -e /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-rawhide.repo; echo $?) ## Whether this platform defaults to using systemd as an init system ## (needs to be evaluated prior to BuildRequires being enumerated and ## installed as it's intended to conditionally select some of these, and ## for that there are only few indicators with varying reliability: ## - presence of systemd-defined macros (when building in a full-fledged ## environment, which is not the case with ordinary mock-based builds) ## - systemd-aware rpm as manifested with the presence of particular ## macro (rpm itself will trivially always be present when building) ## - existence of /usr/lib/os-release file, which is something heavily ## propagated by systemd project ## - when not good enough, there's always a possibility to check ## particular distro-specific macros (incl. version comparison) %define systemd_native (%{?_unitdir:1}%{!?_unitdir:0}%{nil \ } || %{?__transaction_systemd_inhibit:1}%{!?__transaction_systemd_inhibit:0}%{nil \ } || %(test -f /usr/lib/os-release; test $? -ne 0; echo $?)) %if 0%{?fedora} > 20 || 0%{?rhel} > 7 ## Base GnuTLS cipher priorities (presumably only the initial, required keyword) ## overridable with "rpmbuild --define 'pcmk_gnutls_priorities PRIORITY-SPEC'" %define gnutls_priorities %{?pcmk_gnutls_priorities}%{!?pcmk_gnutls_priorities:@SYSTEM} %endif %if !%{defined _rundir} %if 0%{?fedora} >= 15 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 || 0%{?suse_version} >= 1200 %define _rundir /run %else %define _rundir /var/run %endif %endif %if 0%{?fedora} > 22 || 0%{?rhel} > 7 %global supports_recommends 1 %endif ## Different distros name certain packages differently ## (note: corosync libraries also differ, but all provide corosync-devel) %if 0%{?suse_version} > 0 %global pkgname_bzip2_devel libbz2-devel %global pkgname_docbook_xsl docbook-xsl-stylesheets %global pkgname_gnutls_devel libgnutls-devel %global pkgname_shadow_utils shadow %global pkgname_procps procps %global pkgname_glue_libs libglue %global pkgname_pcmk_libs lib%{name}3 %global hacluster_id 90 %else %global pkgname_libtool_devel libtool-ltdl-devel %global pkgname_libtool_devel_arch libtool-ltdl-devel%{?_isa} %global pkgname_bzip2_devel bzip2-devel %global pkgname_docbook_xsl docbook-style-xsl %global pkgname_gnutls_devel gnutls-devel %global pkgname_shadow_utils shadow-utils %global pkgname_procps procps-ng %global pkgname_publican publican %global pkgname_glue_libs cluster-glue-libs %global pkgname_pcmk_libs %{name}-libs %global hacluster_id 189 %endif # Python-related definitions ## Use Python 3 on certain platforms if major version not specified %if %{?python_major} == 0 %if 0%{?fedora} > 26 || 0%{?rhel} > 7 %global python_major 3 %endif %endif ## Turn off auto-compilation of Python files outside Python specific paths, ## so there's no risk that unexpected "__python" macro gets picked to do the ## RPM-native byte-compiling there (only "{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests" affected) ## -- distro-dependent tricks or automake's fallback to be applied there %if %{defined _python_bytecompile_extra} %global _python_bytecompile_extra 0 %else ### the statement effectively means no RPM-native byte-compiling will occur at ### all, so distro-dependent tricks for Python-specific packages to be applied %global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | { sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-python-bytecompile[[:space:]].*$!!g'; }) %endif ## Values that differ by Python major version %if 0%{?python_major} > 2 %global python_name python3 %global python_path %{?__python3}%{!?__python3:/usr/bin/python%{?python3_pkgversion}%{!?python3_pkgversion:3}} %define python_site %{?python3_sitelib}%{!?python3_sitelib:%( %{python_path} -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib as gpl; print(gpl(1))' 2>/dev/null)} %else %if 0%{?python_major} > 1 %global python_name python2 %global python_path %{?__python2}%{!?__python2:/usr/bin/python%{?python2_pkgversion}%{!?python2_pkgversion:2}} %define python_site %{?python2_sitelib}%{!?python2_sitelib:%( %{python_path} -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib as gpl; print(gpl(1))' 2>/dev/null)} %else %global python_name python %global python_path %{?__python}%{!?__python:/usr/bin/python%{?python_pkgversion}} %define python_site %{?python_sitelib}%{!?python_sitelib:%( python -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib as gpl; print(gpl(1))' 2>/dev/null)} %endif %endif # Definitions for backward compatibility with older RPM versions ## Ensure the license macro behaves consistently (older RPM will otherwise ## overwrite it once it encounters "License:"). Courtesy Jason Tibbitts: ## https://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/epel-rpm-macros.git/tree/macros.zzz-epel?h=el6&id=e1adcb77 %if !%{defined _licensedir} %define description %{lua: rpm.define("license %doc") print("%description") } %endif # Define conditionals so that "rpmbuild --with " and # "rpmbuild --without " can enable and disable specific features ## Add option to enable support for stonith/external fencing agents %bcond_with stonithd ## Add option to create binaries suitable for use with profiling tools %bcond_with profiling ## Add option to create binaries with coverage analysis %bcond_with coverage ## Add option to skip generating documentation ## (the build tools aren't available everywhere) %bcond_without doc ## Add option to prefix package version with "0." ## (so later "official" packages will be considered updates) %bcond_with pre_release ## Add option to ship Upstart job files %bcond_with upstart_job ## Add option to turn off hardening of libraries and daemon executables %bcond_without hardening ## Add option to disable links for legacy daemon names %bcond_without legacy_links # Keep sane profiling data if requested %if %{with profiling} ## Disable -debuginfo package and stripping binaries/libraries %define debug_package %{nil} %endif # Define the release version # (do not look at externally enforced pre-release flag for tagged releases # as only -rc tags, captured with the second condition, implies that then) %if (!%{tag_release} && %{with pre_release}) || 0%{pre_release} %if 0%{pre_release} %define pcmk_release 0.%{specversion}.%(s=%{shortcommit}; echo ${s: -3}) %else %define pcmk_release 0.%{specversion}.%{shortcommit}.git %endif %else %if 0%{tag_release} %define pcmk_release %{specversion} %else %define pcmk_release %{specversion}.%{shortcommit}.git %endif %endif Name: pacemaker Summary: Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager Version: %{pcmkversion} Release: %{pcmk_release}%{?dist} %if %{defined _unitdir} License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ %else # initscript is Revised BSD License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD %endif Url: http://www.clusterlabs.org Group: System Environment/Daemons # Hint: use "spectool -s 0 pacemaker.spec" (rpmdevtools) to check the final URL: # https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/archive/e91769e5a39f5cb2f7b097d3c612368f0530535e/pacemaker-e91769e.tar.gz Source0: https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{name}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz Requires: resource-agents Requires: %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cluster-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release} %if !%{defined _unitdir} Requires: %{pkgname_procps} Requires: psmisc %endif %{?systemd_requires} Requires: %{python_path} BuildRequires: %{python_name}-devel # Pacemaker requires a minimum libqb functionality Requires: libqb >= 0.13.0 BuildRequires: libqb-devel >= 0.13.0 # Basics required for the build (even if usually satisfied through other BRs) BuildRequires: coreutils findutils grep sed # Required for core functionality BuildRequires: automake autoconf gcc libtool pkgconfig %{?pkgname_libtool_devel} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.16 BuildRequires: libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libuuid-devel BuildRequires: %{pkgname_bzip2_devel} # Enables optional functionality BuildRequires: ncurses-devel %{pkgname_docbook_xsl} BuildRequires: help2man %{pkgname_gnutls_devel} pam-devel pkgconfig(dbus-1) %if %{systemd_native} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) %endif Requires: corosync >= 2.0.0 BuildRequires: corosync-devel >= 2.0.0 %if %{with stonithd} BuildRequires: %{pkgname_glue_libs}-devel %endif ## (note no avoiding effect when building through non-customized mock) %if !%{bleeding} %if %{with doc} BuildRequires: inkscape asciidoc %{?pkgname_publican} %endif %endif Provides: pcmk-cluster-manager = %{version}-%{release} Provides: pcmk-cluster-manager%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} # Bundled bits ## Pacemaker uses the crypto/md5-buffer module from gnulib %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} Provides: bundled(gnulib) %endif %description Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. It supports more than 16 node clusters with significant capabilities for managing resources and dependencies. It will run scripts at initialization, when machines go up or down, when related resources fail and can be configured to periodically check resource health. Available rpmbuild rebuild options: --with(out) : coverage doc stonithd hardening pre_release profiling upstart_job %package cli License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Command line tools for controlling Pacemaker clusters Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?supports_recommends} Recommends: pcmk-cluster-manager = %{version}-%{release} # For crm_report Recommends: tar Recommends: bzip2 %endif Requires: perl-TimeDate Requires: %{pkgname_procps} Requires: psmisc Requires(post):coreutils %description cli Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. The %{name}-cli package contains command line tools that can be used to query and control the cluster from machines that may, or may not, be part of the cluster. %package -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Core Pacemaker libraries Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires(pre): %{pkgname_shadow_utils} Requires: %{name}-schemas = %{version}-%{release} # sbd 1.4.0+ supports the libpe_status API for pe_working_set_t Conflicts: sbd < 1.4.0 %description -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. The %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} package contains shared libraries needed for cluster nodes and those just running the CLI tools. %package cluster-libs License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Cluster Libraries used by Pacemaker Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description cluster-libs Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. The %{name}-cluster-libs package contains cluster-aware shared libraries needed for nodes that will form part of the cluster nodes. %package remote %if %{defined _unitdir} License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ %else # initscript is Revised BSD License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD %endif Summary: Pacemaker remote daemon for non-cluster nodes Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release} Requires: resource-agents %if !%{defined _unitdir} Requires: %{pkgname_procps} %endif # -remote can be fully independent of systemd %{?systemd_ordering}%{!?systemd_ordering:%{?systemd_requires}} Provides: pcmk-cluster-manager = %{version}-%{release} Provides: pcmk-cluster-manager%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description remote Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. The %{name}-remote package contains the Pacemaker Remote daemon which is capable of extending pacemaker functionality to remote nodes not running the full corosync/cluster stack. %package -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}-devel License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Pacemaker development package Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cluster-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: libuuid-devel%{?_isa} %{?pkgname_libtool_devel_arch} Requires: libxml2-devel%{?_isa} libxslt-devel%{?_isa} Requires: %{pkgname_bzip2_devel}%{?_isa} glib2-devel%{?_isa} Requires: libqb-devel%{?_isa} Requires: corosync-devel >= 2.0.0 %description -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}-devel Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. The %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}-devel package contains headers and shared libraries for developing tools for Pacemaker. %package cts License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Summary: Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker Group: System Environment/Daemons Requires: %{python_path} Requires: %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-cli = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{pkgname_procps} Requires: psmisc BuildArch: noarch # systemd python bindings are separate package in some distros %if %{defined systemd_requires} %if 0%{?fedora} > 22 || 0%{?rhel} > 7 Requires: %{python_name}-systemd %else %if 0%{?fedora} > 20 || 0%{?rhel} > 6 Requires: systemd-python %endif %endif %endif %description cts Test framework for cluster-related technologies like Pacemaker %package doc License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Summary: Documentation for Pacemaker Group: Documentation BuildArch: noarch %description doc Documentation for Pacemaker. Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. %package schemas License: GPLv2+ Summary: Schemas and upgrade stylesheets for Pacemaker BuildArch: noarch %description schemas Schemas and upgrade stylesheets for Pacemaker Pacemaker is an advanced, scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{commit} %build # Early versions of autotools (e.g. RHEL <= 5) do not support --docdir export docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} export systemdsystemunitdir=%{?_unitdir}%{!?_unitdir:no} %if %{with hardening} # prefer distro-provided hardening flags in case they are defined # through _hardening_{c,ld}flags macros, configure script will # use its own defaults otherwise; if such hardenings are completely # undesired, rpmbuild using "--without hardening" # (or "--define '_without_hardening 1'") export CFLAGS_HARDENED_EXE="%{?_hardening_cflags}" export CFLAGS_HARDENED_LIB="%{?_hardening_cflags}" export LDFLAGS_HARDENED_EXE="%{?_hardening_ldflags}" export LDFLAGS_HARDENED_LIB="%{?_hardening_ldflags}" %endif ./autogen.sh %{configure} \ PYTHON=%{python_path} \ %{!?with_hardening: --disable-hardening} \ %{!?with_legacy_links: --disable-legacy-links} \ %{?with_profiling: --with-profiling} \ %{?with_coverage: --with-coverage} \ %{!?with_doc: --with-brand=} \ %{?gnutls_priorities: --with-gnutls-priorities="%{gnutls_priorities}"} \ --with-initdir=%{_initrddir} \ --with-runstatedir=%{_rundir} \ --localstatedir=%{_var} \ --with-version=%{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1200 # Fedora handles rpath removal automagically sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool %endif make %{_smp_mflags} V=1 %check make %{_smp_mflags} check { cts/cts-scheduler --run load-stopped-loop \ && cts/cts-cli \ && touch .CHECKED } 2>&1 | sed 's/[fF]ail/faiil/g' # prevent false positives in rpmlint [ -f .CHECKED ] && rm -f -- .CHECKED exit $? # TODO remove when rpm<4.14 compatibility irrelevant %install # skip automake-native Python byte-compilation, since RPM-native one (possibly # distro-confined to Python-specific directories, which is currently the only # relevant place, anyway) assures proper intrinsic alignment with wider system # (such as with py_byte_compile macro, which is concurrent Fedora/EL specific) make install \ DESTDIR=%{buildroot} V=1 docdir=%{pcmk_docdir} \ %{?_python_bytecompile_extra:%{?py_byte_compile:am__py_compile=true}} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig install -m 644 daemons/pacemakerd/pacemaker.sysconfig ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker install -m 644 tools/crm_mon.sysconfig ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon %if %{with upstart_job} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init install -m 644 pacemakerd/pacemaker.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.conf install -m 644 pacemakerd/pacemaker.combined.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.combined.conf install -m 644 tools/crm_mon.upstart ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf %endif %if %{defined _unitdir} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} %endif # Don't package static libs find %{buildroot} -name '*.a' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f find %{buildroot} -name '*.la' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # For now, don't package the servicelog-related binaries built only for # ppc64le when certain dependencies are installed. If they get more exercise by # advanced users, we can reconsider. rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/notifyServicelogEvent rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/ipmiservicelogd # Don't ship init scripts for systemd based platforms %if %{defined _unitdir} rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/pacemaker rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/pacemaker_remote %endif # Byte-compile Python sources where suitable and the distro procedures known %if %{defined py_byte_compile} %{py_byte_compile %{python_path} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests} %if !%{defined _python_bytecompile_extra} %{py_byte_compile %{python_path} %{buildroot}%{python_site}/cts} %endif %endif %if %{with coverage} GCOV_BASE=%{buildroot}/%{_var}/lib/pacemaker/gcov mkdir -p $GCOV_BASE find . -name '*.gcno' -type f | while read F ; do D=`dirname $F` mkdir -p ${GCOV_BASE}/$D cp $F ${GCOV_BASE}/$D done %endif %post %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_post pacemaker.service %else /sbin/chkconfig --add pacemaker || : %endif %preun %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_preun pacemaker.service %else /sbin/service pacemaker stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /sbin/chkconfig --del pacemaker || : fi %endif %postun %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_postun_with_restart pacemaker.service %endif %pre remote %if %{defined _unitdir} # Stop the service before anything is touched, and remember to restart # it as one of the last actions (compared to using systemd_postun_with_restart, # this avoids suicide when sbd is in use) systemctl --quiet is-active pacemaker_remote if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} touch %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote systemctl stop pacemaker_remote >/dev/null 2>&1 else rm -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote fi %endif %post remote %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_post pacemaker_remote.service %else /sbin/chkconfig --add pacemaker_remote || : %endif %preun remote %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_preun pacemaker_remote.service %else /sbin/service pacemaker_remote stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /sbin/chkconfig --del pacemaker_remote || : fi %endif %postun remote %if %{defined _unitdir} # This next line is a no-op, because we stopped the service earlier, but # we leave it here because it allows us to revert to the standard behavior # in the future if desired %systemd_postun_with_restart pacemaker_remote.service # Explicitly take care of removing the flag-file(s) upon final removal if [ "$1" -eq 0 ] ; then rm -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote fi %endif %posttrans remote %if %{defined _unitdir} if [ -e %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote ] ; then systemctl start pacemaker_remote >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name}/restart_pacemaker_remote fi %endif %post cli %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_post crm_mon.service %endif if [ "$1" -eq 2 ]; then # Package upgrade, not initial install: # Move any pre-2.0 logs to new location to ensure they get rotated { mv -fbS.rpmsave %{_var}/log/pacemaker.log* %{_var}/log/pacemaker \ || mv -f %{_var}/log/pacemaker.log* %{_var}/log/pacemaker } >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || : fi %preun cli %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_preun crm_mon.service %endif %postun cli %if %{defined _unitdir} %systemd_postun_with_restart crm_mon.service %endif %pre -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} getent group %{gname} >/dev/null || groupadd -r %{gname} -g %{hacluster_id} getent passwd %{uname} >/dev/null || useradd -r -g %{gname} -u %{hacluster_id} -s /sbin/nologin -c "cluster user" %{uname} exit 0 %if %{defined ldconfig_scriptlets} -%ldconfig_scriptlets libs +%ldconfig_scriptlets -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} %ldconfig_scriptlets cluster-libs %else %post -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} -p /sbin/ldconfig %post cluster-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun cluster-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %endif %files ########################################################### %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker %{_sbindir}/pacemakerd %if %{defined _unitdir} %{_unitdir}/pacemaker.service %else %{_initrddir}/pacemaker %endif %exclude %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/cts-log-watcher %exclude %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/cts-support %exclude %{_sbindir}/pacemaker-remoted %if %{with legacy_links} %exclude %{_sbindir}/pacemaker_remoted %endif %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/* %{_sbindir}/crm_attribute %{_sbindir}/crm_master %{_sbindir}/fence_legacy %doc %{_mandir}/man7/pacemaker-controld.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/pacemaker-schedulerd.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/pacemaker-fenced.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_controld.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_o2cb.* %doc %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_remote.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_attribute.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/crm_master.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/fence_legacy.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/pacemakerd.* %doc %{_datadir}/pacemaker/alerts %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cib %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/pengine /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/controld /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/o2cb /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote %if %{with upstart_job} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/pacemaker.combined.conf %endif %files cli %dir %attr (750, root, %{gname}) %{_sysconfdir}/pacemaker %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/pacemaker %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/crm_mon %if %{defined _unitdir} %{_unitdir}/crm_mon.service %endif %if %{with upstart_job} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/init/crm_mon.conf %endif %{_sbindir}/attrd_updater %{_sbindir}/cibadmin %{_sbindir}/crm_diff %{_sbindir}/crm_error %{_sbindir}/crm_failcount %{_sbindir}/crm_mon %{_sbindir}/crm_node %{_sbindir}/crm_resource %{_sbindir}/crm_rule %{_sbindir}/crm_standby %{_sbindir}/crm_verify %{_sbindir}/crmadmin %{_sbindir}/iso8601 %{_sbindir}/crm_shadow %{_sbindir}/crm_simulate %{_sbindir}/crm_report %{_sbindir}/crm_ticket %{_sbindir}/stonith_admin # "dirname" is owned by -schemas, which is a prerequisite %{_datadir}/pacemaker/report.collector %{_datadir}/pacemaker/report.common # XXX "dirname" is not owned by any prerequisite %{_datadir}/snmp/mibs/PCMK-MIB.txt %exclude /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/controld %exclude /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/o2cb %exclude /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/remote %dir /usr/lib/ocf %dir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker %doc %{_mandir}/man7/* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/pacemaker-controld.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/pacemaker-schedulerd.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/pacemaker-fenced.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_controld.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_o2cb.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man7/ocf_pacemaker_remote.* %doc %{_mandir}/man8/* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_attribute.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/crm_master.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/fence_legacy.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/pacemakerd.* %exclude %{_mandir}/man8/pacemaker-remoted.* %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/blackbox %dir %attr (750, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/cores %dir %attr (770, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/log/pacemaker %dir %attr (770, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/log/pacemaker/bundles %files -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs} %{_libdir}/libcib.so.* %{_libdir}/liblrmd.so.* %{_libdir}/libcrmservice.so.* %{_libdir}/libcrmcommon.so.* %{_libdir}/libpe_status.so.* %{_libdir}/libpe_rules.so.* %{_libdir}/libpacemaker.so.* %{_libdir}/libstonithd.so.* %license licenses/LGPLv2.1 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files cluster-libs %{_libdir}/libcrmcluster.so.* %license licenses/LGPLv2.1 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files remote %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pacemaker %if %{defined _unitdir} # state directory is shared between the subpackets # let rpm take care of removing it once it isn't # referenced anymore and empty %ghost %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/%{name} %{_unitdir}/pacemaker_remote.service %else %{_initrddir}/pacemaker_remote %endif %{_sbindir}/pacemaker-remoted %if %{with legacy_links} %{_sbindir}/pacemaker_remoted %endif %{_mandir}/man8/pacemaker-remoted.* %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files doc %doc %{pcmk_docdir} %license licenses/CC-BY-SA-4.0 %files cts %{python_site}/cts %{_datadir}/pacemaker/tests %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/cts-log-watcher %{_libexecdir}/pacemaker/cts-support %license licenses/GPLv2 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files -n %{pkgname_pcmk_libs}-devel %{_includedir}/pacemaker %{_libdir}/*.so %if %{with coverage} %{_var}/lib/pacemaker/gcov %endif %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc %license licenses/LGPLv2.1 %doc COPYING %doc ChangeLog %files schemas %license licenses/GPLv2 %dir %{_datadir}/pacemaker %{_datadir}/pacemaker/*.rng %{_datadir}/pacemaker/*.xsl %{_datadir}/pacemaker/api %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/pacemaker-schemas.pc %changelog * PACKAGE_DATE ClusterLabs PACKAGE_VERSION-1 - See included ChangeLog file for details diff --git a/tools/crm_mon.c b/tools/crm_mon.c index 92b2cb36fe..3e9721212d 100644 --- a/tools/crm_mon.c +++ b/tools/crm_mon.c @@ -1,2182 +1,2199 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // pcmk__ends_with_ext() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crm_mon.h" #define SUMMARY "Provides a summary of cluster's current state.\n\n" \ "Outputs varying levels of detail in a number of different formats." /* * Definitions indicating which items to print */ static unsigned int show; /* * Definitions indicating how to output */ static mon_output_format_t output_format = mon_output_unset; /* other globals */ static GIOChannel *io_channel = NULL; static GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; static guint timer_id = 0; static mainloop_timer_t *refresh_timer = NULL; static pe_working_set_t *mon_data_set = NULL; static cib_t *cib = NULL; static stonith_t *st = NULL; static xmlNode *current_cib = NULL; static GError *error = NULL; static pcmk__common_args_t *args = NULL; static pcmk__output_t *out = NULL; static GOptionContext *context = NULL; static gchar **processed_args = NULL; static time_t last_refresh = 0; crm_trigger_t *refresh_trigger = NULL; static pcmk__supported_format_t formats[] = { #if CURSES_ENABLED CRM_MON_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_CURSES, #endif PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_HTML, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_NONE, PCMK__SUPPORTED_FORMAT_TEXT, CRM_MON_SUPPORTED_FORMAT_XML, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /* Define exit codes for monitoring-compatible output * For nagios plugins, the possibilities are * OK=0, WARN=1, CRIT=2, and UNKNOWN=3 */ #define MON_STATUS_WARN CRM_EX_ERROR #define MON_STATUS_CRIT CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM #define MON_STATUS_UNKNOWN CRM_EX_UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE #define RECONNECT_MSECS 5000 struct { int reconnect_msec; gboolean daemonize; gboolean show_bans; char *pid_file; char *external_agent; char *external_recipient; char *neg_location_prefix; char *only_node; unsigned int mon_ops; GSList *user_includes_excludes; GSList *includes_excludes; } options = { .reconnect_msec = RECONNECT_MSECS, .mon_ops = mon_op_default }; static void clean_up_connections(void); static crm_exit_t clean_up(crm_exit_t exit_code); static void crm_diff_update(const char *event, xmlNode * msg); static gboolean mon_refresh_display(gpointer user_data); static int cib_connect(gboolean full); static void mon_st_callback_event(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e); static void mon_st_callback_display(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e); static void kick_refresh(gboolean data_updated); static unsigned int all_includes(mon_output_format_t fmt) { if (fmt == mon_output_monitor || fmt == mon_output_plain || fmt == mon_output_console) { return ~mon_show_options; } else { return mon_show_all; } } static unsigned int default_includes(mon_output_format_t fmt) { switch (fmt) { case mon_output_monitor: case mon_output_plain: case mon_output_console: return mon_show_stack | mon_show_dc | mon_show_times | mon_show_counts | mon_show_nodes | mon_show_resources | mon_show_failures; break; case mon_output_xml: case mon_output_legacy_xml: return all_includes(fmt); break; case mon_output_html: case mon_output_cgi: return mon_show_summary | mon_show_nodes | mon_show_resources | mon_show_failures; break; default: return 0; break; } } struct { const char *name; unsigned int bit; } sections[] = { { "attributes", mon_show_attributes }, { "bans", mon_show_bans }, { "counts", mon_show_counts }, { "dc", mon_show_dc }, { "failcounts", mon_show_failcounts }, { "failures", mon_show_failures }, { "fencing", mon_show_fencing_all }, { "fencing-failed", mon_show_fence_failed }, { "fencing-pending", mon_show_fence_pending }, { "fencing-succeeded", mon_show_fence_worked }, { "nodes", mon_show_nodes }, { "operations", mon_show_operations }, { "options", mon_show_options }, { "resources", mon_show_resources }, { "stack", mon_show_stack }, { "summary", mon_show_summary }, { "tickets", mon_show_tickets }, { "times", mon_show_times }, { NULL } }; static unsigned int find_section_bit(const char *name) { for (int i = 0; sections[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (crm_str_eq(sections[i].name, name, FALSE)) { return sections[i].bit; } } return 0; } static gboolean apply_exclude(const gchar *excludes, GError **error) { char **parts = NULL; parts = g_strsplit(excludes, ",", 0); for (char **s = parts; *s != NULL; s++) { unsigned int bit = find_section_bit(*s); if (crm_str_eq(*s, "all", TRUE)) { show = 0; } else if (crm_str_eq(*s, "none", TRUE)) { show = all_includes(output_format); } else if (bit != 0) { show &= ~bit; } else { g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, "--exclude options: all, attributes, bans, counts, dc, " "failcounts, failures, fencing, fencing-failed, " "fencing-pending, fencing-succeeded, nodes, none, " "operations, options, resources, stack, summary, " "tickets, times"); return FALSE; } } g_strfreev(parts); return TRUE; } static gboolean apply_include(const gchar *includes, GError **error) { char **parts = NULL; parts = g_strsplit(includes, ",", 0); for (char **s = parts; *s != NULL; s++) { unsigned int bit = find_section_bit(*s); if (crm_str_eq(*s, "all", TRUE)) { show = all_includes(output_format); } else if (pcmk__starts_with(*s, "bans")) { show |= mon_show_bans; if (options.neg_location_prefix != NULL) { free(options.neg_location_prefix); options.neg_location_prefix = NULL; } if (strlen(*s) > 4 && (*s)[4] == ':') { options.neg_location_prefix = strdup(*s+5); } } else if (crm_str_eq(*s, "default", TRUE) || crm_str_eq(*s, "defaults", TRUE)) { show |= default_includes(output_format); } else if (crm_str_eq(*s, "none", TRUE)) { show = 0; } else if (bit != 0) { show |= bit; } else { g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, "--include options: all, attributes, bans[:PREFIX], counts, dc, " "default, failcounts, failures, fencing, fencing-failed, " "fencing-pending, fencing-succeeded, nodes, none, operations, " "options, resources, stack, summary, tickets, times"); return FALSE; } } g_strfreev(parts); return TRUE; } static gboolean apply_include_exclude(GSList *lst, mon_output_format_t fmt, GError **error) { gboolean rc = TRUE; GSList *node = lst; /* Set the default of what to display here. Note that we OR everything to * show instead of set show directly because it could have already had some * settings applied to it in main. */ show |= default_includes(fmt); while (node != NULL) { char *s = node->data; if (pcmk__starts_with(s, "--include=")) { rc = apply_include(s+10, error); } else if (pcmk__starts_with(s, "-I=")) { rc = apply_include(s+3, error); } else if (pcmk__starts_with(s, "--exclude=")) { rc = apply_exclude(s+10, error); } else if (pcmk__starts_with(s, "-U=")) { rc = apply_exclude(s+3, error); } if (rc != TRUE) { break; } node = node->next; } return rc; } static gboolean user_include_exclude_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%s=%s", option_name, optarg); options.user_includes_excludes = g_slist_append(options.user_includes_excludes, s); return TRUE; } static gboolean include_exclude_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("%s=%s", option_name, optarg); options.includes_excludes = g_slist_append(options.includes_excludes, s); return TRUE; } static gboolean as_cgi_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } args->output_ty = strdup("html"); output_format = mon_output_cgi; options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; return TRUE; } static gboolean as_html_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } if (args->output_dest != NULL) { free(args->output_dest); } if (optarg != NULL) { args->output_dest = strdup(optarg); } args->output_ty = strdup("html"); output_format = mon_output_html; umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH); return TRUE; } static gboolean as_simple_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } args->output_ty = strdup("text"); output_format = mon_output_monitor; options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; return TRUE; } static gboolean as_xml_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } args->output_ty = strdup("xml"); output_format = mon_output_legacy_xml; options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; return TRUE; } static gboolean fence_history_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { int rc = crm_atoi(optarg, "2"); switch (rc) { case 3: options.mon_ops |= mon_op_fence_full_history | mon_op_fence_history | mon_op_fence_connect; return include_exclude_cb("--include", "fencing", data, err); case 2: options.mon_ops |= mon_op_fence_history | mon_op_fence_connect; return include_exclude_cb("--include", "fencing", data, err); case 1: options.mon_ops |= mon_op_fence_history | mon_op_fence_connect; return include_exclude_cb("--include", "fencing-failed,fencing-pending", data, err); case 0: options.mon_ops &= ~(mon_op_fence_history | mon_op_fence_connect); return include_exclude_cb("--exclude", "fencing", data, err); default: g_set_error(err, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM, "Fence history must be 0-3"); return FALSE; } } static gboolean group_by_node_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_group_by_node; return TRUE; } static gboolean hide_headers_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { return include_exclude_cb("--exclude", "summary", data, err); } static gboolean inactive_resources_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_inactive_resources; return TRUE; } static gboolean no_curses_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { output_format = mon_output_plain; return TRUE; } static gboolean one_shot_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; return TRUE; } static gboolean print_brief_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_print_brief; return TRUE; } static gboolean print_clone_detail_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_print_clone_detail; return TRUE; } static gboolean print_pending_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_print_pending; return TRUE; } static gboolean print_timing_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_print_timing; return include_exclude_cb("--include", "operations", data, err); } static gboolean reconnect_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { int rc = crm_get_msec(optarg); if (rc == -1) { g_set_error(err, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM, "Invalid value for -i: %s", optarg); return FALSE; } else { options.reconnect_msec = crm_parse_interval_spec(optarg); } return TRUE; } static gboolean show_attributes_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { return include_exclude_cb("--include", "attributes", data, err); } static gboolean show_bans_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { if (optarg != NULL) { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("bans:%s", optarg); gboolean rc = include_exclude_cb("--include", s, data, err); free(s); return rc; } else { return include_exclude_cb("--include", "bans", data, err); } } static gboolean show_failcounts_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { return include_exclude_cb("--include", "failcounts", data, err); } static gboolean show_operations_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { return include_exclude_cb("--include", "failcounts,operations", data, err); } static gboolean show_tickets_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { return include_exclude_cb("--include", "tickets", data, err); } static gboolean use_cib_file_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { setenv("CIB_file", optarg, 1); options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; return TRUE; } static gboolean watch_fencing_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **err) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_watch_fencing; return TRUE; } #define INDENT " " /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static GOptionEntry addl_entries[] = { { "interval", 'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, reconnect_cb, "Update frequency (default is 5 seconds)", "TIMESPEC" }, { "one-shot", '1', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, one_shot_cb, "Display the cluster status once on the console and exit", NULL }, { "daemonize", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.daemonize, "Run in the background as a daemon.\n" INDENT "Requires at least one of --output-to and --external-agent.", NULL }, { "pid-file", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &options.pid_file, "(Advanced) Daemon pid file location", "FILE" }, { "external-agent", 'E', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &options.external_agent, "A program to run when resource operations take place", "FILE" }, { "external-recipient", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.external_recipient, "A recipient for your program (assuming you want the program to send something to someone).", "RCPT" }, { "watch-fencing", 'W', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, watch_fencing_cb, "Listen for fencing events. For use with --external-agent.", NULL }, { "xml-file", 'x', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, use_cib_file_cb, NULL, NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry display_entries[] = { { "include", 'I', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, user_include_exclude_cb, "A list of sections to include in the output.\n" INDENT "See `Output Control` help for more information.", "SECTION(s)" }, { "exclude", 'U', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, user_include_exclude_cb, "A list of sections to exclude from the output.\n" INDENT "See `Output Control` help for more information.", "SECTION(s)" }, { "node", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.only_node, "When displaying information about nodes, show only what's related to the given\n" INDENT "node, or to all nodes tagged with the given tag", "NODE" }, { "group-by-node", 'n', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, group_by_node_cb, "Group resources by node", NULL }, { "inactive", 'r', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, inactive_resources_cb, "Display inactive resources", NULL }, { "failcounts", 'f', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_failcounts_cb, "Display resource fail counts", NULL }, { "operations", 'o', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_operations_cb, "Display resource operation history", NULL }, { "timing-details", 't', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, print_timing_cb, "Display resource operation history with timing details", NULL }, { "tickets", 'c', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_tickets_cb, "Display cluster tickets", NULL }, { "fence-history", 'm', G_OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, fence_history_cb, "Show fence history:\n" INDENT "0=off, 1=failures and pending (default without option),\n" INDENT "2=add successes (default without value for option),\n" INDENT "3=show full history without reduction to most recent of each flavor", "LEVEL" }, { "neg-locations", 'L', G_OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_bans_cb, "Display negative location constraints [optionally filtered by id prefix]", NULL }, { "show-node-attributes", 'A', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_attributes_cb, "Display node attributes", NULL }, { "hide-headers", 'D', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, hide_headers_cb, "Hide all headers", NULL }, { "show-detail", 'R', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, print_clone_detail_cb, "Show more details (node IDs, individual clone instances)", NULL }, { "brief", 'b', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, print_brief_cb, "Brief output", NULL }, { "pending", 'j', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN|G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, print_pending_cb, "Display pending state if 'record-pending' is enabled", NULL }, { "simple-status", 's', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, as_simple_cb, "Display the cluster status once as a simple one line output (suitable for nagios)", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry deprecated_entries[] = { { "as-html", 'h', G_OPTION_FLAG_FILENAME, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, as_html_cb, "Write cluster status to the named HTML file.\n" INDENT "Use --output-as=html --output-to=FILE instead.", "FILE" }, { "as-xml", 'X', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, as_xml_cb, "Write cluster status as XML to stdout. This will enable one-shot mode.\n" INDENT "Use --output-as=xml instead.", NULL }, { "disable-ncurses", 'N', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, no_curses_cb, "Disable the use of ncurses.\n" INDENT "Use --output-as=text instead.", NULL }, { "web-cgi", 'w', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, as_cgi_cb, "Web mode with output suitable for CGI (preselected when run as *.cgi).\n" INDENT "Use --output-as=html --html-cgi instead.", NULL }, { NULL } }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static gboolean mon_timer_popped(gpointer data) { int rc = pcmk_ok; #if CURSES_ENABLED if (output_format == mon_output_console) { clear(); refresh(); } #endif if (timer_id > 0) { g_source_remove(timer_id); timer_id = 0; } print_as(output_format, "Reconnecting...\n"); rc = cib_connect(TRUE); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { timer_id = g_timeout_add(options.reconnect_msec, mon_timer_popped, NULL); } return FALSE; } static void -mon_cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) +do_mon_cib_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data, bool is_error) { - out->err(out, "Connection to the cluster-daemons terminated"); + if (is_error) { + out->err(out, "Connection to the cluster-daemons terminated"); + } else { + out->info(out, "Connection to the cluster-daemons terminated"); + } + if (refresh_timer != NULL) { /* we'll trigger a refresh after reconnect */ mainloop_timer_stop(refresh_timer); } if (timer_id) { /* we'll trigger a new reconnect-timeout at the end */ g_source_remove(timer_id); timer_id = 0; } if (st) { /* the client API won't properly reconnect notifications * if they are still in the table - so remove them */ st->cmds->remove_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT); st->cmds->remove_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE); st->cmds->remove_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_HISTORY); if (st->state != stonith_disconnected) { st->cmds->disconnect(st); } } if (cib) { cib->cmds->signoff(cib); timer_id = g_timeout_add(options.reconnect_msec, mon_timer_popped, NULL); } return; } +static void +mon_cib_connection_destroy_regular(gpointer user_data) +{ + do_mon_cib_connection_destroy(user_data, false); +} + +static void +mon_cib_connection_destroy_error(gpointer user_data) +{ + do_mon_cib_connection_destroy(user_data, true); +} + /* * Mainloop signal handler. */ static void mon_shutdown(int nsig) { clean_up(CRM_EX_OK); } #if CURSES_ENABLED static sighandler_t ncurses_winch_handler; static void mon_winresize(int nsig) { static int not_done; int lines = 0, cols = 0; if (!not_done++) { if (ncurses_winch_handler) /* the original ncurses WINCH signal handler does the * magic of retrieving the new window size; * otherwise, we'd have to use ioctl or tgetent */ (*ncurses_winch_handler) (SIGWINCH); getmaxyx(stdscr, lines, cols); resizeterm(lines, cols); mainloop_set_trigger(refresh_trigger); } not_done--; } #endif static int cib_connect(gboolean full) { int rc = pcmk_ok; static gboolean need_pass = TRUE; CRM_CHECK(cib != NULL, return -EINVAL); if (getenv("CIB_passwd") != NULL) { need_pass = FALSE; } if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_fence_connect) && st == NULL) { st = stonith_api_new(); } if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_fence_connect) && st != NULL && st->state == stonith_disconnected) { rc = st->cmds->connect(st, crm_system_name, NULL); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { crm_trace("Setting up stonith callbacks"); if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_watch_fencing)) { st->cmds->register_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT, mon_st_callback_event); st->cmds->register_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE, mon_st_callback_event); } else { st->cmds->register_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT, mon_st_callback_display); st->cmds->register_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_HISTORY, mon_st_callback_display); } } } if (cib->state != cib_connected_query && cib->state != cib_connected_command) { crm_trace("Connecting to the CIB"); /* Hack: the CIB signon will print the prompt for a password if needed, * but to stderr. If we're in curses, show it on the screen instead. * * @TODO Add a password prompt (maybe including input) function to * pcmk__output_t and use it in libcib. */ if ((output_format == mon_output_console) && need_pass && (cib->variant == cib_remote)) { need_pass = FALSE; print_as(output_format, "Password:"); } rc = cib->cmds->signon(cib, crm_system_name, cib_query); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { out->err(out, "Could not connect to the CIB: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); return rc; } rc = cib->cmds->query(cib, NULL, ¤t_cib, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { mon_refresh_display(&output_format); } if (rc == pcmk_ok && full) { if (rc == pcmk_ok) { - rc = cib->cmds->set_connection_dnotify(cib, mon_cib_connection_destroy); + rc = cib->cmds->set_connection_dnotify(cib, mon_cib_connection_destroy_regular); if (rc == -EPROTONOSUPPORT) { print_as (output_format, "Notification setup not supported, won't be able to reconnect after failure"); if (output_format == mon_output_console) { sleep(2); } rc = pcmk_ok; } } if (rc == pcmk_ok) { cib->cmds->del_notify_callback(cib, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, crm_diff_update); rc = cib->cmds->add_notify_callback(cib, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY, crm_diff_update); } if (rc != pcmk_ok) { out->err(out, "Notification setup failed, could not monitor CIB actions"); clean_up_connections(); } } } return rc; } #if CURSES_ENABLED static const char * get_option_desc(char c) { const char *desc = "No help available"; for (GOptionEntry *entry = display_entries; entry != NULL; entry++) { if (entry->short_name == c) { desc = entry->description; break; } } return desc; } #define print_option_help(output_format, option, condition) \ out->info(out, "%c %c: \t%s", ((condition)? '*': ' '), option, get_option_desc(option)); static gboolean detect_user_input(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer user_data) { int c; gboolean config_mode = FALSE; while (1) { /* Get user input */ c = getchar(); switch (c) { case 'm': if (is_not_set(show, mon_show_fencing_all)) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_fence_history; options.mon_ops |= mon_op_fence_connect; if (st == NULL) { - mon_cib_connection_destroy(NULL); + mon_cib_connection_destroy_regular(NULL); } } if (is_set(show, mon_show_fence_failed) || is_set(show, mon_show_fence_pending) || is_set(show, mon_show_fence_worked)) { show &= ~mon_show_fencing_all; } else { show |= mon_show_fencing_all; } break; case 'c': show ^= mon_show_tickets; break; case 'f': show ^= mon_show_failcounts; break; case 'n': options.mon_ops ^= mon_op_group_by_node; break; case 'o': show ^= mon_show_operations; if (is_not_set(show, mon_show_operations)) { options.mon_ops &= ~mon_op_print_timing; } break; case 'r': options.mon_ops ^= mon_op_inactive_resources; break; case 'R': options.mon_ops ^= mon_op_print_clone_detail; break; case 't': options.mon_ops ^= mon_op_print_timing; if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_print_timing)) { show |= mon_show_operations; } break; case 'A': show ^= mon_show_attributes; break; case 'L': show ^= mon_show_bans; break; case 'D': /* If any header is shown, clear them all, otherwise set them all */ if (is_set(show, mon_show_stack) || is_set(show, mon_show_dc) || is_set(show, mon_show_times) || is_set(show, mon_show_counts)) { show &= ~mon_show_summary; } else { show |= mon_show_summary; } /* Regardless, we don't show options in console mode. */ show &= ~mon_show_options; break; case 'b': options.mon_ops ^= mon_op_print_brief; break; case 'j': options.mon_ops ^= mon_op_print_pending; break; case '?': config_mode = TRUE; break; default: goto refresh; } if (!config_mode) goto refresh; blank_screen(); out->info(out, "%s", "Display option change mode\n"); print_option_help(out, 'c', is_set(show, mon_show_tickets)); print_option_help(out, 'f', is_set(show, mon_show_failcounts)); print_option_help(out, 'n', is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node)); print_option_help(out, 'o', is_set(show, mon_show_operations)); print_option_help(out, 'r', is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_inactive_resources)); print_option_help(out, 't', is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_print_timing)); print_option_help(out, 'A', is_set(show, mon_show_attributes)); print_option_help(out, 'L', is_set(show,mon_show_bans)); print_option_help(out, 'D', is_not_set(show, mon_show_summary)); print_option_help(out, 'R', is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail)); print_option_help(out, 'b', is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief)); print_option_help(out, 'j', is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_print_pending)); print_option_help(out, 'm', is_set(show, mon_show_fencing_all)); out->info(out, "%s", "\nToggle fields via field letter, type any other key to return"); } refresh: mon_refresh_display(NULL); return TRUE; } #endif // Basically crm_signal_handler(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) plus the SA_NOCLDWAIT flag static void avoid_zombies() { struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); if (sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask) < 0) { crm_warn("Cannot avoid zombies: %s", pcmk_strerror(errno)); return; } sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART|SA_NOCLDWAIT; if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) < 0) { crm_warn("Cannot avoid zombies: %s", pcmk_strerror(errno)); } } static GOptionContext * build_arg_context(pcmk__common_args_t *args, GOptionGroup **group) { GOptionContext *context = NULL; GOptionEntry extra_prog_entries[] = { { "quiet", 'Q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &(args->quiet), "Be less descriptive in output.", NULL }, { NULL } }; const char *description = "Notes:\n\n" "If this program is called as crm_mon.cgi, --output-as=html --html-cgi will\n" "automatically be added to the command line arguments.\n\n" "Time Specification:\n\n" "The TIMESPEC in any command line option can be specified in many different\n" "formats. It can be just an integer number of seconds, a number plus units\n" "(ms/msec/us/usec/s/sec/m/min/h/hr), or an ISO 8601 period specification.\n\n" "Output Control:\n\n" "By default, a certain list of sections are written to the output destination.\n" "The default varies based on the output format - XML includes everything, while\n" "other output formats will display less. This list can be modified with the\n" "--include and --exclude command line options. Each option may be given multiple\n" "times on the command line, and each can give a comma-separated list of sections.\n" "The options are applied to the default set, from left to right as seen on the\n" "command line. For a list of valid sections, pass --include=list or --exclude=list.\n\n" "Examples:\n\n" "Display the cluster status on the console with updates as they occur:\n\n" "\tcrm_mon\n\n" "Display the cluster status on the console just once then exit:\n\n" "\tcrm_mon -1\n\n" "Display your cluster status, group resources by node, and include inactive resources in the list:\n\n" "\tcrm_mon --group-by-node --inactive\n\n" "Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it write the cluster status to an HTML file:\n\n" "\tcrm_mon --daemonize --output-as html --output-to /path/to/docroot/filename.html\n\n" "Start crm_mon and export the current cluster status as XML to stdout, then exit:\n\n" "\tcrm_mon --output-as xml\n\n"; context = pcmk__build_arg_context(args, "console (default), html, text, xml", group, NULL); pcmk__add_main_args(context, extra_prog_entries); g_option_context_set_description(context, description); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "display", "Display Options:", "Show display options", display_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "additional", "Additional Options:", "Show additional options", addl_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "deprecated", "Deprecated Options:", "Show deprecated options", deprecated_entries); return context; } /* If certain format options were specified, we want to set some extra * options. We can just process these like they were given on the * command line. */ static void add_output_args() { GError *err = NULL; if (output_format == mon_output_plain) { if (!pcmk__force_args(context, &err, "%s --text-fancy", g_get_prgname())) { g_propagate_error(&error, err); clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } } else if (output_format == mon_output_cgi) { if (!pcmk__force_args(context, &err, "%s --html-cgi", g_get_prgname())) { g_propagate_error(&error, err); clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } } else if (output_format == mon_output_xml) { if (!pcmk__force_args(context, &err, "%s --xml-simple-list", g_get_prgname())) { g_propagate_error(&error, err); clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } } else if (output_format == mon_output_legacy_xml) { output_format = mon_output_xml; if (!pcmk__force_args(context, &err, "%s --xml-legacy", g_get_prgname())) { g_propagate_error(&error, err); clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } } } /* Which output format to use could come from two places: The --as-xml * style arguments we gave in deprecated_entries above, or the formatted output * arguments added by pcmk__register_formats. If the latter were used, * output_format will be mon_output_unset. * * Call the callbacks as if those older style arguments were provided so * the various things they do get done. */ static void reconcile_output_format(pcmk__common_args_t *args) { gboolean retval = TRUE; GError *err = NULL; if (output_format != mon_output_unset) { return; } if (safe_str_eq(args->output_ty, "html")) { char *dest = NULL; if (args->output_dest != NULL) { dest = strdup(args->output_dest); } retval = as_html_cb("h", dest, NULL, &err); free(dest); } else if (safe_str_eq(args->output_ty, "text")) { retval = no_curses_cb("N", NULL, NULL, &err); } else if (safe_str_eq(args->output_ty, "xml")) { if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } args->output_ty = strdup("xml"); output_format = mon_output_xml; options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; } else if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_one_shot)) { if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } args->output_ty = strdup("text"); output_format = mon_output_plain; } else { /* Neither old nor new arguments were given, so set the default. */ if (args->output_ty != NULL) { free(args->output_ty); } args->output_ty = strdup("console"); output_format = mon_output_console; } if (!retval) { g_propagate_error(&error, err); clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = pcmk_ok; GOptionGroup *output_group = NULL; args = pcmk__new_common_args(SUMMARY); context = build_arg_context(args, &output_group); pcmk__register_formats(output_group, formats); options.pid_file = strdup("/tmp/ClusterMon.pid"); crm_log_cli_init("crm_mon"); // Avoid needing to wait for subprocesses forked for -E/--external-agent avoid_zombies(); if (pcmk__ends_with_ext(argv[0], ".cgi")) { output_format = mon_output_cgi; options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; } processed_args = pcmk__cmdline_preproc(argv, "ehimpxEILU"); fence_history_cb("--fence-history", "1", NULL, NULL); /* Set an HTML title regardless of what format we will eventually use. This can't * be done in add_output_args. That function is called after command line * arguments are processed in the next block, which means it'll override whatever * title the user provides. Doing this here means the user can give their own * title on the command line. */ if (!pcmk__force_args(context, &error, "%s --html-title \"Cluster Status\"", g_get_prgname())) { return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } if (!g_option_context_parse_strv(context, &processed_args, &error)) { return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } for (int i = 0; i < args->verbosity; i++) { crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv); } if (!args->version) { if (args->quiet) { include_exclude_cb("--exclude", "times", NULL, NULL); } if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_watch_fencing)) { fence_history_cb("--fence-history", "0", NULL, NULL); options.mon_ops |= mon_op_fence_connect; } /* create the cib-object early to be able to do further * decisions based on the cib-source */ cib = cib_new(); if (cib == NULL) { rc = -EINVAL; } else { switch (cib->variant) { case cib_native: /* cib & fencing - everything available */ break; case cib_file: /* Don't try to connect to fencing as we * either don't have a running cluster or * the fencing-information would possibly * not match the cib data from a file. * As we don't expect cib-updates coming * in enforce one-shot. */ fence_history_cb("--fence-history", "0", NULL, NULL); options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; break; case cib_remote: /* updates coming in but no fencing */ fence_history_cb("--fence-history", "0", NULL, NULL); break; case cib_undefined: case cib_database: default: /* something is odd */ rc = -EINVAL; break; } } if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_one_shot)) { if (output_format == mon_output_console) { output_format = mon_output_plain; } } else if (options.daemonize) { if ((output_format == mon_output_console) || (output_format == mon_output_plain)) { output_format = mon_output_none; } crm_enable_stderr(FALSE); if ((args->output_dest == NULL || safe_str_eq(args->output_dest, "-")) && !options.external_agent) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, "--daemonize requires at least one of --output-to and --external-agent"); return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } if (cib) { /* to be on the safe side don't have cib-object around * when we are forking */ cib_delete(cib); cib = NULL; crm_make_daemon(crm_system_name, TRUE, options.pid_file); cib = cib_new(); if (cib == NULL) { rc = -EINVAL; } /* otherwise assume we've got the same cib-object we've just destroyed * in our parent */ } } else if (output_format == mon_output_console) { #if CURSES_ENABLED crm_enable_stderr(FALSE); #else options.mon_ops |= mon_op_one_shot; output_format = mon_output_plain; printf("Defaulting to one-shot mode\n"); printf("You need to have curses available at compile time to enable console mode\n"); #endif } } if (rc != pcmk_ok) { // Shouldn't really be possible g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_ERROR, "Invalid CIB source"); return clean_up(CRM_EX_ERROR); } reconcile_output_format(args); add_output_args(); if (args->version && output_format == mon_output_console) { /* Use the text output format here if we are in curses mode but were given * --version. Displaying version information uses printf, and then we * immediately exit. We don't want to initialize curses for that. */ rc = pcmk__output_new(&out, "text", args->output_dest, argv); } else { rc = pcmk__output_new(&out, args->output_ty, args->output_dest, argv); } if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_ERROR, "Error creating output format %s: %s", args->output_ty, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); return clean_up(CRM_EX_ERROR); } /* output_format MUST NOT BE CHANGED AFTER THIS POINT. */ /* Apply --include/--exclude flags we used internally. There's no error reporting * here because this would be a programming error. */ apply_include_exclude(options.includes_excludes, output_format, &error); /* And now apply any --include/--exclude flags the user gave on the command line. * These are done in a separate pass from the internal ones because we want to * make sure whatever the user specifies overrides whatever we do. */ if (!apply_include_exclude(options.user_includes_excludes, output_format, &error)) { return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } crm_mon_register_messages(out); pe__register_messages(out); stonith__register_messages(out); if (args->version) { out->version(out, false); return clean_up(CRM_EX_OK); } /* Extra sanity checks when in CGI mode */ if (output_format == mon_output_cgi) { if (cib && cib->variant == cib_file) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, "CGI mode used with CIB file"); return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } else if (options.external_agent != NULL) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, "CGI mode cannot be used with --external-agent"); return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } else if (options.daemonize == TRUE) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_USAGE, "CGI mode cannot be used with -d"); return clean_up(CRM_EX_USAGE); } } if (output_format == mon_output_xml || output_format == mon_output_legacy_xml) { options.mon_ops |= mon_op_print_timing; } crm_info("Starting %s", crm_system_name); if (cib) { do { if (is_not_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_one_shot)) { print_as(output_format ,"Waiting until cluster is available on this node ...\n"); } rc = cib_connect(is_not_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_one_shot)); if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_one_shot)) { break; } else if (rc != pcmk_ok) { sleep(options.reconnect_msec / 1000); #if CURSES_ENABLED if (output_format == mon_output_console) { clear(); refresh(); } #endif } else { if (output_format == mon_output_html && out->dest != stdout) { printf("Writing html to %s ...\n", args->output_dest); } } } while (rc == -ENOTCONN); } if (rc != pcmk_ok) { if (output_format == mon_output_monitor) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_ERROR, "CLUSTER CRIT: Connection to cluster failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); return clean_up(MON_STATUS_CRIT); } else { if (rc == -ENOTCONN) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_ERROR, "\nError: cluster is not available on this node"); } else { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_ERROR, "\nConnection to cluster failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); } } return clean_up(crm_errno2exit(rc)); } if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_one_shot)) { return clean_up(CRM_EX_OK); } mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); mainloop_add_signal(SIGTERM, mon_shutdown); mainloop_add_signal(SIGINT, mon_shutdown); #if CURSES_ENABLED if (output_format == mon_output_console) { ncurses_winch_handler = crm_signal_handler(SIGWINCH, mon_winresize); if (ncurses_winch_handler == SIG_DFL || ncurses_winch_handler == SIG_IGN || ncurses_winch_handler == SIG_ERR) ncurses_winch_handler = NULL; io_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(STDIN_FILENO); g_io_add_watch(io_channel, G_IO_IN, detect_user_input, NULL); } #endif refresh_trigger = mainloop_add_trigger(G_PRIORITY_LOW, mon_refresh_display, NULL); g_main_loop_run(mainloop); g_main_loop_unref(mainloop); if (io_channel != NULL) { g_io_channel_shutdown(io_channel, TRUE, NULL); } crm_info("Exiting %s", crm_system_name); return clean_up(CRM_EX_OK); } /*! * \internal * \brief Print one-line status suitable for use with monitoring software * * \param[in] data_set Working set of CIB state * \param[in] history List of stonith actions * * \note This function's output (and the return code when the program exits) * should conform to https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html */ static void print_simple_status(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t * data_set, stonith_history_t *history, unsigned int mon_ops) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; int nodes_online = 0; int nodes_standby = 0; int nodes_maintenance = 0; char *offline_nodes = NULL; gboolean no_dc = FALSE; gboolean offline = FALSE; if (data_set->dc_node == NULL) { mon_ops |= mon_op_has_warnings; no_dc = TRUE; } for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; if (node->details->standby && node->details->online) { nodes_standby++; } else if (node->details->maintenance && node->details->online) { nodes_maintenance++; } else if (node->details->online) { nodes_online++; } else { char *s = crm_strdup_printf("offline node: %s", node->details->uname); offline_nodes = pcmk__add_word(offline_nodes, s); free(s); mon_ops |= mon_op_has_warnings; offline = TRUE; } } if (is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_has_warnings)) { out->info(out, "CLUSTER WARN:%s%s%s", no_dc ? " No DC" : "", no_dc && offline ? "," : "", offline ? offline_nodes : ""); free(offline_nodes); } else { char *nodes_standby_s = NULL; char *nodes_maint_s = NULL; if (nodes_standby > 0) { nodes_standby_s = crm_strdup_printf(", %d standby node%s", nodes_standby, pcmk__plural_s(nodes_standby)); } if (nodes_maintenance > 0) { nodes_maint_s = crm_strdup_printf(", %d maintenance node%s", nodes_maintenance, pcmk__plural_s(nodes_maintenance)); } out->info(out, "CLUSTER OK: %d node%s online%s%s, " "%d resource instance%s configured", nodes_online, pcmk__plural_s(nodes_online), nodes_standby_s != NULL ? nodes_standby_s : "", nodes_maint_s != NULL ? nodes_maint_s : "", data_set->ninstances, pcmk__plural_s(data_set->ninstances)); free(nodes_standby_s); free(nodes_maint_s); } } /*! * \internal * \brief Reduce the stonith-history * for successful actions we keep the last of every action-type & target * for failed actions we record as well who had failed * for actions in progress we keep full track * * \param[in] history List of stonith actions * */ static stonith_history_t * reduce_stonith_history(stonith_history_t *history) { stonith_history_t *new = history, *hp, *np; if (new) { hp = new->next; new->next = NULL; while (hp) { stonith_history_t *hp_next = hp->next; hp->next = NULL; for (np = new; ; np = np->next) { if ((hp->state == st_done) || (hp->state == st_failed)) { /* action not in progress */ if (safe_str_eq(hp->target, np->target) && safe_str_eq(hp->action, np->action) && (hp->state == np->state) && ((hp->state == st_done) || safe_str_eq(hp->delegate, np->delegate))) { /* purge older hp */ stonith_history_free(hp); break; } } if (!np->next) { np->next = hp; break; } } hp = hp_next; } } return new; } static int send_custom_trap(const char *node, const char *rsc, const char *task, int target_rc, int rc, int status, const char *desc) { pid_t pid; /*setenv needs chars, these are ints */ char *rc_s = crm_itoa(rc); char *status_s = crm_itoa(status); char *target_rc_s = crm_itoa(target_rc); crm_debug("Sending external notification to '%s' via '%s'", options.external_recipient, options.external_agent); if(rsc) { setenv("CRM_notify_rsc", rsc, 1); } if (options.external_recipient) { setenv("CRM_notify_recipient", options.external_recipient, 1); } setenv("CRM_notify_node", node, 1); setenv("CRM_notify_task", task, 1); setenv("CRM_notify_desc", desc, 1); setenv("CRM_notify_rc", rc_s, 1); setenv("CRM_notify_target_rc", target_rc_s, 1); setenv("CRM_notify_status", status_s, 1); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "notification fork() failed."); } if (pid == 0) { /* crm_debug("notification: I am the child. Executing the nofitication program."); */ execl(options.external_agent, options.external_agent, NULL); exit(CRM_EX_ERROR); } crm_trace("Finished running custom notification program '%s'.", options.external_agent); free(target_rc_s); free(status_s); free(rc_s); return 0; } static void handle_rsc_op(xmlNode * xml, const char *node_id) { int rc = -1; int status = -1; int target_rc = -1; gboolean notify = TRUE; char *rsc = NULL; char *task = NULL; const char *desc = NULL; const char *magic = NULL; const char *id = NULL; const char *node = NULL; xmlNode *n = xml; xmlNode * rsc_op = xml; if(strcmp((const char*)xml->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP) != 0) { xmlNode *cIter; for(cIter = xml->children; cIter; cIter = cIter->next) { handle_rsc_op(cIter, node_id); } return; } id = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); if (id == NULL) { /* Compatibility with <= 1.1.5 */ id = ID(rsc_op); } magic = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); if (magic == NULL) { /* non-change */ return; } if (!decode_transition_magic(magic, NULL, NULL, NULL, &status, &rc, &target_rc)) { crm_err("Invalid event %s detected for %s", magic, id); return; } if (parse_op_key(id, &rsc, &task, NULL) == FALSE) { crm_err("Invalid event detected for %s", id); goto bail; } node = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); while (n != NULL && safe_str_neq(XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TYPE(n))) { n = n->parent; } if(node == NULL && n) { node = crm_element_value(n, XML_ATTR_UNAME); } if (node == NULL && n) { node = ID(n); } if (node == NULL) { node = node_id; } if (node == NULL) { crm_err("No node detected for event %s (%s)", magic, id); goto bail; } /* look up where we expected it to be? */ desc = pcmk_strerror(pcmk_ok); if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE && target_rc == rc) { crm_notice("%s of %s on %s completed: %s", task, rsc, node, desc); if (rc == PCMK_OCF_NOT_RUNNING) { notify = FALSE; } } else if (status == PCMK_LRM_OP_DONE) { desc = services_ocf_exitcode_str(rc); crm_warn("%s of %s on %s failed: %s", task, rsc, node, desc); } else { desc = services_lrm_status_str(status); crm_warn("%s of %s on %s failed: %s", task, rsc, node, desc); } if (notify && options.external_agent) { send_custom_trap(node, rsc, task, target_rc, rc, status, desc); } bail: free(rsc); free(task); } static gboolean mon_trigger_refresh(gpointer user_data) { mainloop_set_trigger(refresh_trigger); return FALSE; } #define NODE_PATT "/lrm[@id=" static char * get_node_from_xpath(const char *xpath) { char *nodeid = NULL; char *tmp = strstr(xpath, NODE_PATT); if(tmp) { tmp += strlen(NODE_PATT); tmp += 1; nodeid = strdup(tmp); tmp = strstr(nodeid, "\'"); CRM_ASSERT(tmp); tmp[0] = 0; } return nodeid; } static void crm_diff_update_v2(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { xmlNode *change = NULL; xmlNode *diff = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); for (change = __xml_first_child(diff); change != NULL; change = __xml_next(change)) { const char *name = NULL; const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *xpath = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); xmlNode *match = NULL; const char *node = NULL; if(op == NULL) { continue; } else if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { match = change->children; } else if(strcmp(op, "move") == 0) { continue; } else if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { continue; } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) { match = first_named_child(change, XML_DIFF_RESULT); if(match) { match = match->children; } } if(match) { name = (const char *)match->name; } crm_trace("Handling %s operation for %s %p, %s", op, xpath, match, name); if(xpath == NULL) { /* Version field, ignore */ } else if(name == NULL) { crm_debug("No result for %s operation to %s", op, xpath); CRM_ASSERT(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0 || strcmp(op, "move") == 0); } else if(strcmp(name, XML_TAG_CIB) == 0) { xmlNode *state = NULL; xmlNode *status = first_named_child(match, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); for (state = __xml_first_child_element(status); state != NULL; state = __xml_next_element(state)) { node = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if (node == NULL) { node = ID(state); } handle_rsc_op(state, node); } } else if(strcmp(name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS) == 0) { xmlNode *state = NULL; for (state = __xml_first_child_element(match); state != NULL; state = __xml_next_element(state)) { node = crm_element_value(state, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if (node == NULL) { node = ID(state); } handle_rsc_op(state, node); } } else if(strcmp(name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE) == 0) { node = crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_UNAME); if (node == NULL) { node = ID(match); } handle_rsc_op(match, node); } else if(strcmp(name, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM) == 0) { node = ID(match); handle_rsc_op(match, node); } else if(strcmp(name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES) == 0) { char *local_node = get_node_from_xpath(xpath); handle_rsc_op(match, local_node); free(local_node); } else if(strcmp(name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE) == 0) { char *local_node = get_node_from_xpath(xpath); handle_rsc_op(match, local_node); free(local_node); } else if(strcmp(name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP) == 0) { char *local_node = get_node_from_xpath(xpath); handle_rsc_op(match, local_node); free(local_node); } else { crm_trace("Ignoring %s operation for %s %p, %s", op, xpath, match, name); } } } static void crm_diff_update_v1(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { /* Process operation updates */ xmlXPathObject *xpathObj = xpath_search(msg, "//" F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT "//" XML_TAG_DIFF_ADDED "//" XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP); int lpc = 0, max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *rsc_op = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); handle_rsc_op(rsc_op, NULL); } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } static void crm_diff_update(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int rc = -1; static bool stale = FALSE; gboolean cib_updated = FALSE; xmlNode *diff = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); print_dot(output_format); if (current_cib != NULL) { rc = xml_apply_patchset(current_cib, diff, TRUE); switch (rc) { case -pcmk_err_diff_resync: case -pcmk_err_diff_failed: crm_notice("[%s] Patch aborted: %s (%d)", event, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); free_xml(current_cib); current_cib = NULL; break; case pcmk_ok: cib_updated = TRUE; break; default: crm_notice("[%s] ABORTED: %s (%d)", event, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); free_xml(current_cib); current_cib = NULL; } } if (current_cib == NULL) { crm_trace("Re-requesting the full cib"); cib->cmds->query(cib, NULL, ¤t_cib, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call); } if (options.external_agent) { int format = 0; crm_element_value_int(diff, "format", &format); switch(format) { case 1: crm_diff_update_v1(event, msg); break; case 2: crm_diff_update_v2(event, msg); break; default: crm_err("Unknown patch format: %d", format); } } if (current_cib == NULL) { if(!stale) { print_as(output_format, "--- Stale data ---"); } stale = TRUE; return; } stale = FALSE; kick_refresh(cib_updated); } static gboolean mon_refresh_display(gpointer user_data) { xmlNode *cib_copy = copy_xml(current_cib); stonith_history_t *stonith_history = NULL; int history_rc = 0; last_refresh = time(NULL); if (cli_config_update(&cib_copy, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { if (cib) { cib->cmds->signoff(cib); } out->err(out, "Upgrade failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(-pcmk_err_schema_validation)); clean_up(CRM_EX_CONFIG); return FALSE; } /* get the stonith-history if there is evidence we need it */ while (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_fence_history)) { if (st != NULL) { history_rc = st->cmds->history(st, st_opt_sync_call, NULL, &stonith_history, 120); if (history_rc != 0) { out->err(out, "Critical: Unable to get stonith-history"); - mon_cib_connection_destroy(NULL); + mon_cib_connection_destroy_error(NULL); } else { stonith_history = stonith__sort_history(stonith_history); if (is_not_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history) && output_format != mon_output_xml) { stonith_history = reduce_stonith_history(stonith_history); } break; /* all other cases are errors */ } } else { out->err(out, "Critical: No stonith-API"); } free_xml(cib_copy); out->err(out, "Reading stonith-history failed"); return FALSE; } if (mon_data_set == NULL) { mon_data_set = pe_new_working_set(); CRM_ASSERT(mon_data_set != NULL); } set_bit(mon_data_set->flags, pe_flag_no_compat); mon_data_set->input = cib_copy; cluster_status(mon_data_set); /* Unpack constraints if any section will need them * (tickets may be referenced in constraints but not granted yet, * and bans need negative location constraints) */ if (is_set(show, mon_show_bans) || is_set(show, mon_show_tickets)) { xmlNode *cib_constraints = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_CONSTRAINTS, mon_data_set->input); unpack_constraints(cib_constraints, mon_data_set); } switch (output_format) { case mon_output_html: case mon_output_cgi: if (print_html_status(out, mon_data_set, stonith_history, options.mon_ops, show, options.neg_location_prefix, options.only_node) != 0) { g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_CANTCREAT, "Critical: Unable to output html file"); clean_up(CRM_EX_CANTCREAT); return FALSE; } break; case mon_output_legacy_xml: case mon_output_xml: print_xml_status(out, mon_data_set, crm_errno2exit(history_rc), stonith_history, options.mon_ops, show, options.neg_location_prefix, options.only_node); break; case mon_output_monitor: print_simple_status(out, mon_data_set, stonith_history, options.mon_ops); if (is_set(options.mon_ops, mon_op_has_warnings)) { clean_up(MON_STATUS_WARN); return FALSE; } break; case mon_output_console: /* If curses is not enabled, this will just fall through to the plain * text case. */ #if CURSES_ENABLED blank_screen(); print_status(out, mon_data_set, stonith_history, options.mon_ops, show, options.neg_location_prefix, options.only_node); refresh(); break; #endif case mon_output_plain: print_status(out, mon_data_set, stonith_history, options.mon_ops, show, options.neg_location_prefix, options.only_node); break; case mon_output_unset: case mon_output_none: break; } stonith_history_free(stonith_history); stonith_history = NULL; pe_reset_working_set(mon_data_set); return TRUE; } static void mon_st_callback_event(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e) { if (st->state == stonith_disconnected) { /* disconnect cib as well and have everything reconnect */ - mon_cib_connection_destroy(NULL); + mon_cib_connection_destroy_regular(NULL); } else if (options.external_agent) { char *desc = crm_strdup_printf("Operation %s requested by %s for peer %s: %s (ref=%s)", e->operation, e->origin, e->target, pcmk_strerror(e->result), e->id); send_custom_trap(e->target, NULL, e->operation, pcmk_ok, e->result, 0, desc); free(desc); } } static void kick_refresh(gboolean data_updated) { static int updates = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); if (data_updated) { updates++; } if(refresh_timer == NULL) { refresh_timer = mainloop_timer_add("refresh", 2000, FALSE, mon_trigger_refresh, NULL); } /* Refresh * - immediately if the last update was more than 5s ago * - every 10 cib-updates * - at most 2s after the last update */ if ((now - last_refresh) > (options.reconnect_msec / 1000)) { mainloop_set_trigger(refresh_trigger); mainloop_timer_stop(refresh_timer); updates = 0; } else if(updates >= 10) { mainloop_set_trigger(refresh_trigger); mainloop_timer_stop(refresh_timer); updates = 0; } else { mainloop_timer_start(refresh_timer); } } static void mon_st_callback_display(stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e) { if (st->state == stonith_disconnected) { /* disconnect cib as well and have everything reconnect */ - mon_cib_connection_destroy(NULL); + mon_cib_connection_destroy_regular(NULL); } else { print_dot(output_format); kick_refresh(TRUE); } } static void clean_up_connections(void) { if (cib != NULL) { cib->cmds->signoff(cib); cib_delete(cib); cib = NULL; } if (st != NULL) { if (st->state != stonith_disconnected) { st->cmds->remove_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT); st->cmds->remove_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE); st->cmds->remove_notification(st, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_HISTORY); st->cmds->disconnect(st); } stonith_api_delete(st); st = NULL; } } static void handle_html_output(crm_exit_t exit_code) { xmlNodePtr html = NULL; pcmk__html_add_header(html, "meta", "http-equiv", "refresh", "content", crm_itoa(options.reconnect_msec/1000), NULL); out->finish(out, exit_code, true, (void **) &html); } /* * De-init ncurses, disconnect from the CIB manager, disconnect fencing, * deallocate memory and show usage-message if requested. * * We don't actually return, but nominally returning crm_exit_t allows a usage * like "return clean_up(exit_code);" which helps static analysis understand the * code flow. */ static crm_exit_t clean_up(crm_exit_t exit_code) { /* Quitting crm_mon is much more complicated than it ought to be. */ /* (1) Close connections, free things, etc. */ clean_up_connections(); free(options.pid_file); free(options.neg_location_prefix); g_slist_free_full(options.includes_excludes, free); pe_free_working_set(mon_data_set); mon_data_set = NULL; g_strfreev(processed_args); /* (2) If this is abnormal termination and we're in curses mode, shut down * curses first. Any messages displayed to the screen before curses is shut * down will be lost because doing the shut down will also restore the * screen to whatever it looked like before crm_mon was started. */ if ((error != NULL || exit_code == CRM_EX_USAGE) && output_format == mon_output_console) { out->finish(out, exit_code, false, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); out = NULL; } /* (3) If this is a command line usage related failure, print the usage * message. */ if (exit_code == CRM_EX_USAGE && (output_format == mon_output_console || output_format == mon_output_plain)) { char *help = g_option_context_get_help(context, TRUE, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%s", help); g_free(help); } pcmk__free_arg_context(context); /* (4) If this is any kind of error, print the error out and exit. Make * sure to handle situations both before and after formatted output is * set up. We want errors to appear formatted if at all possible. */ if (error != NULL) { if (out != NULL) { out->err(out, "%s: %s\n", g_get_prgname(), error->message); out->finish(out, exit_code, true, NULL); pcmk__output_free(out); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g_get_prgname(), error->message); } g_clear_error(&error); crm_exit(exit_code); } /* (5) Print formatted output to the screen if we made it far enough in * crm_mon to be able to do so. */ if (out != NULL) { switch (output_format) { case mon_output_cgi: case mon_output_html: handle_html_output(exit_code); break; default: out->finish(out, exit_code, true, NULL); break; } pcmk__output_free(out); pcmk__unregister_formats(); } crm_exit(exit_code); } diff --git a/tools/crm_mon_curses.c b/tools/crm_mon_curses.c index c9a75cff9b..896fd98c34 100644 --- a/tools/crm_mon_curses.c +++ b/tools/crm_mon_curses.c @@ -1,424 +1,425 @@ /* * Copyright 2019 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crm_mon.h" #if CURSES_ENABLED GOptionEntry crm_mon_curses_output_entries[] = { { NULL } }; typedef struct curses_list_data_s { unsigned int len; char *singular_noun; char *plural_noun; } curses_list_data_t; typedef struct private_data_s { GQueue *parent_q; } private_data_t; static void curses_free_priv(pcmk__output_t *out) { private_data_t *priv = out->priv; if (priv == NULL) { return; } g_queue_free(priv->parent_q); free(priv); } static bool curses_init(pcmk__output_t *out) { private_data_t *priv = NULL; /* If curses_init was previously called on this output struct, just return. */ if (out->priv != NULL) { return true; } else { out->priv = calloc(1, sizeof(private_data_t)); if (out->priv == NULL) { return false; } priv = out->priv; } priv->parent_q = g_queue_new(); initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); return true; } static void curses_finish(pcmk__output_t *out, crm_exit_t exit_status, bool print, void **copy_dest) { echo(); nocbreak(); endwin(); } static void curses_reset(pcmk__output_t *out) { CRM_ASSERT(out != NULL); curses_free_priv(out); curses_init(out); } static void curses_subprocess_output(pcmk__output_t *out, int exit_status, const char *proc_stdout, const char *proc_stderr) { if (proc_stdout != NULL) { printw("%s\n", proc_stdout); } if (proc_stderr != NULL) { printw("%s\n", proc_stderr); } clrtoeol(); refresh(); } /* curses_version is defined in curses.h, so we can't use that name here. * Note that this function prints out via text, not with curses. */ static void curses_ver(pcmk__output_t *out, bool extended) { if (extended) { printf("Pacemaker %s (Build: %s): %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION, BUILD_VERSION, CRM_FEATURES); } else { printf("Pacemaker %s\n", PACEMAKER_VERSION); printf("Written by Andrew Beekhof\n"); } } G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3) static void curses_error(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; /* Informational output does not get indented, to separate it from other * potentially indented list output. */ va_start(ap, format); vw_printw(stdscr, format, ap); va_end(ap); /* Add a newline. */ addch('\n'); clrtoeol(); refresh(); sleep(2); } G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3) static void curses_info(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; /* Informational output does not get indented, to separate it from other * potentially indented list output. */ va_start(ap, format); vw_printw(stdscr, format, ap); va_end(ap); /* Add a newline. */ addch('\n'); clrtoeol(); refresh(); } static void curses_output_xml(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *name, const char *buf) { private_data_t *priv = out->priv; CRM_ASSERT(priv != NULL); curses_indented_printf(out, "%s", buf); } G_GNUC_PRINTF(4, 5) static void curses_begin_list(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *singular_noun, const char *plural_noun, const char *format, ...) { private_data_t *priv = out->priv; curses_list_data_t *new_list = NULL; va_list ap; CRM_ASSERT(priv != NULL); va_start(ap, format); curses_indented_vprintf(out, format, ap); printw(":\n"); va_end(ap); new_list = calloc(1, sizeof(curses_list_data_t)); new_list->len = 0; new_list->singular_noun = singular_noun == NULL ? NULL : strdup(singular_noun); new_list->plural_noun = plural_noun == NULL ? NULL : strdup(plural_noun); g_queue_push_tail(priv->parent_q, new_list); } G_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4) static void curses_list_item(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *id, const char *format, ...) { private_data_t *priv = out->priv; va_list ap; CRM_ASSERT(priv != NULL); va_start(ap, format); if (id != NULL) { curses_indented_printf(out, "%s: ", id); vw_printw(stdscr, format, ap); } else { curses_indented_vprintf(out, format, ap); } addch('\n'); va_end(ap); out->increment_list(out); } static void curses_increment_list(pcmk__output_t *out) { private_data_t *priv = out->priv; gpointer tail; CRM_ASSERT(priv != NULL); tail = g_queue_peek_tail(priv->parent_q); CRM_ASSERT(tail != NULL); ((curses_list_data_t *) tail)->len++; } static void curses_end_list(pcmk__output_t *out) { private_data_t *priv = out->priv; curses_list_data_t *node = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(priv != NULL); node = g_queue_pop_tail(priv->parent_q); if (node->singular_noun != NULL && node->plural_noun != NULL) { if (node->len == 1) { curses_indented_printf(out, "%d %s found\n", node->len, node->singular_noun); } else { curses_indented_printf(out, "%d %s found\n", node->len, node->plural_noun); } } free(node); } pcmk__output_t * crm_mon_mk_curses_output(char **argv) { pcmk__output_t *retval = calloc(1, sizeof(pcmk__output_t)); if (retval == NULL) { return NULL; } retval->fmt_name = "console"; retval->request = argv == NULL ? NULL : g_strjoinv(" ", argv); retval->supports_quiet = true; retval->init = curses_init; retval->free_priv = curses_free_priv; retval->finish = curses_finish; retval->reset = curses_reset; retval->register_message = pcmk__register_message; retval->message = pcmk__call_message; retval->subprocess_output = curses_subprocess_output; retval->version = curses_ver; retval->err = curses_error; retval->info = curses_info; retval->output_xml = curses_output_xml; retval->begin_list = curses_begin_list; retval->list_item = curses_list_item; retval->increment_list = curses_increment_list; retval->end_list = curses_end_list; return retval; } G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 0) void curses_indented_vprintf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, va_list args) { int level = 0; private_data_t *priv = out->priv; CRM_ASSERT(priv != NULL); level = g_queue_get_length(priv->parent_q); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { printw(" "); } if (level > 0) { printw("* "); } vw_printw(stdscr, format, args); clrtoeol(); refresh(); } G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3) void curses_indented_printf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); curses_indented_vprintf(out, format, ap); va_end(ap); } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("stonith-event", "struct stonith_history_t *", "gboolean", "gboolean") static int stonith_event_console(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { stonith_history_t *event = va_arg(args, stonith_history_t *); gboolean full_history = va_arg(args, gboolean); gboolean later_succeeded = va_arg(args, gboolean); crm_time_t *crm_when = crm_time_new(NULL); char *buf = NULL; crm_time_set_timet(crm_when, &(event->completed)); buf = crm_time_as_string(crm_when, crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday | crm_time_log_with_timezone); switch (event->state) { case st_failed: curses_indented_printf(out, "%s of %s failed: delegate=%s, client=%s, origin=%s, %s='%s'%s\n", stonith_action_str(event->action), event->target, event->delegate ? event->delegate : "", event->client, event->origin, full_history ? "completed" : "last-failed", buf, later_succeeded ? " (a later attempt succeeded)" : ""); break; case st_done: curses_indented_printf(out, "%s of %s successful: delegate=%s, client=%s, origin=%s, %s='%s'\n", stonith_action_str(event->action), event->target, event->delegate ? event->delegate : "", event->client, event->origin, full_history ? "completed" : "last-successful", buf); break; default: curses_indented_printf(out, "%s of %s pending: client=%s, origin=%s\n", stonith_action_str(event->action), event->target, event->client, event->origin); break; } free(buf); crm_time_free(crm_when); return pcmk_rc_ok; } PCMK__OUTPUT_ARGS("maint-mode") static int cluster_maint_mode_console(pcmk__output_t *out, va_list args) { printw("\n *** Resource management is DISABLED ***"); printw("\n The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services"); printw("\n"); clrtoeol(); refresh(); return pcmk_rc_ok; } static pcmk__message_entry_t fmt_functions[] = { { "ban", "console", pe__ban_text }, { "bundle", "console", pe__bundle_text }, { "clone", "console", pe__clone_text }, { "cluster-counts", "console", pe__cluster_counts_text }, { "cluster-dc", "console", pe__cluster_dc_text }, { "cluster-options", "console", pe__cluster_options_text }, { "cluster-stack", "console", pe__cluster_stack_text }, { "cluster-summary", "console", pe__cluster_summary }, { "cluster-times", "console", pe__cluster_times_text }, { "failed-action", "console", pe__failed_action_text }, { "failed-fencing-history", "console", stonith__failed_history }, { "fencing-history", "console", stonith__history }, { "full-fencing-history", "console", stonith__full_history }, { "group", "console", pe__group_text }, { "maint-mode", "console", cluster_maint_mode_console }, { "node", "console", pe__node_text }, { "node-attribute", "console", pe__node_attribute_text }, + { "node-list", "console", pe__node_list_text }, { "op-history", "console", pe__op_history_text }, { "pending-fencing-actions", "console", stonith__pending_actions }, { "primitive", "console", pe__resource_text }, { "resource-history", "console", pe__resource_history_text }, { "stonith-event", "console", stonith_event_console }, { "ticket", "console", pe__ticket_text }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void crm_mon_register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out) { pcmk__register_messages(out, fmt_functions); } #else pcmk__output_t * crm_mon_mk_curses_output(char **argv) { /* curses was disabled in the build, so fall back to text. */ return pcmk__mk_text_output(argv); } G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 0) void curses_indented_vprintf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, va_list args) { return; } G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3) void curses_indented_printf(pcmk__output_t *out, const char *format, ...) { return; } void crm_mon_register_messages(pcmk__output_t *out) { return; } #endif diff --git a/tools/crm_simulate.c b/tools/crm_simulate.c index 8bb1bee52a..e68266fbe0 100644 --- a/tools/crm_simulate.c +++ b/tools/crm_simulate.c @@ -1,1138 +1,1136 @@ /* * Copyright 2009-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SUMMARY "crm_simulate - simulate a Pacemaker cluster's response to events" /* show_scores and show_utilization can't be added to this struct. They * actually come from include/pcmki/pcmki_scheduler.h where they are * defined as extern. */ struct { gboolean all_actions; char *dot_file; char *graph_file; gchar *input_file; guint modified; GListPtr node_up; GListPtr node_down; GListPtr node_fail; GListPtr op_fail; GListPtr op_inject; gchar *output_file; gboolean print_pending; gboolean process; char *quorum; long long repeat; gboolean simulate; gboolean store; gchar *test_dir; GListPtr ticket_grant; GListPtr ticket_revoke; GListPtr ticket_standby; GListPtr ticket_activate; char *use_date; char *watchdog; char *xml_file; } options = { .print_pending = TRUE, .repeat = 1 }; cib_t *global_cib = NULL; bool action_numbers = FALSE; gboolean quiet = FALSE; char *temp_shadow = NULL; extern gboolean bringing_nodes_online; #define quiet_log(fmt, args...) do { \ if(quiet == FALSE) { \ printf(fmt , ##args); \ } \ } while(0) #define INDENT " " static gboolean in_place_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.store = TRUE; options.process = TRUE; options.simulate = TRUE; return TRUE; } static gboolean live_check_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (options.xml_file) { free(options.xml_file); } options.xml_file = NULL; return TRUE; } static gboolean node_down_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.node_down = g_list_append(options.node_down, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean node_fail_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.node_fail = g_list_append(options.node_fail, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean node_up_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; bringing_nodes_online = TRUE; options.node_up = g_list_append(options.node_up, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean op_fail_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.process = TRUE; options.simulate = TRUE; options.op_fail = g_list_append(options.op_fail, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean op_inject_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.op_inject = g_list_append(options.op_inject, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean quorum_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (options.quorum) { free(options.quorum); } options.modified++; options.quorum = strdup(optarg); return TRUE; } static gboolean save_dotfile_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (options.dot_file) { free(options.dot_file); } options.process = TRUE; options.dot_file = strdup(optarg); return TRUE; } static gboolean save_graph_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (options.graph_file) { free(options.graph_file); } options.process = TRUE; options.graph_file = strdup(optarg); return TRUE; } static gboolean show_scores_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.process = TRUE; show_scores = TRUE; return TRUE; } static gboolean simulate_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.process = TRUE; options.simulate = TRUE; return TRUE; } static gboolean ticket_activate_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.ticket_activate = g_list_append(options.ticket_activate, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean ticket_grant_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.ticket_grant = g_list_append(options.ticket_grant, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean ticket_revoke_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.ticket_revoke = g_list_append(options.ticket_revoke, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean ticket_standby_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.modified++; options.ticket_standby = g_list_append(options.ticket_standby, (gchar *) g_strdup(optarg)); return TRUE; } static gboolean utilization_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { options.process = TRUE; show_utilization = TRUE; return TRUE; } static gboolean watchdog_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (options.watchdog) { free(options.watchdog); } options.modified++; options.watchdog = strdup(optarg); return TRUE; } static gboolean xml_pipe_cb(const gchar *option_name, const gchar *optarg, gpointer data, GError **error) { if (options.xml_file) { free(options.xml_file); } options.xml_file = strdup("-"); return TRUE; } static GOptionEntry operation_entries[] = { { "run", 'R', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.process, "Determine cluster's response to the given configuration and status", NULL }, { "simulate", 'S', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, simulate_cb, "Simulate transition's execution and display resulting cluster status", NULL }, { "in-place", 'X', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, in_place_cb, "Simulate transition's execution and store result back to input file", NULL }, { "show-scores", 's', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, show_scores_cb, "Show allocation scores", NULL }, { "show-utilization", 'U', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, utilization_cb, "Show utilization information", NULL }, { "profile", 'P', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &options.test_dir, "Run all tests in the named directory to create profiling data", NULL }, { "repeat", 'N', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &options.repeat, "With --profile, repeat each test N times and print timings", "N" }, { "pending", 'j', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.print_pending, "Display pending state if 'record-pending' is enabled", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry synthetic_entries[] = { { "node-up", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, node_up_cb, "Bring a node online", "NODE" }, { "node-down", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, node_down_cb, "Take a node offline", "NODE" }, { "node-fail", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, node_fail_cb, "Mark a node as failed", "NODE" }, { "op-inject", 'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, op_inject_cb, "Generate a failure for the cluster to react to in the simulation.\n" INDENT "See `Operation Specification` help for more information.", "OPSPEC" }, { "op-fail", 'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, op_fail_cb, "If the specified task occurs during the simulation, have it fail with return code ${rc}.\n" INDENT "The transition will normally stop at the failed action.\n" INDENT "Save the result with --save-output and re-run with --xml-file.\n" INDENT "See `Operation Specification` help for more information.", "OPSPEC" }, { "set-datetime", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &options.use_date, "Set date/time (ISO 8601 format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)", "DATETIME" }, { "quorum", 'q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, quorum_cb, "Specify a value for quorum", "QUORUM" }, { "watchdog", 'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, watchdog_cb, "Assume a watchdog device is active", "DEVICE" }, { "ticket-grant", 'g', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, ticket_grant_cb, "Grant a ticket", "TICKET" }, { "ticket-revoke", 'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, ticket_revoke_cb, "Revoke a ticket", "TICKET" }, { "ticket-standby", 'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, ticket_standby_cb, "Make a ticket standby", "TICKET" }, { "ticket-activate", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, ticket_activate_cb, "Activate a ticket", "TICKET" }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry output_entries[] = { { "save-input", 'I', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &options.input_file, "Save the input configuration to the named file", "FILE" }, { "save-output", 'O', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &options.output_file, "Save the output configuration to the named file", "FILE" }, { "save-graph", 'G', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, save_graph_cb, "Save the transition graph (XML format) to the named file", "FILE" }, { "save-dotfile", 'D', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, save_dotfile_cb, "Save the transition graph (DOT format) to the named file", "FILE" }, { "all-actions", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &options.all_actions, "Display all possible actions in DOT graph (even if not part of transition)", NULL }, { NULL } }; static GOptionEntry source_entries[] = { { "live-check", 'L', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, live_check_cb, "Connect to CIB mamager and use the current CIB contents as input", NULL }, { "xml-file", 'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &options.xml_file, "Retrieve XML from the named file", "FILE" }, { "xml-pipe", 'p', G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, xml_pipe_cb, "Retrieve XML from stdin", NULL }, { NULL } }; static void get_date(pe_working_set_t *data_set, bool print_original, char *use_date) { time_t original_date = 0; crm_element_value_epoch(data_set->input, "execution-date", &original_date); if (use_date) { data_set->now = crm_time_new(use_date); quiet_log(" + Setting effective cluster time: %s", use_date); crm_time_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Pretending 'now' is", data_set->now, crm_time_log_date | crm_time_log_timeofday); } else if (original_date) { data_set->now = crm_time_new(NULL); crm_time_set_timet(data_set->now, &original_date); if (print_original) { char *when = crm_time_as_string(data_set->now, crm_time_log_date|crm_time_log_timeofday); printf("Using the original execution date of: %s\n", when); free(when); } } } static void print_cluster_status(pe_working_set_t * data_set, long options) { char *online_nodes = NULL; char *online_remote_nodes = NULL; char *online_guest_nodes = NULL; char *offline_nodes = NULL; char *offline_remote_nodes = NULL; GListPtr gIter = NULL; for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data; const char *node_mode = NULL; char *node_name = NULL; if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) { node_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s:%s", node->details->uname, node->details->remote_rsc->container->id); } else { node_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s", node->details->uname); } if (node->details->unclean) { if (node->details->online && node->details->unclean) { node_mode = "UNCLEAN (online)"; } else if (node->details->pending) { node_mode = "UNCLEAN (pending)"; } else { node_mode = "UNCLEAN (offline)"; } } else if (node->details->pending) { node_mode = "pending"; } else if (node->details->standby_onfail && node->details->online) { node_mode = "standby (on-fail)"; } else if (node->details->standby) { if (node->details->online) { node_mode = "standby"; } else { node_mode = "OFFLINE (standby)"; } } else if (node->details->maintenance) { if (node->details->online) { node_mode = "maintenance"; } else { node_mode = "OFFLINE (maintenance)"; } } else if (node->details->online) { if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) { online_guest_nodes = pcmk__add_word(online_guest_nodes, node_name); } else if (pe__is_remote_node(node)) { online_remote_nodes = pcmk__add_word(online_remote_nodes, node_name); } else { online_nodes = pcmk__add_word(online_nodes, node_name); } free(node_name); continue; } else { if (pe__is_remote_node(node)) { offline_remote_nodes = pcmk__add_word(offline_remote_nodes, node_name); } else if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) { /* ignore offline container nodes */ } else { offline_nodes = pcmk__add_word(offline_nodes, node_name); } free(node_name); continue; } if (pe__is_guest_node(node)) { printf("GuestNode %s: %s\n", node_name, node_mode); } else if (pe__is_remote_node(node)) { printf("RemoteNode %s: %s\n", node_name, node_mode); } else if (safe_str_eq(node->details->uname, node->details->id)) { printf("Node %s: %s\n", node_name, node_mode); } else { printf("Node %s (%s): %s\n", node_name, node->details->id, node_mode); } free(node_name); } if (online_nodes) { printf("Online: [%s ]\n", online_nodes); free(online_nodes); } if (offline_nodes) { printf("OFFLINE: [%s ]\n", offline_nodes); free(offline_nodes); } if (online_remote_nodes) { printf("RemoteOnline: [%s ]\n", online_remote_nodes); free(online_remote_nodes); } if (offline_remote_nodes) { printf("RemoteOFFLINE: [%s ]\n", offline_remote_nodes); free(offline_remote_nodes); } if (online_guest_nodes) { printf("GuestOnline: [%s ]\n", online_guest_nodes); free(online_guest_nodes); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; if (is_set(rsc->flags, pe_rsc_orphan) && rsc->role == RSC_ROLE_STOPPED) { continue; } rsc->fns->print(rsc, NULL, pe_print_printf | options, stdout); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } static char * create_action_name(pe_action_t *action) { char *action_name = NULL; const char *prefix = ""; const char *action_host = NULL; const char *clone_name = NULL; const char *task = action->task; if (action->node) { action_host = action->node->details->uname; } else if (is_not_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) { action_host = ""; } if (safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_CANCEL)) { prefix = "Cancel "; task = action->cancel_task; } if (action->rsc && action->rsc->clone_name) { clone_name = action->rsc->clone_name; } if (clone_name) { char *key = NULL; guint interval_ms = 0; if (pcmk__guint_from_hash(action->meta, XML_LRM_ATTR_INTERVAL_MS, 0, &interval_ms) != pcmk_rc_ok) { interval_ms = 0; } if (safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_NOTIFY) || safe_str_eq(action->task, RSC_NOTIFIED)) { const char *n_type = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "notify_key_type"); const char *n_task = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "notify_key_operation"); CRM_ASSERT(n_type != NULL); CRM_ASSERT(n_task != NULL); key = pcmk__notify_key(clone_name, n_type, n_task); } else { key = pcmk__op_key(clone_name, task, interval_ms); } if (action_host) { action_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s%s %s", prefix, key, action_host); } else { action_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s%s", prefix, key); } free(key); } else if (safe_str_eq(action->task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) { const char *op = g_hash_table_lookup(action->meta, "stonith_action"); action_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s%s '%s' %s", prefix, action->task, op, action_host); } else if (action->rsc && action_host) { action_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s%s %s", prefix, action->uuid, action_host); } else if (action_host) { action_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s%s %s", prefix, action->task, action_host); } else { action_name = crm_strdup_printf("%s", action->uuid); } if (action_numbers) { // i.e. verbose char *with_id = crm_strdup_printf("%s (%d)", action_name, action->id); free(action_name); action_name = with_id; } return action_name; } static bool create_dotfile(pe_working_set_t * data_set, const char *dot_file, gboolean all_actions, GError **error) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; FILE *dot_strm = fopen(dot_file, "w"); if (dot_strm == NULL) { g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(errno), "Could not open %s for writing: %s", dot_file, pcmk_rc_str(errno)); return false; } fprintf(dot_strm, " digraph \"g\" {\n"); for (gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; const char *style = "dashed"; const char *font = "black"; const char *color = "black"; char *action_name = create_action_name(action); crm_trace("Action %d: %s %s %p", action->id, action_name, action->uuid, action); if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo)) { font = "orange"; } if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_dumped)) { style = "bold"; color = "green"; } else if (action->rsc != NULL && is_not_set(action->rsc->flags, pe_rsc_managed)) { color = "red"; font = "purple"; if (all_actions == FALSE) { goto do_not_write; } } else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_optional)) { color = "blue"; if (all_actions == FALSE) { goto do_not_write; } } else { color = "red"; CRM_CHECK(is_set(action->flags, pe_action_runnable) == FALSE,; ); } set_bit(action->flags, pe_action_dumped); crm_trace("\"%s\" [ style=%s color=\"%s\" fontcolor=\"%s\"]", action_name, style, color, font); fprintf(dot_strm, "\"%s\" [ style=%s color=\"%s\" fontcolor=\"%s\"]\n", action_name, style, color, font); do_not_write: free(action_name); } for (gIter = data_set->actions; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_action_t *action = (pe_action_t *) gIter->data; GListPtr gIter2 = NULL; for (gIter2 = action->actions_before; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) { pe_action_wrapper_t *before = (pe_action_wrapper_t *) gIter2->data; char *before_name = NULL; char *after_name = NULL; const char *style = "dashed"; gboolean optional = TRUE; if (before->state == pe_link_dumped) { optional = FALSE; style = "bold"; } else if (is_set(action->flags, pe_action_pseudo) && (before->type & pe_order_stonith_stop)) { continue; } else if (before->type == pe_order_none) { continue; } else if (is_set(before->action->flags, pe_action_dumped) && is_set(action->flags, pe_action_dumped) && before->type != pe_order_load) { optional = FALSE; } if (all_actions || optional == FALSE) { before_name = create_action_name(before->action); after_name = create_action_name(action); crm_trace("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [ style = %s]", before_name, after_name, style); fprintf(dot_strm, "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [ style = %s]\n", before_name, after_name, style); free(before_name); free(after_name); } } } fprintf(dot_strm, "}\n"); fflush(dot_strm); fclose(dot_strm); return true; } static int setup_input(const char *input, const char *output, GError **error) { int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; cib_t *cib_conn = NULL; xmlNode *cib_object = NULL; char *local_output = NULL; if (input == NULL) { /* Use live CIB */ cib_conn = cib_new(); rc = cib_conn->cmds->signon(cib_conn, crm_system_name, cib_command); rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); if (rc == pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = cib_conn->cmds->query(cib_conn, NULL, &cib_object, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call); } cib_conn->cmds->signoff(cib_conn); cib_delete(cib_conn); cib_conn = NULL; if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), "Live CIB query failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_rc_str(rc), rc); return rc; } else if (cib_object == NULL) { g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_NOINPUT, "Live CIB query failed: empty result"); return pcmk_rc_no_input; } } else if (safe_str_eq(input, "-")) { cib_object = filename2xml(NULL); } else { cib_object = filename2xml(input); } if (get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_object) == NULL) { create_xml_node(cib_object, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); } if (cli_config_update(&cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { free_xml(cib_object); return pcmk_rc_transform_failed; } if (validate_xml(cib_object, NULL, FALSE) != TRUE) { free_xml(cib_object); return pcmk_rc_schema_validation; } if (output == NULL) { char *pid = pcmk__getpid_s(); local_output = get_shadow_file(pid); temp_shadow = strdup(local_output); output = local_output; free(pid); } rc = write_xml_file(cib_object, output, FALSE); free_xml(cib_object); cib_object = NULL; if (rc < 0) { rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); g_set_error(error, G_OPTION_ERROR, CRM_EX_CANTCREAT, "Could not create '%s': %s", output, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); return rc; } else { setenv("CIB_file", output, 1); free(local_output); return pcmk_rc_ok; } } static void profile_one(const char *xml_file, long long repeat, pe_working_set_t *data_set, char *use_date) { xmlNode *cib_object = NULL; clock_t start = 0; printf("* Testing %s ...", xml_file); fflush(stdout); cib_object = filename2xml(xml_file); start = clock(); if (get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, cib_object) == NULL) { create_xml_node(cib_object, XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS); } if (cli_config_update(&cib_object, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE) { free_xml(cib_object); return; } if (validate_xml(cib_object, NULL, FALSE) != TRUE) { free_xml(cib_object); return; } for (int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { xmlNode *input = (repeat == 1)? cib_object : copy_xml(cib_object); data_set->input = input; get_date(data_set, false, use_date); pcmk__schedule_actions(data_set, input, NULL); pe_reset_working_set(data_set); } printf(" %.2f secs\n", (clock() - start) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } #ifndef FILENAME_MAX # define FILENAME_MAX 512 #endif static void profile_all(const char *dir, long long repeat, pe_working_set_t *data_set, char *use_date) { struct dirent **namelist; int file_num = scandir(dir, &namelist, 0, alphasort); if (file_num > 0) { struct stat prop; char buffer[FILENAME_MAX]; while (file_num--) { if ('.' == namelist[file_num]->d_name[0]) { free(namelist[file_num]); continue; } else if (!pcmk__ends_with_ext(namelist[file_num]->d_name, ".xml")) { free(namelist[file_num]); continue; } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", dir, namelist[file_num]->d_name); if (stat(buffer, &prop) == 0 && S_ISREG(prop.st_mode)) { profile_one(buffer, repeat, data_set, use_date); } free(namelist[file_num]); } free(namelist); } } static GOptionContext * build_arg_context(pcmk__common_args_t *args, GOptionGroup **group) { GOptionContext *context = NULL; GOptionEntry extra_prog_entries[] = { { "quiet", 'Q', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &(args->quiet), "Display only essential output", NULL }, { NULL } }; const char *description = "Operation Specification:\n\n" "The OPSPEC in any command line option is of the form ${resource}_${task}_${interval_in_ms}@${node}=${rc} " "memcached_monitor_20000@bart.example.com=7, for example). ${rc} is an OCF return code. For more " "information on these return codes, refer to " "https://clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/2.0/html/Pacemaker_Administration/s-ocf-return-codes.html\n\n" "Examples:\n\n" "Pretend a recurring monitor action found memcached stopped on node " "fred.example.com and, during recovery, that the memcached stop " "action failed:\n\n" "\tcrm_simulate -LS --op-inject memcached:0_monitor_20000@bart.example.com=7 " "--op-fail memcached:0_stop_0@fred.example.com=1 --save-output /tmp/memcached-test.xml\n\n" "Now see what the reaction to the stop failed would be:\n\n" "\tcrm_simulate -S --xml-file /tmp/memcached-test.xml\n\n"; context = pcmk__build_arg_context(args, NULL, group, NULL); pcmk__add_main_args(context, extra_prog_entries); g_option_context_set_description(context, description); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "operations", "Operations:", "Show operations options", operation_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "synthetic", "Synthetic Cluster Events:", "Show synthetic cluster event options", synthetic_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "output", "Output Options:", "Show output options", output_entries); pcmk__add_arg_group(context, "source", "Data Source:", "Show data source options", source_entries); return context; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { GError *error = NULL; GOptionGroup *output_group = NULL; gchar **processed_args = NULL; pcmk__common_args_t *args = pcmk__new_common_args(SUMMARY); GOptionContext *context = build_arg_context(args, &output_group); int rc = pcmk_rc_ok; pe_working_set_t *data_set = NULL; xmlNode *input = NULL; options.xml_file = strdup("-"); crm_log_cli_init("crm_simulate"); processed_args = pcmk__cmdline_preproc(argv, "bdefgiqrtuwxDFGINO"); if (!g_option_context_parse_strv(context, &processed_args, &error)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", g_get_prgname(), error->message); goto done; } for (int i = 0; i < args->verbosity; i++) { crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv); } if (args->version) { /* FIXME: When crm_simulate is converted to use formatted output, this can go. */ pcmk__cli_help('v', CRM_EX_USAGE); goto done; } if (optind > argc) { gchar *help = g_option_context_get_help(context, TRUE, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%s", help); g_free(help); goto done; } if (args->verbosity > 0) { /* Redirect stderr to stdout so we can grep the output */ close(STDERR_FILENO); dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); - - crm_bump_log_level(argc, argv); action_numbers = TRUE; } if (args->quiet) { quiet = TRUE; } data_set = pe_new_working_set(); if (data_set == NULL) { rc = ENOMEM; g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), "Could not allocate working set"); goto done; } set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_no_compat); if (options.test_dir != NULL) { profile_all(options.test_dir, options.repeat, data_set, options.use_date); rc = pcmk_rc_ok; goto done; } rc = setup_input(options.xml_file, options.store ? options.xml_file : options.output_file, &error); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { goto done; } global_cib = cib_new(); rc = global_cib->cmds->signon(global_cib, crm_system_name, cib_command); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), "Could not connect to the CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } rc = global_cib->cmds->query(global_cib, NULL, &input, cib_sync_call | cib_scope_local); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), "Could not get local CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } data_set->input = input; get_date(data_set, true, options.use_date); if(options.xml_file) { set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized); } set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout); cluster_status(data_set); if (quiet == FALSE) { int opts = options.print_pending ? pe_print_pending : 0; if (is_set(data_set->flags, pe_flag_maintenance_mode)) { quiet_log("\n *** Resource management is DISABLED ***"); quiet_log("\n The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services"); quiet_log("\n"); } if (data_set->disabled_resources || data_set->blocked_resources) { quiet_log("%d of %d resource instances DISABLED and %d BLOCKED " "from further action due to failure\n", data_set->disabled_resources, data_set->ninstances, data_set->blocked_resources); } quiet_log("\nCurrent cluster status:\n"); print_cluster_status(data_set, opts); } if (options.modified) { quiet_log("Performing requested modifications\n"); modify_configuration(data_set, global_cib, options.quorum, options.watchdog, options.node_up, options.node_down, options.node_fail, options.op_inject, options.ticket_grant, options.ticket_revoke, options.ticket_standby, options.ticket_activate); rc = global_cib->cmds->query(global_cib, NULL, &input, cib_sync_call); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), "Could not get modified CIB: %s", pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } cleanup_calculations(data_set); data_set->input = input; get_date(data_set, true, options.use_date); if(options.xml_file) { set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_sanitized); } set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout); cluster_status(data_set); } if (options.input_file != NULL) { rc = write_xml_file(input, options.input_file, FALSE); if (rc < 0) { rc = pcmk_legacy2rc(rc); g_set_error(&error, G_OPTION_ERROR, pcmk_rc2exitc(rc), "Could not create '%s': %s", options.input_file, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); goto done; } } if (options.process || options.simulate) { crm_time_t *local_date = NULL; if (show_scores && show_utilization) { printf("Allocation scores and utilization information:\n"); } else if (show_scores) { fprintf(stdout, "Allocation scores:\n"); } else if (show_utilization) { printf("Utilization information:\n"); } pcmk__schedule_actions(data_set, input, local_date); input = NULL; /* Don't try and free it twice */ if (options.graph_file != NULL) { write_xml_file(data_set->graph, options.graph_file, FALSE); } if (options.dot_file != NULL) { if (!create_dotfile(data_set, options.dot_file, options.all_actions, &error)) { goto done; } } if (quiet == FALSE) { GListPtr gIter = NULL; quiet_log("%sTransition Summary:\n", show_scores || show_utilization || options.modified ? "\n" : ""); fflush(stdout); LogNodeActions(data_set, TRUE); for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) { pe_resource_t *rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data; LogActions(rsc, data_set, TRUE); } } } rc = pcmk_rc_ok; if (options.simulate) { if (run_simulation(data_set, global_cib, options.op_fail, quiet) != pcmk_rc_ok) { rc = pcmk_rc_error; } if(quiet == FALSE) { get_date(data_set, true, options.use_date); quiet_log("\nRevised cluster status:\n"); set_bit(data_set->flags, pe_flag_stdout); cluster_status(data_set); print_cluster_status(data_set, 0); } } done: if (error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error->message); g_clear_error(&error); } /* There sure is a lot to free in options. */ free(options.dot_file); free(options.graph_file); g_free(options.input_file); g_list_free_full(options.node_up, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.node_down, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.node_fail, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.op_fail, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.op_inject, g_free); g_free(options.output_file); free(options.quorum); g_free(options.test_dir); g_list_free_full(options.ticket_grant, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.ticket_revoke, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.ticket_standby, g_free); g_list_free_full(options.ticket_activate, g_free); free(options.use_date); free(options.watchdog); free(options.xml_file); pcmk__free_arg_context(context); g_strfreev(processed_args); if (data_set) { pe_free_working_set(data_set); } if (global_cib) { global_cib->cmds->signoff(global_cib); cib_delete(global_cib); } fflush(stderr); if (temp_shadow) { unlink(temp_shadow); free(temp_shadow); } crm_exit(pcmk_rc2exitc(rc)); }