diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index 8b1645817b..b343ce820c 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -1,126 +1,131 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Beekhof
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 -include Makefile
 PACKAGE		?= pacemaker
 # Force 'make dist' to be consistent with 'make export' 
 #distdir		= $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
 distdir			= $(PACKAGE)
 TARFILE			= $(distdir).tar.bz2
 LAST_RELEASE		= Pacemaker-1.0.7
 STABLE_SERIES		= stable-1.0
 RPM_ROOT	= $(shell pwd)
 RPM_OPTS	= --define "_sourcedir $(RPM_ROOT)" 	\
 		  --define "_specdir   $(RPM_ROOT)" 	\
 		  --define "_srcrpmdir $(RPM_ROOT)" 	\
 # Default to fedora compliant spec files
 # SLES:     /etc/SuSE-release
 # openSUSE: /etc/SuSE-release
 # RHEL:     /etc/redhat-release
 # Fedora:   /etc/fedora-release, /etc/redhat-release, /etc/system-release
 getdistro = $(shell test -e /etc/SuSE-release || echo fedora; test -e /etc/SuSE-release && echo suse)
 DISTRO ?= $(call getdistro)
+TAG    ?= tip
 	rm -f $(TARFILE)
-	hg archive -t tbz2 $(TARFILE)
+	hg archive -t tbz2 -r $(TAG) $(TARFILE)
 	echo `date`: Rebuilt $(TARFILE)
 pacemaker-fedora.spec: pacemaker.spec
 	cp $(PACKAGE).spec $(PACKAGE)-$(DISTRO).spec
 	@echo Rebuilt $@
+pacemaker-epel.spec: pacemaker.spec
+	cp $(PACKAGE).spec $(PACKAGE)-$(DISTRO).spec
+	@echo Rebuilt $@
 pacemaker-suse.spec: pacemaker.spec
 	cp $(PACKAGE).spec $@
 	sed -i.sed s:%{_docdir}/%{name}:%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:corosynclib:libcorosync:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:pacemaker-libs:libpacemaker3:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:heartbeat-libs:heartbeat:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:cluster-glue-libs:libglue:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:libselinux-devel::g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:lm_sensors-devel::g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:Development/Libraries:Development/Libraries/C\ and\ C++:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:System\ Environment/Daemons:Productivity/Clustering/HA:g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:lm_sensors-devel::g $@
 	sed -i.sed s:bzip2-devel:libbz2-devel:g $@
 	@echo Rebuilt $@
 srpm:	export $(PACKAGE)-$(DISTRO).spec
 	rm -f *.src.rpm
 	rpmbuild -bs --define "dist .$(DISTRO)" $(RPM_OPTS) $(PACKAGE)-$(DISTRO).spec
 rpm:	srpm
 	@echo To create custom builds, edit the flags and options in $(PACKAGE)-$(DISTRO).spec first
 	rpmbuild --rebuild $(RPM_ROOT)/*.src.rpm
 mock:   srpm
 	-rm -rf $(RPM_ROOT)/mock
 	mock --root=fedora-12-x86_64 --resultdir=$(RPM_ROOT)/mock --rebuild $(RPM_ROOT)/*.src.rpm
 	hg commit -m "DO-NOT-PUSH"
 	make mock
 	hg rollback
 	echo To make create custom builds, edit the configure flags in debian/rules first
 	dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc 
 global: clean-generic
 	gtags -q
 global-html: global
 	htags -sanhIT
 global-www: global-html
 	rsync -avzxlSD --progress HTML/ root@clusterlabs.org:/var/lib/global/pacemaker
 	@printf "$(PACKAGE) ($(VERSION)-1) stable; urgency=medium\n"
 	@printf "  * Update source tarball to revision: `hg id`\n"
 	@printf "  * Statistics:\n"
 	@printf "      Changesets: `hg log -M --template "{desc|firstline|strip}\n" -r $(LAST_RELEASE):tip | wc -l`\n"
 	@printf "      Diff:           "
 	@hg diff -r $(LAST_RELEASE):tip | diffstat | tail -n 1
 	@printf "\n  * Testing Notes:\n"
 	@printf "\n  + Test hardware:\n"
 	@printf "\n  + All testing was performed with STONITH enabled\n"
 	@printf "\n  + Pending bugs encountered during testing:\n"
 	@printf "\n  * Changes since $(LAST_RELEASE)\n"
 	@hg log -M --template "  + {desc|firstline|strip}\n" -r $(LAST_RELEASE):tip | grep -v -e Dev: -e Low: | sort -uf 
 	@printf "\n -- Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de>  `date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T %z"`\n"
 	@printf "$(PACKAGE) ($(VERSION)-1) unstable; urgency=medium\n"
 	@printf "  * Update source tarball to revision: `hg id`\n"
 	@printf "  * Statistics:\n"
 	@printf "      Changesets: `hg out -M --template "{desc|firstline|strip}\n" ../$(STABLE_SERIES) | wc -l`\n"
 	@printf "      Diff:           "
 	@hg out -M -p ../$(STABLE_SERIES) | diffstat | tail -n 1
 	@printf "\n  * Changes added since $(STABLE_SERIES)\n"
 	@hg out -M --template "  + {desc|firstline|strip}\n" ../$(STABLE_SERIES) | grep -v -e Dev: -e Low: | sort -uf 
 	@printf "\n -- Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de>  `date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T %z"`\n"
 rel-tags: tags
 	find . -name TAGS -exec sed -i.sed 's:\(.*\)/\(.*\)/TAGS:\2/TAGS:g' \{\} \;