diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/pcs-crmsh.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/pcs-crmsh.rst index 7eb9720f27..06fb24fb31 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/pcs-crmsh.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/pcs-crmsh.rst @@ -1,444 +1,444 @@ Quick Comparison of pcs and crm shell ------------------------------------- ``pcs`` and ``crm shell`` are two popular higher-level command-line interfaces to Pacemaker. Each has its own syntax; this chapter gives a quick comparion of how to accomplish the same tasks using either one. Some examples also show the -equivalent command using low-level Pacmaker command-line tools. +equivalent command using low-level Pacemaker command-line tools. These examples show the simplest syntax; see the respective man pages for all possible options. Show Cluster Configuration and Status ##################################### .. topic:: Show Configuration (Raw XML) .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show xml pcs # pcs cluster cib pacemaker # cibadmin -Q .. topic:: Show Configuration (Human-friendly) .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show pcs # pcs config .. topic:: Show Cluster Status .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm status pcs # pcs status pacemaker # crm_mon -1 Manage Nodes ############ .. topic:: Put node "pcmk-1" in standby mode .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm node standby pcmk-1 pcs-0.9 # pcs cluster standby pcmk-1 pcs-0.10 # pcs node standby pcmk-1 pacemaker # crm_standby -N pcmk-1 -v on .. topic:: Remove node "pcmk-1" from standby mode .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm node online pcmk-1 pcs-0.9 # pcs cluster unstandby pcmk-1 pcs-0.10 # pcs node unstandby pcmk-1 pacemaker # crm_standby -N pcmk-1 -v off Manage Cluster Properties ######################### .. topic:: Set the "stonith-enabled" cluster property to "false" .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure property stonith-enabled=false pcs # pcs property set stonith-enabled=false pacemaker # crm_attribute -n stonith-enabled -v false Show Resource Agent Information ############################### .. topic:: List Resource Agent (RA) Classes .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm ra classes pcs # pcs resource standards pacmaker # crm_resource --list-standards .. topic:: List Available Resource Agents (RAs) by Standard .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm ra list ocf pcs # pcs resource agents ocf pacemaker # crm_resource --list-agents ocf .. topic:: List Available Resource Agents (RAs) by OCF Provider .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm ra list ocf pacemaker pcs # pcs resource agents ocf:pacemaker pacemaker # crm_resource --list-agents ocf:pacemaker .. topic:: List Available Resource Agent Parameters .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm ra info IPaddr2 pcs # pcs resource describe IPaddr2 pacemaker # crm_resource --show-metadata ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 You can also use the full ``class:provider:type`` format with crmsh and pcs if multiple RAs with the same name are available. .. topic:: Show Available Fence Agent Parameters .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm ra info stonith:fence_ipmilan pcs # pcs stonith describe fence_ipmilan Manage Resources ################ .. topic:: Create a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure primitive ClusterIP IPaddr2 params ip= cidr_netmask=24 pcs # pcs resource create ClusterIP IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 Both crmsh and pcs determine the standard and provider (``ocf:heartbeat``) automatically since ``IPaddr2`` is unique, and automatically create operations (including monitor) based on the agent's meta-data. .. topic:: Show Configuration of All Resources .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show pcs-0.9 # pcs resource show --full pcs-0.10 # pcs resource config .. topic:: Show Configuration of One Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show ClusterIP pcs-0.9 # pcs resource show ClusterIP pcs-0.10 # pcs resource config ClusterIP .. topic:: Show Configuration of Fencing Resources .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource status pcs-0.9 # pcs stonith show --full pcs-0.10 # pcs stonith config .. topic:: Start a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource start ClusterIP pcs # pcs resource enable ClusterIP pacemaker # crm_resource -r ClusterIP --set-parameter target-role --meta -v Started .. topic:: Stop a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource stop ClusterIP pcs # pcs resource disable ClusterIP pacemaker # crm_resource -r ClusterIP --set-parameter target-role --meta -v Stopped .. topic:: Remove a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure delete ClusterIP pcs # pcs resource delete ClusterIP .. topic:: Modify a Resource's Instance Parameters .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource param ClusterIP set clusterip_hash=sourceip pcs # pcs resource update ClusterIP clusterip_hash=sourceip pacemaker # crm_resource -r ClusterIP --set-parameter clusterip_hash -v sourceip crmsh also has an `edit` command which edits the simplified CIB syntax (same commands as the command line) via a configurable text editor. .. topic:: Modify a Resource's Instance Parameters Interactively .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure edit ClusterIP Using the interactive shell mode of crmsh, multiple changes can be edited and verified before committing to the live configuration: .. topic:: Make Multiple Configuration Changes Interactively .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure crmsh # edit crmsh # verify crmsh # commit .. topic:: Delete a Resource's Instance Parameters .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource param ClusterIP delete nic pcs # pcs resource update ClusterIP nic= pacemaker # crm_resource -r ClusterIP --delete-parameter nic .. topic:: List Current Resource Defaults .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show type:rsc_defaults pcs # pcs resource defaults pacemaker # cibadmin -Q --scope rsc_defaults .. topic:: Set Resource Defaults .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure rsc_defaults resource-stickiness=100 pcs # pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=100 .. topic:: List Current Operation Defaults .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show type:op_defaults pcs # pcs resource op defaults pacemaker # cibadmin -Q --scope op_defaults .. topic:: Set Operation Defaults .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure op_defaults timeout=240s pcs # pcs resource op defaults timeout=240s .. topic:: Enable Resource Agent Tracing for a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource trace Website .. topic:: Clear Fail Counts for a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource cleanup Website pcs # pcs resource cleanup Website pacemaker # crm_resource --cleanup -r Website .. topic:: Create a Clone Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure clone WebIP ClusterIP meta globally-unique=true clone-max=2 clone-node-max=2 pcs # pcs resource clone ClusterIP globally-unique=true clone-max=2 clone-node-max=2 .. topic:: Create a Promotable Clone Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure ms WebDataClone WebData \ meta master-max=1 master-node-max=1 \ clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true crmsh # crm configure clone WebDataClone WebData \ meta promotable=true \ promoted-max=1 promoted-node-max=1 \ clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true pcs-0.9 # pcs resource master WebDataClone WebData \ master-max=1 master-node-max=1 \ clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true pcs-0.10 # pcs resource promotable WebData WebDataClone \ promoted-max=1 promoted-node-max=1 \ clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true crmsh supports both ways ('configure ms' is deprecated) to configure promotable clone since crmsh 4.4.0. pcs will generate the clone name automatically if it is omitted from the command line. Manage Constraints ################## .. topic:: Create a Colocation Constraint .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure colocation website-with-ip INFINITY: WebSite ClusterIP pcs # pcs constraint colocation add ClusterIP with WebSite INFINITY .. topic:: Create a Colocation Constraint Based on Role .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure colocation another-ip-with-website inf: AnotherIP WebSite:Master pcs # pcs constraint colocation add Started AnotherIP with Promoted WebSite INFINITY .. topic:: Create an Ordering Constraint .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure order apache-after-ip mandatory: ClusterIP WebSite pcs # pcs constraint order ClusterIP then WebSite .. topic:: Create an Ordering Constraint Based on Role .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure order ip-after-website Mandatory: WebSite:Master AnotherIP pcs # pcs constraint order promote WebSite then start AnotherIP .. topic:: Create a Location Constraint .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure location prefer-pcmk-1 WebSite 50: pcmk-1 pcs # pcs constraint location WebSite prefers pcmk-1=50 .. topic:: Create a Location Constraint Based on Role .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure location prefer-pcmk-1 WebSite rule role=Master 50: \#uname eq pcmk-1 pcs # pcs constraint location WebSite rule role=Promoted 50 \#uname eq pcmk-1 .. topic:: Move a Resource to a Specific Node (by Creating a Location Constraint) .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource move WebSite pcmk-1 pcs # pcs resource move WebSite pcmk-1 pacemaker # crm_resource -r WebSite --move -N pcmk-1 .. topic:: Move a Resource Away from Its Current Node (by Creating a Location Constraint) .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource ban Website pcmk-2 pcs # pcs resource ban Website pcmk-2 pacemaker # crm_resource -r WebSite --move .. topic:: Remove any Constraints Created by Moving a Resource .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm resource unmove WebSite pcs # pcs resource clear WebSite pacemaker # crm_resource -r WebSite --clear Advanced Configuration ###################### Manipulate Configuration Elements by Type _________________________________________ .. topic:: List Constraints with IDs .. code-block:: none pcs # pcs constraint list --full .. topic:: Remove Constraint by ID .. code-block:: none pcs # pcs constraint remove cli-ban-Website-on-pcmk-1 crmsh # crm configure remove cli-ban-Website-on-pcmk-1 crmsh's `show` and `edit` commands can be used to manage resources and constraints by type: .. topic:: Show Configuration Elements .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure show type:primitive crmsh # crm configure edit type:colocation Batch Changes _____________ .. topic:: Make Multiple Changes and Apply Together .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm crmsh # cib new drbd_cfg crmsh # configure primitive WebData ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource=wwwdata \ op monitor interval=60s crmsh # configure ms WebDataClone WebData meta master-max=1 master-node-max=1 \ clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true crmsh # cib commit drbd_cfg crmsh # quit pcs # pcs cluster cib drbd_cfg pcs # pcs -f drbd_cfg resource create WebData ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=wwwdata \ op monitor interval=60s pcs-0.9 # pcs -f drbd_cfg resource master WebDataClone WebData \ master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true pcs-0.10 # pcs -f drbd_cfg resource promotable WebData WebDataClone \ promoted-max=1 promoted-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true pcs # pcs cluster cib-push drbd_cfg Template Creation _________________ .. topic:: Create Resource Template Based on Existing Primitives of Same Type .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm configure assist template ClusterIP AdminIP Log Analysis ____________ .. topic:: Show Information About Recent Cluster Events .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm history crmsh # peinputs crmsh # transition pe-input-10 crmsh # transition log pe-input-10 Configuration Scripts _____________________ .. topic:: Script Multiple-step Cluster Configurations .. code-block:: none crmsh # crm script show apache crmsh # crm script run apache \ id=WebSite \ install=true \ virtual-ip:ip= \ database:id=WebData \ database:install=true