diff --git a/cts/watcher.py b/cts/watcher.py index 5e6ee43d72..41e4100cbd 100644 --- a/cts/watcher.py +++ b/cts/watcher.py @@ -1,546 +1,549 @@ ''' Classes related to searching logs ''' __copyright__=''' Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Beekhof Licensed under the GNU GPL. ''' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import types, string, select, sys, time, re, os, struct, signal import time, syslog, random, traceback, base64, pickle, binascii, fcntl import threading from cts.remote import * from cts.logging import * has_log_watcher = {} -log_watcher_bin = CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_DIR + "/cts_log_watcher.py" +log_watcher_file = "cts_log_watcher.py" +log_watcher_bin = CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_DIR + "/" + log_watcher_file log_watcher = """ import sys, os, fcntl ''' Remote logfile reader for CTS Reads a specified number of lines from the supplied offset Returns the current offset Contains logic for handling truncation ''' limit = 0 offset = 0 prefix = '' filename = '/var/log/messages' skipthis=None args=sys.argv[1:] for i in range(0, len(args)): if skipthis: skipthis=None continue elif args[i] == '-l' or args[i] == '--limit': skipthis=1 limit = int(args[i+1]) elif args[i] == '-f' or args[i] == '--filename': skipthis=1 filename = args[i+1] elif args[i] == '-o' or args[i] == '--offset': skipthis=1 offset = args[i+1] elif args[i] == '-p' or args[i] == '--prefix': skipthis=1 prefix = args[i+1] elif args[i] == '-t' or args[i] == '--tag': skipthis=1 if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): print prefix + 'Last read: %d, limit=%d, count=%d - unreadable' % (0, limit, 0) sys.exit(1) logfile=open(filename, 'r') logfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) newsize=logfile.tell() if offset != 'EOF': offset = int(offset) if newsize >= offset: logfile.seek(offset) else: print prefix + ('File truncated from %d to %d' % (offset, newsize)) if (newsize*1.05) < offset: logfile.seek(0) # else: we probably just lost a few logs after a fencing op # continue from the new end # TODO: accept a timestamp and discard all messages older than it # Don't block when we reach EOF fcntl.fcntl(logfile.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) count = 0 while True: if logfile.tell() >= newsize: break elif limit and count >= limit: break line = logfile.readline() if not line: break print line.strip() count += 1 print prefix + 'Last read: %d, limit=%d, count=%d' % (logfile.tell(), limit, count) logfile.close() """ class SearchObj: def __init__(self, filename, host=None, name=None): self.limit = None self.cache = [] self.logger = LogFactory() self.host = host self.name = name self.filename = filename self.rsh = RemoteFactory().getInstance() self.offset = "EOF" if host == None: host = "localhost" def __str__(self): if self.host: return "%s:%s" % (self.host, self.filename) return self.filename def log(self, args): message = "lw: %s: %s" % (self, args) self.logger.log(message) def debug(self, args): message = "lw: %s: %s" % (self, args) self.logger.debug(message) def harvest(self, delegate=None): async = self.harvest_async(delegate) async.join() def harvest_async(self, delegate=None): self.log("Not implemented") raise def end(self): self.debug("Unsetting the limit") # Unset the limit self.limit = None class FileObj(SearchObj): def __init__(self, filename, host=None, name=None): global has_log_watcher SearchObj.__init__(self, filename, host, name) if not has_log_watcher.has_key(host): global log_watcher global log_watcher_bin - self.debug("Installing %s on %s" % (log_watcher_bin, host)) + self.debug("Installing %s on %s" % (log_watcher_file, host)) - os.system("cat << END >> %s\n%s\nEND" %(log_watcher_bin, log_watcher)) - os.system("chmod 755 %s" %(log_watcher_bin)) + os.system("cat << END >> %s\n%s\nEND" %(log_watcher_file, log_watcher)) + os.system("chmod 755 %s" %(log_watcher_file)) - self.rsh.cp(log_watcher_bin, "root@%s:%s" % (host, log_watcher_bin)) + self.rsh.cp(log_watcher_file, "root@%s:%s" % (host, log_watcher_bin)) has_log_watcher[host] = 1 + os.system("rm -f %s" %(log_watcher_file)) + self.harvest() def async_complete(self, pid, returncode, outLines, errLines): for line in outLines: match = re.search("^CTSwatcher:Last read: (\d+)", line) if match: last_offset = self.offset self.offset = match.group(1) #if last_offset == "EOF": self.debug("Got %d lines, new offset: %s" % (len(outLines), self.offset)) self.debug("Got %d lines, new offset: %s %s" % (len(outLines), self.offset, repr(self.delegate))) elif re.search("^CTSwatcher:.*truncated", line): self.log(line) elif re.search("^CTSwatcher:", line): self.debug("Got control line: "+ line) else: self.cache.append(line) if self.delegate: self.delegate.async_complete(pid, returncode, self.cache, errLines) def harvest_async(self, delegate=None): self.delegate = delegate self.cache = [] if self.limit != None and self.offset > self.limit: if self.delegate: self.delegate.async_complete(-1, -1, [], []) return None global log_watcher_bin return self.rsh.call_async(self.host, "python %s -t %s -p CTSwatcher: -l 200 -f %s -o %s -t %s" % (log_watcher_bin, self.name, self.filename, self.offset, self.name), completionDelegate=self) def setend(self): if self.limit: return global log_watcher_bin (rc, lines) = self.rsh(self.host, "python %s -t %s -p CTSwatcher: -l 2 -f %s -o %s -t %s" % (log_watcher_bin, self.name, self.filename, "EOF", self.name), None, silent=True) for line in lines: match = re.search("^CTSwatcher:Last read: (\d+)", line) if match: last_offset = self.offset self.limit = int(match.group(1)) #if last_offset == "EOF": self.debug("Got %d lines, new offset: %s" % (len(lines), self.offset)) self.debug("Set limit to: %d" % self.limit) return class JournalObj(SearchObj): def __init__(self, host=None, name=None): SearchObj.__init__(self, name, host, name) self.harvest() def async_complete(self, pid, returncode, outLines, errLines): #self.log( "%d returned on %s" % (pid, self.host)) foundCursor = False for line in outLines: match = re.search("^-- cursor: ([^.]+)", line) if match: foundCursor = True last_offset = self.offset self.offset = match.group(1).strip() self.debug("Got %d lines, new cursor: %s" % (len(outLines), self.offset)) else: self.cache.append(line) if self.limit and not foundCursor: self.hitLimit = True self.debug("Got %d lines but no cursor: %s" % (len(outLines), self.offset)) # Get the current cursor (rc, outLines) = self.rsh(self.host, "journalctl -q -n 0 --show-cursor", stdout=None, silent=True, synchronous=True) for line in outLines: match = re.search("^-- cursor: ([^.]+)", line) if match: last_offset = self.offset self.offset = match.group(1).strip() self.debug("Got %d lines, new cursor: %s" % (len(outLines), self.offset)) else: self.log("Not a new cursor: %s" % line) self.cache.append(line) if self.delegate: self.delegate.async_complete(pid, returncode, self.cache, errLines) def harvest_async(self, delegate=None): self.delegate = delegate self.cache = [] # Use --lines to prevent journalctl from overflowing the Popen input buffer if self.limit and self.hitLimit: return None elif self.limit: command = "journalctl -q --after-cursor='%s' --until '%s' --lines=200 --show-cursor" % (self.offset, self.limit) else: command = "journalctl -q --after-cursor='%s' --lines=200 --show-cursor" % (self.offset) if self.offset == "EOF": command = "journalctl -q -n 0 --show-cursor" return self.rsh.call_async(self.host, command, completionDelegate=self) def setend(self): if self.limit: return self.hitLimit = False (rc, lines) = self.rsh(self.host, "date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'", stdout=None, silent=True) for line in lines: self.limit = line.strip() self.debug("Set limit to: %s" % self.limit) return class LogWatcher(RemoteExec): '''This class watches logs for messages that fit certain regular expressions. Watching logs for events isn't the ideal way to do business, but it's better than nothing :-) On the other hand, this class is really pretty cool ;-) The way you use this class is as follows: Construct a LogWatcher object Call setwatch() when you want to start watching the log Call look() to scan the log looking for the patterns ''' def __init__(self, log, regexes, name="Anon", timeout=10, debug_level=None, silent=False, hosts=None, kind=None): '''This is the constructor for the LogWatcher class. It takes a log name to watch, and a list of regular expressions to watch for." ''' self.logger = LogFactory() self.name = name self.regexes = regexes self.debug_level = debug_level self.whichmatch = -1 self.unmatched = None self.cache_lock = threading.Lock() self.file_list = [] self.line_cache = [] # Validate our arguments. Better sooner than later ;-) for regex in regexes: assert re.compile(regex) if kind: self.kind = kind else: raise self.kind = self.Env["LogWatcher"] if log: self.filename = log else: raise self.filename = self.Env["LogFileName"] if hosts: self.hosts = hosts else: raise self.hosts = self.Env["nodes"] if trace_lw: self.debug_level = 3 silent = False if not silent: for regex in self.regexes: self.debug("Looking for regex: "+regex) self.Timeout = int(timeout) self.returnonlymatch = None def debug(self, args): message = "lw: %s: %s" % (self.name, args) self.logger.debug(message) def setwatch(self): '''Mark the place to start watching the log from. ''' if self.kind == "remote": for node in self.hosts: self.file_list.append(FileObj(self.filename, node, self.name)) elif self.kind == "journal": for node in self.hosts: self.file_list.append(JournalObj(node, self.name)) else: self.file_list.append(FileObj(self.filename)) # print "%s now has %d files" % (self.name, len(self.file_list)) def __del__(self): if self.debug_level > 1: self.debug("Destroy") def ReturnOnlyMatch(self, onlymatch=1): '''Specify one or more subgroups of the match to return rather than the whole string http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/lib/match-objects.html ''' self.returnonlymatch = onlymatch def async_complete(self, pid, returncode, outLines, errLines): # TODO: Probably need a lock for updating self.line_cache self.logger.debug("%s: Got %d lines from %d (total %d)" % (self.name, len(outLines), pid, len(self.line_cache))) if len(outLines): self.cache_lock.acquire() self.line_cache.extend(outLines) self.cache_lock.release() def __get_lines(self, timeout): count=0 if not len(self.file_list): raise ValueError("No sources to read from") pending = [] #print "%s waiting for %d operations" % (self.name, self.pending) for f in self.file_list: t = f.harvest_async(self) if t: pending.append(t) for t in pending: t.join(60.0) if t.isAlive(): self.logger.log("%s: Aborting after 20s waiting for %s logging commands" % (self.name, repr(t))) return #print "Got %d lines" % len(self.line_cache) def end(self): for f in self.file_list: f.end() def look(self, timeout=None, silent=False): '''Examine the log looking for the given patterns. It starts looking from the place marked by setwatch(). This function looks in the file in the fashion of tail -f. It properly recovers from log file truncation, but not from removing and recreating the log. It would be nice if it recovered from this as well :-) We return the first line which matches any of our patterns. ''' if timeout == None: timeout = self.Timeout if trace_lw: silent = False lines=0 needlines=True begin=time.time() end=begin+timeout+1 if self.debug_level > 2: self.debug("starting single search: timeout=%d, begin=%d, end=%d" % (timeout, begin, end)) if not self.regexes: self.debug("Nothing to look for") return None if timeout == 0: for f in self.file_list: f.setend() while True: if len(self.line_cache): lines += 1 self.cache_lock.acquire() line = self.line_cache[0] self.line_cache.remove(line) self.cache_lock.release() which=-1 if re.search("CTS:", line): continue if self.debug_level > 2: self.debug("Processing: "+ line) for regex in self.regexes: which=which+1 if self.debug_level > 3: self.debug("Comparing line to: "+ regex) #matchobj = re.search(string.lower(regex), string.lower(line)) matchobj = re.search(regex, line) if matchobj: self.whichmatch=which if self.returnonlymatch: return matchobj.group(self.returnonlymatch) else: self.debug("Matched: "+line) if self.debug_level > 1: self.debug("With: "+ regex) return line elif timeout > 0 and end < time.time(): if self.debug_level > 1: self.debug("hit timeout: %d" % timeout) timeout = 0 for f in self.file_list: f.setend() else: self.__get_lines(timeout) if len(self.line_cache) == 0 and end < time.time(): self.debug("Single search terminated: start=%d, end=%d, now=%d, lines=%d" % (begin, end, time.time(), lines)) return None else: self.debug("Waiting: start=%d, end=%d, now=%d, lines=%d" % (begin, end, time.time(), len(self.line_cache))) time.sleep(1) self.debug("How did we get here") return None def lookforall(self, timeout=None, allow_multiple_matches=None, silent=False): '''Examine the log looking for ALL of the given patterns. It starts looking from the place marked by setwatch(). We return when the timeout is reached, or when we have found ALL of the regexes that were part of the watch ''' if timeout == None: timeout = self.Timeout save_regexes = self.regexes returnresult = [] if trace_lw: silent = False if not silent: self.debug("starting search: timeout=%d" % timeout) for regex in self.regexes: if self.debug_level > 2: self.debug("Looking for regex: "+regex) while (len(self.regexes) > 0): oneresult = self.look(timeout) if not oneresult: self.unmatched = self.regexes self.matched = returnresult self.regexes = save_regexes self.end() return None returnresult.append(oneresult) if not allow_multiple_matches: del self.regexes[self.whichmatch] else: # Allow multiple regexes to match a single line tmp_regexes = self.regexes self.regexes = [] which = 0 for regex in tmp_regexes: matchobj = re.search(regex, oneresult) if not matchobj: self.regexes.append(regex) self.unmatched = None self.matched = returnresult self.regexes = save_regexes return returnresult