diff --git a/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp b/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp
index edcdda6b34..b7a90934ce 100644
--- a/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp
+++ b/cts/cli/regression.crm_mon.exp
@@ -1,3118 +1,3118 @@
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output without node section =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output without node section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output without node section
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output without the node section =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output without the node section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output without the node section
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output with only the node section =#=#=#=
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Text output with only the node section - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output with only the node section
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output with detail =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started cluster02
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: mysql-group:2:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:3:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:4:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01 (1)
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output with detail - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output with detail
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active cluster01
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* 1/1 (lsb:exim): Active cluster02
* 1/1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Active cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output grouped by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Node cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started
* Node cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started
* Email (lsb:exim): Started
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-0@: OFFLINE:
* Resources:
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-1@: OFFLINE:
* Resources:
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-2@: OFFLINE:
* Resources:
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output grouped by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Node cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (lsb:mysql-proxy): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Active
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active
* Node cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (lsb:exim): Active
* 1 (lsb:mysql-proxy): Active
* 1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Active
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output grouped by node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output grouped by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output grouped by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (16) stop
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by tag =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* dummy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (18) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
Negative Location Constraints:
* not-on-cluster1 prevents dummy from running on cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by tag =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by resource tag =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster01:
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by resource tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by resource tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by resource tag =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by resource tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by resource tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Active Resources:
* No active resources
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Started: [ cluster02 ]
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by primitive resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster01:
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (19) monitor: interval="60000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by primitive resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by group resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Email: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by group resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by group resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by group resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by group resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by group resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by group resource member =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Resource Group: exim-group:
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* Public-IP: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by group resource member - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by group resource member
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by group resource member =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by group resource member - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by group resource member
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by clone resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by clone resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by clone resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01:
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by clone resource instance =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (11) start
* (12) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (17) start
* (18) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Active Resources:
* No active resources
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[1]
* httpd-bundle-docker-1 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundled container =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundled container - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundled container
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd-bundle-0 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundle connection =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundle connection - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundle connection
=#=#=#= Begin test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* Replica[0]
* httpd (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Replica[1]
* httpd (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
* Replica[2]
* httpd (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
=#=#=#= End test: Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: mysql-group:2:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:3:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:4:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: mysql-group:2:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:3:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:4:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
* Resource Group: mysql-group:2:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:3:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
* Resource Group: mysql-group:4:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Stopped
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (2) (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 (1) cluster02 (2) ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group]:
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1:
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* location : office
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02 (2):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* Node: cluster01 (1):
* mysql-proxy: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
=#=#=#= End test: Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 13 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Active Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* dummy-1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* dummy-2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: XML output of partially active resources =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: XML output of partially active resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - XML output of partially active resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 13 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster02 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* dummy-1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02
* dummy-2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 13 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* GuestOnline: [ httpd-bundle-0@cluster02 httpd-bundle-1@cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* 1/1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active cluster01
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster02 ]
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* 1/2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* dummy-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Node: cluster01:
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 13 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Node cluster01: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Active
* 1 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Active
* 1 (stonith:fence_xvm): Active
* Node cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Active
* 1 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Active
* 1 (ocf::pacemaker:remote): Active
* GuestNode httpd-bundle-0@cluster02: online:
* Resources:
* 1 (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Active
Inactive Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Stopped: [ cluster02 ]
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started cluster02
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped cluster01
* Resource Group: partially-active-group:
* 1/2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Active cluster02
Node Attributes:
* Node: cluster01:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* pingd : 1000
* Node: cluster02:
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-0: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* dummy-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* Node: cluster01:
* Fencing: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (15) start
* (20) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* ping: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="10000ms"
* httpd-bundle-ip- migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-docker-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="60000ms"
* httpd-bundle-1: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (2) start
* (3) monitor: interval="30000ms"
* Node: httpd-bundle-0@cluster02:
* httpd: migration-threshold=1000000:
* (1) start
=#=#=#= End test: Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 4 nodes configured
* 13 resource instances configured (1 DISABLED)
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping]:
* Started: [ cluster01 ]
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http]:
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped cluster01
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node =#=#=#=
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node
=#=#=#= Begin test: Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled =#=#=#=
Cluster Summary:
* Stack: corosync
* Current DC: cluster02 (version) - partition with quorum
* Last updated:
* Last change:
* 5 nodes configured
* 27 resource instances configured (4 DISABLED)
*** Resource management is DISABLED ***
The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services
Node List:
* Online: [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
Full List of Resources:
* Clone Set: ping-clone [ping] (unmanaged):
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* ping (ocf::pacemaker:ping): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* Fencing (stonith:fence_xvm): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
* dummy (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Clone Set: inactive-clone [inactive-dhcpd] (unmanaged) (disabled):
* Stopped (disabled): [ cluster01 cluster02 ]
* Resource Group: inactive-group (unmanaged) (disabled):
* inactive-dummy-1 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled, unmanaged)
* inactive-dummy-2 (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Stopped (disabled, unmanaged)
* Container bundle set: httpd-bundle [pcmk:http] (unmanaged):
* httpd-bundle-0 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped (unmanaged)
* httpd-bundle-1 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped (unmanaged)
* httpd-bundle-2 ( (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped (unmanaged)
* Resource Group: exim-group (unmanaged):
* Public-IP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Email (lsb:exim): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Clone Set: mysql-clone-group [mysql-group] (unmanaged):
* Resource Group: mysql-group:0 (unmanaged):
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster02 (unmanaged)
* Resource Group: mysql-group:1 (unmanaged):
* mysql-proxy (lsb:mysql-proxy): Started cluster01 (unmanaged)
=#=#=#= End test: Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled - OK (0) =#=#=#=
* Passed: crm_mon - Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled
diff --git a/tools/crm_mon_print.c b/tools/crm_mon_print.c
index ce3e47c77a..1a085632e4 100644
--- a/tools/crm_mon_print.c
+++ b/tools/crm_mon_print.c
@@ -1,997 +1,997 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
#ifndef PCMK__CONFIG_H
# define PCMK__CONFIG_H
# include
#include "crm_mon.h"
static int print_rsc_history(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *rsc_entry, unsigned int mon_ops,
GListPtr op_list);
static int print_node_history(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *node_state, gboolean operations,
unsigned int mon_ops, GListPtr only_node, GListPtr only_rsc);
static gboolean add_extra_info(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_node_t * node, GListPtr rsc_list,
const char *attrname, int *expected_score);
static void print_node_attribute(gpointer name, gpointer user_data);
static int print_node_summary(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t * data_set,
gboolean operations, unsigned int mon_ops,
GListPtr only_node, GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer);
static int print_cluster_tickets(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t * data_set,
gboolean print_spacer);
static int print_neg_locations(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
unsigned int mon_ops, const char *prefix,
GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer);
static int print_node_attributes(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
unsigned int mon_ops, GListPtr only_node,
GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer);
static int print_failed_actions(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
GListPtr only_node, GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer);
static GListPtr
build_uname_list(pe_working_set_t *data_set, const char *s) {
GListPtr unames = NULL;
if (pcmk__str_eq(s, "*", pcmk__str_null_matches)) {
/* Nothing was given so return a list of all node names. Or, '*' was
* given. This would normally fall into the pe__unames_with_tag branch
* where it will return an empty list. Catch it here instead.
unames = g_list_prepend(unames, strdup("*"));
} else {
pe_node_t *node = pe_find_node(data_set->nodes, s);
if (node) {
/* The given string was a valid uname for a node. Return a
* singleton list containing just that uname.
unames = g_list_prepend(unames, strdup(s));
} else {
/* The given string was not a valid uname. It's either a tag or
* it's a typo or something. In the first case, we'll return a
* list of all the unames of the nodes with the given tag. In the
* second case, we'll return a NULL pointer and nothing will
* get displayed.
unames = pe__unames_with_tag(data_set, s);
return unames;
static GListPtr
build_rsc_list(pe_working_set_t *data_set, const char *s) {
GListPtr resources = NULL;
if (pcmk__str_eq(s, "*", pcmk__str_null_matches)) {
resources = g_list_prepend(resources, strdup("*"));
} else {
pe_resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource_with_flags(data_set->resources, s,
if (rsc) {
/* A colon in the name we were given means we're being asked to filter
* on a specific instance of a cloned resource. Put that exact string
* into the filter list. Otherwise, use the printable ID of whatever
* resource was found that matches what was asked for.
if (strstr(s, ":") != NULL) {
resources = g_list_prepend(resources, strdup(rsc->id));
} else {
resources = g_list_prepend(resources, strdup(rsc_printable_id(rsc)));
} else {
/* The given string was not a valid resource name. It's either
* a tag or it's a typo or something. See build_uname_list for
* more detail.
resources = pe__rscs_with_tag(data_set, s);
return resources;
static int
failure_count(pe_working_set_t *data_set, pe_node_t *node, pe_resource_t *rsc, time_t *last_failure) {
return rsc ? pe_get_failcount(node, rsc, last_failure, pe_fc_default,
NULL, data_set)
: 0;
static GListPtr
get_operation_list(xmlNode *rsc_entry) {
GListPtr op_list = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_op = NULL;
for (rsc_op = pcmk__xe_first_child(rsc_entry); rsc_op != NULL;
rsc_op = pcmk__xe_next(rsc_op)) {
const char *task = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
const char *interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(rsc_op,
const char *op_rc = crm_element_value(rsc_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC);
int op_rc_i = crm_parse_int(op_rc, "0");
/* Display 0-interval monitors as "probe" */
if (pcmk__str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, pcmk__str_casei)
&& pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_null_matches | pcmk__str_casei)) {
task = "probe";
/* Ignore notifies and some probes */
if (pcmk__str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_NOTIFY, pcmk__str_casei) || (pcmk__str_eq(task, "probe", pcmk__str_casei) && (op_rc_i == 7))) {
if (pcmk__str_eq((const char *)rsc_op->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, pcmk__str_none)) {
op_list = g_list_append(op_list, rsc_op);
op_list = g_list_sort(op_list, sort_op_by_callid);
return op_list;
* \internal
* \brief Print resource operation/failure history
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] node Node that ran this resource.
* \param[in] rsc_entry Root of XML tree describing resource status.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
* \param[in] op_list A list of operations to print.
static int
print_rsc_history(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set, pe_node_t *node,
xmlNode *rsc_entry, unsigned int mon_ops, GListPtr op_list)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID);
pe_resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id);
/* Print each operation */
for (gIter = op_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
xmlNode *xml_op = (xmlNode *) gIter->data;
const char *task = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
const char *interval_ms_s = crm_element_value(xml_op,
const char *op_rc = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_RC);
int op_rc_i = crm_parse_int(op_rc, "0");
/* Display 0-interval monitors as "probe" */
if (pcmk__str_eq(task, CRMD_ACTION_STATUS, pcmk__str_casei)
&& pcmk__str_eq(interval_ms_s, "0", pcmk__str_null_matches | pcmk__str_casei)) {
task = "probe";
/* If this is the first printed operation, print heading for resource */
if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) {
time_t last_failure = 0;
int failcount = failure_count(data_set, node, rsc, &last_failure);
out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_id, TRUE, failcount, last_failure, TRUE);
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
/* Print the operation */
out->message(out, "op-history", xml_op, task, interval_ms_s,
op_rc_i, pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_timing));
/* Free the list we created (no need to free the individual items) */
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Print node operation/failure history
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] node_state Root of XML tree describing node status.
* \param[in] operations Whether to print operations or just failcounts.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
static int
print_node_history(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
pe_node_t *node, xmlNode *node_state, gboolean operations,
unsigned int mon_ops, GListPtr only_node, GListPtr only_rsc)
xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL;
xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE);
lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(lrm_rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE);
/* Print history of each of the node's resources */
for (rsc_entry = pcmk__xe_first_child(lrm_rsc); rsc_entry != NULL;
rsc_entry = pcmk__xe_next(rsc_entry)) {
const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID);
pe_resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id);
if (!pcmk__str_eq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, pcmk__str_none)) {
/* We can't use is_filtered here to filter group resources. For is_filtered,
* we have to decide whether to check the parent or not. If we check the
* parent, all elements of a group will always be printed because that's how
* is_filtered works for groups. If we do not check the parent, sometimes
* this will filter everything out.
* For other resource types, is_filtered is okay.
if (uber_parent(rsc)->variant == pe_group) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(only_rsc, rsc_printable_id(rsc)) &&
!pcmk__str_in_list(only_rsc, rsc_printable_id(uber_parent(rsc)))) {
} else {
if (rsc->fns->is_filtered(rsc, only_rsc, TRUE)) {
if (operations == FALSE) {
time_t last_failure = 0;
int failcount = failure_count(data_set, node, rsc, &last_failure);
if (failcount <= 0) {
if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
out->message(out, "node", node, get_resource_display_options(mon_ops),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node),
only_node, only_rsc);
out->message(out, "resource-history", rsc, rsc_id, FALSE,
failcount, last_failure, FALSE);
} else {
GListPtr op_list = get_operation_list(rsc_entry);
if (op_list == NULL) {
if (rc == pcmk_rc_no_output) {
rc = pcmk_rc_ok;
out->message(out, "node", node, get_resource_display_options(mon_ops),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node),
only_node, only_rsc);
print_rsc_history(out, data_set, node, rsc_entry, mon_ops, op_list);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Determine whether extended information about an attribute should be added.
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] node Node that ran this resource.
* \param[in] rsc_list The list of resources for this node.
* \param[in] attrname The attribute to find.
* \param[out] expected_score The expected value for this attribute.
* \return TRUE if extended information should be printed, FALSE otherwise
* \note Currently, extended information is only supported for ping/pingd
* resources, for which a message will be printed if connectivity is lost
* or degraded.
static gboolean
add_extra_info(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_node_t *node, GListPtr rsc_list,
const char *attrname, int *expected_score)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
for (gIter = rsc_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pe_resource_t *rsc = (pe_resource_t *) gIter->data;
const char *type = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->meta, "type");
const char *name = NULL;
if (rsc->children != NULL) {
if (add_extra_info(out, node, rsc->children, attrname, expected_score)) {
return TRUE;
if (!pcmk__strcase_any_of(type, "ping", "pingd", NULL)) {
- return FALSE;
+ continue;
name = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, "name");
if (name == NULL) {
name = "pingd";
/* To identify the resource with the attribute name. */
if (pcmk__str_eq(name, attrname, pcmk__str_casei)) {
int host_list_num = 0;
/* int value = crm_parse_int(attrvalue, "0"); */
const char *hosts = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, "host_list");
const char *multiplier = g_hash_table_lookup(rsc->parameters, "multiplier");
if (hosts) {
char **host_list = g_strsplit(hosts, " ", 0);
host_list_num = g_strv_length(host_list);
/* pingd multiplier is the same as the default value. */
*expected_score = host_list_num * crm_parse_int(multiplier, "1");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* structure for passing multiple user data to g_list_foreach() */
struct mon_attr_data {
pcmk__output_t *out;
pe_node_t *node;
static void
print_node_attribute(gpointer name, gpointer user_data)
const char *value = NULL;
int expected_score = 0;
gboolean add_extra = FALSE;
struct mon_attr_data *data = (struct mon_attr_data *) user_data;
value = pe_node_attribute_raw(data->node, name);
add_extra = add_extra_info(data->out, data->node, data->node->details->running_rsc,
name, &expected_score);
/* Print attribute name and value */
data->out->message(data->out, "node-attribute", name, value, add_extra,
* \internal
* \brief Print history for all nodes.
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] operations Whether to print operations or just failcounts.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
static int
print_node_summary(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t * data_set,
gboolean operations, unsigned int mon_ops, GListPtr only_node,
GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer)
xmlNode *node_state = NULL;
xmlNode *cib_status = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, data_set->input);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
if (xmlChildElementCount(cib_status) == 0) {
return rc;
/* Print each node in the CIB status */
for (node_state = pcmk__xe_first_child(cib_status); node_state != NULL;
node_state = pcmk__xe_next(node_state)) {
pe_node_t *node;
if (!pcmk__str_eq((const char *)node_state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, pcmk__str_none)) {
node = pe_find_node_id(data_set->nodes, ID(node_state));
if (!node || !node->details || !node->details->online) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(only_node, node->details->uname)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, operations ? "Operations" : "Migration Summary");
print_node_history(out, data_set, node, node_state, operations, mon_ops,
only_node, only_rsc);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Print all tickets.
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
static int
print_cluster_tickets(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t * data_set,
gboolean print_spacer)
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
if (g_hash_table_size(data_set->tickets) == 0) {
return pcmk_rc_no_output;
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, print_spacer);
/* Print section heading */
out->begin_list(out, NULL, NULL, "Tickets");
/* Print each ticket */
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, data_set->tickets);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) {
pe_ticket_t *ticket = (pe_ticket_t *) value;
out->message(out, "ticket", ticket);
/* Close section */
return pcmk_rc_ok;
* \internal
* \brief Print section for negative location constraints
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
* \param[in] prefix ID prefix to filter results by.
static int
print_neg_locations(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
unsigned int mon_ops, const char *prefix, GListPtr only_rsc,
gboolean print_spacer)
GListPtr gIter, gIter2;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
/* Print each ban */
for (gIter = data_set->placement_constraints; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
pe__location_t *location = gIter->data;
if (prefix != NULL && !g_str_has_prefix(location->id, prefix))
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(only_rsc, rsc_printable_id(location->rsc_lh)) &&
!pcmk__str_in_list(only_rsc, rsc_printable_id(uber_parent(location->rsc_lh)))) {
for (gIter2 = location->node_list_rh; gIter2 != NULL; gIter2 = gIter2->next) {
pe_node_t *node = (pe_node_t *) gIter2->data;
if (node->weight < 0) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Negative Location Constraints");
out->message(out, "ban", node, location,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail));
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Print node attributes section
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
static int
print_node_attributes(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
unsigned int mon_ops, GListPtr only_node,
GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer)
GListPtr gIter = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
/* Unpack all resource parameters (it would be more efficient to do this
* only when needed for the first time in add_extra_info())
for (gIter = data_set->resources; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
crm_mon_get_parameters(gIter->data, data_set);
/* Display each node's attributes */
for (gIter = data_set->nodes; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
struct mon_attr_data data;
data.out = out;
data.node = (pe_node_t *) gIter->data;
if (data.node && data.node->details && data.node->details->online) {
GList *attr_list = NULL;
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, data.node->details->attrs);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
attr_list = append_attr_list(attr_list, key);
if (attr_list == NULL) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(only_node, data.node->details->uname)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Node Attributes");
out->message(out, "node", data.node, get_resource_display_options(mon_ops),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node),
only_node, only_rsc);
g_list_foreach(attr_list, print_node_attribute, &data);
return rc;
* \internal
* \brief Print a section for failed actions
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
static int
print_failed_actions(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
GListPtr only_node, GListPtr only_rsc, gboolean print_spacer)
xmlNode *xml_op = NULL;
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
const char *id = NULL;
if (xmlChildElementCount(data_set->failed) == 0) {
return rc;
for (xml_op = pcmk__xml_first_child(data_set->failed); xml_op != NULL;
xml_op = pcmk__xml_next(xml_op)) {
char *rsc = NULL;
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(only_node, crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_ATTR_UNAME))) {
id = crm_element_value(xml_op, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY);
if (parse_op_key(id ? id : ID(xml_op), &rsc, NULL, NULL) == FALSE) {
if (!pcmk__str_in_list(only_rsc, rsc)) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_LIST_HEADER(out, print_spacer, rc, "Failed Resource Actions");
out->message(out, "failed-action", xml_op);
return rc;
#define CHECK_RC(retcode, retval) \
if (retval == pcmk_rc_ok) { \
retcode = pcmk_rc_ok; \
* \internal
* \brief Top-level printing function for text/curses output.
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] stonith_history List of stonith actions.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
* \param[in] show Bitmask of mon_show_*.
* \param[in] prefix ID prefix to filter results by.
print_status(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
stonith_history_t *stonith_history, unsigned int mon_ops,
unsigned int show, char *prefix, char *only_node, char *only_rsc)
GListPtr unames = NULL;
GListPtr resources = NULL;
unsigned int print_opts = get_resource_display_options(mon_ops);
int rc = pcmk_rc_no_output;
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "cluster-summary", data_set,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_stack),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_dc),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_times),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_counts),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_options)));
unames = build_uname_list(data_set, only_node);
resources = build_rsc_list(data_set, only_rsc);
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_nodes) && unames) {
PCMK__OUTPUT_SPACER_IF(out, rc == pcmk_rc_ok);
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "node-list", data_set->nodes, unames,
resources, print_opts,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node)));
/* Print resources section, if needed */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_resources)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "resource-list", data_set, print_opts,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_inactive_resources),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief), TRUE, unames,
resources, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* print Node Attributes section if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_attributes)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, print_node_attributes(out, data_set, mon_ops, unames, resources,
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* If requested, print resource operations (which includes failcounts)
* or just failcounts
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_operations)
|| pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_failcounts)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, print_node_summary(out, data_set,
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_operations),
mon_ops, unames, resources,
(rc == pcmk_rc_ok)));
/* If there were any failed actions, print them */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_failures)
&& xml_has_children(data_set->failed)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, print_failed_actions(out, data_set, unames, resources,
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print failed stonith actions */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fence_failed)
&& pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_history)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history, stonith__event_state_eq,
if (hp) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "failed-fencing-history", stonith_history, unames,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history),
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print tickets if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_tickets)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, print_cluster_tickets(out, data_set, rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print negative location constraints if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_bans)) {
CHECK_RC(rc, print_neg_locations(out, data_set, mon_ops, prefix, resources,
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
/* Print stonith history */
if (pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_history)) {
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fence_worked)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history, stonith__event_state_neq,
if (hp) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "fencing-history", hp, unames,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history),
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fence_pending)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history, stonith__event_state_pending, NULL);
if (hp) {
CHECK_RC(rc, out->message(out, "pending-fencing-actions", hp, unames,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history),
rc == pcmk_rc_ok));
g_list_free_full(unames, free);
* \internal
* \brief Top-level printing function for XML output.
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] stonith_history List of stonith actions.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
* \param[in] show Bitmask of mon_show_*.
* \param[in] prefix ID prefix to filter results by.
print_xml_status(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
crm_exit_t history_rc, stonith_history_t *stonith_history,
unsigned int mon_ops, unsigned int show, char *prefix,
char *only_node, char *only_rsc)
GListPtr unames = NULL;
GListPtr resources = NULL;
unsigned int print_opts = get_resource_display_options(mon_ops);
out->message(out, "cluster-summary", data_set,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_stack),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_dc),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_times),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_counts),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_options));
unames = build_uname_list(data_set, only_node);
resources = build_rsc_list(data_set, only_rsc);
/*** NODES ***/
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_nodes)) {
out->message(out, "node-list", data_set->nodes, unames,
resources, print_opts,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node));
/* Print resources section, if needed */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_resources)) {
out->message(out, "resource-list", data_set, print_opts,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_inactive_resources),
FALSE, FALSE, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* print Node Attributes section if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_attributes)) {
print_node_attributes(out, data_set, mon_ops, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* If requested, print resource operations (which includes failcounts)
* or just failcounts
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_operations)
|| pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_failcounts)) {
print_node_summary(out, data_set,
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_operations),
mon_ops, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* If there were any failed actions, print them */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_failures)
&& xml_has_children(data_set->failed)) {
print_failed_actions(out, data_set, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* Print stonith history */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fencing_all)
&& pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_history)) {
out->message(out, "full-fencing-history", history_rc, stonith_history,
unames, pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history),
/* Print tickets if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_tickets)) {
print_cluster_tickets(out, data_set, FALSE);
/* Print negative location constraints if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_bans)) {
print_neg_locations(out, data_set, mon_ops, prefix, resources, FALSE);
g_list_free_full(unames, free);
g_list_free_full(resources, free);
* \internal
* \brief Top-level printing function for HTML output.
* \param[in] out The output functions structure.
* \param[in] data_set Cluster state to display.
* \param[in] stonith_history List of stonith actions.
* \param[in] mon_ops Bitmask of mon_op_*.
* \param[in] show Bitmask of mon_show_*.
* \param[in] prefix ID prefix to filter results by.
print_html_status(pcmk__output_t *out, pe_working_set_t *data_set,
stonith_history_t *stonith_history, unsigned int mon_ops,
unsigned int show, char *prefix, char *only_node,
char *only_rsc)
GListPtr unames = NULL;
GListPtr resources = NULL;
unsigned int print_opts = get_resource_display_options(mon_ops);
out->message(out, "cluster-summary", data_set,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_stack),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_dc),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_times),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_counts),
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_options));
unames = build_uname_list(data_set, only_node);
resources = build_rsc_list(data_set, only_rsc);
/*** NODE LIST ***/
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_nodes) && unames) {
out->message(out, "node-list", data_set->nodes, unames,
resources, print_opts,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_clone_detail),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node));
/* Print resources section, if needed */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_resources)) {
out->message(out, "resource-list", data_set, print_opts,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_group_by_node),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_inactive_resources),
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_print_brief), TRUE, unames,
resources, FALSE);
/* print Node Attributes section if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_attributes)) {
print_node_attributes(out, data_set, mon_ops, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* If requested, print resource operations (which includes failcounts)
* or just failcounts
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_operations)
|| pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_failcounts)) {
print_node_summary(out, data_set,
pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_operations),
mon_ops, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* If there were any failed actions, print them */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_failures)
&& xml_has_children(data_set->failed)) {
print_failed_actions(out, data_set, unames, resources, FALSE);
/* Print failed stonith actions */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fence_failed)
&& pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_history)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history, stonith__event_state_eq,
if (hp) {
out->message(out, "failed-fencing-history", stonith_history, unames,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history), FALSE);
/* Print stonith history */
if (pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_history)) {
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fence_worked)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history, stonith__event_state_neq,
if (hp) {
out->message(out, "fencing-history", hp, unames,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history),
} else if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_fence_pending)) {
stonith_history_t *hp = stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history, stonith__event_state_pending, NULL);
if (hp) {
out->message(out, "pending-fencing-actions", hp, unames,
pcmk_is_set(mon_ops, mon_op_fence_full_history),
/* Print tickets if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_tickets)) {
print_cluster_tickets(out, data_set, FALSE);
/* Print negative location constraints if requested */
if (pcmk_is_set(show, mon_show_bans)) {
print_neg_locations(out, data_set, mon_ops, prefix, resources, FALSE);
g_list_free_full(unames, free);
g_list_free_full(resources, free);
return 0;