diff --git a/cts/README.md b/cts/README.md index 0e6eac148d..0ff1065bf4 100644 --- a/cts/README.md +++ b/cts/README.md @@ -1,370 +1,369 @@ # Pacemaker Cluster Test Suite (CTS) The Cluster Test Suite (CTS) refers to all Pacemaker testing code that can be run in an installed environment. (Pacemaker also has unit tests that must be run from a source distribution.) CTS includes: * Regression tests: These test specific Pacemaker components individually (no integration tests). The primary front end is cts-regression in this directory. Run it with the --help option to see its usage. cts-regression is a wrapper for individual component regression tests also in this directory (cts-cli, cts-exec, cts-fencing, and cts-scheduler). The CLI and scheduler regression tests can also be run from a source distribution. The other regression tests can only run in an installed environment, and the cluster should not be running on the node running these tests. * The CTS lab: This is a cluster exerciser for intensively testing the behavior of an entire working cluster. It is primarily for developers and packagers of the Pacemaker source code, but it can be useful for users who wish to see how their cluster will react to various situations. In an installed deployment, the CTS lab is in the cts subdirectory of this directory; in a source distibution, it is in cts/lab. The CTS lab runs a randomized series of predefined tests on the cluster. CTS can be run against a pre-existing cluster configuration or overwrite the existing configuration with a test configuration. * Helpers: Some of the component regression tests and the CTS lab require certain helpers to be installed as root. These include a dummy LSB init script, dummy systemd service, etc. In a source distribution, the source for these is in cts/support. The tests will install these as needed and uninstall them when done. This means that the cluster configuration created by the CTS lab will generate failures if started manually after the lab exits. However, the helper installer can be run manually to make the configuration usable, if you want to do your own further testing with it: /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cts-support install As you might expect, you can also remove the helpers with: /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cts-support uninstall * Cluster benchmark: The benchmark subdirectory of this directory contains some cluster test environment benchmarking code. It is not particularly useful for end users. * LXC generator: The lxc\_autogen.sh script can be used to create some guest nodes for testing using LXC containers. It is not particularly useful for end users. In an installed deployment, it is in the cts subdirectory of this directory; in a source distribution, it is in this directory. * Valgrind suppressions: When memory-testing Pacemaker code with valgrind, various bugs in non-Pacemaker libraries and such can clutter the results. The valgrind-pcmk.suppressions file in this directory can be used with valgrind's --suppressions option to eliminate many of these. ## Using the CTS lab ### Requirements * Three or more machines (one test exerciser and at least two cluster nodes). * The test cluster nodes should be on the same subnet and have journalling filesystems (ext4, xfs, etc.) for all of their filesystems other than /boot. You also need a number of free IP addresses on that subnet if you intend to test IP address takeover. * The test exerciser machine doesn't need to be on the same subnet as the test cluster machines. Minimal demands are made on the exerciser; it just has to stay up during the tests. * Tracking problems is easier if all machines' clocks are closely synchronized. NTP does this automatically, but you can do it by hand if you want. * The account on the exerciser used to run the CTS lab (which does not need to be root) must be able to ssh as root to the cluster nodes without a password challenge. See the Mini-HOWTO at the end of this file for details about how to configure ssh for this. * The exerciser needs to be able to resolve all cluster node names, whether by DNS or /etc/hosts. * CTS is not guaranteed to run on all platforms that Pacemaker itself does. It calls commands such as service that may not be provided by all OSes. ### Preparation * Install Pacemaker, including the testing code, on all machines. The testing code must be the same version as the rest of Pacemaker, and the Pacemaker version must be the same on the exerciser and all cluster nodes. You can install from source, although many distributions package the testing code (named pacemaker-cts or similar). Typically, everything needed by the CTS lab is installed in /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts. * Configure the cluster layer (Corosync) on the cluster machines (*not* the exerciser), and verify it works. Node names used in the cluster configuration *must* match the hosts' names as returned by `uname -n`; they do not have to match the machines' fully qualified domain names. ### Run The primary interface to the CTS lab is the CTSlab.py executable: /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/CTSlab.py [options] As part of the options, specify the cluster nodes with --nodes, for example: --nodes "pcmk-1 pcmk-2 pcmk-3" Most people will want to save the output to a file, for example: --outputfile ~/cts.log Unless you want to test a pre-existing cluster configuration, you also want (*warning*: with these options, any existing configuration will be lost): --clobber-cib --populate-resources You can test floating IP addresses (*not* already used by any host), one per cluster node, by specifying the first, for example: --test-ip-base Configure some sort of fencing, for example to use fence\_xvm: --stonith xvm Putting all the above together, a command line might look like: /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/CTSlab.py --nodes "pcmk-1 pcmk-2 pcmk-3" \ --outputfile ~/cts.log --clobber-cib --populate-resources \ --test-ip-base --stonith xvm 50 For more options, run with the --help option. There are also a couple of wrappers for CTSlab.py that some users may find more convenient: cts, which is typically installed in the same place as the rest of the testing code; and cluster\_test, which is in the source directory and typically not installed. To extract the result of a particular test, run: crm_report -T $test ### Optional: Memory testing Pacemaker has various options for testing memory management. On cluster nodes, Pacemaker components use various environment variables to control these options. How these variables are set varies by OS, but usually they are set in a file such as /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker or /etc/default/pacemaker. Valgrind is a program for detecting memory management problems such as use-after-free errors. If you have valgrind installed, you can enable it by setting the following environment variables on all cluster nodes: PCMK_valgrind_enabled=pacemaker-attrd,pacemaker-based,pacemaker-controld,pacemaker-execd,pacemaker-fenced,pacemaker-schedulerd VALGRIND_OPTS="--leak-check=full --trace-children=no --num-callers=25 --log-file=/var/lib/pacemaker/valgrind-%p --suppressions=/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/valgrind-pcmk.suppressions --gen-suppressions=all" If running the CTS lab with valgrind enabled on the cluster nodes, add these options to CTSlab.py: --valgrind-tests --valgrind-procs "pacemaker-attrd pacemaker-based pacemaker-controld pacemaker-execd pacemaker-schedulerd pacemaker-fenced" These options should only be set while specifically testing memory management, because they may slow down the cluster significantly, and they will disable writes to the CIB. If desired, you can enable valgrind on a subset of pacemaker components rather than all of them as listed above. Valgrind will put a text file for each process in the location specified by valgrind's --log-file option. See https://www.valgrind.org/docs/manual/mc-manual.html for explanations of the messages valgrind generates. Separately, if you are using the GNU C library, the G\_SLICE, MALLOC\_PERTURB\_, and MALLOC\_CHECK\_ environment variables can be set to affect the library's memory management functions. When using valgrind, G\_SLICE should be set to "always-malloc", which helps valgrind track memory by always using the malloc() and free() routines directly. When not using valgrind, G\_SLICE can be left unset, or set to "debug-blocks", which enables the C library to catch many memory errors but may impact performance. If the MALLOC\_PERTURB\_ environment variable is set to an 8-bit integer, the C library will initialize all newly allocated bytes of memory to the integer value, and will set all newly freed bytes of memory to the bitwise inverse of the integer value. This helps catch uses of uninitialized or freed memory blocks that might otherwise go unnoticed. Example: MALLOC_PERTURB_=221 If the MALLOC\_CHECK\_ environment variable is set, the C library will check for certain heap corruption errors. The most useful value in testing is 3, which will cause the library to print a message to stderr and abort execution. Example: MALLOC_CHECK_=3 Valgrind should be enabled for either all nodes or none when used with the CTS lab, but the C library variables may be set differently on different nodes. ### Optional: Remote node testing If the pacemaker-remoted daemon is installed on all cluster nodes, CTS will enable remote node tests. The remote node tests choose a random node, stop the cluster on it, start pacemaker-remoted on it, and add an ocf:pacemaker:remote resource to turn it into a remote node. When the test is done, CTS will turn the node back into a cluster node. To avoid conflicts, CTS will rename the node, prefixing the original node name with "remote-". For example, "pcmk-1" will become "remote-pcmk-1". These names do not need to be resolvable. The name change may require special fencing configuration, if the fence agent expects the node name to be the same as its hostname. A common approach is to specify the "remote-" names in pcmk\_host\_list. If you use pcmk\_host\_list=all, CTS will expand that to all cluster nodes and their "remote-" names. You may additionally need a pcmk\_host\_map argument to map the "remote-" names to the hostnames. Example: --stonith xvm --stonith-args \ pcmk_host_list=all,pcmk_host_map=remote-pcmk-1:pcmk-1;remote-pcmk-2:pcmk-2 ### Optional: Remote node testing with valgrind When running the remote node tests, the Pacemaker components on the *cluster* nodes can be run under valgrind as described in the "Memory testing" section. However, pacemaker-remoted cannot be run under valgrind that way, because it is started by the OS's regular boot system and not by Pacemaker. Details vary by system, but the goal is to set the VALGRIND\_OPTS environment variable and then start pacemaker-remoted by prefixing it with the path to valgrind. The init script and systemd service file provided with pacemaker-remoted will load the pacemaker environment variables from the same location used by other Pacemaker components, so VALGRIND\_OPTS will be set correctly if using one of those. For an OS using systemd, you can override the ExecStart parameter to run valgrind. For example: mkdir /etc/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service.d cat >/etc/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service.d/valgrind.conf < that may be left behind into more canonical: so manual editing is tasked, or perhaps `--format` or `--c14n` to `xmllint` will be of help (without any other side effects). If the overall process gets stuck anywhere, common sense to the rescue. The initial part of the above recipe can be repeated anytime to verify there's nothing to upgrade artificially like this, which is a desired state. Note that `regression.sh` script performs validation of both the input and output, should the upgrade take place, implicitly, so there's no need of revalidation in the happy case. diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/upgrading.rst b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/upgrading.rst index 3cd13a5f52..1ca2a4e4b8 100644 --- a/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/upgrading.rst +++ b/doc/sphinx/Pacemaker_Administration/upgrading.rst @@ -1,535 +1,534 @@ .. index:: upgrade Upgrading a Pacemaker Cluster ----------------------------- .. index:: version Pacemaker Versioning #################### Pacemaker has an overall release version, plus separate version numbers for certain internal components. .. index:: single: version; release * **Pacemaker release version:** This version consists of three numbers (*x.y.z*). The major version number (the *x* in *x.y.z*) increases when at least some rolling upgrades are not possible from the previous major version. For example, a rolling upgrade from 1.0.8 to 1.1.15 should always be supported, but a rolling upgrade from 1.0.8 to 2.0.0 may not be possible. The minor version (the *y* in *x.y.z*) increases when there are significant changes in cluster default behavior, tool behavior, and/or the API interface (for software that utilizes Pacemaker libraries). The main benefit is to alert you to pay closer attention to the release notes, to see if you might be affected. The release counter (the *z* in *x.y.z*) is increased with all public releases of Pacemaker, which typically include both bug fixes and new features. .. index:: single: feature set single: version; feature set * **CRM feature set:** This version number applies to the communication between full cluster nodes, and is used to avoid problems in mixed-version clusters. The major version number increases when nodes with different versions would not work (rolling upgrades are not allowed). The minor version number increases when mixed-version clusters are allowed only during rolling upgrades. The minor-minor version number is ignored, but allows resource agents to detect cluster support for various features. [#]_ Pacemaker ensures that the longest-running node is the cluster's DC. This ensures new features are not enabled until all nodes are upgraded to support them. .. index:: single: version; Pacemaker Remote protocol * **Pacemaker Remote protocol version:** This version applies to communication between a Pacemaker Remote node and the cluster. It increases when an older cluster node would have problems hosting the connection to a newer Pacemaker Remote node. To avoid these problems, Pacemaker Remote nodes will accept connections only from cluster nodes with the same or newer Pacemaker Remote protocol version. Unlike with CRM feature set differences between full cluster nodes, mixed Pacemaker Remote protocol versions between Pacemaker Remote nodes and full cluster nodes are fine, as long as the Pacemaker Remote nodes have the older version. This can be useful, for example, to host a legacy application in an older operating system version used as a Pacemaker Remote node. .. index:: single: version; XML schema * **XML schema version:** Pacemaker’s configuration syntax — what's allowed in the Configuration Information Base (CIB) — has its own version. This allows the configuration syntax to evolve over time while still allowing clusters with older configurations to work without change. .. index:: single: upgrade; methods Upgrading Cluster Software ########################## There are three approaches to upgrading a cluster, each with advantages and disadvantages. .. table:: **Upgrade Methods** +---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+--------+---------+----------+----------+ | Method | Available| Can be | Service| Service | Exercises| Allows | | | between | used with| outage | recovery| failover | change of| | | all | Pacemaker| during | during | logic | messaging| | | versions | Remote | upgrade| upgrade | | layer | | | | nodes | | | | [#]_ | +===================================================+==========+==========+========+=========+==========+==========+ | Complete cluster shutdown | yes | yes | always | N/A | no | yes | +---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+--------+---------+----------+----------+ | Rolling (node by node) | no | yes | always | yes | yes | no | | | | | [#]_ | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+--------+---------+----------+----------+ | Detach and reattach | yes | no | only | no | no | yes | | | | | due to | | | | | | | | failure| | | | +---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+--------+---------+----------+----------+ .. index:: single: upgrade; shutdown Complete Cluster Shutdown _________________________ In this scenario, one shuts down all cluster nodes and resources, then upgrades all the nodes before restarting the cluster. #. On each node: a. Shutdown the cluster software (pacemaker and the messaging layer). #. Upgrade the Pacemaker software. This may also include upgrading the messaging layer and/or the underlying operating system. #. Check the configuration with the ``crm_verify`` tool. #. On each node: a. Start the cluster software. Currently, only Corosync version 2 and greater is supported as the cluster layer, but if another stack is supported in the future, the stack does not need to be the same one before the upgrade. One variation of this approach is to build a new cluster on new hosts. This allows the new version to be tested beforehand, and minimizes downtime by having the new nodes ready to be placed in production as soon as the old nodes are shut down. .. index:: single: upgrade; rolling upgrade Rolling (node by node) ______________________ In this scenario, each node is removed from the cluster, upgraded, and then brought back online, until all nodes are running the newest version. Special considerations when planning a rolling upgrade: * If you plan to upgrade other cluster software -- such as the messaging layer -- at the same time, consult that software's documentation for its compatibility with a rolling upgrade. * If the major version number is changing in the Pacemaker version you are upgrading to, a rolling upgrade may not be possible. Read the new version's release notes (as well the information here) for what limitations may exist. * If the CRM feature set is changing in the Pacemaker version you are upgrading to, you should run a mixed-version cluster only during a small rolling upgrade window. If one of the older nodes drops out of the cluster for any reason, it will not be able to rejoin until it is upgraded. * If the Pacemaker Remote protocol version is changing, all cluster nodes should be upgraded before upgrading any Pacemaker Remote nodes. See the ClusterLabs wiki's `release calendar `_ to figure out whether the CRM feature set and/or Pacemaker Remote protocol version changed between the the Pacemaker release versions in your rolling upgrade. To perform a rolling upgrade, on each node in turn: #. Put the node into standby mode, and wait for any active resources to be moved cleanly to another node. (This step is optional, but allows you to deal with any resource issues before the upgrade.) #. Shutdown the cluster software (pacemaker and the messaging layer) on the node. #. Upgrade the Pacemaker software. This may also include upgrading the messaging layer and/or the underlying operating system. #. If this is the first node to be upgraded, check the configuration with the ``crm_verify`` tool. #. Start the messaging layer. This must be the same messaging layer (currently only Corosync version 2 and greater is supported) that the rest of the cluster is using. .. note:: Even if a rolling upgrade from the current version of the cluster to the newest version is not directly possible, it may be possible to perform a rolling upgrade in multiple steps, by upgrading to an intermediate version first. .. table:: **Version Compatibility Table** +-------------------------+---------------------------+ | Version being Installed | Oldest Compatible Version | +=========================+===========================+ | Pacemaker 2.y.z | Pacemaker 1.1.11 [#]_ | +-------------------------+---------------------------+ | Pacemaker 1.y.z | Pacemaker 1.0.0 | +-------------------------+---------------------------+ | Pacemaker 0.7.z | Pacemaker 0.6.z | +-------------------------+---------------------------+ .. index:: single: upgrade; detach and reattach Detach and Reattach ___________________ The reattach method is a variant of a complete cluster shutdown, where the resources are left active and get re-detected when the cluster is restarted. This method may not be used if the cluster contains any Pacemaker Remote nodes. #. Tell the cluster to stop managing services. This is required to allow the services to remain active after the cluster shuts down. .. code-block:: none # crm_attribute --name maintenance-mode --update true #. On each node, shutdown the cluster software (pacemaker and the messaging layer), and upgrade the Pacemaker software. This may also include upgrading the messaging layer. While the underlying operating system may be upgraded at the same time, that will be more likely to cause outages in the detached services (certainly, if a reboot is required). #. Check the configuration with the ``crm_verify`` tool. #. On each node, start the cluster software. Currently, only Corosync version 2 and greater is supported as the cluster layer, but if another stack is supported in the future, the stack does not need to be the same one before the upgrade. #. Verify that the cluster re-detected all resources correctly. #. Allow the cluster to resume managing resources again: .. code-block:: none # crm_attribute --name maintenance-mode --delete .. note:: While the goal of the detach-and-reattach method is to avoid disturbing running services, resources may still move after the upgrade if any resource's location is governed by a rule based on transient node attributes. Transient node attributes are erased when the node leaves the cluster. A common example is using the ``ocf:pacemaker:ping`` resource to set a node attribute used to locate other resources. .. index:: pair: upgrade; CIB Upgrading the Configuration ########################### The CIB schema version can change from one Pacemaker version to another. After cluster software is upgraded, the cluster will continue to use the older schema version that it was previously using. This can be useful, for example, when administrators have written tools that modify the configuration, and are based on the older syntax. [#]_ However, when using an older syntax, new features may be unavailable, and there is a performance impact, since the cluster must do a non-persistent configuration upgrade before each transition. So while using the old syntax is possible, it is not advisable to continue using it indefinitely. Even if you wish to continue using the old syntax, it is a good idea to follow the upgrade procedure outlined below, except for the last step, to ensure that the new software has no problems with your existing configuration (since it will perform much the same task internally). If you are brave, it is sufficient simply to run ``cibadmin --upgrade``. A more cautious approach would proceed like this: #. Create a shadow copy of the configuration. The later commands will automatically operate on this copy, rather than the live configuration. .. code-block:: none # crm_shadow --create shadow .. index:: single: configuration; verify #. Verify the configuration is valid with the new software (which may be stricter about syntax mistakes, or may have dropped support for deprecated features): .. code-block:: none # crm_verify --live-check #. Fix any errors or warnings. #. Perform the upgrade: .. code-block:: none # cibadmin --upgrade #. If this step fails, there are three main possibilities: a. The configuration was not valid to start with (did you do steps 2 and 3?). #. The transformation failed; `report a bug `_. #. The transformation was successful but produced an invalid result. If the result of the transformation is invalid, you may see a number of errors from the validation library. If these are not helpful, visit the `Validation FAQ wiki page `_ and/or try the manual upgrade procedure described below. #. Check the changes: .. code-block:: none # crm_shadow --diff If at this point there is anything about the upgrade that you wish to fine-tune (for example, to change some of the automatic IDs), now is the time to do so: .. code-block:: none # crm_shadow --edit This will open the configuration in your favorite editor (whichever is specified by the standard ``$EDITOR`` environment variable). #. Preview how the cluster will react: .. code-block:: none # crm_simulate --live-check --save-dotfile shadow.dot -S # dot -Tsvg shadow.dot -o shadow.svg You can then view shadow.svg with any compatible image viewer or web browser. Verify that either no resource actions will occur or that you are happy with any that are scheduled. If the output contains actions you do not expect (possibly due to changes to the score calculations), you may need to make further manual changes. See :ref:`crm_simulate` for further details on how to interpret the output of ``crm_simulate`` and ``dot``. #. Upload the changes: .. code-block:: none # crm_shadow --commit shadow --force In the unlikely event this step fails, please report a bug. .. note:: It is also possible to perform the configuration upgrade steps manually: #. Locate the ``upgrade*.xsl`` conversion scripts provided with the source code. These will often be installed in a location such as ``/usr/share/pacemaker``, or may be obtained from the `source repository `_. #. Run the conversion scripts that apply to your older version, for example: .. code-block:: none # xsltproc /path/to/upgrade06.xsl config06.xml > config10.xml #. Locate the ``pacemaker.rng`` script (from the same location as the xsl files). #. Check the XML validity: .. code-block:: none # xmllint --relaxng /path/to/pacemaker.rng config10.xml The advantage of this method is that it can be performed without the cluster running, and any validation errors are often more informative. What Changed in 2.1 ################### The Pacemaker 2.1 release is fully backward-compatible in both the CIB XML and the C API. Highlights: * Pacemaker now supports the **OCF Resource Agent API version 1.1**. Most notably, the ``Master`` and ``Slave`` role names have been renamed to ``Promoted`` and ``Unpromoted``. * Pacemaker now supports colocations where the dependent resource does not affect the primary resource's placement (via a new ``influence`` colocation constraint option and ``critical`` resource meta-attribute). This is intended for cases where a less-important resource must be colocated with an essential resource, but it is preferred to leave the less-important resource stopped if it fails, rather than move both resources. * If Pacemaker is built with libqb 2.0 or later, the detail log will use **millisecond-resolution timestamps**. * In addition to crm_mon and stonith_admin, the crmadmin, crm_resource, crm_simulate, and crm_verify commands now support the ``--output-as`` and ``--output-to`` options, including **XML output** (which scripts and higher-level tools are strongly recommended to use instead of trying to parse the text output, which may change from release to release). For a detailed list of changes, see the release notes and the `Pacemaker 2.1 Changes `_ page on the ClusterLabs wiki. What Changed in 2.0 ################### The main goal of the 2.0 release was to remove support for deprecated syntax, along with some small changes in default configuration behavior and tool behavior. Highlights: * Only Corosync version 2 and greater is now supported as the underlying cluster layer. Support for Heartbeat and Corosync 1 (including CMAN) is removed. * The Pacemaker detail log file is now stored in ``/var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log`` by default. * The record-pending cluster property now defaults to true, which allows status tools such as crm_mon to show operations that are in progress. * Support for a number of deprecated build options, environment variables, and configuration settings has been removed. * The ``master`` tag has been deprecated in favor of using the ``clone`` tag with the new ``promotable`` meta-attribute set to ``true``. "Master/slave" clone resources are now referred to as "promotable" clone resources. * The public API for Pacemaker libraries that software applications can use has changed significantly. For a detailed list of changes, see the release notes and the `Pacemaker 2.0 Changes `_ page on the ClusterLabs wiki. What Changed in 1.0 ################### New ___ * Failure timeouts. * New section for resource and operation defaults. * Tool for making offline configuration changes. * ``Rules``, ``instance_attributes``, ``meta_attributes`` and sets of operations can be defined once and referenced in multiple places. * The CIB now accepts XPath-based create/modify/delete operations. See ``cibadmin --help``. * Multi-dimensional colocation and ordering constraints. * The ability to connect to the CIB from non-cluster machines. * Allow recurring actions to be triggered at known times. Changed _______ * Syntax * All resource and cluster options now use dashes (-) instead of underscores (_) * ``master_slave`` was renamed to ``master`` * The ``attributes`` container tag was removed * The operation field ``pre-req`` has been renamed ``requires`` * All operations must have an ``interval``, ``start``/``stop`` must have it set to zero * The ``stonith-enabled`` option now defaults to true. * The cluster will refuse to start resources if ``stonith-enabled`` is true (or unset) and no STONITH resources have been defined * The attributes of colocation and ordering constraints were renamed for clarity. * ``resource-failure-stickiness`` has been replaced by ``migration-threshold``. * The parameters for command-line tools have been made consistent * Switched to 'RelaxNG' schema validation and 'libxml2' parser * id fields are now XML IDs which have the following limitations: * id's cannot contain colons (:) * id's cannot begin with a number * id's must be globally unique (not just unique for that tag) * Some fields (such as those in constraints that refer to resources) are IDREFs. This means that they must reference existing resources or objects in order for the configuration to be valid. Removing an object which is referenced elsewhere will therefore fail. * The CIB representation, from which a MD5 digest is calculated to verify CIBs on the nodes, has changed. This means that every CIB update will require a full refresh on any upgraded nodes until the cluster is fully upgraded to 1.0. This will result in significant performance degradation and it is therefore highly inadvisable to run a mixed 1.0/0.6 cluster for any longer than absolutely necessary. * Ping node information no longer needs to be added to ``ha.cf``. Simply include the lists of hosts in your ping resource(s). Removed _______ * Syntax * It is no longer possible to set resource meta options as top-level attributes. Use meta-attributes instead. * Resource and operation defaults are no longer read from ``crm_config``. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] Before CRM feature set 3.1.0 (Pacemaker 2.0.0), the minor-minor version number was treated the same as the minor version. .. [#] Currently, Corosync version 2 and greater is the only supported cluster stack, but other stacks have been supported by past versions, and may be supported by future versions. .. [#] Any active resources will be moved off the node being upgraded, so there will be at least a brief outage unless all resources can be migrated "live". .. [#] Rolling upgrades from Pacemaker 1.1.z to 2.y.z are possible only if the cluster uses corosync version 2 or greater as its messaging layer, and the Cluster Information Base (CIB) uses schema 1.0 or higher in its ``validate-with`` property. .. [#] As of Pacemaker 2.0.0, only schema versions pacemaker-1.0 and higher - are supported (excluding pacemaker-1.1, which was an experimental schema - now known as pacemaker-next). + are supported (excluding pacemaker-1.1, which was a special case). diff --git a/xml/README.md b/xml/README.md index a1bef4169d..4d74c67d56 100644 --- a/xml/README.md +++ b/xml/README.md @@ -1,148 +1,134 @@ # Schema Reference Pacemaker's XML schema has a version of its own, independent of the version of Pacemaker itself. ## Versioned Schema Evolution A versioned schema offers transparent backward and forward compatibility. - It reflects the timeline of schema-backed features (introduction, changes to the syntax, possibly deprecation) through the versioned stable schema increments, while keeping schema versions used by default by older Pacemaker versions untouched. - Pacemaker internally uses the latest stable schema version, and relies on supplemental transformations to promote cluster configurations based on older, incompatible schema versions into the desired form. -- It allows experimental features with a possibly unstable configuration - interface to be developed using the special `next` version of the schema. - ## Mapping Pacemaker Versions to Schema Versions | Pacemaker | Latest Schema | Changed | --------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | `2.1.3` | `3.8` | `acls` | `2.1.0` | `3.7` | `constraints`, `resources` | `2.0.5` | `3.5` | `api`, `resources`, `rule` | `2.0.4` | `3.3` | `tags` | `2.0.1` | `3.2` | `resources` | `2.0.0` | `3.1` | `constraints`, `resources` | `1.1.18` | `2.10` | `resources`, `alerts` | `1.1.17` | `2.9` | `resources`, `rule` | `1.1.16` | `2.6` | `constraints` | `1.1.15` | `2.5` | `alerts` | `1.1.14` | `2.4` | `fencing` | `1.1.13` | `2.3` | `constraints` | `1.1.12` | `2.0` | `nodes`, `nvset`, `resources`, `tags`, `acls` | `1.1.8`+ | `1.2` | ## Schema generation Each logical portion of the schema goes into its own RNG file, named like `${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng`. `${base}` identifies the portion of the schema (e.g. constraints, resources); ${X}.${Y} is the latest schema version that contained changes in this portion of the schema. The complete, overall schema, `pacemaker-${X}.${Y}.rng`, is automatically generated from the other files via the Makefile. # Updating schema files # -## Experimental features ## - -Experimental features go into `${base}-next.rng` where `${base}` is the -affected portion of the schema. If such a file does not already exist, -create it by copying the most recent `${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng`. - -Pacemaker will not use the experimental schema by default; the cluster -administrator must explicitly set the `validate-with` property appropriately to -use it. - -## Stable features ## +## New features ## -The current stable version is determined at runtime when +The current schema version is determined at runtime when crm\_schema\_init() scans the CRM\_SCHEMA\_DIRECTORY. It will have the form `pacemaker-${X}.${Y}` and the highest `${X}.${Y}` wins. ### Simple Additions When the new syntax is a simple addition to the previous one, create a new entry, incrementing `${Y}`. ### Feature Removal or otherwise Incompatible Changes When the new syntax is not a simple addition to the previous one, create a new entry, incrementing `${X}` and setting `${Y} = 0`. An XSLT file is also required that converts an old syntax to the new one and must be named `upgrade-${Xold}.${Yold}.xsl`. See `xml/upgrade-1.3.xsl` for an example. Since `xml/upgrade-2.10.xsl`, rather self-descriptive approach is taken, separating metadata of the replacements and other modifications to perform from the actual executive parts, which is leveraged, e.g., with the on-the-fly overview as obtained with `./regression.sh -X test2to3`. Also this was the first time particular key names of `nvpair`s, i.e. below the granularity of the schemas so far, received attention, and consequently, no longer expected names became systemically banned in the after-upgrade schemas, using `` construct in the data type specification pertaining the affected XML path. The implied complexity also resulted in establishing a new compound, stepwise transformation, alleviating the procedural burden from the core upgrade recipe. In particular, `id-ref` based syntactic simplification granted in the CIB format introduces nonnegligible internal "noise" because of the extra indirection encumbered with generally non-bijective character of such a scheme (context-dependent interpretation). To reduce this strain, a symmetric arrangement is introduced as a pair of _enter_/_leave_ (pre-upgrade/post-upgrade) transformations where the latter is meant to eventually reversibly restore what the former intentionally simplified (normalized) for upgrade transformation's peruse. It's optional (even the post-upgrade counterpart is optional alone) and depends on whether the suitable files are found along the upgrade transformation itself: e.g., for `upgrade-2.10.xsl`, such files are `upgrade-2.10-enter.xsl` and `upgrade-2.10-leave.xsl`. Note that unfolding + refolding `id-ref` shortcuts is just a practically imposed individual case of how to reversibly make the configuration space tractable in the upgrade itself, allowing for more sophistication down the road. ### General Procedure 1. Copy the most recent version of `${base}-*.rng` to `${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng`, such that the new file name increments the highest number of any schema file, not just the file being edited. 2. Commit the copy, e.g. `"Low: xml: clone ${base} schema in preparation for changes"`. This way, the actual change will be obvious in the commit history. 3. Modify `${base}-${X}.${Y}.rng` as required. 4. If required, add an XSLT file, and update `xslt\_SCRIPTS` in `xml/Makefile.am`. 5. Commit. 6. Run `make -C xml clean; make -C xml` to rebuild the schemas in the local 6. Run `make -C xml clean; make -C xml` to rebuild the schemas in the local source directory. 7. The CIB validity and upgrade regression tests will break after the schema is updated. Run `cts/cts-cli -s` to make the expected outputs reflect the changes made so far, and run `git diff` to ensure that these changes look sane. Finally, commit the changes. 8. Similarly, with the new major version `${X}`, it's advisable to refresh scheduler tests at some point. See the instructions in `cts/README.md`. ## Using a New Schema New features will not be available until the cluster administrator: 1. Updates all the nodes 2. Runs the equivalent of `cibadmin --upgrade --force` ## Random Notes From the source directory, run `make -C xml diff` to see the changes -in the current schema (compared to the previous ones) and also the -pending changes in `pacemaker-next`. +in the current schema (compared to the previous ones). Alternatively, if the intention is to grok the overall historical schema evolution, use `make -C xml fulldiff`.