diff --git a/cts/cts-fencing.in b/cts/cts-fencing.in index ec3eacbdf9..3688a8b7b2 100644 --- a/cts/cts-fencing.in +++ b/cts/cts-fencing.in @@ -1,1627 +1,1637 @@ #!@PYTHON@ """ Regression tests for Pacemaker's fencer """ __copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors" __license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY" import io import os import re import sys import subprocess import shlex import time import tempfile import signal # Where to find test binaries # Prefer the source tree if available BUILD_DIR = "@abs_top_builddir@" SCHEMA_DIR = "@CRM_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY@" COROSYNC_CONF = "@PCMK__COROSYNC_CONF@" TEST_DIR = sys.path[0] AUTOGEN_COROSYNC_TEMPLATE = """ totem { version: 2 cluster_name: cts-fencing crypto_cipher: none crypto_hash: none transport: udp } nodelist { node { nodeid: 1 name: %s ring0_addr: } } logging { debug: off to_syslog: no to_stderr: no to_logfile: yes logfile: %s } """ # These values must be kept in sync with include/crm/crm.h class CrmExit(object): OK = 0 ERROR = 1 INVALID_PARAM = 2 UNIMPLEMENT_FEATURE = 3 INSUFFICIENT_PRIV = 4 NOT_INSTALLED = 5 NOT_CONFIGURED = 6 NOT_RUNNING = 7 USAGE = 64 DATAERR = 65 NOINPUT = 66 NOUSER = 67 NOHOST = 68 UNAVAILABLE = 69 SOFTWARE = 70 OSERR = 71 OSFILE = 72 CANTCREAT = 73 IOERR = 74 TEMPFAIL = 75 PROTOCOL = 76 NOPERM = 77 CONFIG = 78 FATAL = 100 PANIC = 101 DISCONNECT = 102 SOLO = 103 DIGEST = 104 NOSUCH = 105 QUORUM = 106 UNSAFE = 107 EXISTS = 108 MULTIPLE = 109 OLD = 110 TIMEOUT = 124 MAX = 255 def update_path(): """ Set the PATH environment variable appropriately for the tests """ new_path = os.environ['PATH'] if os.path.exists("%s/cts-fencing.in" % TEST_DIR): print("Running tests from the source tree: %s (%s)" % (BUILD_DIR, TEST_DIR)) # For pacemaker-fenced and cts-fence-helper new_path = "%s/daemons/fenced:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) new_path = "%s/tools:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For stonith_admin new_path = "%s/cts/support:%s" % (BUILD_DIR, new_path) # For cts-support else: print("Running tests from the install tree: @CRM_DAEMON_DIR@ (not %s)" % TEST_DIR) # For pacemaker-fenced, cts-fence-helper, and cts-support new_path = "@CRM_DAEMON_DIR@:%s" % (new_path) print('Using PATH="{}"'.format(new_path)) os.environ['PATH'] = new_path def find_validator(rng_file): if os.access("/usr/bin/xmllint", os.X_OK): if rng_file == None: return ["xmllint", "-"] else: return ["xmllint", "--relaxng", rng_file, "-"] else: return None def rng_directory(): if "PCMK_schema_directory" in os.environ: return os.environ["PCMK_schema_directory"] elif os.path.exists("%s/cts-fencing.in" % TEST_DIR): return "xml" else: return SCHEMA_DIR def pipe_communicate(pipes, check_stderr=False, stdin=None): """ Get text output from pipes """ if stdin is not None: pipe_outputs = pipes.communicate(input=stdin.encode()) else: pipe_outputs = pipes.communicate() output = pipe_outputs[0].decode(sys.stdout.encoding) if check_stderr: output = output + pipe_outputs[1].decode(sys.stderr.encoding) return output def output_from_command(command): """ Execute command and return its standard output """ test = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() return pipe_communicate(test).split("\n") def localname(): """ Return the uname of the local host """ our_uname = output_from_command("uname -n") if our_uname: our_uname = our_uname[0] else: our_uname = "localhost" return our_uname def killall(process): """ Kill all instances of a process """ cmd = shlex.split("killall -9 -q %s" % process) test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() class TestError(Exception): """ Base class for exceptions in this module """ pass class ExitCodeError(TestError): """ Exception raised when command exit status is unexpected """ def __init__(self, exit_code): self.exit_code = exit_code def __str__(self): return repr(self.exit_code) class OutputNotFoundError(TestError): """ Exception raised when command output does not contain wanted string """ def __init__(self, output): self.output = output def __str__(self): return repr(self.output) class OutputFoundError(TestError): """ Exception raised when command output contains unwanted string """ def __init__(self, output): self.output = output def __str__(self): return repr(self.output) class XmlValidationError(TestError): """ Exception raised when xmllint fails """ def __init__(self, output): self.output = output def __str__(self): return repr(self.output) class Test(object): """ Executor for a single test """ def __init__(self, name, description, verbose=0, with_cpg=0, timeout=2, force_wait=0, logdir="/tmp"): self.name = name self.description = description self.cmds = [] self.verbose = verbose self.timeout = timeout self.force_wait = force_wait self.logpath = os.path.join(logdir, "pacemaker-fenced.log") self.result_txt = "" self.cmd_tool_output = "" self.result_exitcode = CrmExit.OK if with_cpg: self.stonith_options = "-c" self.enable_corosync = 1 else: self.stonith_options = "-s" self.enable_corosync = 0 self.stonith_process = None self.stonith_output = "" self.stonith_patterns = [] self.negative_stonith_patterns = [] self.executed = 0 def __new_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode, stdout_match="", no_wait=0, stdout_negative_match="", kill=None, validate=True, check_rng=True, check_stderr=True): """ Add a command to be executed as part of this test """ self.cmds.append( { "cmd" : cmd, "kill" : kill, "args" : args, "expected_exitcode" : exitcode, "stdout_match" : stdout_match, "stdout_negative_match" : stdout_negative_match, "no_wait" : no_wait, "validate" : validate, "check_rng" : check_rng, "check_stderr" : check_stderr, } ) def start_environment(self): """ Prepare the host for executing a test """ # Make sure we are in full control killall("pacemakerd") killall("pacemaker-fenced") if self.verbose: self.stonith_options = self.stonith_options + " -V" print("Starting pacemaker-fenced with %s" % self.stonith_options) if os.path.exists(self.logpath): os.remove(self.logpath) cmd = "pacemaker-fenced %s -l %s" % (self.stonith_options, self.logpath) self.stonith_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd)) logfile = None init_time = time.time() update_time = init_time while True: time.sleep(0.1) if self.force_wait == 0 and logfile == None \ and os.path.exists(self.logpath): logfile = io.open(self.logpath, 'rt', encoding = "ISO-8859-1") if self.force_wait == 0 and logfile != None: for line in logfile.readlines(): if "successfully started" in line: return now = time.time() if self.timeout > 0 and (now - init_time) >= self.timeout: if self.force_wait == 0: print("\tDaemon pacemaker-fenced doesn't seem to have been initialized within %fs." "\n\tConsider specifying a longer '--timeout' value." %(self.timeout)) return if self.verbose and (now - update_time) >= 5: print("Waiting for pacemaker-fenced to be initialized: %fs ..." %(now - init_time)) update_time = now def clean_environment(self): """ Clean up the host after executing a test """ if self.stonith_process: if self.stonith_process.poll() == None: self.stonith_process.terminate() self.stonith_process.wait() else: return_code = { getattr(signal, _signame): _signame for _signame in dir(signal) if _signame.startswith('SIG') and not _signame.startswith("SIG_") }.get(-self.stonith_process.returncode, "RET=%d" % (self.stonith_process.returncode)) msg = "FAILURE - '%s' failed. pacemaker-fenced abnormally exited during test (%s)." self.result_txt = msg % (self.name, return_code) self.result_exitcode = CrmExit.ERROR self.stonith_output = "" self.stonith_process = None # the default for utf-8 encoding would error out if e.g. memory corruption # makes fenced output any kind of 8 bit value - while still interesting # for debugging and we'd still like the regression-test to go over the # full set of test-cases logfile = io.open(self.logpath, 'rt', encoding = "ISO-8859-1") for line in logfile.readlines(): self.stonith_output = self.stonith_output + line if self.verbose: print("Daemon Output Start") print(self.stonith_output) print("Daemon Output End") def add_stonith_log_pattern(self, pattern): """ Add a log pattern to expect from this test """ self.stonith_patterns.append(pattern) def add_stonith_neg_log_pattern(self, pattern): """ Add a log pattern that should not occur with this test """ self.negative_stonith_patterns.append(pattern) def add_cmd(self, cmd, args, validate=True, check_rng=True, check_stderr=True): """ Add a simple command to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, CrmExit.OK, "", validate=validate, check_rng=check_rng, check_stderr=check_stderr) def add_cmd_no_wait(self, cmd, args): """ Add a simple command to be executed (without waiting) as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, CrmExit.OK, "", 1) def add_cmd_check_stdout(self, cmd, args, match, no_match=""): """ Add a simple command with expected output to be executed as part of this test """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, CrmExit.OK, match, 0, no_match) def add_expected_fail_cmd(self, cmd, args, exitcode=CrmExit.ERROR): """ Add a command to be executed as part of this test and expected to fail """ self.__new_cmd(cmd, args, exitcode, "") def get_exitcode(self): """ Return the exit status of the last test execution """ return self.result_exitcode def print_result(self, filler): """ Print the result of the last test execution """ print("%s%s" % (filler, self.result_txt)) def run_cmd(self, args): """ Execute a command as part of this test """ cmd = shlex.split(args['args']) cmd.insert(0, args['cmd']) if self.verbose: print("\n\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd)) test = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if args['kill']: if self.verbose: print("Also running: "+args['kill']) subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(args['kill'])) if args['no_wait'] == 0: test.wait() else: return CrmExit.OK output = pipe_communicate(test, check_stderr=args['check_stderr']) if self.verbose: print(output) if test.returncode != args['expected_exitcode']: raise ExitCodeError(test.returncode) if (args['stdout_match'] != "" and re.search(args['stdout_match'], output) is None): raise OutputNotFoundError(output) if (args['stdout_negative_match'] != "" and re.search(args['stdout_negative_match'], output) is not None): raise OutputFoundError(output) if args['validate']: if args['check_rng']: rng_file = rng_directory() + "/api/api-result.rng" else: rng_file = None cmd = find_validator(rng_file) if not cmd: return if self.verbose: print("\nRunning: "+" ".join(cmd)) validator = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = pipe_communicate(validator, check_stderr=True, stdin=output) if self.verbose: print(output) if validator.returncode != 0: raise XmlValidationError(output) def count_negative_matches(self, outline): """ Return 1 if a line matches patterns that shouldn't have occurred """ count = 0 for line in self.negative_stonith_patterns: if outline.count(line): count = 1 if self.verbose: print("This pattern should not have matched = '%s" % (line)) return count def match_stonith_patterns(self): """ Check test output for expected patterns """ negative_matches = 0 cur = 0 pats = self.stonith_patterns total_patterns = len(self.stonith_patterns) if len(self.stonith_patterns) == 0 and len(self.negative_stonith_patterns) == 0: return for line in self.stonith_output.split("\n"): negative_matches = negative_matches + self.count_negative_matches(line) if len(pats) == 0: continue cur = -1 for pat in pats: cur = cur + 1 if line.count(pats[cur]): del pats[cur] break if len(pats) > 0 or negative_matches: if self.verbose: for pat in pats: print("Pattern Not Matched = '%s'" % pat) msg = "FAILURE - '%s' failed. %d patterns out of %d not matched. %d negative matches." self.result_txt = msg % (self.name, len(pats), total_patterns, negative_matches) self.result_exitcode = CrmExit.ERROR def set_error(self, step, cmd): """ Record failure of this test """ msg = "FAILURE - '%s' failed at step %d. Command: %s %s" self.result_txt = msg % (self.name, step, cmd['cmd'], cmd['args']) self.result_exitcode = CrmExit.ERROR def run(self): """ Execute this test. """ res = 0 i = 1 self.start_environment() if self.verbose: print("\n--- START TEST - %s" % self.name) self.result_txt = "SUCCESS - '%s'" % (self.name) self.result_exitcode = CrmExit.OK for cmd in self.cmds: try: self.run_cmd(cmd) except ExitCodeError as e: print("Step %d FAILED - command returned %s, expected %d" % (i, e, cmd['expected_exitcode'])) self.set_error(i, cmd); break except OutputNotFoundError as e: print("Step %d FAILED - '%s' was not found in command output: %s" % (i, cmd['stdout_match'], e)) self.set_error(i, cmd); break except OutputFoundError as e: print("Step %d FAILED - '%s' was found in command output: %s" % (i, cmd['stdout_negative_match'], e)) self.set_error(i, cmd); break except XmlValidationError as e: print("Step %d FAILED - xmllint failed: %s" % (i, e)) self.set_error(i, cmd); break if self.verbose: print("Step %d SUCCESS" % (i)) i = i + 1 self.clean_environment() if self.result_exitcode == CrmExit.OK: self.match_stonith_patterns() print(self.result_txt) if self.verbose: print("--- END TEST - %s\n" % self.name) self.executed = 1 return res class Tests(object): """ Collection of all fencing regression tests """ def __init__(self, verbose=0, timeout=2, force_wait=0, logdir="/tmp"): self.tests = [] self.verbose = verbose self.timeout = timeout self.force_wait = force_wait self.logdir = logdir self.autogen_corosync_cfg = not os.path.exists(COROSYNC_CONF) def new_test(self, name, description, with_cpg=0): """ Create a named test """ test = Test(name, description, self.verbose, with_cpg, self.timeout, self.force_wait, self.logdir) self.tests.append(test) return test def print_list(self): """ List all registered tests """ print("\n==== %d TESTS FOUND ====" % (len(self.tests))) print("%35s - %s" % ("TEST NAME", "TEST DESCRIPTION")) print("%35s - %s" % ("--------------------", "--------------------")) for test in self.tests: print("%35s - %s" % (test.name, test.description)) print("==== END OF LIST ====\n") def start_corosync(self): """ Start the corosync process """ if self.verbose: print("Starting corosync") test = subprocess.Popen("corosync", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) test.wait() time.sleep(10) def run_single(self, name): """ Run a single named test """ for test in self.tests: if test.name == name: test.run() break def run_tests_matching(self, pattern): """ Run all tests whose name matches a pattern """ for test in self.tests: if test.name.count(pattern) != 0: test.run() def run_cpg_only(self): """ Run all corosync-enabled tests """ for test in self.tests: if test.enable_corosync: test.run() def run_no_cpg(self): """ Run all standalone tests """ for test in self.tests: if not test.enable_corosync: test.run() def run_tests(self): """ Run all tests """ for test in self.tests: test.run() def exit(self): """ Exit (with error status code if any test failed) """ for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != CrmExit.OK: sys.exit(CrmExit.ERROR) sys.exit(CrmExit.OK) def print_results(self): """ Print summary of results of executed tests """ failures = 0 success = 0 print("\n\n======= FINAL RESULTS ==========") print("\n--- FAILURE RESULTS:") for test in self.tests: if test.executed == 0: continue if test.get_exitcode() != CrmExit.OK: failures = failures + 1 test.print_result(" ") else: success = success + 1 if failures == 0: print(" None") print("\n--- TOTALS\n Pass:%d\n Fail:%d\n" % (success, failures)) def build_api_sanity_tests(self): """ Register tests to verify basic API usage """ verbose_arg = "" if self.verbose: verbose_arg = "-V" test = self.new_test("standalone_low_level_api_test", "Sanity test client api in standalone mode.") test.add_cmd("cts-fence-helper", "-t %s" % (verbose_arg), validate=False) test = self.new_test("cpg_low_level_api_test", "Sanity test client api using mainloop and cpg.", 1) test.add_cmd("cts-fence-helper", "-m %s" % (verbose_arg), validate=False) def build_custom_timeout_tests(self): """ Register tests to verify custom timeout usage """ # custom timeout without topology test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_timeout_1", "Verify per device timeouts work as expected without using topology.", 1) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3"') test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node3" -o "pcmk_off_timeout=1"') test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node3" -o "pcmk_off_timeout=4"') test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") # timeout is 5+1+4 = 10 test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 12") # custom timeout _WITH_ topology test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_timeout_2", "Verify per device timeouts work as expected _WITH_ topology.", 1) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3"') test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node3" -o "pcmk_off_timeout=1"') test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node3" -o "pcmk_off_timeout=4000"') test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v false2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") # timeout is 5+1+4000 = 4006 test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 4807") def build_fence_merge_tests(self): """ Register tests to verify when fence operations should be merged """ ### Simple test that overlapping fencing operations get merged test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_single", "Verify overlapping identical fencing operations are merged, no fencing levels used.", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") ### one merger will happen test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") ### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") ### Test that multiple mergers occur test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_multiple", "Verify multiple overlapping identical fencing operations are merged", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"delay=2\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") ### 4 mergers should occur test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") ### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") ### Test that multiple mergers occur with topologies used test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_merge_with_topology", "Verify multiple overlapping identical fencing operations are merged with fencing levels.", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\" ") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true1") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") ### 4 mergers should occur test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") ### the pattern below signifies that both the original and duplicate operation completed test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Operation 'off' targeting node3 by ") def build_fence_no_merge_tests(self): """ Register tests to verify when fence operations should not be merged """ test = self.new_test("cpg_custom_no_merge", "Verify differing fencing operations are not merged", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\" ") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3 node2\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true1") test.add_cmd_no_wait("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node2 -t 10") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 10") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("Merging fencing action 'off' targeting node3 originating from client") def build_standalone_tests(self): """ Register a grab bag of tests that can be executed in standalone or corosync mode """ test_types = [ { "prefix" : "standalone", "use_cpg" : 0, }, { "prefix" : "cpg", "use_cpg" : 1, }, ] # test what happens when all devices timeout for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_fence_multi_device_failure" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify that all devices timeout, a fencing failure is returned.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") if test_type["use_cpg"] == 1: test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 2", CrmExit.TIMEOUT) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 7") else: test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 2", CrmExit.ERROR) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false1 returned ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false2 returned ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false3 returned ") # test what happens when multiple devices can fence a node, but the first device fails. for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_fence_device_failure_rollover" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify that when one fence device fails for a node, the others are tried.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") if test_type["use_cpg"] == 1: test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 18") # test what happens when we try to use a missing fence-agent. for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_fence_missing_agent" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify proper error-handling when using a non-existent fence-agent.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_missing -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node2\"") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5", CrmExit.ERROR) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node2 -t 5") # simple topology test for one device for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_simple" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify all fencing devices at a level are used.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v true") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 6") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true returned 0") # add topology, delete topology, verify fencing still works for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_add_remove" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify fencing occurrs after all topology levels are removed", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v true") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -d node3 -i 1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 6") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true returned 0") # test what happens when the first fencing level has multiple devices. for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_device_fails" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify if one device in a level fails, the other is tried.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 20") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 48") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false returned 1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true returned 0") # test what happens when the first fencing level fails. for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_multi_level_fails" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify if one level fails, the next leve is tried.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true4 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v false2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v true3") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v true4") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 3") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 21") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false1 returned 1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false2 returned 1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true3 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true4 returned 0") # test what happens when the first fencing level had devices that no one has registered for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_missing_devices" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify topology can continue with missing devices.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true4 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v false2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v true3") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v true4") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") # Test what happens if multiple fencing levels are defined, and then the first one is removed. for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_level_removal" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify level removal works.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true4 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v false2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v true3") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 3 -v true4") # Now remove level 2, verify none of the devices in level two are hit. test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -d node3 -i 2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 20") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 96") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false1 returned 1") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("targeting node3 using false2 returned ") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true3 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true4 returned 0") # Test targeting a topology level by node name pattern. for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_level_pattern" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify targeting topology by node name pattern works.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -r '@node.*' -i 1 -v true""") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node3 using true returned 0") # test allowing commas and semicolons as delimiters in pcmk_host_list for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_host_list_delimiters" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify commas and semicolons can be used as pcmk_host_list delimiters", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node1,node2,node3" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=pcmk1;pcmk2;pcmk3" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "stonith_admin --output-as=xml -F node2 -t 5") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "stonith_admin --output-as=xml -F pcmk3 -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting node2 using true1 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("targeting pcmk3 using true2 returned 0") # test the stonith builds the correct list of devices that can fence a node. for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_list_devices" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify list of devices that can fence a node is correct", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -l node1 -V", "true2", "true1") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -l node1 -V", "true3", "true1") # simple test of device monitor for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_monitor" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify device is reachable", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q false1") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true2", CrmExit.ERROR) # Verify monitor occurs for duration of timeout period on failure for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_monitor_timeout" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify monitor uses duration of timeout period given.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "monitor_mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node3"') test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true1 -t 5", CrmExit.ERROR) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempt 2 to execute") # Verify monitor occurs for duration of timeout period on failure, but stops at max retries for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_monitor_timeout_max_retries" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify monitor retries until max retry value or timeout is hit.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "monitor_mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node3"') test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true1 -t 15", CrmExit.ERROR) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempted to execute agent fence_dummy (list) the maximum number of times") # simple register test for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_register" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify devices can be registered and un-registered", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -D true1") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true1", CrmExit.ERROR) # simple reboot test for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_reboot" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify devices can be rebooted", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node3 -t 5") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -D true1") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -Q true1", CrmExit.ERROR) # test fencing history. for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_fence_history" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify last fencing operation is returned.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 -t 5 -V") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -H node3", 'action="off" target="node3" .* status="success"') # simple test of dynamic list query for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_dynamic_list_query" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o mode=pass -o mock_dynamic_hosts=fake_port_1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o mode=pass -o mock_dynamic_hosts=fake_port_1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o mode=pass -o mock_dynamic_hosts=fake_port_1") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -l fake_port_1", 'count="3"') # fence using dynamic list query for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_fence_dynamic_list_query" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o mode=pass -o mock_dynamic_hosts=fake_port_1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o mode=pass -o mock_dynamic_hosts=fake_port_1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o mode=pass -o mock_dynamic_hosts=fake_port_1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F fake_port_1 -t 5 -V") # simple test of query using status action for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_status_query" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify dynamic list of fencing devices can be retrieved.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_check=status\"") test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -l fake_port_1", 'count="3"') # test what happens when no reboot action is advertised for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_no_reboot_support" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify reboot action defaults to off when no reboot action is advertised by agent.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy_no_reboot -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node1 -t 5 -V") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("does not support reboot") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true1 returned 0") # make sure reboot is used when reboot action is advertised for test_type in test_types: test = self.new_test("%s_with_reboot_support" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify reboot action can be used when metadata advertises it.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node1 -t 5 -V") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("does not advertise support for 'reboot', performing 'off'") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true1 returned 0") # make sure requested fencing delay is applied only for the first device in the first level # make sure static delay from pcmk_delay_base is added for test_type in test_types: if test_type["use_cpg"] == 0: continue test = self.new_test("%s_topology_delay" % test_type["prefix"], "Verify requested fencing delay is applied only for the first device in the first level and pcmk_delay_base is added.", test_type["use_cpg"]) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\" -o \"pcmk_delay_base=1\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=fail\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\" -o \"pcmk_delay_base=1\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=node1 node2 node3\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node3 -i 2 -v true3") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F node3 --delay 1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Delaying 'off' action targeting node3 using true1 for 2s | timeout=120s requested_delay=1s base=1s max=1s") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Delaying 'off' action targeting node3 using false1 for 1s | timeout=120s requested_delay=0s base=1s max=1s") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("Delaying 'off' action targeting node3 using true2") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("Delaying 'off' action targeting node3 using true3") def build_nodeid_tests(self): """ Register tests that use a corosync node id """ our_uname = localname() ### verify nodeid is supplied when nodeid is in the metadata parameters test = self.new_test("cpg_supply_nodeid", "Verify nodeid is given when fence agent has nodeid as parameter", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("as nodeid with fence action 'off' targeting %s" % (our_uname)) ### verify nodeid is _NOT_ supplied when nodeid is not in the metadata parameters test = self.new_test("cpg_do_not_supply_nodeid", "Verify nodeid is _NOT_ given when fence agent does not have nodeid as parameter", 1) # use a host name that won't be in corosync.conf test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=regr-test\"") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F regr-test -t 3") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("as nodeid with fence action 'off' targeting regr-test") ### verify nodeid use doesn't explode standalone mode test = self.new_test("standalone_do_not_supply_nodeid", "Verify nodeid in metadata parameter list doesn't kill standalone mode", 0) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -F %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("as nodeid with fence action 'off' targeting %s" % (our_uname)) def build_unfence_tests(self): """ Register tests that verify unfencing """ our_uname = localname() ### verify unfencing using automatic unfencing test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_1", "Verify require unfencing on all devices when automatic=true in agent's metadata", 1) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) # both devices should be executed test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true1 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true2 returned 0") ### verify unfencing using automatic unfencing fails if any of the required agents fail test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_2", "Verify require unfencing on all devices when automatic=true in agent's metadata", 1) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s"' % (our_uname)) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U %s -t 6" % (our_uname), CrmExit.ERROR) ### verify unfencing using automatic devices with topology test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_3", "Verify require unfencing on all devices even when at different topology levels", 1) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true1 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true2 returned 0") ### verify unfencing using automatic devices with topology test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_required_4", "Verify all required devices are executed even with topology levels fail.", 1) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R true4 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false3 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd('stonith_admin', '--output-as=xml -R false4 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=%s node3"' % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 1 -v false1" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 2 -v false2" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 2 -v false3" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 2 -v true3" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 3 -v false4" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 4 -v true4" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true1 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true2 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true3 returned 0") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("using true4 returned 0") def build_unfence_on_target_tests(self): """ Register tests that verify unfencing that runs on the target """ our_uname = localname() ### verify unfencing using on_target device test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_1", "Verify unfencing with on_target = true", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on target") ### verify failure of unfencing using on_target device test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_2", "Verify failure unfencing with on_target = true", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake_1234\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U node_fake_1234 -t 3", CrmExit.ERROR) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on target") ### verify unfencing using on_target device with topology test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_3", "Verify unfencing with on_target = true using topology", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node3\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 1 -v true1" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r %s -i 2 -v true2" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U %s -t 3" % (our_uname)) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on target") ### verify unfencing using on_target device with topology fails when victim node doesn't exist test = self.new_test("cpg_unfence_on_target_4", "Verify unfencing failure with on_target = true using topology", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o \"mode=pass\" -o \"pcmk_host_list=%s node_fake\"" % (our_uname)) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 1 -v true1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 2 -v true2") test.add_expected_fail_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -U node_fake -t 3", CrmExit.ERROR) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("(on) to be executed on target") def build_remap_tests(self): """ Register tests that verify remapping of reboots to off-on """ test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_simple", "Verify sequential topology reboot is remapped to all-off-then-all-on", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """ """-o "pcmk_off_timeout=1" -o "pcmk_reboot_timeout=10" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """ """-o "pcmk_off_timeout=2" -o "pcmk_reboot_timeout=20" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 1 -v true1 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node_fake -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot targeting node_fake") # timeout should be sum of off timeouts (1+2=3), not reboot timeouts (10+20=30) test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Total timeout set to 3 for peer's fencing targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true2") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapped 'off' targeting node_fake complete, remapping to 'on'") # fence_dummy sets "on" as an on_target action test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true1 'on' failure (no capable peers) targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true2 'on' failure (no capable peers) targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot targeting node_fake") test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_automatic", "Verify remapped topology reboot skips automatic 'on'", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence """ """-o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy_auto_unfence """ """-o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 1 -v true1 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node_fake -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true2") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapped 'off' targeting node_fake complete, remapping to 'on'") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("perform 'on' action targeting node_fake using") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("'on' failure") test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_complex_1", "Verify remapped topology reboot in second level works if non-remapped first level fails", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 2 -v true1 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node_fake -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'reboot' action targeting node_fake using false1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true2") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapped 'off' targeting node_fake complete, remapping to 'on'") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true1 'on' failure (no capable peers) targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Ignoring true2 'on' failure (no capable peers) targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot targeting node_fake") test = self.new_test("cpg_remap_complex_2", "Verify remapped topology reboot failure in second level proceeds to third level", 1) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R false1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R false2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=fail" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true1 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true2 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", """--output-as=xml -R true3 -a fence_dummy -o "mode=pass" -o "pcmk_host_list=node_fake" """) test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 1 -v false1") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 2 -v true1 -v false2 -v true3") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -r node_fake -i 3 -v true2") test.add_cmd("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -B node_fake -t 5") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'reboot' action targeting node_fake using false1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Remapping multiple-device reboot targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using true1") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'off' action targeting node_fake using false2") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Attempted to execute agent fence_dummy (off) the maximum number of times") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("Undoing remap of reboot targeting node_fake") test.add_stonith_log_pattern("perform 'reboot' action targeting node_fake using true2") test.add_stonith_neg_log_pattern("node_fake with true3") def build_query_tests(self): """ run stonith_admin --metadata for the fence_dummy agent and check command output """ test = self.new_test("get_metadata", "Run stonith_admin --metadata for the fence_dummy agent", 1) test.add_cmd_check_stdout("stonith_admin", "--output-as=xml -a fence_dummy --metadata", ' %s %s """ % (agent(), SHORT_DESC, AGENT_VERSION, OCF_VERSION, LONG_DESC)) for option, dummy in sorted_options(avail_opt): if "shortdesc" in ALL_OPT[option]: print(' ') default = "" default_name_arg = "-" + ALL_OPT[option]["getopt"][:-1] default_name_no_arg = "-" + ALL_OPT[option]["getopt"] if "default" in ALL_OPT[option]: default = 'default="%s"' % str(ALL_OPT[option]["default"]) elif default_name_arg in options: if options[default_name_arg]: try: default = 'default="%s"' % options[default_name_arg] except TypeError: ## @todo/@note: Currently there is no clean way how to handle lists ## we can create a string from it but we can't set it on command line default = 'default="%s"' % str(options[default_name_arg]) elif default_name_no_arg in options: default = 'default="true"' mixed = ALL_OPT[option]["help"] ## split it between option and help text res = re.compile(r"^(.*--\S+)\s+", re.IGNORECASE | re.S).search(mixed) if None != res: mixed = res.group(1) mixed = mixed.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") print(' ') if ALL_OPT[option]["getopt"].count(":") > 0: print(' ') else: print(' ') print(' ' + ALL_OPT[option]["shortdesc"] + '') print(' ') print(' \n ') if auto_unfence: attr_name = 'automatic' else: attr_name = 'on_target' print(' ') print(' ') if not no_reboot: print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print(' ') print('') def option_longopt(option): """ Return the getopt-compatible long-option name of the given option. """ if ALL_OPT[option]["getopt"].endswith(":"): return ALL_OPT[option]["longopt"] + "=" else: return ALL_OPT[option]["longopt"] def opts_from_command_line(argv, avail_opt): """ Read options from command-line arguments. """ # Prepare list of options for getopt getopt_string = "" longopt_list = [] for k in avail_opt: if k in ALL_OPT: getopt_string += ALL_OPT[k]["getopt"] else: fail_usage("Parse error: unknown option '"+k+"'") if k in ALL_OPT and "longopt" in ALL_OPT[k]: longopt_list.append(option_longopt(k)) try: opt, dummy = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, getopt_string, longopt_list) except getopt.GetoptError as error: fail_usage("Parse error: " + error.msg) # Transform longopt to short one which are used in fencing agents old_opt = opt opt = {} for old_option in dict(old_opt).keys(): if old_option.startswith("--"): for option in ALL_OPT.keys(): if "longopt" in ALL_OPT[option] and "--" + ALL_OPT[option]["longopt"] == old_option: opt["-" + ALL_OPT[option]["getopt"].rstrip(":")] = dict(old_opt)[old_option] else: opt[old_option] = dict(old_opt)[old_option] # Compatibility Layer (with what? probably not needed for fence_dummy) new_opt = dict(opt) if "-T" in new_opt: new_opt["-o"] = "status" if "-n" in new_opt: new_opt["-m"] = new_opt["-n"] opt = new_opt return opt def opts_from_stdin(avail_opt): """ Read options from standard input. """ opt = {} name = "" for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#") or (len(line) == 0): continue (name, value) = (line + "=").split("=", 1) value = value[:-1] # Compatibility Layer (with what? probably not needed for fence_dummy) if name == "option": name = "action" if name not in avail_opt: print("Parse error: Ignoring unknown option '%s'" % line, file=sys.stderr) continue if ALL_OPT[name]["getopt"].endswith(":"): opt["-"+ALL_OPT[name]["getopt"].rstrip(":")] = value elif value.lower() in ["1", "yes", "on", "true"]: opt["-"+ALL_OPT[name]["getopt"]] = "1" return opt def process_input(avail_opt): """ Set standard environment variables, and parse all options. """ # Set standard environment os.putenv("LANG", "C") os.putenv("LC_ALL", "C") # Read options from command line or standard input if len(sys.argv) > 1: return opts_from_command_line(sys.argv[1:], avail_opt) else: return opts_from_stdin(avail_opt) def atexit_handler(): """ Close stdout on exit. """ try: sys.stdout.close() os.close(1) except IOError: sys.exit("%s failed to close standard output" % agent()) def success_mode(options, option, default_value): """ Return exit code specified by option. """ if option in options: test_value = options[option] else: test_value = default_value if test_value == "pass": exitcode = 0 elif test_value == "fail": exitcode = 1 else: exitcode = random.randint(0, 1) return exitcode def write_options(options): """ Write out all options to debug file. """ try: debugfile = io.open(options["-D"], 'at') debugfile.write("### %s ###\n" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) for option in sorted(options): debugfile.write("%s=%s\n" % (option, options[option])) debugfile.write("###\n") debugfile.close() except IOError: pass def main(): """ Make it so! """ global auto_unfence global no_reboot # Meta-data can't take parameters, so we simulate different meta-data # behavior based on the executable name (which can be a symbolic link). if (sys.argv[0].endswith("_auto_unfence")): auto_unfence = True elif (sys.argv[0].endswith("_no_reboot")): no_reboot = True device_opt = ALL_OPT.keys() ## Defaults for fence agent atexit.register(atexit_handler) options = process_input(device_opt) options["device_opt"] = device_opt show_docs(options) + if "-o" in options: + action = options["-o"] + else: + action = "reboot" + # dump input to file - if "-D" in options: + if "-D" in options and action != "validate-all": write_options(options) - if "-f" in options: + if "-f" in options and action != "validate-all": val = int(options["-f"]) print("delay sleep for %d seconds" % val, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(val) # random sleep for testing - if "-R" in options: + if "-R" in options and action != "validate-all": val = int(options["-R"]) ran = random.randint(1, val) print("random sleep for %d seconds" % ran, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(ran) - if "-o" in options: - action = options["-o"] - else: - action = "action" - if action == "monitor": if "-d" in options: time.sleep(int(options["-d"])) exitcode = success_mode(options, "-m", "pass") elif action == "list": print("fence_dummy action (list) called", file=sys.stderr) if "-H" in options: print(options["-H"]) exitcode = 0 else: print("dynamic hostlist requires mock_dynamic_hosts to be set", file=sys.stderr) exitcode = 1 + elif action == "validate-all": + if "-f" in options: + val = int(options["-f"]) + if val > 10: + exitcode = 1 + else: + exitcode = 0 + else: + exitcode = 1 + else: exitcode = success_mode(options, "-M", "random") # Ensure we generate some error output on failure exit. if exitcode == 1: print("simulated %s failure" % action, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(exitcode) if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/lib/fencing/st_client.c b/lib/fencing/st_client.c index 137642af71..1923348125 100644 --- a/lib/fencing/st_client.c +++ b/lib/fencing/st_client.c @@ -1,2579 +1,2597 @@ /* * Copyright 2004-2022 the Pacemaker project contributors * * The version control history for this file may have further details. * * This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fencing_private.h" CRM_TRACE_INIT_DATA(stonith); // Used as stonith_t:st_private typedef struct stonith_private_s { char *token; crm_ipc_t *ipc; mainloop_io_t *source; GHashTable *stonith_op_callback_table; GList *notify_list; int notify_refcnt; bool notify_deletes; void (*op_callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data); } stonith_private_t; // Used as stonith_event_t:opaque struct event_private { pcmk__action_result_t result; }; typedef struct stonith_notify_client_s { const char *event; const char *obj_id; /* implement one day */ const char *obj_type; /* implement one day */ void (*notify) (stonith_t * st, stonith_event_t * e); bool delete; } stonith_notify_client_t; typedef struct stonith_callback_client_s { void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data); const char *id; void *user_data; gboolean only_success; gboolean allow_timeout_updates; struct timer_rec_s *timer; } stonith_callback_client_t; struct notify_blob_s { stonith_t *stonith; xmlNode *xml; }; struct timer_rec_s { int call_id; int timeout; guint ref; stonith_t *stonith; }; typedef int (*stonith_op_t) (const char *, int, const char *, xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode *, xmlNode **, xmlNode **); bool stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st); xmlNode *stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, int call_options); static int stonith_send_command(stonith_t *stonith, const char *op, xmlNode *data, xmlNode **output_data, int call_options, int timeout); static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data); static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data); static int stonith_api_del_notification(stonith_t *stonith, const char *event); /*! * \brief Get agent namespace by name * * \param[in] namespace_s Name of namespace as string * * \return Namespace as enum value */ enum stonith_namespace stonith_text2namespace(const char *namespace_s) { if (pcmk__str_eq(namespace_s, "any", pcmk__str_null_matches)) { return st_namespace_any; } else if (!strcmp(namespace_s, "redhat") || !strcmp(namespace_s, "stonith-ng")) { return st_namespace_rhcs; } else if (!strcmp(namespace_s, "internal")) { return st_namespace_internal; } else if (!strcmp(namespace_s, "heartbeat")) { return st_namespace_lha; } return st_namespace_invalid; } /*! * \brief Get agent namespace name * * \param[in] namespace Namespace as enum value * * \return Namespace name as string */ const char * stonith_namespace2text(enum stonith_namespace st_namespace) { switch (st_namespace) { case st_namespace_any: return "any"; case st_namespace_rhcs: return "stonith-ng"; case st_namespace_internal: return "internal"; case st_namespace_lha: return "heartbeat"; default: break; } return "unsupported"; } /*! * \brief Determine namespace of a fence agent * * \param[in] agent Fence agent type * \param[in] namespace_s Name of agent namespace as string, if known * * \return Namespace of specified agent, as enum value */ enum stonith_namespace stonith_get_namespace(const char *agent, const char *namespace_s) { if (pcmk__str_eq(namespace_s, "internal", pcmk__str_none)) { return st_namespace_internal; } if (stonith__agent_is_rhcs(agent)) { return st_namespace_rhcs; } #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H if (stonith__agent_is_lha(agent)) { return st_namespace_lha; } #endif crm_err("Unknown fence agent: %s", agent); return st_namespace_invalid; } gboolean stonith__watchdog_fencing_enabled_for_node_api(stonith_t *st, const char *node) { gboolean rv = FALSE; stonith_t *stonith_api = st?st:stonith_api_new(); char *list = NULL; if(stonith_api) { if (stonith_api->state == stonith_disconnected) { int rc = stonith_api->cmds->connect(stonith_api, "stonith-api", NULL); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_err("Failed connecting to Stonith-API for watchdog-fencing-query."); } } if (stonith_api->state != stonith_disconnected) { /* caveat!!! * this might fail when when stonithd is just updating the device-list * probably something we should fix as well for other api-calls */ int rc = stonith_api->cmds->list(stonith_api, st_opt_sync_call, STONITH_WATCHDOG_ID, &list, 0); if ((rc != pcmk_ok) || (list == NULL)) { /* due to the race described above it can happen that * we drop in here - so as not to make remote nodes * panic on that answer */ if (rc == -ENODEV) { crm_notice("Cluster does not have watchdog fencing device"); } else { crm_warn("Could not check for watchdog fencing device: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); } } else if (list[0] == '\0') { rv = TRUE; } else { GList *targets = stonith__parse_targets(list); rv = pcmk__str_in_list(node, targets, pcmk__str_casei); g_list_free_full(targets, free); } free(list); if (!st) { /* if we're provided the api we still might have done the * connection - but let's assume the caller won't bother */ stonith_api->cmds->disconnect(stonith_api); } } if (!st) { stonith_api_delete(stonith_api); } } else { crm_err("Stonith-API for watchdog-fencing-query couldn't be created."); } crm_trace("Pacemaker assumes node %s %sto do watchdog-fencing.", node, rv?"":"not "); return rv; } gboolean stonith__watchdog_fencing_enabled_for_node(const char *node) { return stonith__watchdog_fencing_enabled_for_node_api(NULL, node); } /* when cycling through the list we don't want to delete items so just mark them and when we know nobody is using the list loop over it to remove the marked items */ static void foreach_notify_entry (stonith_private_t *private, GFunc func, gpointer user_data) { private->notify_refcnt++; g_list_foreach(private->notify_list, func, user_data); private->notify_refcnt--; if ((private->notify_refcnt == 0) && private->notify_deletes) { GList *list_item = private->notify_list; private->notify_deletes = FALSE; while (list_item != NULL) { stonith_notify_client_t *list_client = list_item->data; GList *next = g_list_next(list_item); if (list_client->delete) { free(list_client); private->notify_list = g_list_delete_link(private->notify_list, list_item); } list_item = next; } } } static void stonith_connection_destroy(gpointer user_data) { stonith_t *stonith = user_data; stonith_private_t *native = NULL; struct notify_blob_s blob; crm_trace("Sending destroyed notification"); blob.stonith = stonith; blob.xml = create_xml_node(NULL, "notify"); native = stonith->st_private; native->ipc = NULL; native->source = NULL; free(native->token); native->token = NULL; stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); crm_xml_add(blob.xml, F_SUBTYPE, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_DISCONNECT); foreach_notify_entry(native, stonith_send_notification, &blob); free_xml(blob.xml); } xmlNode * create_device_registration_xml(const char *id, enum stonith_namespace namespace, const char *agent, stonith_key_value_t *params, const char *rsc_provides) { xmlNode *data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); xmlNode *args = create_xml_node(data, XML_TAG_ATTRS); #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H if (namespace == st_namespace_any) { namespace = stonith_get_namespace(agent, NULL); } if (namespace == st_namespace_lha) { hash2field((gpointer) "plugin", (gpointer) agent, args); agent = "fence_legacy"; } #endif crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, id); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __func__); crm_xml_add(data, "agent", agent); if ((namespace != st_namespace_any) && (namespace != st_namespace_invalid)) { crm_xml_add(data, "namespace", stonith_namespace2text(namespace)); } if (rsc_provides) { crm_xml_add(data, "rsc_provides", rsc_provides); } for (; params; params = params->next) { hash2field((gpointer) params->key, (gpointer) params->value, args); } return data; } static int stonith_api_register_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options, const char *id, const char *namespace, const char *agent, stonith_key_value_t * params) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_device_registration_xml(id, stonith_text2namespace(namespace), agent, params, NULL); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_device(stonith_t * st, int call_options, const char *name) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __func__); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_ID, name); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, data, NULL, call_options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_level_full(stonith_t *st, int options, const char *node, const char *pattern, const char *attr, const char *value, int level) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; CRM_CHECK(node || pattern || (attr && value), return -EINVAL); data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __func__); if (node) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET, node); } else if (pattern) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_PATTERN, pattern); } else { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, attr); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_VALUE, value); } crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, level); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, data, NULL, options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_remove_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level) { return stonith_api_remove_level_full(st, options, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, level); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create XML for fence topology level registration request * * \param[in] node If not NULL, target level by this node name * \param[in] pattern If not NULL, target by node name using this regex * \param[in] attr If not NULL, target by this node attribute * \param[in] value If not NULL, target by this node attribute value * \param[in] level Index number of level to register * \param[in] device_list List of devices in level * * \return Newly allocated XML tree on success, NULL otherwise * * \note The caller should set only one of node, pattern or attr/value. */ xmlNode * create_level_registration_xml(const char *node, const char *pattern, const char *attr, const char *value, int level, stonith_key_value_t *device_list) { size_t len = 0; char *list = NULL; xmlNode *data; CRM_CHECK(node || pattern || (attr && value), return NULL); data = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_FENCING_LEVEL); CRM_CHECK(data, return NULL); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __func__); crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_ID, level); crm_xml_add_int(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_INDEX, level); if (node) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET, node); } else if (pattern) { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_PATTERN, pattern); } else { crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE, attr); crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_TARGET_VALUE, value); } // cppcheck seems not to understand the abort logic behind pcmk__realloc // cppcheck-suppress memleak for (; device_list; device_list = device_list->next) { pcmk__add_separated_word(&list, &len, device_list->value, ","); } crm_xml_add(data, XML_ATTR_STONITH_DEVICES, list); free(list); return data; } static int stonith_api_register_level_full(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, const char *pattern, const char *attr, const char *value, int level, stonith_key_value_t *device_list) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = create_level_registration_xml(node, pattern, attr, value, level, device_list); CRM_CHECK(data != NULL, return -EINVAL); rc = stonith_send_command(st, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, data, NULL, options, 0); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_register_level(stonith_t * st, int options, const char *node, int level, stonith_key_value_t * device_list) { return stonith_api_register_level_full(st, options, node, NULL, NULL, NULL, level, device_list); } static int stonith_api_device_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *namespace, stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout) { int count = 0; enum stonith_namespace ns = stonith_text2namespace(namespace); if (devices == NULL) { crm_err("Parameter error: stonith_api_device_list"); return -EFAULT; } #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H // Include Linux-HA agents if requested if ((ns == st_namespace_any) || (ns == st_namespace_lha)) { count += stonith__list_lha_agents(devices); } #endif // Include Red Hat agents if requested if ((ns == st_namespace_any) || (ns == st_namespace_rhcs)) { count += stonith__list_rhcs_agents(devices); } return count; } static int stonith_api_device_metadata(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *agent, const char *namespace, char **output, int timeout) { /* By executing meta-data directly, we can get it from stonith_admin when * the cluster is not running, which is important for higher-level tools. */ enum stonith_namespace ns = stonith_get_namespace(agent, namespace); crm_trace("Looking up metadata for %s agent %s", stonith_namespace2text(ns), agent); switch (ns) { case st_namespace_rhcs: return stonith__rhcs_metadata(agent, timeout, output); #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H case st_namespace_lha: return stonith__lha_metadata(agent, timeout, output); #endif default: crm_err("Can't get fence agent '%s' meta-data: No such agent", agent); break; } return -ENODEV; } static int stonith_api_query(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target, stonith_key_value_t ** devices, int timeout) { int rc = 0, lpc = 0, max = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *output = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = NULL; CRM_CHECK(devices != NULL, return -EINVAL); data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __func__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, target); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, "off"); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_QUERY, data, &output, call_options, timeout); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } xpathObj = xpath_search(output, "//@agent"); if (xpathObj) { max = numXpathResults(xpathObj); for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpathObj, lpc); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); if(match != NULL) { xmlChar *match_path = xmlGetNodePath(match); crm_info("%s[%d] = %s", "//@agent", lpc, match_path); free(match_path); *devices = stonith_key_value_add(*devices, NULL, crm_element_value(match, XML_ATTR_ID)); } } freeXpathObject(xpathObj); } free_xml(output); free_xml(data); return max; } static int stonith_api_call(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *action, const char *victim, int timeout, xmlNode ** output) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, F_STONITH_DEVICE); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN, __func__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE, id); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, victim); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_EXEC, data, output, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_list(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, char **list_info, int timeout) { int rc; xmlNode *output = NULL; rc = stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "list", NULL, timeout, &output); if (output && list_info) { const char *list_str; list_str = crm_element_value(output, F_STONITH_OUTPUT); if (list_str) { *list_info = strdup(list_str); } } if (output) { free_xml(output); } return rc; } static int stonith_api_monitor(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, int timeout) { return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "monitor", NULL, timeout, NULL); } static int stonith_api_status(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *id, const char *port, int timeout) { return stonith_api_call(stonith, call_options, id, "status", port, timeout, NULL); } static int stonith_api_fence_with_delay(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, const char *action, int timeout, int tolerance, int delay) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; data = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_ACTION, action); crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout); crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_TOLERANCE, tolerance); crm_xml_add_int(data, F_STONITH_DELAY, delay); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE, data, NULL, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); return rc; } static int stonith_api_fence(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, const char *action, int timeout, int tolerance) { return stonith_api_fence_with_delay(stonith, call_options, node, action, timeout, tolerance, 0); } static int stonith_api_confirm(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *target) { stonith__set_call_options(call_options, target, st_opt_manual_ack); return stonith_api_fence(stonith, call_options, target, "off", 0, 0); } static int stonith_api_history(stonith_t * stonith, int call_options, const char *node, stonith_history_t ** history, int timeout) { int rc = 0; xmlNode *data = NULL; xmlNode *output = NULL; stonith_history_t *last = NULL; *history = NULL; if (node) { data = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__); crm_xml_add(data, F_STONITH_TARGET, node); } stonith__set_call_options(call_options, node, st_opt_sync_call); rc = stonith_send_command(stonith, STONITH_OP_FENCE_HISTORY, data, &output, call_options, timeout); free_xml(data); if (rc == 0) { xmlNode *op = NULL; xmlNode *reply = get_xpath_object("//" F_STONITH_HISTORY_LIST, output, LOG_NEVER); for (op = pcmk__xml_first_child(reply); op != NULL; op = pcmk__xml_next(op)) { stonith_history_t *kvp; long long completed; long long completed_nsec = 0L; kvp = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_history_t)); kvp->target = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_TARGET); kvp->action = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ACTION); kvp->origin = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_ORIGIN); kvp->delegate = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_DELEGATE); kvp->client = crm_element_value_copy(op, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME); crm_element_value_ll(op, F_STONITH_DATE, &completed); kvp->completed = (time_t) completed; crm_element_value_ll(op, F_STONITH_DATE_NSEC, &completed_nsec); kvp->completed_nsec = completed_nsec; crm_element_value_int(op, F_STONITH_STATE, &kvp->state); kvp->exit_reason = crm_element_value_copy(op, XML_LRM_ATTR_EXIT_REASON); if (last) { last->next = kvp; } else { *history = kvp; } last = kvp; } } free_xml(output); return rc; } void stonith_history_free(stonith_history_t *history) { stonith_history_t *hp, *hp_old; for (hp = history; hp; hp_old = hp, hp = hp->next, free(hp_old)) { free(hp->target); free(hp->action); free(hp->origin); free(hp->delegate); free(hp->client); free(hp->exit_reason); } } static gint stonithlib_GCompareFunc(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int rc = 0; const stonith_notify_client_t *a_client = a; const stonith_notify_client_t *b_client = b; if (a_client->delete || b_client->delete) { /* make entries marked for deletion not findable */ return -1; } CRM_CHECK(a_client->event != NULL && b_client->event != NULL, return 0); rc = strcmp(a_client->event, b_client->event); if (rc == 0) { if (a_client->notify == NULL || b_client->notify == NULL) { return 0; } else if (a_client->notify == b_client->notify) { return 0; } else if (((long)a_client->notify) < ((long)b_client->notify)) { crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p", a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify); return -1; } crm_err("callbacks for %s are not equal: %p vs. %p", a_client->event, a_client->notify, b_client->notify); return 1; } return rc; } xmlNode * stonith_create_op(int call_id, const char *token, const char *op, xmlNode * data, int call_options) { xmlNode *op_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command"); CRM_CHECK(op_msg != NULL, return NULL); CRM_CHECK(token != NULL, return NULL); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_XML_TAGNAME, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLBACK_TOKEN, token); crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, op); crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, call_id); crm_trace("Sending call options: %.8lx, %d", (long)call_options, call_options); crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLOPTS, call_options); if (data != NULL) { add_message_xml(op_msg, F_STONITH_CALLDATA, data); } return op_msg; } static void stonith_destroy_op_callback(gpointer data) { stonith_callback_client_t *blob = data; if (blob->timer && blob->timer->ref > 0) { g_source_remove(blob->timer->ref); } free(blob->timer); free(blob); } static int stonith_api_signoff(stonith_t * stonith) { stonith_private_t *native = stonith->st_private; crm_debug("Disconnecting from the fencer"); if (native->source != NULL) { /* Attached to mainloop */ mainloop_del_ipc_client(native->source); native->source = NULL; native->ipc = NULL; } else if (native->ipc) { /* Not attached to mainloop */ crm_ipc_t *ipc = native->ipc; native->ipc = NULL; crm_ipc_close(ipc); crm_ipc_destroy(ipc); } free(native->token); native->token = NULL; stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; return pcmk_ok; } static int stonith_api_del_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, bool all_callbacks) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->st_private; if (all_callbacks) { private->op_callback = NULL; g_hash_table_destroy(private->stonith_op_callback_table); private->stonith_op_callback_table = pcmk__intkey_table(stonith_destroy_op_callback); } else if (call_id == 0) { private->op_callback = NULL; } else { pcmk__intkey_table_remove(private->stonith_op_callback_table, call_id); } return pcmk_ok; } /*! * \internal * \brief Invoke a (single) specified fence action callback * * \param[in] st Fencer API connection * \param[in] call_id If positive, call ID of completed fence action, otherwise * legacy return code for early action failure * \param[in] result Full result for action * \param[in] userdata User data to pass to callback * \param[in] callback Fence action callback to invoke */ static void invoke_fence_action_callback(stonith_t *st, int call_id, pcmk__action_result_t *result, void *userdata, void (*callback) (stonith_t *st, stonith_callback_data_t *data)) { stonith_callback_data_t data = { 0, }; data.call_id = call_id; data.rc = pcmk_rc2legacy(stonith__result2rc(result)); data.userdata = userdata; data.opaque = (void *) result; callback(st, &data); } /*! * \internal * \brief Invoke any callbacks registered for a specified fence action result * * Given a fence action result from the fencer, invoke any callback registered * for that action, as well as any global callback registered. * * \param[in] st Fencer API connection * \param[in] msg If non-NULL, fencer reply * \param[in] call_id If \p msg is NULL, call ID of action that timed out */ static void invoke_registered_callbacks(stonith_t *stonith, xmlNode *msg, int call_id) { stonith_private_t *private = NULL; stonith_callback_client_t *cb_info = NULL; pcmk__action_result_t result = PCMK__UNKNOWN_RESULT; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return); CRM_CHECK(stonith->st_private != NULL, return); private = stonith->st_private; if (msg == NULL) { // Fencer didn't reply in time pcmk__set_result(&result, CRM_EX_ERROR, PCMK_EXEC_TIMEOUT, "Fencer accepted request but did not reply in time"); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(call_id > 0); } else { // We have the fencer reply if ((crm_element_value_int(msg, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id) != 0) || (call_id <= 0)) { crm_log_xml_warn(msg, "Bad fencer reply"); } stonith__xe_get_result(msg, &result); } if (call_id > 0) { cb_info = pcmk__intkey_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, call_id); } if ((cb_info != NULL) && (cb_info->callback != NULL) && (pcmk__result_ok(&result) || !(cb_info->only_success))) { crm_trace("Invoking callback %s for call %d", pcmk__s(cb_info->id, "without ID"), call_id); invoke_fence_action_callback(stonith, call_id, &result, cb_info->user_data, cb_info->callback); } else if ((private->op_callback == NULL) && !pcmk__result_ok(&result)) { crm_warn("Fencing action without registered callback failed: %d (%s%s%s)", result.exit_status, pcmk_exec_status_str(result.execution_status), ((result.exit_reason == NULL)? "" : ": "), ((result.exit_reason == NULL)? "" : result.exit_reason)); crm_log_xml_debug(msg, "Failed fence update"); } if (private->op_callback != NULL) { crm_trace("Invoking global callback for call %d", call_id); invoke_fence_action_callback(stonith, call_id, &result, NULL, private->op_callback); } if (cb_info != NULL) { stonith_api_del_callback(stonith, call_id, FALSE); } pcmk__reset_result(&result); } static gboolean stonith_async_timeout_handler(gpointer data) { struct timer_rec_s *timer = data; crm_err("Async call %d timed out after %dms", timer->call_id, timer->timeout); invoke_registered_callbacks(timer->stonith, NULL, timer->call_id); /* Always return TRUE, never remove the handler * We do that in stonith_del_callback() */ return TRUE; } static void set_callback_timeout(stonith_callback_client_t * callback, stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, int timeout) { struct timer_rec_s *async_timer = callback->timer; if (timeout <= 0) { return; } if (!async_timer) { async_timer = calloc(1, sizeof(struct timer_rec_s)); callback->timer = async_timer; } async_timer->stonith = stonith; async_timer->call_id = call_id; /* Allow a fair bit of grace to allow the server to tell us of a timeout * This is only a fallback */ async_timer->timeout = (timeout + 60) * 1000; if (async_timer->ref) { g_source_remove(async_timer->ref); } async_timer->ref = g_timeout_add(async_timer->timeout, stonith_async_timeout_handler, async_timer); } static void update_callback_timeout(int call_id, int timeout, stonith_t * st) { stonith_callback_client_t *callback = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = st->st_private; callback = pcmk__intkey_table_lookup(private->stonith_op_callback_table, call_id); if (!callback || !callback->allow_timeout_updates) { return; } set_callback_timeout(callback, st, call_id, timeout); } static int stonith_dispatch_internal(const char *buffer, ssize_t length, gpointer userdata) { const char *type = NULL; struct notify_blob_s blob; stonith_t *st = userdata; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL); private = st->st_private; blob.stonith = st; blob.xml = string2xml(buffer); if (blob.xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Received malformed message from fencer: %s", buffer); return 0; } /* do callbacks */ type = crm_element_value(blob.xml, F_TYPE); crm_trace("Activating %s callbacks...", type); if (pcmk__str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NG, pcmk__str_none)) { invoke_registered_callbacks(st, blob.xml, 0); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(type, T_STONITH_NOTIFY, pcmk__str_none)) { foreach_notify_entry(private, stonith_send_notification, &blob); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(type, T_STONITH_TIMEOUT_VALUE, pcmk__str_none)) { int call_id = 0; int timeout = 0; crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, &timeout); crm_element_value_int(blob.xml, F_STONITH_CALLID, &call_id); update_callback_timeout(call_id, timeout, st); } else { crm_err("Unknown message type: %s", type); crm_log_xml_warn(blob.xml, "BadReply"); } free_xml(blob.xml); return 1; } static int stonith_api_signon(stonith_t * stonith, const char *name, int *stonith_fd) { int rc = pcmk_ok; stonith_private_t *native = NULL; const char *display_name = name? name : "client"; struct ipc_client_callbacks st_callbacks = { .dispatch = stonith_dispatch_internal, .destroy = stonith_connection_destroy }; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return -EINVAL); native = stonith->st_private; CRM_ASSERT(native != NULL); crm_debug("Attempting fencer connection by %s with%s mainloop", display_name, (stonith_fd? "out" : "")); stonith->state = stonith_connected_command; if (stonith_fd) { /* No mainloop */ native->ipc = crm_ipc_new("stonith-ng", 0); if (native->ipc && crm_ipc_connect(native->ipc)) { *stonith_fd = crm_ipc_get_fd(native->ipc); } else if (native->ipc) { crm_ipc_close(native->ipc); crm_ipc_destroy(native->ipc); native->ipc = NULL; } } else { /* With mainloop */ native->source = mainloop_add_ipc_client("stonith-ng", G_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 0, stonith, &st_callbacks); native->ipc = mainloop_get_ipc_client(native->source); } if (native->ipc == NULL) { rc = -ENOTCONN; } else { xmlNode *reply = NULL; xmlNode *hello = create_xml_node(NULL, "stonith_command"); crm_xml_add(hello, F_TYPE, T_STONITH_NG); crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_OPERATION, CRM_OP_REGISTER); crm_xml_add(hello, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME, name); rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, hello, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, &reply); if (rc < 0) { crm_debug("Couldn't register with the fencer: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); rc = -ECOMM; } else if (reply == NULL) { crm_debug("Couldn't register with the fencer: no reply"); rc = -EPROTO; } else { const char *msg_type = crm_element_value(reply, F_STONITH_OPERATION); native->token = crm_element_value_copy(reply, F_STONITH_CLIENTID); if (!pcmk__str_eq(msg_type, CRM_OP_REGISTER, pcmk__str_none)) { crm_debug("Couldn't register with the fencer: invalid reply type '%s'", (msg_type? msg_type : "(missing)")); crm_log_xml_debug(reply, "Invalid fencer reply"); rc = -EPROTO; } else if (native->token == NULL) { crm_debug("Couldn't register with the fencer: no token in reply"); crm_log_xml_debug(reply, "Invalid fencer reply"); rc = -EPROTO; } else { crm_debug("Connection to fencer by %s succeeded (registration token: %s)", display_name, native->token); rc = pcmk_ok; } } free_xml(reply); free_xml(hello); } if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("Connection attempt to fencer by %s failed: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d", display_name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith); } return rc; } static int stonith_set_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *callback, int enabled) { int rc = pcmk_ok; xmlNode *notify_msg = create_xml_node(NULL, __func__); stonith_private_t *native = stonith->st_private; if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION, T_STONITH_NOTIFY); if (enabled) { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_ACTIVATE, callback); } else { crm_xml_add(notify_msg, F_STONITH_NOTIFY_DEACTIVATE, callback); } rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, notify_msg, crm_ipc_client_response, -1, NULL); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't register for fencing notifications: %d", rc); rc = -ECOMM; } else { rc = pcmk_ok; } } free_xml(notify_msg); return rc; } static int stonith_api_add_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event, void (*callback) (stonith_t * stonith, stonith_event_t * e)) { GList *list_item = NULL; stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; private = stonith->st_private; crm_trace("Adding callback for %s events (%d)", event, g_list_length(private->notify_list)); new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t)); new_client->event = event; new_client->notify = callback; list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc); if (list_item != NULL) { crm_warn("Callback already present"); free(new_client); return -ENOTUNIQ; } else { private->notify_list = g_list_append(private->notify_list, new_client); stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 1); crm_trace("Callback added (%d)", g_list_length(private->notify_list)); } return pcmk_ok; } static void del_notify_entry(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { stonith_notify_client_t *entry = data; stonith_t * stonith = user_data; if (!entry->delete) { crm_debug("Removing callback for %s events", entry->event); stonith_api_del_notification(stonith, entry->event); } } static int stonith_api_del_notification(stonith_t * stonith, const char *event) { GList *list_item = NULL; stonith_notify_client_t *new_client = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = stonith->st_private; if (event == NULL) { foreach_notify_entry(private, del_notify_entry, stonith); crm_trace("Removed callback"); return pcmk_ok; } crm_debug("Removing callback for %s events", event); new_client = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_notify_client_t)); new_client->event = event; new_client->notify = NULL; list_item = g_list_find_custom(private->notify_list, new_client, stonithlib_GCompareFunc); stonith_set_notification(stonith, event, 0); if (list_item != NULL) { stonith_notify_client_t *list_client = list_item->data; if (private->notify_refcnt) { list_client->delete = TRUE; private->notify_deletes = TRUE; } else { private->notify_list = g_list_remove(private->notify_list, list_client); free(list_client); } crm_trace("Removed callback"); } else { crm_trace("Callback not present"); } free(new_client); return pcmk_ok; } static int stonith_api_add_callback(stonith_t * stonith, int call_id, int timeout, int options, void *user_data, const char *callback_name, void (*callback) (stonith_t * st, stonith_callback_data_t * data)) { stonith_callback_client_t *blob = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_CHECK(stonith != NULL, return -EINVAL); CRM_CHECK(stonith->st_private != NULL, return -EINVAL); private = stonith->st_private; if (call_id == 0) { // Add global callback private->op_callback = callback; } else if (call_id < 0) { // Call failed immediately, so call callback now if (!(options & st_opt_report_only_success)) { pcmk__action_result_t result = PCMK__UNKNOWN_RESULT; crm_trace("Call failed, calling %s: %s", callback_name, pcmk_strerror(call_id)); pcmk__set_result(&result, CRM_EX_ERROR, stonith__legacy2status(call_id), NULL); invoke_fence_action_callback(stonith, call_id, &result, user_data, callback); } else { crm_warn("Fencer call failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(call_id)); } return FALSE; } blob = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_callback_client_t)); blob->id = callback_name; blob->only_success = (options & st_opt_report_only_success) ? TRUE : FALSE; blob->user_data = user_data; blob->callback = callback; blob->allow_timeout_updates = (options & st_opt_timeout_updates) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (timeout > 0) { set_callback_timeout(blob, stonith, call_id, timeout); } pcmk__intkey_table_insert(private->stonith_op_callback_table, call_id, blob); crm_trace("Added callback to %s for call %d", callback_name, call_id); return TRUE; } static void stonith_dump_pending_op(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { int call = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key); stonith_callback_client_t *blob = value; crm_debug("Call %d (%s): pending", call, pcmk__s(blob->id, "no ID")); } void stonith_dump_pending_callbacks(stonith_t * stonith) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->st_private; if (private->stonith_op_callback_table == NULL) { return; } return g_hash_table_foreach(private->stonith_op_callback_table, stonith_dump_pending_op, NULL); } /*! * \internal * \brief Get the data section of a fencer notification * * \param[in] msg Notification XML * \param[in] ntype Notification type */ static xmlNode * get_event_data_xml(xmlNode *msg, const char *ntype) { char *data_addr = crm_strdup_printf("//%s", ntype); xmlNode *data = get_xpath_object(data_addr, msg, LOG_DEBUG); free(data_addr); return data; } /* */ static stonith_event_t * xml_to_event(xmlNode *msg) { stonith_event_t *event = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_event_t)); struct event_private *event_private = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(event != NULL); event->opaque = calloc(1, sizeof(struct event_private)); CRM_ASSERT(event->opaque != NULL); event_private = (struct event_private *) event->opaque; crm_log_xml_trace(msg, "stonith_notify"); // All notification types have the operation result and notification subtype stonith__xe_get_result(msg, &event_private->result); event->operation = crm_element_value_copy(msg, F_STONITH_OPERATION); // @COMPAT The API originally provided the result as a legacy return code event->result = pcmk_rc2legacy(stonith__result2rc(&event_private->result)); // Some notification subtypes have additional information if (pcmk__str_eq(event->operation, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE, pcmk__str_none)) { xmlNode *data = get_event_data_xml(msg, event->operation); if (data == NULL) { crm_err("No data for %s event", event->operation); crm_log_xml_notice(msg, "BadEvent"); } else { event->origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ORIGIN); event->action = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_ACTION); event->target = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_TARGET); event->executioner = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DELEGATE); event->id = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_REMOTE_OP_ID); event->client_origin = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_CLIENTNAME); event->device = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE); } } else if (pcmk__str_any_of(event->operation, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, NULL)) { xmlNode *data = get_event_data_xml(msg, event->operation); if (data == NULL) { crm_err("No data for %s event", event->operation); crm_log_xml_notice(msg, "BadEvent"); } else { event->device = crm_element_value_copy(data, F_STONITH_DEVICE); } } return event; } static void event_free(stonith_event_t * event) { struct event_private *event_private = event->opaque; free(event->id); free(event->type); free(event->message); free(event->operation); free(event->origin); free(event->action); free(event->target); free(event->executioner); free(event->device); free(event->client_origin); pcmk__reset_result(&event_private->result); free(event->opaque); free(event); } static void stonith_send_notification(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { struct notify_blob_s *blob = user_data; stonith_notify_client_t *entry = data; stonith_event_t *st_event = NULL; const char *event = NULL; if (blob->xml == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL message"); return; } event = crm_element_value(blob->xml, F_SUBTYPE); if (entry == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback client"); return; } else if (entry->delete) { crm_trace("Skipping callback - marked for deletion"); return; } else if (entry->notify == NULL) { crm_warn("Skipping callback - NULL callback"); return; } else if (!pcmk__str_eq(entry->event, event, pcmk__str_none)) { crm_trace("Skipping callback - event mismatch %p/%s vs. %s", entry, entry->event, event); return; } st_event = xml_to_event(blob->xml); crm_trace("Invoking callback for %p/%s event...", entry, event); entry->notify(blob->stonith, st_event); crm_trace("Callback invoked..."); event_free(st_event); } /*! * \internal * \brief Create and send an API request * * \param[in] stonith Stonith connection * \param[in] op API operation to request * \param[in] data Data to attach to request * \param[out] output_data If not NULL, will be set to reply if synchronous * \param[in] call_options Bitmask of stonith_call_options to use * \param[in] timeout Error if not completed within this many seconds * * \return pcmk_ok (for synchronous requests) or positive call ID * (for asynchronous requests) on success, -errno otherwise */ static int stonith_send_command(stonith_t * stonith, const char *op, xmlNode * data, xmlNode ** output_data, int call_options, int timeout) { int rc = 0; int reply_id = -1; xmlNode *op_msg = NULL; xmlNode *op_reply = NULL; stonith_private_t *native = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(stonith && stonith->st_private && op); native = stonith->st_private; if (output_data != NULL) { *output_data = NULL; } if ((stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) || (native->token == NULL)) { return -ENOTCONN; } /* Increment the call ID, which must be positive to avoid conflicting with * error codes. This shouldn't be a problem unless the client mucked with * it or the counter wrapped around. */ stonith->call_id++; if (stonith->call_id < 1) { stonith->call_id = 1; } op_msg = stonith_create_op(stonith->call_id, native->token, op, data, call_options); if (op_msg == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } crm_xml_add_int(op_msg, F_STONITH_TIMEOUT, timeout); crm_trace("Sending %s message to fencer with timeout %ds", op, timeout); if (data) { const char *delay_s = crm_element_value(data, F_STONITH_DELAY); if (delay_s) { crm_xml_add(op_msg, F_STONITH_DELAY, delay_s); } } { enum crm_ipc_flags ipc_flags = crm_ipc_flags_none; if (call_options & st_opt_sync_call) { pcmk__set_ipc_flags(ipc_flags, "stonith command", crm_ipc_client_response); } rc = crm_ipc_send(native->ipc, op_msg, ipc_flags, 1000 * (timeout + 60), &op_reply); } free_xml(op_msg); if (rc < 0) { crm_perror(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't perform %s operation (timeout=%ds): %d", op, timeout, rc); rc = -ECOMM; goto done; } crm_log_xml_trace(op_reply, "Reply"); if (!(call_options & st_opt_sync_call)) { crm_trace("Async call %d, returning", stonith->call_id); free_xml(op_reply); return stonith->call_id; } rc = pcmk_ok; crm_element_value_int(op_reply, F_STONITH_CALLID, &reply_id); if (reply_id == stonith->call_id) { pcmk__action_result_t result = PCMK__UNKNOWN_RESULT; crm_trace("Synchronous reply %d received", reply_id); stonith__xe_get_result(op_reply, &result); rc = pcmk_rc2legacy(stonith__result2rc(&result)); pcmk__reset_result(&result); if ((call_options & st_opt_discard_reply) || output_data == NULL) { crm_trace("Discarding reply"); } else { *output_data = op_reply; op_reply = NULL; /* Prevent subsequent free */ } } else if (reply_id <= 0) { crm_err("Received bad reply: No id set"); crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Bad reply"); free_xml(op_reply); rc = -ENOMSG; } else { crm_err("Received bad reply: %d (wanted %d)", reply_id, stonith->call_id); crm_log_xml_err(op_reply, "Old reply"); free_xml(op_reply); rc = -ENOMSG; } done: if (crm_ipc_connected(native->ipc) == FALSE) { crm_err("Fencer disconnected"); free(native->token); native->token = NULL; stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; } free_xml(op_reply); return rc; } /* Not used with mainloop */ bool stonith_dispatch(stonith_t * st) { gboolean stay_connected = TRUE; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; CRM_ASSERT(st != NULL); private = st->st_private; while (crm_ipc_ready(private->ipc)) { if (crm_ipc_read(private->ipc) > 0) { const char *msg = crm_ipc_buffer(private->ipc); stonith_dispatch_internal(msg, strlen(msg), st); } if (crm_ipc_connected(private->ipc) == FALSE) { crm_err("Connection closed"); stay_connected = FALSE; } } return stay_connected; } static int stonith_api_free(stonith_t * stonith) { int rc = pcmk_ok; crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith); if (stonith->state != stonith_disconnected) { crm_trace("Disconnecting %p first", stonith); rc = stonith->cmds->disconnect(stonith); } if (stonith->state == stonith_disconnected) { stonith_private_t *private = stonith->st_private; crm_trace("Removing %d callbacks", g_hash_table_size(private->stonith_op_callback_table)); g_hash_table_destroy(private->stonith_op_callback_table); crm_trace("Destroying %d notification clients", g_list_length(private->notify_list)); g_list_free_full(private->notify_list, free); free(stonith->st_private); free(stonith->cmds); free(stonith); } else { crm_err("Not free'ing active connection: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } return rc; } void stonith_api_delete(stonith_t * stonith) { crm_trace("Destroying %p", stonith); if(stonith) { stonith->cmds->free(stonith); } } static int stonith_api_validate(stonith_t *st, int call_options, const char *rsc_id, const char *namespace_s, const char *agent, stonith_key_value_t *params, int timeout, char **output, char **error_output) { /* Validation should be done directly via the agent, so we can get it from * stonith_admin when the cluster is not running, which is important for * higher-level tools. */ int rc = pcmk_ok; /* Use a dummy node name in case the agent requires a target. We assume the * actual target doesn't matter for validation purposes (if in practice, * that is incorrect, we will need to allow the caller to pass the target). */ const char *target = "node1"; const char *host_arg = NULL; GHashTable *params_table = pcmk__strkey_table(free, free); // Convert parameter list to a hash table for (; params; params = params->next) { if (pcmk__str_eq(params->key, PCMK_STONITH_HOST_ARGUMENT, pcmk__str_none)) { host_arg = params->value; } if (!pcmk_stonith_param(params->key)) { g_hash_table_insert(params_table, strdup(params->key), strdup(params->value)); } } #if SUPPORT_CIBSECRETS rc = pcmk__substitute_secrets(rsc_id, params_table); if (rc != pcmk_rc_ok) { crm_warn("Could not replace secret parameters for validation of %s: %s", agent, pcmk_rc_str(rc)); // rc is standard return value, don't return it in this function } #endif if (output) { *output = NULL; } if (error_output) { *error_output = NULL; } switch (stonith_get_namespace(agent, namespace_s)) { case st_namespace_rhcs: rc = stonith__rhcs_validate(st, call_options, target, agent, params_table, host_arg, timeout, output, error_output); break; #if HAVE_STONITH_STONITH_H case st_namespace_lha: rc = stonith__lha_validate(st, call_options, target, agent, params_table, timeout, output, error_output); break; #endif + case st_namespace_invalid: + errno = ENOENT; + rc = -errno; + + if (error_output) { + *error_output = crm_strdup_printf("Agent %s not found", agent); + } else { + crm_err("Agent %s not found", agent); + } + + break; + default: - rc = -EINVAL; - errno = EINVAL; - crm_perror(LOG_ERR, - "Agent %s not found or does not support validation", - agent); + errno = EOPNOTSUPP; + rc = -errno; + + if (error_output) { + *error_output = crm_strdup_printf("Agent %s does not support validation", + agent); + } else { + crm_err("Agent %s does not support validation", agent); + } + break; } + g_hash_table_destroy(params_table); return rc; } stonith_t * stonith_api_new(void) { stonith_t *new_stonith = NULL; stonith_private_t *private = NULL; new_stonith = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_t)); if (new_stonith == NULL) { return NULL; } private = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_private_t)); if (private == NULL) { free(new_stonith); return NULL; } new_stonith->st_private = private; private->stonith_op_callback_table = pcmk__intkey_table(stonith_destroy_op_callback); private->notify_list = NULL; private->notify_refcnt = 0; private->notify_deletes = FALSE; new_stonith->call_id = 1; new_stonith->state = stonith_disconnected; new_stonith->cmds = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_api_operations_t)); if (new_stonith->cmds == NULL) { free(new_stonith->st_private); free(new_stonith); return NULL; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ new_stonith->cmds->free = stonith_api_free; new_stonith->cmds->connect = stonith_api_signon; new_stonith->cmds->disconnect = stonith_api_signoff; new_stonith->cmds->list = stonith_api_list; new_stonith->cmds->monitor = stonith_api_monitor; new_stonith->cmds->status = stonith_api_status; new_stonith->cmds->fence = stonith_api_fence; new_stonith->cmds->fence_with_delay = stonith_api_fence_with_delay; new_stonith->cmds->confirm = stonith_api_confirm; new_stonith->cmds->history = stonith_api_history; new_stonith->cmds->list_agents = stonith_api_device_list; new_stonith->cmds->metadata = stonith_api_device_metadata; new_stonith->cmds->query = stonith_api_query; new_stonith->cmds->remove_device = stonith_api_remove_device; new_stonith->cmds->register_device = stonith_api_register_device; new_stonith->cmds->remove_level = stonith_api_remove_level; new_stonith->cmds->remove_level_full = stonith_api_remove_level_full; new_stonith->cmds->register_level = stonith_api_register_level; new_stonith->cmds->register_level_full = stonith_api_register_level_full; new_stonith->cmds->remove_callback = stonith_api_del_callback; new_stonith->cmds->register_callback = stonith_api_add_callback; new_stonith->cmds->remove_notification = stonith_api_del_notification; new_stonith->cmds->register_notification = stonith_api_add_notification; new_stonith->cmds->validate = stonith_api_validate; /* *INDENT-ON* */ return new_stonith; } /*! * \brief Make a blocking connection attempt to the fencer * * \param[in,out] st Fencer API object * \param[in] name Client name to use with fencer * \param[in] max_attempts Return error if this many attempts fail * * \return pcmk_ok on success, result of last attempt otherwise */ int stonith_api_connect_retry(stonith_t *st, const char *name, int max_attempts) { int rc = -EINVAL; // if max_attempts is not positive for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= max_attempts; attempt++) { rc = st->cmds->connect(st, name, NULL); if (rc == pcmk_ok) { return pcmk_ok; } else if (attempt < max_attempts) { crm_notice("Fencer connection attempt %d of %d failed (retrying in 2s): %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d", attempt, max_attempts, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); sleep(2); } } crm_notice("Could not connect to fencer: %s " CRM_XS " rc=%d", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); return rc; } stonith_key_value_t * stonith_key_value_add(stonith_key_value_t * head, const char *key, const char *value) { stonith_key_value_t *p, *end; p = calloc(1, sizeof(stonith_key_value_t)); pcmk__str_update(&p->key, key); pcmk__str_update(&p->value, value); end = head; while (end && end->next) { end = end->next; } if (end) { end->next = p; } else { head = p; } return head; } void stonith_key_value_freeall(stonith_key_value_t * head, int keys, int values) { stonith_key_value_t *p; while (head) { p = head->next; if (keys) { free(head->key); } if (values) { free(head->value); } free(head); head = p; } } #define api_log_open() openlog("stonith-api", LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON) #define api_log(level, fmt, args...) syslog(level, "%s: "fmt, __func__, args) int stonith_api_kick(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, int timeout, bool off) { int rc = pcmk_ok; stonith_t *st = stonith_api_new(); const char *action = off? "off" : "reboot"; api_log_open(); if (st == NULL) { api_log(LOG_ERR, "API initialization failed, could not kick (%s) node %u/%s", action, nodeid, uname); return -EPROTO; } rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Connection failed, could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else { char *name = (uname == NULL)? pcmk__itoa(nodeid) : strdup(uname); int opts = 0; stonith__set_call_options(opts, name, st_opt_sync_call|st_opt_allow_suicide); if ((uname == NULL) && (nodeid > 0)) { stonith__set_call_options(opts, name, st_opt_cs_nodeid); } rc = st->cmds->fence(st, opts, name, action, timeout, 0); free(name); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not kick (%s) node %u/%s : %s (%d)", action, nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else { api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Node %u/%s kicked: %s", nodeid, uname, action); } } stonith_api_delete(st); return rc; } time_t stonith_api_time(uint32_t nodeid, const char *uname, bool in_progress) { int rc = pcmk_ok; time_t when = 0; stonith_t *st = stonith_api_new(); stonith_history_t *history = NULL, *hp = NULL; if (st == NULL) { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not retrieve fence history for %u/%s: " "API initialization failed", nodeid, uname); return when; } rc = st->cmds->connect(st, "stonith-api", NULL); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Connection failed: %s (%d)", pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } else { int entries = 0; int progress = 0; int completed = 0; int opts = 0; char *name = (uname == NULL)? pcmk__itoa(nodeid) : strdup(uname); stonith__set_call_options(opts, name, st_opt_sync_call); if ((uname == NULL) && (nodeid > 0)) { stonith__set_call_options(opts, name, st_opt_cs_nodeid); } rc = st->cmds->history(st, opts, name, &history, 120); free(name); for (hp = history; hp; hp = hp->next) { entries++; if (in_progress) { progress++; if (hp->state != st_done && hp->state != st_failed) { when = time(NULL); } } else if (hp->state == st_done) { completed++; if (hp->completed > when) { when = hp->completed; } } } stonith_history_free(history); if(rc == pcmk_ok) { api_log(LOG_INFO, "Found %d entries for %u/%s: %d in progress, %d completed", entries, nodeid, uname, progress, completed); } else { api_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not retrieve fence history for %u/%s: %s (%d)", nodeid, uname, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); } } stonith_api_delete(st); if(when) { api_log(LOG_INFO, "Node %u/%s last kicked at: %ld", nodeid, uname, (long int)when); } return when; } bool stonith_agent_exists(const char *agent, int timeout) { stonith_t *st = NULL; stonith_key_value_t *devices = NULL; stonith_key_value_t *dIter = NULL; bool rc = FALSE; if (agent == NULL) { return rc; } st = stonith_api_new(); if (st == NULL) { crm_err("Could not list fence agents: API memory allocation failed"); return FALSE; } st->cmds->list_agents(st, st_opt_sync_call, NULL, &devices, timeout == 0 ? 120 : timeout); for (dIter = devices; dIter != NULL; dIter = dIter->next) { if (pcmk__str_eq(dIter->value, agent, pcmk__str_none)) { rc = TRUE; break; } } stonith_key_value_freeall(devices, 1, 1); stonith_api_delete(st); return rc; } const char * stonith_action_str(const char *action) { if (action == NULL) { return "fencing"; } else if (!strcmp(action, "on")) { return "unfencing"; } else if (!strcmp(action, "off")) { return "turning off"; } else { return action; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Parse a target name from one line of a target list string * * \param[in] line One line of a target list string * \param[in] len String length of line * \param[in,out] output List to add newly allocated target name to */ static void parse_list_line(const char *line, int len, GList **output) { size_t i = 0; size_t entry_start = 0; /* Skip complaints about additional parameters device doesn't understand * * @TODO Document or eliminate the implied restriction of target names */ if (strstr(line, "invalid") || strstr(line, "variable")) { crm_debug("Skipping list output line: %s", line); return; } // Process line content, character by character for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) { if (isspace(line[i]) || (line[i] == ',') || (line[i] == ';') || (line[i] == '\0')) { // We've found a separator (i.e. the end of an entry) int rc = 0; char *entry = NULL; if (i == entry_start) { // Skip leading and sequential separators entry_start = i + 1; continue; } entry = calloc(i - entry_start + 1, sizeof(char)); CRM_ASSERT(entry != NULL); /* Read entry, stopping at first separator * * @TODO Document or eliminate these character restrictions */ rc = sscanf(line + entry_start, "%[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]", entry); if (rc != 1) { crm_warn("Could not parse list output entry: %s " CRM_XS " entry_start=%d position=%d", line + entry_start, entry_start, i); free(entry); } else if (pcmk__strcase_any_of(entry, "on", "off", NULL)) { /* Some agents print the target status in the list output, * though none are known now (the separate list-status command * is used for this, but it can also print "UNKNOWN"). To handle * this possibility, skip such entries. * * @TODO Document or eliminate the implied restriction of target * names. */ free(entry); } else { // We have a valid entry *output = g_list_append(*output, entry); } entry_start = i + 1; } } } /*! * \internal * \brief Parse a list of targets from a string * * \param[in] list_output Target list as a string * * \return List of target names * \note The target list string format is flexible, to allow for user-specified * lists such pcmk_host_list and the output of an agent's list action * (whether direct or via the API, which escapes newlines). There may be * multiple lines, separated by either a newline or an escaped newline * (backslash n). Each line may have one or more target names, separated * by any combination of whitespace, commas, and semi-colons. Lines * containing "invalid" or "variable" will be ignored entirely. Target * names "on" or "off" (case-insensitive) will be ignored. Target names * may contain only alphanumeric characters, underbars (_), dashes (-), * and dots (.) (if any other character occurs in the name, it and all * subsequent characters in the name will be ignored). * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the result with * g_list_free_full(result, free). */ GList * stonith__parse_targets(const char *target_spec) { GList *targets = NULL; if (target_spec != NULL) { size_t out_len = strlen(target_spec); size_t line_start = 0; // Starting index of line being processed for (size_t i = 0; i <= out_len; ++i) { if ((target_spec[i] == '\n') || (target_spec[i] == '\0') || ((target_spec[i] == '\\') && (target_spec[i + 1] == 'n'))) { // We've reached the end of one line of output int len = i - line_start; if (len > 0) { char *line = strndup(target_spec + line_start, len); line[len] = '\0'; // Because it might be a newline parse_list_line(line, len, &targets); free(line); } if (target_spec[i] == '\\') { ++i; // backslash-n takes up two positions } line_start = i + 1; } } } return targets; } /*! * \internal * \brief Check whether a fencing failure was followed by an equivalent success * * \param[in] event Fencing failure * \param[in] top_history Complete fencing history (must be sorted by * stonith__sort_history() beforehand) * * \return The name of the node that executed the fencing if a later successful * event exists, or NULL if no such event exists */ const char * stonith__later_succeeded(stonith_history_t *event, stonith_history_t *top_history) { const char *other = NULL; for (stonith_history_t *prev_hp = top_history; prev_hp; prev_hp = prev_hp->next) { if (prev_hp == event) { break; } if ((prev_hp->state == st_done) && pcmk__str_eq(event->target, prev_hp->target, pcmk__str_casei) && pcmk__str_eq(event->action, prev_hp->action, pcmk__str_none) && ((event->completed < prev_hp->completed) || ((event->completed == prev_hp->completed) && (event->completed_nsec < prev_hp->completed_nsec)))) { if ((event->delegate == NULL) || pcmk__str_eq(event->delegate, prev_hp->delegate, pcmk__str_casei)) { // Prefer equivalent fencing by same executioner return prev_hp->delegate; } else if (other == NULL) { // Otherwise remember first successful executioner other = (prev_hp->delegate == NULL)? "some node" : prev_hp->delegate; } } } return other; } /*! * \internal * \brief Sort the stonith-history * sort by competed most current on the top * pending actions lacking a completed-stamp are gathered at the top * * \param[in] history List of stonith actions * */ stonith_history_t * stonith__sort_history(stonith_history_t *history) { stonith_history_t *new = NULL, *pending = NULL, *hp, *np, *tmp; for (hp = history; hp; ) { tmp = hp->next; if ((hp->state == st_done) || (hp->state == st_failed)) { /* sort into new */ if ((!new) || (hp->completed > new->completed) || ((hp->completed == new->completed) && (hp->completed_nsec > new->completed_nsec))) { hp->next = new; new = hp; } else { np = new; do { if ((!np->next) || (hp->completed > np->next->completed) || ((hp->completed == np->next->completed) && (hp->completed_nsec > np->next->completed_nsec))) { hp->next = np->next; np->next = hp; break; } np = np->next; } while (1); } } else { /* put into pending */ hp->next = pending; pending = hp; } hp = tmp; } /* pending actions don't have a completed-stamp so make them go front */ if (pending) { stonith_history_t *last_pending = pending; while (last_pending->next) { last_pending = last_pending->next; } last_pending->next = new; new = pending; } return new; } /*! * \brief Return string equivalent of an operation state value * * \param[in] state Fencing operation state value * * \return Human-friendly string equivalent of state */ const char * stonith_op_state_str(enum op_state state) { switch (state) { case st_query: return "querying"; case st_exec: return "executing"; case st_done: return "completed"; case st_duplicate: return "duplicate"; case st_failed: return "failed"; } return "unknown"; } stonith_history_t * stonith__first_matching_event(stonith_history_t *history, bool (*matching_fn)(stonith_history_t *, void *), void *user_data) { for (stonith_history_t *hp = history; hp; hp = hp->next) { if (matching_fn(hp, user_data)) { return hp; } } return NULL; } bool stonith__event_state_pending(stonith_history_t *history, void *user_data) { return history->state != st_failed && history->state != st_done; } bool stonith__event_state_eq(stonith_history_t *history, void *user_data) { return history->state == GPOINTER_TO_INT(user_data); } bool stonith__event_state_neq(stonith_history_t *history, void *user_data) { return history->state != GPOINTER_TO_INT(user_data); } void stonith__device_parameter_flags(uint32_t *device_flags, const char *device_name, xmlNode *metadata) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath = NULL; int max = 0; int lpc = 0; CRM_CHECK((device_flags != NULL) && (metadata != NULL), return); xpath = xpath_search(metadata, "//parameter"); max = numXpathResults(xpath); if (max <= 0) { freeXpathObject(xpath); return; } for (lpc = 0; lpc < max; lpc++) { const char *parameter = NULL; xmlNode *match = getXpathResult(xpath, lpc); CRM_LOG_ASSERT(match != NULL); if (match == NULL) { continue; } parameter = crm_element_value(match, "name"); if (pcmk__str_eq(parameter, "plug", pcmk__str_casei)) { stonith__set_device_flags(*device_flags, device_name, st_device_supports_parameter_plug); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(parameter, "port", pcmk__str_casei)) { stonith__set_device_flags(*device_flags, device_name, st_device_supports_parameter_port); } } freeXpathObject(xpath); } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the exit status from an async action callback * * \param[in] data Callback data * * \return Exit status from callback data */ int stonith__exit_status(stonith_callback_data_t *data) { if ((data == NULL) || (data->opaque == NULL)) { return CRM_EX_ERROR; } return ((pcmk__action_result_t *) data->opaque)->exit_status; } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the execution status from an async action callback * * \param[in] data Callback data * * \return Execution status from callback data */ int stonith__execution_status(stonith_callback_data_t *data) { if ((data == NULL) || (data->opaque == NULL)) { return PCMK_EXEC_UNKNOWN; } return ((pcmk__action_result_t *) data->opaque)->execution_status; } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the exit reason from an async action callback * * \param[in] data Callback data * * \return Exit reason from callback data */ const char * stonith__exit_reason(stonith_callback_data_t *data) { if ((data == NULL) || (data->opaque == NULL)) { return NULL; } return ((pcmk__action_result_t *) data->opaque)->exit_reason; } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the exit status from an event notification * * \param[in] event Event * * \return Exit status from event */ int stonith__event_exit_status(stonith_event_t *event) { if ((event == NULL) || (event->opaque == NULL)) { return CRM_EX_ERROR; } else { struct event_private *event_private = event->opaque; return event_private->result.exit_status; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the execution status from an event notification * * \param[in] event Event * * \return Execution status from event */ int stonith__event_execution_status(stonith_event_t *event) { if ((event == NULL) || (event->opaque == NULL)) { return PCMK_EXEC_UNKNOWN; } else { struct event_private *event_private = event->opaque; return event_private->result.execution_status; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Return the exit reason from an event notification * * \param[in] event Event * * \return Exit reason from event */ const char * stonith__event_exit_reason(stonith_event_t *event) { if ((event == NULL) || (event->opaque == NULL)) { return NULL; } else { struct event_private *event_private = event->opaque; return event_private->result.exit_reason; } } /*! * \internal * \brief Return a human-friendly description of a fencing event * * \param[in] event Event to describe * * \return Newly allocated string with description of \p event * \note The caller is responsible for freeing the return value. * This function asserts on memory errors and never returns NULL. */ char * stonith__event_description(stonith_event_t *event) { // Use somewhat readable defaults const char *origin = pcmk__s(event->client_origin, "a client"); const char *origin_node = pcmk__s(event->origin, "a node"); const char *executioner = pcmk__s(event->executioner, "the cluster"); const char *device = pcmk__s(event->device, "unknown"); const char *action = pcmk__s(event->action, event->operation); const char *target = pcmk__s(event->target, "no node"); const char *reason = stonith__event_exit_reason(event); const char *status; if (action == NULL) { action = "(unknown)"; } if (stonith__event_execution_status(event) != PCMK_EXEC_DONE) { status = pcmk_exec_status_str(stonith__event_execution_status(event)); } else if (stonith__event_exit_status(event) != CRM_EX_OK) { status = pcmk_exec_status_str(PCMK_EXEC_ERROR); } else { status = crm_exit_str(CRM_EX_OK); } if (pcmk__str_eq(event->operation, T_STONITH_NOTIFY_HISTORY, pcmk__str_none)) { return crm_strdup_printf("Fencing history may have changed"); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(event->operation, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_ADD, pcmk__str_none)) { return crm_strdup_printf("A fencing device (%s) was added", device); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(event->operation, STONITH_OP_DEVICE_DEL, pcmk__str_none)) { return crm_strdup_printf("A fencing device (%s) was removed", device); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(event->operation, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_ADD, pcmk__str_none)) { return crm_strdup_printf("A fencing topology level (%s) was added", device); } else if (pcmk__str_eq(event->operation, STONITH_OP_LEVEL_DEL, pcmk__str_none)) { return crm_strdup_printf("A fencing topology level (%s) was removed", device); } // event->operation should be T_STONITH_NOTIFY_FENCE at this point return crm_strdup_printf("Operation %s of %s by %s for %s@%s: %s%s%s%s (ref=%s)", action, target, executioner, origin, origin_node, status, ((reason == NULL)? "" : " ("), pcmk__s(reason, ""), ((reason == NULL)? "" : ")"), pcmk__s(event->id, "(none)")); } // Deprecated functions kept only for backward API compatibility // LCOV_EXCL_START const char *get_stonith_provider(const char *agent, const char *provider); const char * get_stonith_provider(const char *agent, const char *provider) { return stonith_namespace2text(stonith_get_namespace(agent, provider)); } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // End deprecated API