diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Alerts.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Alerts.txt
index 648bff70b6..f5abddf871 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Alerts.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Alerts.txt
@@ -1,335 +1,339 @@
= Alerts =
We prefer [[ch-alerts]], but older versions of asciidoc don't deal well
with that construct for chapter headings
anchor:ch-alerts[Chapter 7, Alerts]
'Alerts' may be configured to take some external action when a cluster event
occurs (node failure, resource starting or stopping, etc.).
== Alert Agents ==
As with resource agents, the cluster calls an external program (an
'alert agent') to handle alerts. The cluster passes information about the event
to the agent via environment variables. Agents can do anything
desired with this information (send an e-mail, log to a file,
update a monitoring system, etc.).
.Simple alert configuration
In the example above, the cluster will call +my-script.sh+ for each event.
Multiple alert agents may be configured; the cluster will call all of them for
each event.
Alert agents will be called only on cluster nodes. They will be called for
events involving Pacemaker Remote nodes, but they will never be called _on_
those nodes.
== Alert Recipients ==
Usually alerts are directed towards a recipient. Thus each alert may be additionally configured with one or more recipients.
The cluster will call the agent separately for each recipient.
.Alert configuration with recipient
In the above example, the cluster will call +my-script.sh+ for each event,
passing the recipient +some-address+ as an environment variable.
The recipient may be anything the alert agent can recognize --
an IP address, an e-mail address, a file name, whatever the particular
agent supports.
== Alert Meta-Attributes ==
As with resource agents, meta-attributes can be configured for alert agents
to affect how Pacemaker calls them.
.Meta-Attributes of an Alert
In the above example, the +my-script.sh+ will get called twice for each event,
with each call using a 15-second timeout. One call will be passed the recipient
+someuser@example.com+ and a timestamp in the format +%D %H:%M+, while the
other call will be passed the recipient +otheruser@example.com+ and a timestamp
in the format +%c+.
== Alert Instance Attributes ==
As with resource agents, agent-specific configuration values may be configured
as instance attributes. These will be passed to the agent as additional
environment variables. The number, names and allowed values of these
instance attributes are completely up to the particular agent.
.Alert configuration with instance attributes
== Using the Sample Alert Agents ==
Pacemaker provides several sample alert agents, installed in
+/usr/share/pacemaker/alerts+ by default.
While these sample scripts may be copied and used as-is, they are provided
mainly as templates to be edited to suit your purposes.
See their source code for the full set of instance attributes they support.
.Sending cluster events as SNMP traps
.Sending cluster events as e-mails
== Writing an Alert Agent ==
.Environment variables passed to alert agents