diff --git a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt
index 6d8bf3d0ab..4f80983915 100644
--- a/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt
+++ b/doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Rules.txt
@@ -1,556 +1,561 @@
= Rules =
+We prefer [[ch-rules]], but older versions of asciidoc dont deal well
+with that construct for chapter headings
+anchor:ch-rules[Chapter 8, Rules]
Rules can be used to make your configuration more dynamic. One common
example is to set one value for +resource-stickiness+ during working
hours, to prevent resources from being moved back to their most
preferred location, and another on weekends when no-one is around to
notice an outage.
Another use of rules might be to assign machines to different
processing groups (using a node attribute) based on time and to then
use that attribute when creating location constraints.
Each rule can contain a number of expressions, date-expressions and
even other rules. The results of the expressions are combined based
on the rule's +boolean-op+ field to determine if the rule ultimately
evaluates to +true+ or +false+. What happens next depends on the
context in which the rule is being used.
.Properties of a Rule
|Limits the rule to apply only when the resource is in that
role. Allowed values: _Started_, +Slave,+ and +Master+. NOTE: A rule
with +role="Master"+ can not determine the initial location of a
clone instance. It will only affect which of the active instances
will be promoted.
indexterm:[role,Constraint Rule]
|The score to apply if the rule evaluates to +true+. Limited to use in
rules that are part of location constraints.
indexterm:[score,Constraint Rule]
|The node attribute to look up and use as a score if the rule
evaluates to +true+. Limited to use in rules that are part of
location constraints.
indexterm:[score-attribute,Constraint Rule]
|How to combine the result of multiple expression objects. Allowed
values: _and_ and +or+.
indexterm:[boolean-op,Constraint Rule]
== Node Attribute Expressions ==
indexterm:[Resource,Constraint,Attribute Expression]
Expression objects are used to control a resource based on the
attributes defined by a node or nodes. In addition to any attributes
added by the administrator, each node has a built-in node attribute
called +#uname+ that can also be used.
.Properties of an Expression
|User supplied value for comparison
indexterm:[value,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Attribute Expression,value]
|The node attribute to test
indexterm:[attribute,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Attribute Expression,attribute]
|Determines how the value(s) should be tested. Allowed values:
_string_, +integer+, +version+
indexterm:[type,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Attribute Expression,type]
|The comparison to perform. Allowed values:
* 'lt' - True if the node attribute's value is less than +value+
* 'gt' - True if the node attribute's value is greater than +value+
* 'lte' - True if the node attribute's value is less than or equal to +value+
* 'gte' - True if the node attribute's value is greater than or equal to +value+
* 'eq' - True if the node attribute's value is equal to +value+
* 'ne' - True if the node attribute's value is not equal to +value+
* 'defined' - True if the node has the named attribute
* 'not_defined' - True if the node does not have the named attribute
indexterm:[operation,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Attribute Expression,operation]
== Time/Date Based Expressions ==
indexterm:[Time Based Expressions]
indexterm:[Resource,Constraint,Date/Time Expression]
As the name suggests, +date_expressions+ are used to control a
resource or cluster option based on the current date/time. They can
contain an optional +date_spec+ and/or +duration+ object depending on
the context.
.Properties of a Date Expression
|A date/time conforming to the ISO8601 specification.
indexterm:[start,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date/Time Expression,start]
|A date/time conforming to the ISO8601 specification. Can be inferred
by supplying a value for +start+ and a +duration+.
indexterm:[end,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date/Time Expression,end]
|Compares the current date/time with the start and/or end date,
depending on the context. Allowed values:
* 'gt' - True if the current date/time is after +start+
* 'lt' - True if the current date/time is before +end+
* 'in-range' - True if the current date/time is after +start+ and before +end+
* 'date-spec' - performs a cron-like comparison to the current date/time
indexterm:[operation,Constraint Expression]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date/Time Expression,operation]
As these comparisons (except for +date_spec+) include the time, the
+eq+, +neq+, +gte+ and +lte+ operators have not been implemented since
they would only be valid for a single second.
=== Date Specifications ===
indexterm:[Date Specification]
indexterm:[Resource,Constraint,Date Specification]
+date_spec+ objects are used to create cron-like expressions relating
to time. Each field can contain a single number or a single range.
Instead of defaulting to zero, any field not supplied is ignored.
For example, +monthdays="1"+ matches the first day of every month and
+hours="09-17"+ matches the hours between 9am and 5pm (inclusive).
However, at this time one cannot specify +weekdays="1,2"+ or
+weekdays="1-2,5-6"+ since they contain multiple ranges. Depending on
demand, this may be implemented in a future release.
.Properties of a Date Spec
|A unique name for the date
indexterm:[id,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,id]
|Allowed values: 0-23
indexterm:[hours,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,hours]
|Allowed values: 0-31 (depending on month and year)
indexterm:[monthdays,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,monthdays]
|Allowed values: 1-7 (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
indexterm:[weekdays,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,weekdays]
|Allowed values: 1-366 (depending on the year)
indexterm:[yeardays,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,yeardays]
|Allowed values: 1-12
indexterm:[months,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,months]
|Allowed values: 1-53 (depending on weekyear)
indexterm:[weeks,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,weeks]
|Year according the Gregorian calendar
indexterm:[years,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,years]
|May differ from Gregorian years; Eg. +2005-001 Ordinal+ is also
+2005-01-01 Gregorian+ is also +2004-W53-6 Weekly+
indexterm:[weekyears,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,weekyears]
|Allowed values: 0-7 (0 is new, 4 is full moon). Seriously, you can
use this. This was implemented to demonstrate the ease with which new
comparisons could be added.
indexterm:[moon,Date Specification]
indexterm:[Constraint,Date Specification,moon]
=== Durations ===
Durations are used to calculate a value for +end+ when one is not
supplied to in_range operations. They contain the same fields as
+date_spec+ objects but without the limitations (ie. you can have a
duration of 19 months). Like +date_specs+, any field not supplied is
== Sample Time Based Expressions ==
A small sample of how time based expressions can be used.
On older versions of asciidoc, the [source] directive makes the title dissappear
.True if now is any time in the year 2005
.Equivalent expression
.9am-5pm, Mon-Friday
Please note that the +16+ matches up to +16:59:59+, as the numeric
value (hour) still matches!
.9am-6pm, Mon-Friday, or all day saturday
.9am-5pm or 9pm-12pm, Mon-Friday
.Mondays in March 2005
Because no time is specified, 00:00:00 is implied.
This means that the range includes all of 2005-03-01 but none of 2005-04-01.
You may wish to write +end="2005-03-31T23:59:59"+ to avoid confusion.
.A full moon on Friday the 13th
== Using Rules to Determine Resource Location ==
indexterm:[Rule,Determine Resource Location]
indexterm:[Resource,Location,Determine by Rules]
If the constraint's outer-most rule evaluates to +false+, the cluster
treats the constraint as if it was not there. When the rule evaluates
to +true+, the node's preference for running the resource is updated
with the score associated with the rule.
If this sounds familiar, its because you have been using a simplified
syntax for location constraint rules already. Consider the following
location constraint:
.Prevent myApacheRsc from running on c001n03
This constraint can be more verbosely written as:
.Prevent myApacheRsc from running on c001n03 - expanded version
The advantage of using the expanded form is that one can then add
extra clauses to the rule, such as limiting the rule such that it only
applies during certain times of the day or days of the week (this is
discussed in subsequent sections).
It also allows us to match on node properties other than its name. If
we rated each machine's CPU power such that the cluster had the
following nodes section:
.A sample nodes section for use with score-attribute
then we could prevent resources from running on underpowered machines with the rule
=== Using +score-attribute+ Instead of +score+ ===
When using +score-attribute+ instead of +score+, each node matched by
the rule has its score adjusted differently, according to its value
for the named node attribute. Thus, in the previous example, if a
rule used +score-attribute="cpu_mips"+, +c001n01+ would have its
preference to run the resource increased by +1234+ whereas +c001n02+
would have its preference increased by +5678+.
== Using Rules to Control Resource Options ==
Often some cluster nodes will be different from their peers; sometimes
these differences (the location of a binary or the names of network
interfaces) require resources to be configured differently depending
on the machine they're hosted on.
By defining multiple +instance_attributes+ objects for the resource
and adding a rule to each, we can easily handle these special cases.
In the example below, +mySpecialRsc+ will use eth1 and port 9999 when
run on +node1+, eth2 and port 8888 on +node2+ and default to eth0 and
port 9999 for all other nodes.
.Defining different resource options based on the node name
The order in which +instance_attributes+ objects are evaluated is
determined by their score (highest to lowest). If not supplied, score
defaults to zero and objects with an equal score are processed in
listed order. If the +instance_attributes+ object does not have a
+rule+ or has a +rule+ that evaluates to +true+, then for any
parameter the resource does not yet have a value for, the resource
will use the parameter values defined by the +instance_attributes+
== Using Rules to Control Cluster Options ==
indexterm:[Rule,Controlling Cluster Options]
indexterm:[Cluster,Setting Options with Rules]
Controlling cluster options is achieved in much the same manner as
specifying different resource options on different nodes.
The difference is that because they are cluster options, one cannot
(or should not, because they won't work) use attribute based
expressions. The following example illustrates how to set a different
+resource-stickiness+ value during and outside of work hours. This
allows resources to automatically move back to their most preferred
hosts, but at a time that (in theory) does not interfere with business
.Change +resource-stickiness+ during working hours
== Ensuring Time Based Rules Take Effect ==
A Pacemaker cluster is an event driven system. As such, it won't
recalculate the best place for resources to run in unless something
(like a resource failure or configuration change) happens. This can
mean that a location constraint that only allows resource X to run
between 9am and 5pm is not enforced.
If you rely on time based rules, it is essential that you set the
+cluster-recheck-interval+ option. This tells the cluster to
periodically recalculate the ideal state of the cluster. For example,
if you set +cluster-recheck-interval=5m+, then sometime between 9:00
and 9:05 the cluster would notice that it needs to start resource X,
and between 17:00 and 17:05 it would realize that X needed to be
Note that the timing of the actual start and stop actions depends on
what else needs to be performed first