diff --git a/heartbeat/gcp-vpc-move-vip.in b/heartbeat/gcp-vpc-move-vip.in index c41155511..7e9d61f55 100755 --- a/heartbeat/gcp-vpc-move-vip.in +++ b/heartbeat/gcp-vpc-move-vip.in @@ -1,438 +1,466 @@ #!@PYTHON@ -tt # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: Google Cloud Platform - Floating IP Address (Alias) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- import json import logging import os import sys import time OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR = os.environ.get("OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR", "%s/lib/heartbeat" % os.environ.get("OCF_ROOT")) sys.path.append(OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR) from ocf import * try: import googleapiclient.discovery + try: + from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials as ServiceAccountCredentials + except ImportError: + from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials except ImportError: pass if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): # Python 3 imports. import urllib.parse as urlparse import urllib.request as urlrequest else: # Python 2 imports. import urllib as urlparse import urllib2 as urlrequest # Constants for alias add/remove modes ADD = 0 REMOVE = 1 CONN = None THIS_VM = None ALIAS = None MAX_RETRIES = 3 RETRY_BACKOFF_SECS = 1 METADATA_SERVER = 'http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/' METADATA_HEADERS = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'} METADATA = \ ''' 1.0 Floating IP Address or Range on Google Cloud Platform - Using Alias IP address functionality to attach a secondary IP range to a running instance Floating IP Address or Range on Google Cloud Platform IP range to be added including CIDR netmask (e.g., IP range to be added including CIDR netmask (e.g., Subnet name for the Alias IP Subnet name for the Alias IP List of hosts in the cluster, separated by spaces Host list Project ID of the instance. It can be useful to set this attribute if the instance is in a shared service project. Otherwise, the agent should be able to determine the project ID automatically. Project ID + + Path to Service account JSON file + Service account JSONfile + + If enabled (set to true), IP failover logs will be posted to stackdriver logging Stackdriver-logging support ''' def get_metadata(metadata_key, params=None, timeout=None): """Performs a GET request with the metadata headers. Args: metadata_key: string, the metadata to perform a GET request on. params: dictionary, the query parameters in the GET request. timeout: int, timeout in seconds for metadata requests. Returns: HTTP response from the GET request. """ for i in range(MAX_RETRIES): try: timeout = timeout or 60 metadata_url = os.path.join(METADATA_SERVER, metadata_key) params = urlparse.urlencode(params or {}) url = '%s?%s' % (metadata_url, params) request = urlrequest.Request(url, headers=METADATA_HEADERS) request_opener = urlrequest.build_opener(urlrequest.ProxyHandler({})) return request_opener.open( request, timeout=timeout * 1.1).read().decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: logger.error('Couldn\'t get instance name, is this running inside GCE?: ' + str(e)) time.sleep(RETRY_BACKOFF_SECS * (i + 1)) # If the retries are exhausted we exit with a generic error. sys.exit(OCF_ERR_GENERIC) def create_api_connection(): for i in range(MAX_RETRIES): try: + serviceaccount = os.environ.get("OCF_RESKEY_serviceaccount") + if not serviceaccount: + try: + from googleapiclient import _auth + credentials = _auth.default_credentials(); + except: + credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default() + logging.debug("using application default credentials") + else: + scope = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'] + logging.debug("using credentials from service account") + try: + credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_service_account_file(filename=serviceaccount, scopes=scope) + except AttributeError: + credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(serviceaccount, scope) + except Exception as e: + logging.error(str(e)) + sys.exit(OCF_ERR_GENERIC) return googleapiclient.discovery.build('compute', 'v1', + credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False) except Exception as e: logger.error('Couldn\'t connect with google api: ' + str(e)) time.sleep(RETRY_BACKOFF_SECS * (i + 1)) # If the retries are exhausted we exit with a generic error. sys.exit(OCF_ERR_GENERIC) def get_instance(project, zone, instance): request = CONN.instances().get( project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance) return request.execute() def get_network_ifaces(project, zone, instance): return get_instance(project, zone, instance)['networkInterfaces'] def wait_for_operation(project, zone, operation): while True: result = CONN.zoneOperations().get( project=project, zone=zone, operation=operation['name']).execute() if result['status'] == 'DONE': if 'error' in result: raise Exception(result['error']) return time.sleep(1) def set_aliases(project, zone, instance, aliases, fingerprint): """Sets the alias IP ranges for an instance. Args: project: string, the project in which the instance resides. zone: string, the zone in which the instance resides. instance: string, the name of the instance. aliases: list, the list of dictionaries containing alias IP ranges to be added to or removed from the instance. fingerprint: string, the fingerprint of the network interface. """ body = { 'aliasIpRanges': aliases, 'fingerprint': fingerprint } request = CONN.instances().updateNetworkInterface( instance=instance, networkInterface='nic0', project=project, zone=zone, body=body) operation = request.execute() wait_for_operation(project, zone, operation) def add_rm_alias(mode, project, zone, instance, alias, alias_range_name=None): """Adds or removes an alias IP range for a GCE instance. Args: mode: int, a constant (ADD (0) or REMOVE (1)) indicating the operation type. project: string, the project in which the instance resides. zone: string, the zone in which the instance resides. instance: string, the name of the instance. alias: string, the alias IP range to be added to or removed from the instance. alias_range_name: string, the subnet name for the alias IP range. Returns: True if the existing list of alias IP ranges was modified, or False otherwise. """ ifaces = get_network_ifaces(project, zone, instance) fingerprint = ifaces[0]['fingerprint'] try: old_aliases = ifaces[0]['aliasIpRanges'] except KeyError: old_aliases = [] new_aliases = [a for a in old_aliases if a['ipCidrRange'] != alias] if alias: if mode == ADD: obj = {'ipCidrRange': alias} if alias_range_name: obj['subnetworkRangeName'] = alias_range_name new_aliases.append(obj) elif mode == REMOVE: pass # already removed during new_aliases build else: raise ValueError('Invalid value for mode: {}'.format(mode)) if (sorted(new_aliases, key=lambda item: item.get('ipCidrRange')) != sorted(old_aliases, key=lambda item: item.get('ipCidrRange'))): set_aliases(project, zone, instance, new_aliases, fingerprint) return True else: return False def add_alias(project, zone, instance, alias, alias_range_name=None): return add_rm_alias(ADD, project, zone, instance, alias, alias_range_name) def remove_alias(project, zone, instance, alias): return add_rm_alias(REMOVE, project, zone, instance, alias) def get_aliases(project, zone, instance): ifaces = get_network_ifaces(project, zone, instance) try: aliases = ifaces[0]['aliasIpRanges'] return [a['ipCidrRange'] for a in aliases] except KeyError: return [] def get_localhost_aliases(): net_iface = get_metadata('instance/network-interfaces', {'recursive': True}) net_iface = json.loads(net_iface) try: return net_iface[0]['ipAliases'] except (KeyError, IndexError): return [] def get_zone(project, instance): fl = 'name="%s"' % instance request = CONN.instances().aggregatedList(project=project, filter=fl) while request is not None: response = request.execute() zones = response.get('items', {}) for zone in zones.values(): for inst in zone.get('instances', []): if inst['name'] == instance: return inst['zone'].split("/")[-1] request = CONN.instances().aggregatedList_next( previous_request=request, previous_response=response) raise Exception("Unable to find instance %s" % (instance)) def get_instances_list(project, exclude): hostlist = [] request = CONN.instances().aggregatedList(project=project) while request is not None: try: response = request.execute() zones = response.get('items', {}) except googleapiclient.errors.HttpError as e: if e.resp.status == 404: logger.debug('get_instances_list(): no instances found') return '' for zone in zones.values(): for inst in zone.get('instances', []): if inst['name'] != exclude: hostlist.append(inst['name']) request = CONN.instances().aggregatedList_next( previous_request=request, previous_response=response) return hostlist def gcp_alias_start(alias): my_aliases = get_localhost_aliases() my_zone = get_metadata('instance/zone').split('/')[-1] project = os.environ.get( 'OCF_RESKEY_project', get_metadata('project/project-id')) if alias in my_aliases: # TODO: Do we need to check alias_range_name? logger.info( '%s already has %s attached. No action required' % (THIS_VM, alias)) sys.exit(OCF_SUCCESS) # If the alias is currently attached to another host, detach it. hostlist = os.environ.get('OCF_RESKEY_hostlist', '') if hostlist: hostlist = hostlist.replace(THIS_VM, '').split() else: hostlist = get_instances_list(project, THIS_VM) for host in hostlist: host_zone = get_zone(project, host) host_aliases = get_aliases(project, host_zone, host) if alias in host_aliases: logger.info( '%s is attached to %s - Removing %s from %s' % (alias, host, alias, host)) remove_alias(project, host_zone, host, alias) break # Add alias IP range to localhost try: add_alias( project, my_zone, THIS_VM, alias, os.environ.get('OCF_RESKEY_alias_range_name')) except googleapiclient.errors.HttpError as e: if e.resp.status == 404: sys.exit(OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED) # Verify that the IP range has been added my_aliases = get_localhost_aliases() if alias in my_aliases: logger.info('Finished adding %s to %s' % (alias, THIS_VM)) else: if my_aliases: logger.error( 'Failed to add alias IP range %s. %s has alias IP ranges attached but' + ' they don\'t include %s' % (alias, THIS_VM, alias)) else: logger.error( 'Failed to add IP range %s. %s has no alias IP ranges attached' % (alias, THIS_VM)) sys.exit(OCF_ERR_GENERIC) def gcp_alias_stop(alias): my_aliases = get_localhost_aliases() my_zone = get_metadata('instance/zone').split('/')[-1] project = os.environ.get( 'OCF_RESKEY_project', get_metadata('project/project-id')) if alias in my_aliases: logger.info('Removing %s from %s' % (alias, THIS_VM)) remove_alias(project, my_zone, THIS_VM, alias) else: logger.info( '%s is not attached to %s. No action required' % (alias, THIS_VM)) def gcp_alias_status(alias): my_aliases = get_localhost_aliases() if alias in my_aliases: logger.info('%s has the correct IP range attached' % THIS_VM) else: sys.exit(OCF_NOT_RUNNING) def validate(): global ALIAS global THIS_VM global CONN CONN = create_api_connection() THIS_VM = get_metadata('instance/name') ALIAS = os.environ.get('OCF_RESKEY_alias_ip') if not ALIAS: logger.error('Missing alias_ip parameter') sys.exit(OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED) def configure_logs(): # Prepare logging global logger logging.getLogger('googleapiclient').setLevel(logging.WARN) logging_env = os.environ.get('OCF_RESKEY_stackdriver_logging') if logging_env: logging_env = logging_env.lower() if any(x in logging_env for x in ['yes', 'true', 'enabled']): try: import google.cloud.logging.handlers client = google.cloud.logging.Client() handler = google.cloud.logging.handlers.CloudLoggingHandler( client, name=THIS_VM) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('gcp:alias "%(message)s"') handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) logger = logging.LoggerAdapter(log, {'OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE': OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}) except ImportError: logger.error('Couldn\'t import google.cloud.logging, ' 'disabling Stackdriver-logging support') def main(): if 'meta-data' in sys.argv[1]: print(METADATA) return validate() if 'validate-all' in sys.argv[1]: return configure_logs() if 'start' in sys.argv[1]: gcp_alias_start(ALIAS) elif 'stop' in sys.argv[1]: gcp_alias_stop(ALIAS) elif 'status' in sys.argv[1] or 'monitor' in sys.argv[1]: gcp_alias_status(ALIAS) else: logger.error('no such function %s' % str(sys.argv[1])) if __name__ == "__main__": main()