diff --git a/heartbeat/redis b/heartbeat/redis index 65abb2ac9..fa57134d2 100755 --- a/heartbeat/redis +++ b/heartbeat/redis @@ -1,535 +1,567 @@ #!/bin/bash . ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/heartbeat/.ocf-shellfuncs : ${OCF_RESKEY_bin:=/usr/bin/redis-server} : ${OCF_RESKEY_client_bin:=/usr/bin/redis-cli} : ${OCF_RESKEY_user:=redis} : ${OCF_RESKEY_rundir:=/var/run/redis} : ${OCF_RESKEY_pidfile_name:=redis-server.pid} : ${OCF_RESKEY_socket_name:=redis.sock} : ${OCF_RESKEY_port:=6379} if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_config" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/redis.conf" ]; then OCF_RESKEY_config="/etc/redis.conf" else OCF_RESKEY_config="/etc/redis/redis.conf" fi fi CHECK_SLAVE_STATE=0 +REDIS_CHECK_DUMP="/usr/bin/redis-check-dump" REDIS_SERVER="$OCF_RESKEY_bin" REDIS_CLIENT="$OCF_RESKEY_client_bin" REDIS_CONFIG="$OCF_RESKEY_config" REDIS_USER="$OCF_RESKEY_user" REDIS_RUNDIR="$OCF_RESKEY_rundir" REDIS_PIDFILE="$OCF_RESKEY_rundir/$OCF_RESKEY_pidfile_name" REDIS_SOCKET="$OCF_RESKEY_rundir/$OCF_RESKEY_socket_name" REDIS_REPLICATION_PORT="$OCF_RESKEY_port" +if ! [ -f $REDIS_CHECK_DUMP ]; then + REDIS_CHECK_DUMP="$(which redis-check-dump 2>/dev/null)" +fi + +if [ -f "$REDIS_CONFIG" ]; then + REDIS_DUMP_DIR="$(cat $REDIS_CONFIG | grep "^\s*dir\s" | awk '{ print $2 }' 2>/dev/null)" + REDIS_DUMP_FILE="$(cat $REDIS_CONFIG | grep "^\s*dbfilename\s" | awk '{ print $2 }' 2>/dev/null)" +fi +: ${REDIS_DUMP_DIR:=/var/lib/redis/} +: ${REDIS_DUMP_FILE:=dump.rdb} + function meta_data() { cat < 1.0 Resource agent script for redis server. This resource fully supports master/slave replication. The master preference of a node is determined by the 'slave_priority' parameter of the redis config. When taking the resource from 'unmanaged' to 'managed', the currently active master will be given a priority of 1000 (plus 1 for each active connection). The default 'slave_priority' is 100, so the master will stay master. For a slave to become master after converting the resource to managed, set a slave_priority greater than 1000. Redis server Path to \`redis-server\` Path to \`redis-server\` Path to \`redis-cli\` Path to \`redis-cli\` Path to 'redis.conf' Path to 'redis.conf' User to run redis as Redis user Directory to store socket and pid file in Redis var/run dir The filename to use for the pidfile. Will be created in the rundir. Should only be a basename, not a full path. Redis pidfile name The filename to use for the socket. Will be crated in the rundir. Should only be a basename, not a full path. Redis socket name Port for replication client to connect to on remote server Replication port During redis cluster bootstrap, wait for the last known master to be promoted before allowing any other instances in the cluster to be promoted. This lessens the risk of data loss when persistent data is in use. Wait for last known master EOI } INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME=`echo ${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}| awk -F : '{print $1}'` CRM_ATTR_REPL_INFO="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --type crm_config --name ${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}_REPL_INFO -s redis_replication" MASTER_HOST="" MASTER_ACTIVE_CACHED="" MASTER_ACTIVE="" master_is_active() { if [ -z "$MASTER_ACTIVE_CACHED" ]; then # determine if a master instance is already up and is healthy crm_mon --as-xml | grep "resource.*id=\"${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}\".*role=\"Master\".*active=\"true\".*orphaned=\"false\".*failed=\"false\"" > /dev/null 2>&1 MASTER_ACTIVE=$? MASTER_ACTIVE_CACHED="true" fi return $MASTER_ACTIVE } function set_master() { MASTER_HOST="$1" ${CRM_ATTR_REPL_INFO} -v "$1" -q } function last_known_master() { if [ -z "$MASTER_HOST" ]; then MASTER_HOST="$(${CRM_ATTR_REPL_INFO} --query -q 2>/dev/null)" fi echo "$MASTER_HOST" } function crm_master_reboot() { "${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_master" -l reboot "$@" } function calculate_score() { perf_score="$1" connected_clients="$2" if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_wait_last_known_master"; then # only set perferred score by slave_priority if # we are not waiting for the last known master. Otherwise # we want the agent to have complete control over the scoring. perf_score="" connected_clients="0" fi if [[ -z "$perf_score" ]]; then if [[ "$(last_known_master)" == "$NODENAME" ]]; then perf_score=1000 else perf_score=1 fi fi perf_score=$(( perf_score + connected_clients )) echo "$perf_score" } function set_score() { local score="$1" if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_wait_last_known_master" && ! master_is_active; then local last_master="$(last_known_master)" if [ -n "$last_master" ] && [[ "$last_master" != "$NODENAME" ]]; then ocf_log info "Postponing setting master score for ${NODENAME} until last known master instance [${last_master}] is promoted" return fi fi ocf_log debug "monitor: Setting master score to '$score'" crm_master_reboot -v "$score" } function redis_client() { ocf_log debug "redis_client: '$REDIS_CLIENT' -s '$REDIS_SOCKET' $@" if [ -n "$clientpasswd" ]; then "$REDIS_CLIENT" -s "$REDIS_SOCKET" -a "$clientpasswd" "$@" | sed 's/\r//' else "$REDIS_CLIENT" -s "$REDIS_SOCKET" "$@" | sed 's/\r//' fi } function simple_status() { local pid if ! [ -f "$REDIS_PIDFILE" ]; then return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi pid="$(<"$REDIS_PIDFILE")" pidof "$REDIS_SERVER" | grep -q "\<$pid\>" || return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ocf_log debug "monitor: redis-server running under pid $pid" return $OCF_SUCCESS } function monitor() { local res simple_status res=$? if (( res != OCF_SUCCESS )); then return $res fi typeset -A info while read line; do [[ "$line" == "#"* ]] && continue [[ "$line" != *":"* ]] && continue IFS=':' read -r key value <<< "$line" info[$key]="$value" done < <(redis_client info) if [[ -z "${info[role]}" ]]; then ocf_log err "monitor: Could not get role from \`$REDIS_CLIENT -s $REDIS_SOCKET info\`" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi if ocf_is_ms; then # Here we see if a score has already been set. # If score isn't set we the redis setting 'slave_priority'. # If that isn't set, we default to 1000 for a master, and 1 for slave. # We then add 1 for each connected client score="$(crm_master_reboot --get-value --quiet 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -z "$score" ]]; then score=$(calculate_score "${info[slave_priority]}" "${info[connected_clients]}") set_score "$score" fi if [[ "${info[role]}" == "master" ]]; then if ocf_is_probe; then set_master "$NODENAME" fi return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER fi if [ "$CHECK_SLAVE_STATE" -eq 1 ]; then if [[ "${info[master_link_status]}" != "up" ]]; then ocf_log info "monitor: Slave mode link has not yet been established (link=${info[master_link_status]})" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi if [[ "${info[master_host]}" != "$(last_known_master)" ]]; then ocf_log err "monitor: Slave mode current master does not match running master. current=${info[master_host]}, running=$(last_known_master)" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } +function check_dump_file() +{ + if ! have_binary "$REDIS_CHECK_DUMP"; then + return 0 + fi + $REDIS_CHECK_DUMP ${REDIS_DUMP_DIR}/${REDIS_DUMP_FILE} 2>&1 +} + function start() { monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_SUCCESS )) || (( status == OCF_RUNNING_MASTER )); then ocf_log info "start: redis is already running" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi [[ ! -d "$REDIS_RUNDIR" ]] && mkdir -p "$REDIS_RUNDIR" chown -R "$REDIS_USER" "$REDIS_RUNDIR" + # check for 0 byte database dump file. This is an unrecoverable start + # condition that we can avoid by deleting the 0 byte database file. + if [ -f "${REDIS_DUMP_DIR}/${REDIS_DUMP_FILE}" ]; then + local size="$(stat --format "%s" ${REDIS_DUMP_DIR}/${REDIS_DUMP_FILE})" + if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] && [ "$size" -eq "0" ]; then + ocf_log notice "Detected 0 byte ${REDIS_DUMP_FILE}, deleting zero length file to avoid start failure." + rm -f ${REDIS_DUMP_DIR}/${REDIS_DUMP_FILE} + fi + fi + ocf_log info "start: $REDIS_SERVER --daemonize yes --unixsocket '$REDIS_SOCKET' --pidfile '$REDIS_PIDFILE'" output="$(su "$REDIS_USER" -s /bin/sh -c "cd '$REDIS_RUNDIR'; exec '$REDIS_SERVER' '$REDIS_CONFIG' --daemonize yes --unixsocket '$REDIS_SOCKET' --pidfile '$REDIS_PIDFILE'" 2>&1)" while true; do # wait for redis to start typeset -A info while read line; do [[ "$line" == "#"* ]] && continue [[ "$line" != *":"* ]] && continue IFS=':' read -r key value <<< "$line" info[$key]="$value" done < <(redis_client info) if (( info[loading] == 0 )); then break elif (( info[loading] == 1 )); then sleep "${info[loading_eta_seconds]}" elif pidof "$REDIS_SERVER" >/dev/null; then # unknown error, but the process still exists. # This check is mainly because redis daemonizes before it starts listening, causing `redis-cli` to fail # See https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues/2368 # It's possible that the `pidof` will pick up a different redis, but in that case, the start operation will just time out sleep 1 else - ocf_log err "start: Unknown error waiting for redis to start" + check_output="$(check_dump_file)" + ocf_log err "start: Unknown error waiting for redis to start. redis-check-dump output=${check_output//$'\n'/; }" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ocf_is_ms && demote # pacemaker expects resources to start in slave mode monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_SUCCESS )) || (( status == OCF_RUNNING_MASTER )); then return $OCF_SUCCESS fi - ocf_log err "start: Unknown error starting redis. output=${output//$'\n'/; }" + check_output="$(check_dump_file)" + ocf_log err "start: Unknown error starting redis. redis-server output=${output//$'\n'/; } redis-check-dump output=${check_output//$'\n'/; }" return $status } function stop() { monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_NOT_RUNNING )); then ocf_log info "stop: redis is already stopped" crm_master_reboot -D return $OCF_SUCCESS fi pid="$(<"$REDIS_PIDFILE")" kill -TERM "$pid" while true; do simple_status status=$? if (( status == OCF_NOT_RUNNING )); then crm_master_reboot -D return $OCF_SUCCESS fi sleep 1 done } function promote() { monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_RUNNING_MASTER )); then ocf_log info "promote: Already running as master" set_master "$NODENAME" return $OCF_SUCCESS elif (( status != OCF_SUCCESS )); then ocf_log err "promote: Node is not running as a slave" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi redis_client slaveof no one monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_RUNNING_MASTER )); then set_master "$NODENAME" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ocf_log err "promote: Unknown error while promoting to master (status=$status)" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } function demote() { local master_host local master_port CHECK_SLAVE_STATE=1 monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_SUCCESS )); then ocf_log info "demote: Already running as slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS elif (( status == OCF_NOT_RUNNING )); then ocf_log err "demote: Failed to demote, redis not running." return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi master_host="$(last_known_master)" master_port="${REDIS_REPLICATION_PORT}" # The elected master has to remain a slave during startup. # During this period a placeholder master host is assigned. if [ -z "$master_host" ] || [[ "$master_host" == "$NODENAME" ]]; then CHECK_SLAVE_STATE=0 master_host="no-such-master" elif ! master_is_active; then # no master has been promoted yet. we'll be notified when the # master starts. CHECK_SLAVE_STATE=0 master_host="no-such-master" fi ocf_log info "demote: Setting master to '$master_host'" redis_client slaveof "$master_host" "$master_port" # Wait forever for the slave to connect to the master and finish the # sync. Timeout is controlled by Pacemaker "op start timeout=XX". # # hint: redis master_link_status will only come "up" when # the SYNC with the master has completed. # This can take an arbitraty time (data) and should # only be parametrized by the start operation timeout # by the administrator, not by this resource agent code while true; do # Wait infinite if replication is syncing # Then start/demote operation timeout determines timeout monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_SUCCESS )); then return $OCF_SUCCESS fi sleep 1 done ocf_log err "demote: Unexpected error setting slave mode (status=$status)" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } function notify() { mode="${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type}-${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation}" case "$mode" in post-demote|post-promote) # change the master monitor status=$? if (( status == OCF_SUCCESS )); then # were a slave # calling demote updates the slave's connection # to the newly appointed Master instance. demote fi ;; esac return $OCF_SUCCESS } function validate() { if [[ -x "$REDIS_SERVER" ]]; then ocf_log err "validate: $REDIS_SERVER does not exist or is not executable" return $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi if [[ -x "$REDIS_CLIENT" ]]; then ocf_log err "validate: $REDIS_CLIENT does not exist or is not executable" return $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi if [[ -f "$REDIS_CONFIG" ]]; then ocf_log err "validate: $REDIS_CONFIG does not exist" return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi if ! getent passwd "$REDIS_USER" &>/dev/null; then ocf_log err "validate: $REDIS_USER is not a valid user" return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi } NODENAME=$(ocf_local_nodename) if [ -n "$REDIS_CONFIG" ]; then clientpasswd="$(cat $REDIS_CONFIG | 's/^\s*requirepass\s*\(.*\)\s*$/\1/p' | tail -n 1)" fi ocf_log debug "action=${1:-$__OCF_ACTION} notify_type=${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type} notify_operation=${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation} master_host=${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_uname} slave_host=${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_slave_uname} promote_host=${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_promote_uname} demote_host=${OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_demote_uname}; params: bin=${OCF_RESKEY_bin} client_bin=${OCF_RESKEY_client_bin} config=${OCF_RESKEY_config} user=${OCF_RESKEY_user} rundir=${OCF_RESKEY_rundir} port=${OCF_RESKEY_port}" case "${1:-$__OCF_ACTION}" in status|monitor) monitor ;; start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop && start ;; promote) promote ;; demote) demote ;; notify) notify ;; meta-data) meta_data ;; validate-all) validate ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {monitor|start|stop|restart|promote|demote|notify|validate-all|meta-data}" exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED ;; esac status=$? ocf_log debug "exit_status=$status" exit $status