diff --git a/heartbeat/ethmonitor b/heartbeat/ethmonitor index d0ec4ef98..6563af767 100755 --- a/heartbeat/ethmonitor +++ b/heartbeat/ethmonitor @@ -1,551 +1,551 @@ #!/bin/sh # # OCF Resource Agent compliant script. # Monitor the vitality of a local network interface. # # Based on the work by Robert Euhus and Lars Marowsky-Brée. # # Transfered from Ipaddr2 into ethmonitor by Alexander Krauth # # Copyright (c) 2011 Robert Euhus, Alexander Krauth, Lars Marowsky-Brée # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # OCF parameters are as below # # OCF_RESKEY_interface # OCF_RESKEY_multiplicator # OCF_RESKEY_name # OCF_RESKEY_repeat_count # OCF_RESKEY_repeat_interval # OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout # OCF_RESKEY_arping_count # OCF_RESKEY_arping_timeout # OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries # # TODO: Check against IPv6 # ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs ####################################################################### meta_data() { cat < 1.2 Monitor the vitality of a local network interface. You may set up this RA as a clone resource to monitor the network interfaces on different nodes, with the same interface name. This is not related to the IP address or the network on which a interface is configured. You may use this RA to move resources away from a node, which has a faulty interface or prevent moving resources to such a node. This gives you independend control of the resources, without involving cluster intercommunication. But it requires your nodes to have more than one network interface. The resource configuration requires a monitor operation, because the monitor does the main part of the work. In addition to the resource configuration, you need to configure some location constraints, based on a CIB attribute value. The name of the attribute value is configured in the 'name' option of this RA. Example constraint configuration using crmsh location loc_connected_node my_resource_grp \ rule $id="rule_loc_connected_node" -INF: ethmonitor eq 0 Example constraint configuration using pcs. Only allow 'my_resource' to run on nodes where eth0 ethernet device is available. pcs constraint location my_resource rule score=-INFINITY ethmonitor-eth0 ne 1 The ethmonitor works in 3 different modes to test the interface vitality. 1. call ip to see if the link status is up (if link is down -> error) 2. call ip and watch the RX counter (if packages come around in a certain time -> success) 3. call arping to check whether any of the IPs found in the local ARP cache answers an ARP REQUEST (one answer -> success) 4. return error Monitors network interfaces The name of the network interface which should be monitored (e.g. eth0). Network interface name The name of the CIB attribute to set. This is the name to be used in the constraints. Defaults to "ethmonitor-'interface_name'". Attribute name Multiplier for the value of the CIB attriobute specified in parameter name. Multiplier for result variable Specify how often the interface will be monitored, before the status is set to failed. You need to set the timeout of the monitoring operation to at least repeat_count * repeat_interval Monitor repeat count Specify how long to wait in seconds between the repeat_counts. Monitor repeat interval in seconds Timeout for the RX packet counter. Stop listening for packet counter changes after the given number of seconds. packet counter timeout Number of ARP REQUEST packets to send for every IP. Usually one ARP REQUEST (arping) is send Number of arpings per IP Time in seconds to wait for ARP REQUESTs (all packets of arping_count). This is to limit the time for arp requests, to be able to send requests to more than one node, without running in the monitor operation timeout. Timeout for arpings per IP Maximum number of IPs from ARP cache list to check for ARP REQUEST (arping) answers. Newest entries are tried first. Number of ARP cache entries to try For interfaces that are infiniband devices. infiniband device For infiniband devices, this is the port to monitor. infiniband port Only report success based on link status. Do not perform RX counter or arping related connectivity tests. link status check only END exit $OCF_SUCCESS } # # Return true, if the interface exists # is_interface() { # # List interfaces but exclude FreeS/WAN ipsecN virtual interfaces # local iface=`$IP2UTIL -o -f inet addr show | grep " $1 " \ | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sort -u | grep -v '^ipsec[0-9][0-9]*$'` [ "$iface" != "" ] } infiniband_status() { local device="$OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_device" if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_port" ]; then device="${OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_device}:${OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_port}" fi ibstatus ${device} | grep -q ACTIVE } if_init() { local rc if [ X"$OCF_RESKEY_interface" = "X" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Interface name (the interface parameter) is mandatory" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi NIC="$OCF_RESKEY_interface" if is_interface $NIC then case "$NIC" in *:*) ocf_exit_reason "Do not specify a virtual interface : $OCF_RESKEY_interface" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED;; *) ;; esac else case $__OCF_ACTION in validate-all) ocf_exit_reason "Interface $NIC does not exist" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED;; *) ## It might be a bond interface which is temporarily not available, therefore we want to continue here ocf_log warn "Interface $NIC does not exist" ;; esac fi : ${OCF_RESKEY_multiplier:="1"} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_multiplier"; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_multiplier [$OCF_RESKEY_multiplier]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi ATTRNAME=${OCF_RESKEY_name:-"ethmonitor-$NIC"} REP_COUNT=${OCF_RESKEY_repeat_count:-5} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$REP_COUNT" -o [ $REP_COUNT -lt 1 ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_repeat_count [$REP_COUNT]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi REP_INTERVAL_S=${OCF_RESKEY_repeat_interval:-10} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$REP_INTERVAL_S"; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_repeat_interval [$REP_INTERVAL_S]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi : ${OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout:="5"} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout"; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout [$OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi : ${OCF_RESKEY_arping_count:="1"} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_arping_count"; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_arping_count [$OCF_RESKEY_arping_count]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi : ${OCF_RESKEY_arping_timeout:="1"} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_arping_timeout"; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_arping_timeout [$OCF_RESKEY_arping_count]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi : ${OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries:="5"} if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries"; then ocf_exit_reason "Invalid OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries [$OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries]" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_device" ]; then #ibstatus is required if an infiniband_device is provided check_binary ibstatus fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } # get the link status on $NIC # asks ip about running (up) interfaces, returns the number of matching interface names that are up get_link_status () { $IP2UTIL -o link show up dev "$NIC" | grep -v 'NO-CARRIER' | grep -c "$NIC" } # returns the number of received rx packets on $NIC get_rx_packets () { ocf_log debug "$IP2UTIL -o -s link show dev $NIC" $IP2UTIL -o -s link show dev "$NIC" \ | sed 's/.* RX: [^0-9]*[0-9]* *\([0-9]*\) .*/\1/' - # the first number after RX: ist the # of bytes , + # the first number after RX: is the # of bytes , # the second is the # of packets received } # watch for packet counter changes for max. OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout seconds # returns immedeately with return code 0 if any packets were received # otherwise 1 is returned watch_pkt_counter () { local RX_PACKETS_NEW local RX_PACKETS_OLD RX_PACKETS_OLD="`get_rx_packets`" for n in `seq $(( $OCF_RESKEY_pktcnt_timeout * 10 ))`; do sleep 0.1 RX_PACKETS_NEW="`get_rx_packets`" ocf_log debug "RX_PACKETS_OLD: $RX_PACKETS_OLD RX_PACKETS_NEW: $RX_PACKETS_NEW" if [ "$RX_PACKETS_OLD" -ne "$RX_PACKETS_NEW" ]; then ocf_log debug "we received some packets." return 0 fi done return 1 } # returns list of cached ARP entries for $NIC # sorted by age ("last confirmed") # max. OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries entries get_arp_list () { $IP2UTIL -s neighbour show dev $NIC \ | sort -t/ -k2,2n | cut -d' ' -f1 \ | head -n $OCF_RESKEY_arping_cache_entries # the "used" entries in `ip -s neighbour show` are: # "last used"/"last confirmed"/"last updated" } # arping the IP given as argument $1 on $NIC # until OCF_RESKEY_arping_count answers are received do_arping () { # TODO: add the source IP # TODO: check for diffenrent arping versions out there arping -q -c $OCF_RESKEY_arping_count -w $OCF_RESKEY_arping_timeout -I $NIC $1 # return with the exit code of the arping command return $? } # # Check the interface depending on the level given as parameter: $OCF_RESKEY_check_level # # 09: check for nonempty ARP cache # 10: watch for packet counter changes # # 19: check arping_ip_list # 20: check arping ARP cache entries # # 30: watch for packet counter changes in promiscios mode # # If unsuccessfull in levels 18 and above, # the tests for higher check levels are run. # if_check () { local arp_list # always check link status first link_status="`get_link_status`" ocf_log debug "link_status: $link_status (1=up, 0=down)" if [ $link_status -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log notice "link_status: DOWN" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi # if this is an infiniband device, try ibstatus script if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_device" ]; then if infiniband_status; then return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ocf_log info "Infiniband device $OCF_RESKEY_infiniband_device is not available, check ibstatus for more information" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi # if using link_status_only, skip RX count and arping related tests if ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_link_status_only"; then return $OCF_SUCCESS fi # watch for packet counter changes ocf_log debug "watch for packet counter changes" watch_pkt_counter if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return $OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log debug "No packets received during packet watch timeout" fi # check arping ARP cache entries ocf_log debug "check arping ARP cache entries" arp_list=`get_arp_list` for ip in `echo $arp_list`; do do_arping $ip && return $OCF_SUCCESS done # if we get here, the ethernet device is considered not running. # provide some logging information if [ -z "$arp_list" ]; then ocf_log info "No ARP cache entries found to arping" fi # watch for packet counter changes in promiscios mode # ocf_log debug "watch for packet counter changes in promiscios mode" # be sure switch off promiscios mode in any case # TODO: check first, wether promisc is already on and leave it untouched. # trap "$IP2UTIL link set dev $NIC promisc off; exit" INT TERM EXIT # $IP2UTIL link set dev $NIC promisc on # watch_pkt_counter && return $OCF_SUCCESS # $IP2UTIL link set dev $NIC promisc off # trap - INT TERM EXIT # looks like it's not working (for whatever reason) return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING } ####################################################################### if_usage() { cat < /dev/null` sleep $sleep_time 2> /dev/null runs=$(($runs + 1)) fi if [ $mon_rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS -a $runs -ne 0 ]; then ocf_log info "Monitoring of $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE recovered from error" fi done ocf_log debug "Monitoring return code: $mon_rc" if [ $mon_rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then set_cib_value 1 attr_rc=$? else ocf_log err "Monitoring of $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE failed." set_cib_value 0 attr_rc=$? fi ## The resource should not fail, if the interface is down. It should fail, if the update of the CIB variable has errors. ## To react on the interface failure you must use constraints based on the CIB variable value, not on the resource itself. exit $attr_rc } if_stop() { attrd_updater -D -n $ATTRNAME ha_pseudo_resource $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE stop } if_start() { local rc ha_pseudo_resource $OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE start rc=$? if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Failure to create ethmonitor state file" return $rc fi # perform the first monitor during the start operation if_monitor return $? } if_validate() { check_binary $IP2UTIL check_binary arping if_init } case $__OCF_ACTION in meta-data) meta_data ;; usage|help) if_usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; esac if_validate case $__OCF_ACTION in start) if_start exit $? ;; stop) if_stop exit $? ;; monitor|status) if_monitor exit $? ;; validate-all) exit $? ;; *) if_usage exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED ;; esac diff --git a/heartbeat/sapdb-nosha.sh b/heartbeat/sapdb-nosha.sh index c6599094f..06aa65c4b 100644 --- a/heartbeat/sapdb-nosha.sh +++ b/heartbeat/sapdb-nosha.sh @@ -1,744 +1,744 @@ # # sapdatabase-nosha - for systems not having SAPHostAgent installed # (sourced by SAPDatabase) # # Description: this code is separated from the SAPDatabase agent to # be downward compatible and support systems which do # not have SAPHostAgent installed. # It will be removed in a later release completely. # # Author: Alexander Krauth, October 2006 # Support: linux@sap.com # License: GNU General Public License (GPL) # Copyright: (c) 2006, 2007 Alexander Krauth # trap_handler() { rm -f $TEMPFILE exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } # # listener_start: Start the given listener # listener_start() { local orasid="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" local lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS local output output=`echo "lsnrctl start $NETSERVICENAME" | su - $orasid 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME started: $output" lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME start failed: $output" lrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $lrc } # # listener_stop: Stop the given listener # listener_stop() { local orasid="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" local lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS if listener_status then : listener is running, trying to stop it later... else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi local output output=`echo "lsnrctl stop $NETSERVICENAME" | su - $orasid 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME stopped: $output" else ocf_log err "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME stop failed: $output" lrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $lrc } # # listener_status: is the given listener running? # listener_status() { local lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS local orasid="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" # Note: ps cuts off it's output at column $COLUMNS, so "ps -ef" can not be used here # as the output might be to long. local cnt=`ps efo args --user $orasid | grep $NETSERVICENAME | grep -c tnslsnr` if [ $cnt -eq 1 ] then lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log info "listener process not running for $NETSERVICENAME for $SID" lrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $lrc } # # x_server_start: Start the given x_server # x_server_start() { local rc=$OCF_SUCCESS local output output=`echo "x_server start" | su - $sidadm 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "MaxDB x_server start: $output" lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "MaxDB x_server start failed: $output" lrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $lrc } # # x_server_stop: Stop the x_server # x_server_stop() { local lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS local output output=`echo "x_server stop" | su - $sidadm 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "MaxDB x_server stop: $output" else ocf_log err "MaxDB x_server stop failed: $output" lrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $lrc } # # x_server_status: is the x_server running? # x_server_status() { local lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS local sdbuser=`grep "^SdbOwner" /etc/opt/sdb | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'` # Note: ps cuts off it's output at column $COLUMNS, so "ps -ef" can not be used here # as the output might be to long. local cnt=`ps efo args --user $sdbuser | grep -c vserver` if [ $cnt -ge 1 ] then lrc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log info "x_server process not running" lrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $lrc } # # oracle_stop: Stop the Oracle database without any condition # oracle_stop() { echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/stopdb.log date > $LOG if [ -x "${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" ] then SRVMGRDBA_EXE="${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" else echo "Can not find executable sqlplus" >> $LOG exit 1 fi $SRVMGRDBA_EXE /NOLOG >> $LOG << ! connect / as sysdba shutdown immediate exit ! rc=$? cat $LOG exit $rc' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then sapdatabase_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then retcode=1 fi fi return $retcode } # # maxdb_stop: Stop the MaxDB database without any condition # maxdb_stop() { # x_Server must be running to stop database x_server_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then x_server_start; fi if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ]; then userkey=c_J2EE else userkey=c fi echo "#!/bin/sh LOG=\$HOME/stopdb.log date > \$LOG echo \"Stop database with xuserkey >$userkey<\" >> \$LOG dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_offline >> \$LOG 2>&1 exit \$?" > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then sapdatabase_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then retcode=1 fi fi return $retcode } # # db6udb_stop: Stop the DB2/UDB database without any condition # db6udb_stop() { echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/stopdb.log date > $LOG echo "Shut down the database" >> $LOG $INSTHOME/sqllib/bin/db2 deactivate database $DB2DBDFT |tee -a $LOG 2>&1 $INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2stop force |tee -a $LOG 2>&1 exit $?' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then sapdatabase_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then retcode=1 fi fi return $retcode } # # oracle_recover: try to clean up oracle after a crash # oracle_recover() { echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/recover.log date > $LOG echo "Logfile written by heartbeat SAPDatabase resource agent" >> $LOG if [ -x "${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" ] then SRVMGRDBA_EXE="${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" else echo "Can not find executable sqlplus" >> $LOG exit 1 fi $SRVMGRDBA_EXE /NOLOG >> $LOG << ! connect / as sysdba shutdown abort startup mount alter database end backup; alter database open; exit ! rc=$? cat $LOG exit $rc' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE return $retcode } # # maxdb_recover: try to clean up MaxDB after a crash # maxdb_recover() { # x_Server must be running to stop database x_server_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then x_server_start; fi if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ]; then userkey=c_J2EE else userkey=c fi echo "#!/bin/sh LOG=\$HOME/recover.log date > \$LOG echo \"Logfile written by heartbeat SAPDatabase resource agent\" >> \$LOG echo \"Cleanup database with xuserkey >$userkey<\" >> \$LOG echo \"db_stop\" >> \$LOG 2>&1 dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_stop >> \$LOG 2>&1 echo \"db_clear\" >> \$LOG 2>&1 dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_clear >> \$LOG 2>&1 echo \"db_online\" >> \$LOG 2>&1 dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_online >> \$LOG 2>&1 rc=\$? cat \$LOG exit \$rc" > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE return $retcode } # # db6udb_recover: try to recover DB/2 after a crash # db6udb_recover() { db2sid="db2`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/recover.log date > $LOG echo "Logfile written by heartbeat SAPDatabase resource agent" >> $LOG $INSTHOME/sqllib/bin/db2_kill >> $LOG 2>&1 $INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2start >> $LOG 2>&1 $INSTHOME/sqllib/bin/db2 activate database $DB2DBDFT >> $LOG 2>&1 rc=$? cat $LOG exit $rc' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $db2sid $TEMPFILE su - $db2sid -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE return $retcode } # # sapdatabase_start : Start the SAP database # sapdatabase_start() { sapuserexit PRE_START_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_PRE_START_USEREXIT" case $DBTYPE in ADA) x_server_start ;; ORA) listener_start ;; esac output=`su - $sidadm -c $SAPSTARTDB` rc=$? if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ] then sapdatabase_monitor 1 rc=$? fi if [ $rc -ne 0 -a $OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER -eq 1 ] then ocf_log warn "SAP database $SID start failed: $output" ocf_log warn "Try to recover database $SID" output='' sapdatabase_recover rc=$? fi if [ $rc -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "SAP database $SID started: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS sapuserexit POST_START_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_POST_START_USEREXIT" else ocf_log err "SAP database $SID start failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_stop: Stop the SAP database # sapdatabase_stop() { sapuserexit PRE_STOP_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_PRE_STOP_USEREXIT" # use of the stopdb kernel script is not possible, because there are to may checks in that # script. We want to stop the database regardless of anything. #output=`su - $sidadm -c $SAPSTOPDB` case $DBTYPE in ORA) output=`oracle_stop` ;; ADA) output=`maxdb_stop` ;; DB6) output=`db6udb_stop` ;; esac if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "SAP database $SID stopped: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "SAP database $SID stop failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi case $DBTYPE in ORA) listener_stop ;; ADA) x_server_stop ;; esac sapuserexit POST_STOP_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_POST_STOP_USEREXIT" return $rc } # # sapdatabase_monitor: Can the given database instance do anything useful? # sapdatabase_monitor() { strict=$1 sapdatabase_status rc=$? if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $rc fi case $DBTYPE in ADA) x_server_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then x_server_start; fi ;; ORA) listener_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then listener_start; fi ;; esac if [ $strict -eq 0 ] then return $rc else if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 0 ] then output=`echo "$SAPDBCONNECT -d -w /dev/null" | su $sidadm 2>&1` if [ $? -le 4 ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else rc=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi else MYCP="" EXECMD="" # WebAS Java 6.40+7.00 IAIK_JCE="$SECSTORE"/iaik_jce.jar IAIK_JCE_EXPORT="$SECSTORE"/iaik_jce_export.jar EXCEPTION="$BOOTSTRAP"/exception.jar LOGGING="$BOOTSTRAP"/logging.jar OPENSQLSTA="$BOOTSTRAP"/opensqlsta.jar TC_SEC_SECSTOREFS="$BOOTSTRAP"/tc_sec_secstorefs.jar JDDI="$BOOTSTRAP"/../server0/bin/ext/jdbdictionary/jddi.jar ANTLR="$BOOTSTRAP"/../server0/bin/ext/antlr/antlr.jar FRAME="$BOOTSTRAP"/../server0/bin/system/frame.jar # only start jdbcconnect when all jars available if [ -f "$EXCEPTION" -a -f "$LOGGING" -a -f "$OPENSQLSTA" -a -f "$TC_SEC_SECSTOREFS" -a -f "$JDDI" -a -f "$ANTLR" -a -f "$FRAME" -a -f "$SAPDBCONNECT" ] then MYCP=".:$FRAME:$ANTLR:$JDDI:$IAIK_JCE_EXPORT:$IAIK_JCE:$EXCEPTION:$LOGGING:$OPENSQLSTA:$TC_SEC_SECSTOREFS:$DB_JARS:$SAPDBCONNECT" EXECMD="com.sap.inst.jdbc.connect.JdbcCon -sec $SID:$SID" else # WebAS Java 7.10 LAUNCHER=${BOOTSTRAP}/sap.com~tc~bl~offline_launcher~impl.jar if [ -f "$DB_JARS" -a -f "$SAPDBCONNECT" -a -f "$LAUNCHER" ] then MYCP="$LAUNCHER" EXECMD="com.sap.engine.offline.OfflineToolStart com.sap.inst.jdbc.connect.JdbcCon ${SAPDBCONNECT}:${SECSTORE}:${DB_JARS}:${BOOTSTRAP} -sec $SID:$SID" fi fi if [ -n "$EXECMD" ] then output=`${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp $MYCP $EXECMD 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -le 0 ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else rc=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi else output="Cannot find all jar files needed for database monitoring." rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi fi if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then - ocf_log err "The SAP database $SID ist not running: $output" + ocf_log err "The SAP database $SID is not running: $output" fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_status: Are there any database processes on this host ? # sapdatabase_status() { case $DBTYPE in ADA) SEARCH="$SID/db/pgm/kernel" SUSER=`grep "^SdbOwner" /etc/opt/sdb | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'` SNUM=2 ;; ORA) SEARCH="ora_[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]_" SUSER="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=4 ;; DB6) SEARCH="db2[a-z][a-z][a-z]" SUSER="db2`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=2 ;; esac # Note: ps cuts off it's output at column $COLUMNS, so "ps -ef" can not be used here # as the output might be to long. cnt=`ps efo args --user $SUSER 2> /dev/null | grep -c "$SEARCH"` if [ $cnt -ge $SNUM ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else # ocf_log info "Database Instance $SID is not running on `hostname`" rc=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_recover: # sapdatabase_recover() { case $DBTYPE in ORA) recoutput=`oracle_recover` ;; ADA) recoutput=`maxdb_recover` ;; DB6) recoutput=`db6udb_recover` ;; esac sapdatabase_monitor 1 retcode=$? if [ $retcode -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then ocf_log info "Recover of SAP database $SID was successful: $recoutput" else ocf_log err "Recover of SAP database $SID failed: $recoutput" fi return $retcode } # # sapdatabase_validate: Check the symantic of the input parameters # sapdatabase_validate() { rc=$OCF_SUCCESS if [ `echo "$SID" | grep -c '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]$'` -ne 1 ] then ocf_log err "Parsing parameter SID: '$SID' is not a valid system ID!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi case "$DBTYPE" in ORA|ADA|DB6) ;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter DBTYPE: '$DBTYPE' is not a supported database type!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac return $rc } # # sapdatabase_init: initialize global variables at the beginning # sapdatabase_init() { ocf_log warn "Usage of SAPDatabase resource agent without SAPHostAgent is deprecated. Please read documentation of SAPDatabase resource agent and follow SAP note 1031096 for the installation of SAPHostAgent." # optional OCF parameters, we try to guess which directories are correct EXESTARTDB="startdb" EXESTOPDB="stopdb" EXEDBCONNECT="R3trans" if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_DBJ2EE_ONLY" ]; then DBJ2EE_ONLY=0 else case "$OCF_RESKEY_DBJ2EE_ONLY" in 1|true|TRUE|yes|YES) DBJ2EE_ONLY=1 EXESTARTDB="startj2eedb" EXESTOPDB="stopj2eedb" EXEDBCONNECT="jdbcconnect.jar" ;; 0|false|FALSE|no|NO) DBJ2EE_ONLY=0;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter DBJ2EE_ONLY: '$DBJ2EE_ONLY' is not a boolean value!" exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_NETSERVICENAME" ]; then case "$DBTYPE" in ORA|ora) NETSERVICENAME="LISTENER";; *) NETSERVICENAME="";; esac else NETSERVICENAME="$OCF_RESKEY_NETSERVICENAME" fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING" ]; then OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING=0 else case "$OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING" in 1|true|TRUE|yes|YES) OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING=1;; 0|false|FALSE|no|NO) OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING=0;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter STRICT_MONITORING: '$OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING' is not a boolean value!" exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac fi PATHLIST=" $OCF_RESKEY_DIR_EXECUTABLE /usr/sap/$SID/*/exe /usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run /sapmnt/$SID/exe " DIR_EXECUTABLE="" for EXEPATH in $PATHLIST do if [ -x $EXEPATH/$EXESTARTDB -a -x $EXEPATH/$EXESTOPDB -a -x $EXEPATH/$EXEDBCONNECT ] then DIR_EXECUTABLE=$EXEPATH SAPSTARTDB=$EXEPATH/$EXESTARTDB SAPSTOPDB=$EXEPATH/$EXESTOPDB SAPDBCONNECT=$EXEPATH/$EXEDBCONNECT break fi done if [ -z "$DIR_EXECUTABLE" ] then ocf_log warn "Cannot find $EXESTARTDB,$EXESTOPDB and $EXEDBCONNECT executable, please set DIR_EXECUTABLE parameter!" exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ] then if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_BOOTSTRAP" ] then BOOTSTRAP="$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_BOOTSTRAP" else BOOTSTRAP=`ls -1d /usr/sap/$SID/*/j2ee/cluster/bootstrap | head -1` fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_SECSTORE" ] then SECSTORE="$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_SECSTORE" else SECSTORE=/usr/sap/$SID/SYS/global/security/lib/tools fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_JAVA_HOME" ] then JAVA_HOME="$OCF_RESKEY_JAVA_HOME" PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH else if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] then PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH else ocf_log err "Cannot find JAVA_HOME directory, please set JAVA_HOME parameter!" exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DB_JARS" ] then DB_JARS=$OCF_RESKEY_DB_JARS else if [ -f "$BOOTSTRAP"/bootstrap.properties ]; then DB_JARS=`cat $BOOTSTRAP/bootstrap.properties | grep -i rdbms.driverLocation | sed -e 's/\\\:/:/g' | awk -F= '{print $2}'` fi fi fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER" ] then OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=0 else case "$OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER" in 1|true|TRUE|yes|YES) OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=1;; 0|false|FALSE|no|NO) OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=0;; esac fi # as root user we need the library path to the SAP kernel to be able to call executables if [ `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep -c "^$DIR_EXECUTABLE\>"` -eq 0 ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DIR_EXECUTABLE${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:}$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi sidadm="`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`adm" } # Set a tempfile and make sure to clean it up again TEMPFILE="/tmp/SAPDatabase.$$.tmp" trap trap_handler INT TERM \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/heartbeat/sapdb.sh b/heartbeat/sapdb.sh index ee30ec1ee..7edb4b88d 100755 --- a/heartbeat/sapdb.sh +++ b/heartbeat/sapdb.sh @@ -1,340 +1,340 @@ # # sapdb.sh - for systems having SAPHostAgent installed # (sourced by SAPDatabase) # # Description: This code is separated from the SAPDatabase agent to # introduce new functions for systems which having # SAPHostAgent installed. # Someday it might be merged back into SAPDatabase agein. # # Author: Alexander Krauth, September 2010 # Support: linux@sap.com # License: GNU General Public License (GPL) # Copyright: (c) 2010, 2012 Alexander Krauth # # # background_check_saphostexec : Run a request to saphostexec in a separat task, to be able to react on a hanging process # background_check_saphostexec() { timeout=600 count=0 $SAPHOSTCTRL -function ListDatabases >/dev/null 2>&1 & pid=$! while kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1 do sleep 0.1 count=$(( $count + 1 )) if [ $count -ge $timeout ]; then kill -9 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 ocf_log warn "saphostexec did not respond to the method 'ListDatabases' within 60 seconds" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC # Timeout fi done # child already has finished, now evaluate it's returncode wait $pid } # # cleanup_saphostexec : make sure to cleanup the SAPHostAgent in case of any # misbehavior # cleanup_saphostexec() { pkill -9 -f "$SAPHOSTEXEC" pkill -9 -f "$SAPHOSTSRV" oscolpid=`pgrep -f "$SAPHOSTOSCOL"` # we check saposcol pid, because it # might not run under control of # saphostexec # cleanup saposcol shared memory, otherwise it will not start again if [ -n "$oscolpid" ];then kill -9 $oscolpid oscolipc=`ipcs -m | grep "4dbe " | awk '{print $2}'` if [ -n "$oscolipc" ]; then ipcrm -m $oscolipc fi fi # removing the unix domain socket file as it might have wrong permissions or # ownership - it will be recreated by saphostexec during next start [ -r /tmp/.sapstream1128 ] && rm -f /tmp/.sapstream1128 } # # check_saphostexec : Before using saphostctrl we make sure that the # saphostexec is running on the current node. # check_saphostexec() { chkrc=$OCF_SUCCESS running=`pgrep -f "$SAPHOSTEXEC" | wc -l` if [ $running -gt 0 ]; then if background_check_saphostexec; then return $OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log warn "saphostexec did not respond to the method 'ListDatabases' correctly (rc=$?), it will be killed now" running=0 fi fi if [ $running -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "saphostexec is not running on node `hostname`, it will be started now" cleanup_saphostexec output=`$SAPHOSTEXEC -restart 2>&1` # now make sure the daemon has been started and is able to respond srvrc=1 while [ $srvrc -ne 0 -a `pgrep -f "$SAPHOSTEXEC" | wc -l` -gt 0 ] do sleep 1 background_check_saphostexec srvrc=$? done if [ $srvrc -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "saphostexec on node `hostname` was restarted !" chkrc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log error "saphostexec on node `hostname` could not be started! - $output" chkrc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi return $chkrc } # # sapdatabase_start : Start the SAP database # sapdatabase_start() { check_saphostexec rc=$? if [ $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then sapuserexit PRE_START_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_PRE_START_USEREXIT" DBINST="" if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DBINSTANCE" ] then DBINST="-dbinstance $OCF_RESKEY_DBINSTANCE " fi FORCE="" if ocf_is_true $OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER then FORCE="-force" fi output=`$SAPHOSTCTRL -function StartDatabase -dbname $SID -dbtype $DBTYPE $DBINST $FORCE -service` sapdatabase_monitor 1 rc=$? if [ $rc -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "SAP database $SID started: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS sapuserexit POST_START_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_POST_START_USEREXIT" else ocf_log err "SAP database $SID start failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_stop: Stop the SAP database # sapdatabase_stop() { check_saphostexec rc=$? if [ $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then sapuserexit PRE_STOP_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_PRE_STOP_USEREXIT" DBINST="" if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DBINSTANCE" ] then DBINST="-dbinstance $OCF_RESKEY_DBINSTANCE " fi output=`$SAPHOSTCTRL -function StopDatabase -dbname $SID -dbtype $DBTYPE $DBINST -force -service` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "SAP database $SID stopped: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "SAP database $SID stop failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi sapuserexit POST_STOP_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_POST_STOP_USEREXIT" return $rc } # # sapdatabase_monitor: Can the given database instance do anything useful? # sapdatabase_monitor() { strict=$1 rc=$OCF_SUCCESS if ! ocf_is_true $strict then sapdatabase_status rc=$? else check_saphostexec rc=$? if [ $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then count=0 DBINST="" if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DBINSTANCE" ] then DBINST="-dbinstance $OCF_RESKEY_DBINSTANCE " fi output=`$SAPHOSTCTRL -function GetDatabaseStatus -dbname $SID -dbtype $DBTYPE $DBINST` # we have to parse the output, because the returncode doesn't tell anything about the instance status for SERVICE in `echo "$output" | grep -i 'Component[ ]*Name *[:=] [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* (' | sed 's/^.*Component[ ]*Name *[:=] *\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/\1/i'` do COLOR=`echo "$output" | grep -i "Component[ ]*Name *[:=] *$SERVICE (" | sed 's/^.*Status *[:=] *\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/\1/i'` STATE=0 case $COLOR in Running) STATE=$OCF_SUCCESS;; *) STATE=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING;; esac SEARCH=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES" | sed 's/\+/\\\+/g' | sed 's/\./\\\./g'` if [ `echo "$SERVICE" | egrep -c "$SEARCH"` -eq 1 ] then if [ $STATE -eq $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ] then ocf_log err "SAP database service $SERVICE is not running with status $COLOR !" rc=$STATE fi count=1 fi done if [ $count -eq 0 -a $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then ocf_log err "The resource does not run any services which this RA could monitor!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then - ocf_log err "The SAP database $SID ist not running: $output" + ocf_log err "The SAP database $SID is not running: $output" fi fi fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_status: Are there any database processes on this host ? # sapdatabase_status() { case $DBTYPE in ADA) SEARCH="$SID/db/pgm/kernel" SUSER=`grep "^SdbOwner" /etc/opt/sdb | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'` SNUM=2 ;; ORA) SEARCH="ora_[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]_" SUSER="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=4 ;; DB6) SEARCH="db2[a-z][a-z][a-z]" SUSER="db2`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=2 ;; SYB) SEARCH="dataserver" SUSER="syb`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=1 ;; HDB) SEARCH="hdb[a-z]*server" SUSER="`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`adm" SNUM=1 ;; esac cnt=`ps -u $SUSER -o args 2> /dev/null | grep -c $SEARCH` [ $cnt -ge $SNUM ] && return $OCF_SUCCESS return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING } # # sapdatabase_recover: # sapdatabase_recover() { OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=1 sapdatabase_stop sapdatabase_start } # # sapdatabase_validate: Check the symantic of the input parameters # sapdatabase_validate() { rc=$OCF_SUCCESS if [ `echo "$SID" | grep -c '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]$'` -ne 1 ] then ocf_log err "Parsing parameter SID: '$SID' is not a valid system ID!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi case "$DBTYPE" in ORA|ADA|DB6|SYB|HDB) ;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter DBTYPE: '$DBTYPE' is not a supported database type!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac return $rc } # # sapdatabase_init: initialize global variables at the beginning # sapdatabase_init() { OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER_default=0 : ${OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=${OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER_default}} if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES" ] then case $DBTYPE in ORA) export OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES="Instance|Database|Listener" ;; ADA) export OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES="Database" ;; DB6) db2sid="db2`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" export OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES="${SID}|${db2sid}" ;; SYB) export OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES="Server" ;; HDB) export OCF_RESKEY_MONITOR_SERVICES="hdbindexserver" ;; esac fi } diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPDatabase b/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPDatabase index b34d67f44..2e398c4fd 100644 --- a/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPDatabase +++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPDatabase @@ -1,1026 +1,1026 @@ #!/bin/sh # # SAPDatabase # # Description: Manages any type of SAP supported database instance # as a High-Availability OCF compliant resource. # # Author: Alexander Krauth, October 2006 # Support: linux@sap.com # License: GNU General Public License (GPL) # Copyright: (c) 2006, 2007 Alexander Krauth # # An example usage: # See usage() function below for more details... # # OCF instance parameters: # OCF_RESKEY_SID # OCF_RESKEY_DIR_EXECUTABLE (optional, well known directories will be searched by default) # OCF_RESKEY_DBTYPE # OCF_RESKEY_NETSERVICENAME (optional, non standard name of Oracle Listener) # OCF_RESKEY_DBJ2EE_ONLY (optional, default is false) # OCF_RESKEY_JAVA_HOME (optional, only needed if DBJ2EE_ONLY is true and JAVA_HOME enviroment variable is not set) # OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING (optional, activate application level monitoring - with Oracle a failover will occur in case of an archiver stuck) # OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER (optional, automatic startup recovery, default is false) # OCF_RESKEY_DIR_BOOTSTRAP (optional, if non standard J2EE server directory) # OCF_RESKEY_DIR_SECSTORE (optional, if non standard J2EE secure store directory) # OCF_RESKEY_DB_JARS (optional, if maintained in bootstrap.properties, mandatory for WebAS Java 7.10) # OCF_RESKEY_PRE_START_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed before the resource is started) # OCF_RESKEY_POST_START_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed after the resource is started) # OCF_RESKEY_PRE_STOP_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed before the resource is stopped) # OCF_RESKEY_POST_STOP_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed after the resource is stopped) # # ToDo: # Remove all the database dependend stuff from the agent and use # saphostcontrol daemon as soon as SAP will release it. # ####################################################################### # Initialization: if [ -f $(dirname $0)/.ocf-shellfuncs ]; then . $(dirname $0)/.ocf-shellfuncs elif [ -f $(dirname $0)/ocf-shellfuncs ]; then LC_ALL=C LANG=C PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin export LC_ALL LANG PATH . $(dirname $0)/ocf-shellfuncs else echo Could not find ocf-shellfuncs! exit 1 fi ####################################################################### SH=/bin/sh usage() { methods=`sapdatabase_methods` methods=`echo $methods | tr ' ' '|'` cat <<-! usage: $0 ($methods) $0 manages a SAP database of any type as an HA resource. Currently Oracle, MaxDB and DB/2 UDB are supported. ABAP databases as well as JAVA only databases are supported. The 'start' operation starts the instance. The 'stop' operation stops the instance. The 'status' operation reports whether the instance is running The 'monitor' operation reports whether the instance seems to be working The 'recover' operation tries to recover the instance after a crash (instance will be stopped first!) The 'validate-all' operation reports whether the parameters are valid The 'methods' operation reports on the methods $0 supports ! } meta_data() { cat < 1.92.1 Resource script for SAP databases. It manages a SAP database of any type as an HA resource. SAP database resource agent The unique SAP system identifier. e.g. P01 SAP system ID The full qualified path where to find sapstartsrv and sapcontrol. path of sapstartsrv and sapcontrol The name of the database vendor you use. Set either: ORA,DB6,ADA database vendor The Oracle TNS listener name. listener name If you do not have a ABAP stack installed in the SAP database, set this to TRUE only JAVA stack installed This is only needed if the DBJ2EE_ONLY parameter is set to true. Enter the path to the Java SDK which is used by the SAP WebAS Java Path to Java SDK This controls how the resource agent monitors the database. If set to true, it will use SAP tools to test the connect to the database. Do not use with Oracle, because it will result in unwanted failovers in case of an archiver stuck Activates application level monitoring The SAPDatabase resource agent tries to recover a failed start attempt automaticaly one time. This is done by running a forced abort of the RDBMS and/or executing recovery commands. Enable or disable automatic startup recovery The full qualified path where to find the J2EE instance bootstrap directory. e.g. /usr/sap/P01/J00/j2ee/cluster/bootstrap path to j2ee bootstrap directory The full qualified path where to find the J2EE security store directory. e.g. /usr/sap/P01/SYS/global/security/lib/tools path to j2ee secure store directory The full qualified filename of the jdbc driver for the database connection test. It will be automaticaly read from the bootstrap.properties file in Java engine 6.40 and 7.00. For Java engine 7.10 the parameter is mandatory. file name of the jdbc driver The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed before this resource gets started. path to a pre-start script The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed after this resource got started. path to a post-start script The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed before this resource gets stopped. path to a pre-start script The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed after this resource got stopped. path to a post-start script END } trap_handler() { rm -f $TEMPFILE exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } do_exit() { # If we've got a tempfile variable and the tempfile exists... # ... if the return code is 0 *or* the temp file is empty # remove it. if [ -n "$TEMPFILE" ] && [ -e "$TEMPFILE" ]; then if [ $1 -eq 0 ] || [ "$(stat -c %s $TEMPFILE)" = "0" ]; then rm -f $TEMPFILE fi fi exit $1 } # # listener_start: Start the given listener # listener_start() { orasid="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS output=`echo "lsnrctl start $NETSERVICENAME" | su - $orasid 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME started: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME start failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # listener_stop: Stop the given listener # listener_stop() { orasid="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS if listener_status then : listener is running, trying to stop it later... else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi output=`echo "lsnrctl stop $NETSERVICENAME" | su - $orasid 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME stopped: $output" else ocf_log err "Oracle Listener $NETSERVICENAME stop failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # listener_status: is the given listener running? # listener_status() { orasid="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" # Note: ps cuts off it's output at column $COLUMNS, so "ps -ef" can not be used here # as the output might be to long. cnt=`ps efo args --user $orasid | grep $NETSERVICENAME | grep -c tnslsnr` if [ $cnt -eq 1 ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log info "listener process not running for $NETSERVICENAME for $SID" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # x_server_start: Start the given x_server # x_server_start() { rc=$OCF_SUCCESS output=`echo "x_server start" | su - $sidadm 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "MaxDB x_server start: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "MaxDB x_server start failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # x_server_stop: Stop the x_server # x_server_stop() { rc=$OCF_SUCCESS output=`echo "x_server stop" | su - $sidadm 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "MaxDB x_server stop: $output" else ocf_log err "MaxDB x_server stop failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # x_server_status: is the x_server running? # x_server_status() { sdbuser=`grep "^SdbOwner" /etc/opt/sdb | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'` # Note: ps cuts off it's output at column $COLUMNS, so "ps -ef" can not be used here # as the output might be to long. cnt=`ps efo args --user $sdbuser | grep -c vserver` if [ $cnt -ge 1 ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log info "x_server process not running" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # oracle_stop: Stop the Oracle database without any condition # oracle_stop() { echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/stopdb.log date > $LOG if [ -x "${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" ] then SRVMGRDBA_EXE="${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" else echo "Can not find executable sqlplus" >> $LOG exit 1 fi $SRVMGRDBA_EXE /NOLOG >> $LOG << ! connect / as sysdba shutdown immediate exit ! rc=$? cat $LOG exit $rc' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then sapdatabase_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then retcode=1 fi fi return $retcode } # # maxdb_stop: Stop the MaxDB database without any condition # maxdb_stop() { # x_Server must be running to stop database x_server_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then x_server_start; fi if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ]; then userkey=c_J2EE else userkey=c fi echo "#!/bin/sh LOG=\$HOME/stopdb.log date > \$LOG echo \"Stop database with xuserkey >$userkey<\" >> \$LOG dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_offline >> \$LOG 2>&1 exit \$?" > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then sapdatabase_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then retcode=1 fi fi return $retcode } # # db6udb_stop: Stop the DB2/UDB database without any condition # db6udb_stop() { echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/stopdb.log date > $LOG echo "Shut down the database" >> $LOG $INSTHOME/sqllib/bin/db2 deactivate database $DB2DBDFT |tee -a $LOG 2>&1 $INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2stop force |tee -a $LOG 2>&1 exit $?' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then sapdatabase_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then retcode=1 fi fi return $retcode } # # oracle_recover: try to clean up oracle after a crash # oracle_recover() { echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/recover.log date > $LOG echo "Logfile written by heartbeat SAPDatabase resource agent" >> $LOG if [ -x "${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" ] then SRVMGRDBA_EXE="${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus" else echo "Can not find executable sqlplus" >> $LOG exit 1 fi $SRVMGRDBA_EXE /NOLOG >> $LOG << ! connect / as sysdba shutdown abort startup mount WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE alter database recover automatic database; alter database open; exit ! rc=$? cat $LOG exit $rc' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE return $retcode } # # maxdb_recover: try to clean up MaxDB after a crash # maxdb_recover() { # x_Server must be running to stop database x_server_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then x_server_start; fi if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ]; then userkey=c_J2EE else userkey=c fi echo "#!/bin/sh LOG=\$HOME/recover.log date > \$LOG echo \"Logfile written by heartbeat SAPDatabase resource agent\" >> \$LOG echo \"Cleanup database with xuserkey >$userkey<\" >> \$LOG echo \"db_stop\" >> \$LOG 2>&1 dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_stop >> \$LOG 2>&1 echo \"db_clear\" >> \$LOG 2>&1 dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_clear >> \$LOG 2>&1 echo \"db_online\" >> \$LOG 2>&1 dbmcli -U ${userkey} db_online >> \$LOG 2>&1 rc=\$? cat \$LOG exit \$rc" > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $sidadm $TEMPFILE su - $sidadm -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE return $retcode } # # db6udb_recover: try to recover DB/2 after a crash # db6udb_recover() { db2sid="db2`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" echo '#!/bin/sh LOG=$HOME/recover.log date > $LOG echo "Logfile written by heartbeat SAPDatabase resource agent" >> $LOG $INSTHOME/sqllib/bin/db2_kill >> $LOG 2>&1 $INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2start >> $LOG 2>&1 $INSTHOME/sqllib/bin/db2 activate database $DB2DBDFT >> $LOG 2>&1 rc=$? cat $LOG exit $rc' > $TEMPFILE chmod 700 $TEMPFILE chown $db2sid $TEMPFILE su - $db2sid -c $TEMPFILE retcode=$? rm -f $TEMPFILE return $retcode } # # methods: What methods/operations do we support? # sapdatabase_methods() { cat <<-! start stop status monitor recover validate-all methods meta-data usage ! } # # sapuserexit : Many SAP customers need some additional processes/tools to run their SAP systems. # This specialties do not allow a totally generic SAP cluster resource agent. # Someone should write a resource agent for each additional process you need, if it # is required to monitor that process within the cluster manager. To enable # you to extent this resource agent without developing a new one, this user exit # was introduced. # sapuserexit() { NAME="$1" VALUE="$2" if [ -n "$VALUE" ] then if [ -x "$VALUE" ] then ocf_log info "Calling userexit ${NAME} with customer script file ${VALUE}" eval "$VALUE" > /dev/null 2>&1 ocf_log info "Exiting userexit ${NAME} with customer script file ${VALUE}, returncode: $?" else ocf_log warn "Attribute ${NAME} is set to ${VALUE}, but this file is not executable" fi fi return 0 } # # sapdatabase_start : Start the SAP database # sapdatabase_start() { sapuserexit PRE_START_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_PRE_START_USEREXIT" case $DBTYPE in ADA) x_server_start ;; ORA) listener_start ;; esac output=`su - $sidadm -c $SAPSTARTDB` rc=$? if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ] then sapdatabase_monitor 1 rc=$? fi if [ $rc -ne 0 -a $OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER -eq 1 ] then ocf_log warn "SAP database $SID start failed: $output" ocf_log warn "Try to recover database $SID" output='' sapdatabase_recover rc=$? fi if [ $rc -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "SAP database $SID started: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS sapuserexit POST_START_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_POST_START_USEREXIT" else ocf_log err "SAP database $SID start failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_stop: Stop the SAP database # sapdatabase_stop() { sapuserexit PRE_STOP_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_PRE_STOP_USEREXIT" # use of the stopdb kernel script is not possible, because there are to may checks in that # script. We want to stop the database regardless of anything. #output=`su - $sidadm -c $SAPSTOPDB` case $DBTYPE in ORA) output=`oracle_stop` ;; ADA) output=`maxdb_stop` ;; DB6) output=`db6udb_stop` ;; esac if [ $? -eq 0 ] then ocf_log info "SAP database $SID stopped: $output" rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "SAP database $SID stop failed: $output" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi case $DBTYPE in ORA) listener_stop ;; ADA) x_server_stop ;; esac sapuserexit POST_STOP_USEREXIT "$OCF_RESKEY_POST_STOP_USEREXIT" return $rc } # # sapdatabase_monitor: Can the given database instance do anything useful? # sapdatabase_monitor() { strict=$1 rc=$OCF_SUCCESS case $DBTYPE in ADA) x_server_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then x_server_start; fi ;; ORA) listener_status if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then listener_start; fi ;; esac if [ $strict -eq 0 ] then sapdatabase_status rc=$? else if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 0 ] then output=`echo "$SAPDBCONNECT -d -w /dev/null" | su $sidadm 2>&1` if [ $? -le 4 ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else rc=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi else MYCP="" EXECMD="" # WebAS Java 6.40+7.00 IAIK_JCE="$SECSTORE"/iaik_jce.jar IAIK_JCE_EXPORT="$SECSTORE"/iaik_jce_export.jar EXCEPTION="$BOOTSTRAP"/exception.jar LOGGING="$BOOTSTRAP"/logging.jar OPENSQLSTA="$BOOTSTRAP"/opensqlsta.jar TC_SEC_SECSTOREFS="$BOOTSTRAP"/tc_sec_secstorefs.jar JDDI="$BOOTSTRAP"/../server0/bin/ext/jdbdictionary/jddi.jar ANTLR="$BOOTSTRAP"/../server0/bin/ext/antlr/antlr.jar FRAME="$BOOTSTRAP"/../server0/bin/system/frame.jar # only start jdbcconnect when all jars available if [ -f "$EXCEPTION" -a -f "$LOGGING" -a -f "$OPENSQLSTA" -a -f "$TC_SEC_SECSTOREFS" -a -f "$JDDI" -a -f "$ANTLR" -a -f "$FRAME" -a -f "$SAPDBCONNECT" ] then MYCP=".:$FRAME:$ANTLR:$JDDI:$IAIK_JCE_EXPORT:$IAIK_JCE:$EXCEPTION:$LOGGING:$OPENSQLSTA:$TC_SEC_SECSTOREFS:$DB_JARS:$SAPDBCONNECT" EXECMD="com.sap.inst.jdbc.connect.JdbcCon -sec $SID:$SID" else # WebAS Java 7.10 LAUNCHER=${BOOTSTRAP}/sap.com~tc~bl~offline_launcher~impl.jar if [ -f "$DB_JARS" -a -f "$SAPDBCONNECT" -a -f "$LAUNCHER" ] then MYCP="$LAUNCHER" EXECMD="com.sap.engine.offline.OfflineToolStart com.sap.inst.jdbc.connect.JdbcCon ${SAPDBCONNECT}:${SECSTORE}:${DB_JARS}:${BOOTSTRAP} -sec $SID:$SID" fi fi if [ -n "$EXECMD" ] then output=`eval ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp $MYCP $EXECMD` if [ $? -le 0 ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else rc=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi else output="Cannot find all jar files needed for database monitoring." rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi fi if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then - ocf_log err "The SAP database $SID ist not running: $output" + ocf_log err "The SAP database $SID is not running: $output" fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_status: Are there any database processes on this host ? # sapdatabase_status() { case $DBTYPE in ADA) SEARCH="$SID/db/pgm/kernel" SUSER=`grep "^SdbOwner" /etc/opt/sdb | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'` SNUM=2 ;; ORA) SEARCH="ora_[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]_" SUSER="ora`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=4 ;; DB6) SEARCH="db2[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]" SUSER="db2`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`" SNUM=5 ;; esac # Note: ps cuts off it's output at column $COLUMNS, so "ps -ef" can not be used here # as the output might be to long. cnt=`ps efo args --user $SUSER 2> /dev/null | grep -c "$SEARCH"` if [ $cnt -ge $SNUM ] then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else # ocf_log info "Database Instance $SID is not running on `hostname`" rc=$OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi return $rc } # # sapdatabase_recover: # sapdatabase_recover() { case $DBTYPE in ORA) recoutput=`oracle_recover` ;; ADA) recoutput=`maxdb_recover` ;; DB6) recoutput=`db6udb_recover` ;; esac sapdatabase_monitor 1 retcode=$? if [ $retcode -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then ocf_log info "Recover of SAP database $SID was successful: $recoutput" else ocf_log err "Recover of SAP database $SID failed: $recoutput" fi return $retcode } # # sapdatabase_validate: Check the symantic of the input parameters # sapdatabase_validate() { rc=$OCF_SUCCESS if [ `echo "$SID" | grep -c '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]$'` -ne 1 ] then ocf_log err "Parsing parameter SID: '$SID' is not a valid system ID!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi case "$DBTYPE" in ORA|ADA|DB6) ;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter DBTYPE: '$DBTYPE' is not a supported database type!" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac return $rc } # # 'main' starts here... # if ( [ $# -ne 1 ] ) then usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi # These operations don't require OCF instance parameters to be set case "$1" in meta-data) meta_data exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; usage) usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; methods) sapdatabase_methods exit $?;; *);; esac # Set a tempfile and make sure to clean it up again TEMPFILE="$(mktemp /tmp/SAPDatabase.tmp.XXXXXX)" trap trap_handler INT TERM # Everything after here must call do_exit to remove temp file US=`id -u -n` US=`echo $US` if [ $US != root ] then ocf_log err "$0 must be run as root" do_exit $OCF_ERR_PERM fi # mandatory parameter check if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_SID" ]; then ocf_log err "Please set OCF_RESKEY_SID to the SAP system id!" do_exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi SID=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_SID"` if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_DBTYPE" ]; then ocf_log err "Please set OCF_RESKEY_DBTYPE to the database vendor specific tag (ORA,ADA,DB6)!" do_exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi DBTYPE=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_DBTYPE" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` # optional OCF parameters, we try to guess which directories are correct EXESTARTDB="startdb" EXESTOPDB="stopdb" EXEDBCONNECT="R3trans" if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_DBJ2EE_ONLY" ]; then DBJ2EE_ONLY=0 else case "$OCF_RESKEY_DBJ2EE_ONLY" in 1|true|TRUE|yes|YES) DBJ2EE_ONLY=1 EXESTARTDB="startj2eedb" EXESTOPDB="stopj2eedb" EXEDBCONNECT="jdbcconnect.jar" ;; 0|false|FALSE|no|NO) DBJ2EE_ONLY=0;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter DBJ2EE_ONLY: '$DBJ2EE_ONLY' is not a boolean value!" do_exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_NETSERVICENAME" ]; then case "$DBTYPE" in ORA|ora) NETSERVICENAME="LISTENER";; *) NETSERVICENAME="";; esac else NETSERVICENAME="$OCF_RESKEY_NETSERVICENAME" fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING" ]; then OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING=0 else case "$OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING" in 1|true|TRUE|yes|YES) OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING=1;; 0|false|FALSE|no|NO) OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING=0;; *) ocf_log err "Parsing parameter STRICT_MONITORING: '$OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING' is not a boolean value!" do_exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac fi PATHLIST=" $OCF_RESKEY_DIR_EXECUTABLE /usr/sap/$SID/*/exe /usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run /sapmnt/$SID/exe " DIR_EXECUTABLE="" for EXEPATH in $PATHLIST do if [ -x $EXEPATH/$EXESTARTDB -a -x $EXEPATH/$EXESTOPDB -a -x $EXEPATH/$EXEDBCONNECT ] then DIR_EXECUTABLE=$EXEPATH SAPSTARTDB=$EXEPATH/$EXESTARTDB SAPSTOPDB=$EXEPATH/$EXESTOPDB SAPDBCONNECT=$EXEPATH/$EXEDBCONNECT break fi done if [ -z "$DIR_EXECUTABLE" ] then ocf_log warn "Cannot find $EXESTARTDB,$EXESTOPDB and $EXEDBCONNECT executable, please set DIR_EXECUTABLE parameter!" do_exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi if [ $DBJ2EE_ONLY -eq 1 ] then if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_BOOTSTRAP" ] then BOOTSTRAP="$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_BOOTSTRAP" else BOOTSTRAP=`echo /usr/sap/$SID/*/j2ee/cluster/bootstrap | head -1` fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_SECSTORE" ] then SECSTORE="$OCF_RESKEY_DIR_SECSTORE" else SECSTORE=/usr/sap/$SID/SYS/global/security/lib/tools fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_JAVA_HOME" ] then JAVA_HOME="$OCF_RESKEY_JAVA_HOME" PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH else if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] then PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH else ocf_log err "Cannot find JAVA_HOME directory, please set JAVA_HOME parameter!" do_exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_DB_JARS" ] then DB_JARS=$OCF_RESKEY_DB_JARS else if [ -f "$BOOTSTRAP"/bootstrap.properties ]; then DB_JARS=`cat $BOOTSTRAP/bootstrap.properties | grep -i rdbms.driverLocation | sed -e 's/\\\:/:/g' | awk -F= '{print $2}'` fi fi fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER" ] then OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=0 else case "$OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER" in 1|true|TRUE|yes|YES) OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=1;; 0|false|FALSE|no|NO) OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER=0;; esac fi # as root user we need the library path to the SAP kernel to be able to call executables if [ `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep -c "^$DIR_EXECUTABLE\>"` -eq 0 ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DIR_EXECUTABLE${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:}$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi sidadm="`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`adm" # What kind of method was invoked? case "$1" in start) sapdatabase_start do_exit $?;; stop) sapdatabase_stop do_exit $?;; monitor) sapdatabase_monitor $OCF_RESKEY_STRICT_MONITORING do_exit $?;; status) sapdatabase_status do_exit $?;; recover) sapdatabase_recover do_exit $?;; validate-all) sapdatabase_validate do_exit $?;; *) sapdatabase_methods do_exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED;; esac