diff --git a/heartbeat/anything b/heartbeat/anything index 4fe9610e0..f7debf9ed 100755 --- a/heartbeat/anything +++ b/heartbeat/anything @@ -1,317 +1,316 @@ #!/bin/sh # # OCF Resource Agent compliant resource script. # # Copyright (c) 2009 IN-telegence GmbH & Co. KG, Dominik Klein # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # OCF instance parameters # OCF_RESKEY_binfile # OCF_RESKEY_cmdline_options # OCF_RESKEY_workdir # OCF_RESKEY_pidfile # OCF_RESKEY_logfile # OCF_RESKEY_errlogfile # OCF_RESKEY_user # OCF_RESKEY_monitor_hook # OCF_RESKEY_stop_timeout # # This RA starts $binfile with $cmdline_options as $user in $workdir and writes a $pidfile from that. # If you want it to, it logs: # - stdout to $logfile, stderr to $errlogfile or # - stdout and stderr to $logfile # - or to will be captured by lrmd if these options are omitted. # Monitoring is done through $pidfile or your custom $monitor_hook script. # The RA expects the program to keep running "daemon-like" and # not just quit and exit. So this is NOT (yet - feel free to # enhance) a way to just run a single one-shot command which just # does something and then exits. # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs getpid() { grep -o '[0-9]*' $1 } anything_status() { if test -f "$pidfile" then if pid=`getpid $pidfile` && [ "$pid" ] && kill -s 0 $pid then return $OCF_SUCCESS else # pidfile w/o process means the process died return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi } anything_start() { if ! anything_status then if [ -n "$logfile" -a -n "$errlogfile" ] then # We have logfile and errlogfile, so redirect STDOUT und STDERR to different files cmd="su - $user -c \"cd $workdir; nohup $binfile $cmdline_options >> $logfile 2>> $errlogfile & \"'echo \$!' " else if [ -n "$logfile" ] then # We only have logfile so redirect STDOUT and STDERR to the same file cmd="su - $user -c \"cd $workdir; nohup $binfile $cmdline_options >> $logfile 2>&1 & \"'echo \$!' " else # We have neither logfile nor errlogfile, so we're not going to redirect anything cmd="su - $user -c \"cd $workdir; nohup $binfile $cmdline_options & \"'echo \$!'" fi fi ocf_log debug "Starting $process: $cmd" # Execute the command as created above eval $cmd > $pidfile if anything_status then ocf_log debug "$process: $cmd started successfully" return $OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "$process: $cmd could not be started" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else # If already running, consider start successful ocf_log debug "$process: $cmd is already running" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi } anything_stop() { + local rc=$OCF_SUCCESS + if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_stop_timeout" ] then stop_timeout=$OCF_RESKEY_stop_timeout elif [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_timeout" ]; then # Allow 2/3 of the action timeout for the orderly shutdown # (The origin unit is ms, hence the conversion) stop_timeout=$((OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_timeout/1500)) else stop_timeout=10 fi if anything_status then pid=`getpid $pidfile` kill $pid i=0 while [ $i -lt $stop_timeout ] do if ! anything_status then rm -f $pidfile return $OCF_SUCCESS fi sleep 1 i=$((i+1)) done ocf_log warn "Stop with SIGTERM failed/timed out, now sending SIGKILL." kill -s 9 $pid - rm -f $pidfile if ! anything_status then ocf_log warn "SIGKILL did the job." - return $OCF_SUCCESS + rc=$OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log err "Failed to stop - even with SIGKILL." - return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC + rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi - else - # was not running, so stop can be considered successful - rm -f $pidfile - return $OCF_SUCCESS fi + rm -f $pidfile + return $rc } anything_monitor() { anything_status ret=$? if [ $ret -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] then if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_monitor_hook" ]; then eval "$OCF_RESKEY_monitor_hook" if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return ${OCF_ERR_GENERIC} fi return $OCF_SUCCESS else true fi else return $ret fi } # FIXME: Attributes special meaning to the resource id process="$OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE" binfile="$OCF_RESKEY_binfile" cmdline_options="$OCF_RESKEY_cmdline_options" workdir="$OCF_RESKEY_workdir" pidfile="$OCF_RESKEY_pidfile" [ -z "$pidfile" ] && pidfile=${HA_VARRUN}/anything_${process}.pid logfile="$OCF_RESKEY_logfile" errlogfile="$OCF_RESKEY_errlogfile" user="$OCF_RESKEY_user" [ -z "$user" ] && user=root anything_validate() { if ! su - $user -c "test -x $binfile" then ocf_log err "binfile $binfile does not exist or is not executable by $user." exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi if ! getent passwd $user >/dev/null 2>&1 then ocf_log err "user $user does not exist." exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi for logfilename in "$logfile" "$errlogfile" do if [ -n "$logfilename" ]; then mkdir -p `dirname $logfilename` || { ocf_log err "cannot create $(dirname $logfilename)" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED } fi done [ "x$workdir" != x -a ! -d "$workdir" ] && { ocf_log err "working directory $workdir doesn't exist" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED } return $OCF_SUCCESS } anything_meta() { cat <<END <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM "ra-api-1.dtd"> <resource-agent name="anything"> <version>1.0</version> <longdesc lang="en"> This is a generic OCF RA to manage almost anything. </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">Manages an arbitrary service</shortdesc> <parameters> <parameter name="binfile" required="1" unique="1"> <longdesc lang="en"> The full name of the binary to be executed. This is expected to keep running with the same pid and not just do something and exit. </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">Full path name of the binary to be executed</shortdesc> <content type="string" default=""/> </parameter> <parameter name="cmdline_options" required="0"> <longdesc lang="en"> Command line options to pass to the binary </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">Command line options</shortdesc> <content type="string" /> </parameter> <parameter name="workdir" required="0" unique="0"> <longdesc lang="en"> The path from where the binfile will be executed. </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">Full path name of the work directory</shortdesc> <content type="string" default=""/> </parameter> <parameter name="pidfile"> <longdesc lang="en"> File to read/write the PID from/to. </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">File to write STDOUT to</shortdesc> <content type="string" default="${HA_VARRUN}/anything_${process}.pid"/> </parameter> <parameter name="logfile" required="0"> <longdesc lang="en"> File to write STDOUT to </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">File to write STDOUT to</shortdesc> <content type="string" /> </parameter> <parameter name="errlogfile" required="0"> <longdesc lang="en"> File to write STDERR to </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">File to write STDERR to</shortdesc> <content type="string" /> </parameter> <parameter name="user" required="0"> <longdesc lang="en"> User to run the command as </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">User to run the command as</shortdesc> <content type="string" default="root"/> </parameter> <parameter name="monitor_hook"> <longdesc lang="en"> Command to run in monitor operation </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">Command to run in monitor operation</shortdesc> <content type="string"/> </parameter> <parameter name="stop_timeout"> <longdesc lang="en"> In the stop operation: Seconds to wait for kill -TERM to succeed before sending kill -SIGKILL. Defaults to 2/3 of the stop operation timeout. </longdesc> <shortdesc lang="en">Seconds to wait after having sent SIGTERM before sending SIGKILL in stop operation</shortdesc> <content type="string" default=""/> </parameter> </parameters> <actions> <action name="start" timeout="20s" /> <action name="stop" timeout="20s" /> <action name="monitor" depth="0" timeout="20s" interval="10" /> <action name="meta-data" timeout="5" /> <action name="validate-all" timeout="5" /> </actions> </resource-agent> END exit 0 } case "$1" in meta-data|metadata|meta_data) anything_meta ;; start) anything_start ;; stop) anything_stop ;; monitor) anything_monitor ;; validate-all) anything_validate ;; *) ocf_log err "$0 was called with unsupported arguments: $*" exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED ;; esac