diff --git a/heartbeat/IPsrcaddr b/heartbeat/IPsrcaddr index 1bd41a930..66e2ad8cd 100755 --- a/heartbeat/IPsrcaddr +++ b/heartbeat/IPsrcaddr @@ -1,625 +1,628 @@ #!/bin/sh # # Description: IPsrcaddr - Preferred source(/dest) address modification # # Author: John Sutton # Support: users@clusterlabs.org # License: GNU General Public License (GPL) # Copyright: SCL Internet # # Based on the IPaddr script. # # This script manages the preferred source address associated with # packets which originate on the localhost and are routed through the # matching route. By default, i.e. without the use of this script or # similar, these packets will carry the IP of the primary i.e. the # non-aliased interface. This can be a nuisance if you need to ensure # that such packets carry the same IP irrespective of which host in # a redundant cluster they actually originate from. # # It can add a preferred source address, or remove one. # # usage: IPsrcaddr {start|stop|status|monitor|validate-all|meta-data} # # The "start" arg adds a preferred source address. # # Surprisingly, the "stop" arg removes it. :-) # # NOTES: # # 1) There must be one and not more than 1 matching route! Mainly because # I can't see why you should have more than one. And if there is more # than one, we would have to box clever to find out which one is to be # modified, or we would have to pass its identity as an argument. # # 2) The script depends on Alexey Kuznetsov's ip utility from the # iproute aka iproute2 package. # # 3) No checking is done to see if the passed in IP address can # reasonably be associated with the interface on which the default # route exists. So unless you want to deliberately spoof your source IP, # check it! Normally, I would expect that your haresources looks # something like: # # nodename ip1 ip2 ... ipN IPsrcaddr::ipX # # where ipX is one of the ip1 to ipN. # # OCF parameters are as below: # OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/findif.sh # Defaults OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress_default="" OCF_RESKEY_cidr_netmask_default="" OCF_RESKEY_destination_default="" OCF_RESKEY_proto_default="" OCF_RESKEY_metric_default="" OCF_RESKEY_table_default="" : ${OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress=${OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_cidr_netmask=${OCF_RESKEY_cidr_netmask_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_destination=${OCF_RESKEY_destination_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_proto=${OCF_RESKEY_proto_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_metric=${OCF_RESKEY_metric_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_table=${OCF_RESKEY_table_default}} ####################################################################### [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_proto" ] && PROTO="" || PROTO="proto $OCF_RESKEY_proto" [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_table" ] && TABLE="" || TABLE="table $OCF_RESKEY_table" USAGE="usage: $0 {start|stop|status|monitor|validate-all|meta-data}"; CMDSHOW="$IP2UTIL route show $TABLE to exact $OCF_RESKEY_destination" CMDCHANGE="$IP2UTIL route change to " if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" != "" ]; then CMDSHOW="$CMDSHOW src $OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress" fi if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_table" = "local" ]; then TABLE="$TABLE local" fi SYSTYPE="`uname -s`" usage() { echo $USAGE >&2 } meta_data() { cat < 1.0 Resource script for IPsrcaddr. It manages the preferred source address modification. Note: DHCP should not be enabled for the interface serving the preferred source address. Enabling DHCP may result in unexpected behavior, such as the automatic addition of duplicate or conflicting routes. This may cause the IPsrcaddr resource to fail, or it may produce undesired behavior while the resource continues to run. Manages the preferred source address for outgoing IP packets The IP address. IP address The netmask for the interface in CIDR format. (ie, 24), or in dotted quad notation Netmask The destination IP/subnet for the route (default: $OCF_RESKEY_destination_default) Destination IP/subnet Proto to match when finding network. E.g. "kernel". Proto Metric. Only needed if incorrect metric value is used. Metric Table to modify. E.g. "local". The table has to have a route matching the "destination" parameter. Table END } errorexit() { ocf_exit_reason "$*" exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } # # We can distinguish 3 cases: no preferred source address, a # preferred source address exists which matches that specified, and one # exists but doesn't match that specified. srca_read() returns 1,0,2 # respectively. # # The output of route show is something along the lines of: # # default via X.X.X.X dev eth1 src Y.Y.Y.Y # # where the src clause "src Y.Y.Y.Y" may or may not be present WS="[[:blank:]]" OCTET="[0-9]\{1,3\}" IPADDR="\($OCTET\.\)\{3\}$OCTET" SRCCLAUSE="src$WS$WS*\($IPADDR\)" MATCHROUTE="\(.*${WS}\)\($SRCCLAUSE\)\($WS.*\|$\)" METRICCLAUSE=".*\(metric$WS[^ ]\+\)" PROTOCLAUSE=".*\(proto$WS[^ ]\+\).*" FINDIF=findif # findif needs that to be set export OCF_RESKEY_ip=$OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress srca_read() { # Capture matching route - doublequotes prevent word splitting... ROUTE="`$CMDSHOW dev $INTERFACE 2> /dev/null`" || errorexit "command '$CMDSHOW' failed" # ... so we can make sure there is only 1 matching route [ 1 -eq `echo "$ROUTE" | wc -l` ] || \ errorexit "more than 1 matching route exists" # But there might still be no matching route [ "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" = "" ] && [ -z "$ROUTE" ] && \ ! ocf_is_probe && [ "$__OCF_ACTION" != stop ] && errorexit "no matching route exists" # Sed out the source ip address if it exists SRCIP=`echo $ROUTE | sed -n "s/$MATCHROUTE/\3/p"` # and what remains after stripping out the source ip address clause ROUTE_WO_SRC=`echo $ROUTE | sed "s/$MATCHROUTE/\1\5/"` # using "src " only returns output if there's a match if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" != "" ]; then [ -z "$ROUTE" ] && return 1 || return 0 fi [ -z "$SRCIP" ] && return 1 [ $SRCIP = $1 ] && return 0 [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "monitor" ] || [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "status" ] && [ "${ROUTE%% *}" = "default" ] && return 1 return 2 } # # Add (or change if it already exists) the preferred source address # The exit code should conform to LSB exit codes. # srca_start() { srca_read $1 rc=$? if [ $rc = 0 ]; then rc=$OCF_SUCCESS ocf_log info "The ip route has been already set.($NETWORK, $INTERFACE, $ROUTE_WO_SRC)" else $IP2UTIL route replace $TABLE $NETWORK dev $INTERFACE $PROTO src $1 $METRIC || \ errorexit "command 'ip route replace $TABLE $NETWORK dev $INTERFACE $PROTO src $1 $METRIC' failed" if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" = "" ] ;then $CMDCHANGE $ROUTE_WO_SRC src $1 || \ errorexit "command '$CMDCHANGE $ROUTE_WO_SRC src $1' failed" fi rc=$? fi return $rc } # # Remove (if it exists) the preferred source address. # If one exists but it's not the same as the one specified, that's # an error. Maybe that's the wrong behaviour because if this fails # then when IPaddr releases the associated interface (if there is one) # your matching route will also get dropped ;-( # The exit code should conform to LSB exit codes. # srca_stop() { srca_read $1 rc=$? if [ $rc = 1 ]; then # We do not have a preferred source address for now ocf_log info "No preferred source address defined, nothing to stop" exit $OCF_SUCCESS fi [ $rc = 2 ] && errorexit "The address you specified to stop does not match the preferred source address" if [ -z "$TABLE" ] || [ "${TABLE#table }" = "main" ]; then SCOPE="link" else SCOPE="host" fi PRIMARY_IP="$($IP2UTIL -4 -o addr show dev $INTERFACE primary | awk '{split($4,a,"/");print a[1]}')" OPTS="proto kernel scope $SCOPE src $PRIMARY_IP" $IP2UTIL route replace $TABLE $NETWORK dev $INTERFACE $OPTS $METRIC || \ errorexit "command 'ip route replace $TABLE $NETWORK dev $INTERFACE $OPTS $METRIC' failed" if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" = "" ] ;then $CMDCHANGE $ROUTE_WO_SRC src $PRIMARY_IP || \ errorexit "command '$CMDCHANGE $ROUTE_WO_SRC src $PRIMARY_IP' failed" fi return $? } srca_status() { srca_read $1 case $? in 0) echo "OK" return $OCF_SUCCESS;; 1) echo "No preferred source address defined" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING;; 2) echo "Preferred source address has incorrect value" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC;; esac } # A not reliable IP address checking function, which only picks up those _obvious_ violations... # # It accepts IPv4 address in dotted quad notation, for example "" # # 100% confidence whenever it reports "negative", # but may get false "positive" answer. # CheckIP() { ip="$1" case $ip in *[!0-9.]*) #got invalid char false;; .*|*.) #begin or end by ".", which is invalid false;; *..*) #consecutive ".", which is invalid false;; *.*.*.*.*) #four decimal dots, which is too many false;; *.*.*.*) #exactly three decimal dots, candidate, evaluate each field local IFS=. set -- $ip if ( [ $1 -le 254 ] && [ $2 -le 254 ] && [ $3 -le 254 ] && [ $4 -le 254 ] ) then if [ $1 -eq 127 ]; then ocf_exit_reason "IP address [$ip] is a loopback address, thus can not be preferred source address" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi else true fi ;; *) #less than three decimal dots false;; esac return $? # This return is unnecessary, this comment too :) } # # Find out which interface or alias serves the given IP address # The argument is an IP address, and its output # is an (aliased) interface name (e.g., "eth0" and "eth0:0"). # find_interface_solaris() { $IFCONFIG $IFCONFIG_A_OPT | $AWK '{if ($0 ~ /.*: / && NR > 1) {print "\n"$0} else {print}}' | while read ifname linkstuff do : ifname = $ifname read inet addr junk : inet = $inet addr = $addr while read line && [ "X$line" != "X" ] do : Nothing done # This doesn't look right for a box with multiple NICs. # It looks like it always selects the first interface on # a machine. Yet, we appear to use the results for this case too... ifname=`echo "$ifname" | sed s'%:*$%%'` case $addr in addr:$BASEIP) echo $ifname; return $OCF_SUCCESS;; $BASEIP) echo $ifname; return $OCF_SUCCESS;; esac done return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } # # Find out which interface or alias serves the given IP address # The argument is an IP address, and its output # is an (aliased) interface name (e.g., "eth0" and "eth0:0"). # find_interface_generic() { local iface=`$IP2UTIL -o -f inet addr show | grep "\ $BASEIP" \ | cut -d ' ' -f2 | grep -v '^ipsec[0-9][0-9]*$'` if [ -z "$iface" ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC else echo $iface return $OCF_SUCCESS fi } # # Find out which interface or alias serves the given IP address # The argument is an IP address, and its output # is an (aliased) interface name (e.g., "eth0" and "eth0:0"). # find_interface() { case "$SYSTYPE" in SunOS) IF=`find_interface_solaris $BASEIP` ;; *) IF=`find_interface_generic $BASEIP` ;; esac echo $IF return $OCF_SUCCESS; } ip_status() { BASEIP="$1" case "$SYSTYPE" in Darwin) # Treat Darwin the same as the other BSD variants (matched as *BSD) SYSTYPE="${SYSTYPE}BSD" ;; *) ;; esac case "$SYSTYPE" in *BSD) $IFCONFIG $IFCONFIG_A_OPT | grep "inet.*[: ]$BASEIP " >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then return $OCF_SUCCESS else return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi;; Linux|SunOS) IF=`find_interface "$BASEIP"` if [ -z "$IF" ]; then return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi case $IF in lo*) ocf_exit_reason "IP address [$BASEIP] is served by loopback, thus can not be preferred source address" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED ;; *)return $OCF_SUCCESS;; esac ;; *) if [ -z "$IF" ]; then return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi;; esac } srca_validate_all() { if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress" ]; then # usage ocf_exit_reason "Please set OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress to the preferred source IP address!" return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi if ! echo "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" | grep -q "/"; then return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi if ! [ "x$SYSTYPE" = "xLinux" ]; then # checks after this point are only relevant for linux. return $OCF_SUCCESS fi check_binary $AWK case "$SYSTYPE" in *BSD|SunOS) check_binary $IFCONFIG ;; esac # The IP address should be in good shape if CheckIP "$ipaddress"; then : else ocf_exit_reason "Invalid IP address [$ipaddress]" return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi if ocf_is_probe; then return $OCF_SUCCESS fi # We should serve this IP address of course - if ip_status "$ipaddress"; then - : - else - ocf_exit_reason "We are not serving [$ipaddress], hence can not make it a preferred source address" - return $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED + if [ "$OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" -eq 10 ]; then + if ip_status "$ipaddress"; then + : + else + ocf_exit_reason "We are not serving [$ipaddress], hence can not make it a preferred source address" + return $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED + fi fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } if ( [ $# -ne 1 ] ) then usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi # These operations do not require the OCF instance parameters to be set case $1 in meta-data) meta_data exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; usage) usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; *) ;; esac ipaddress="$OCF_RESKEY_ipaddress" +[ "$__OCF_ACTION" != "validate-all" ] && OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10 srca_validate_all rc=$? if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then case $1 in # if we can't validate the configuration during a stop, that # means the resources isn't configured correctly. There's no way # to actually stop the resource in this situation because there's # no way it could have even started. Return success here # to indicate that the resource is not running, otherwise the # stop action will fail causing the node to be fenced just because # of a mis configuration. stop) exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; *) exit $rc;; esac fi findif_out=`$FINDIF` rc=$? [ $rc -ne 0 ] && { ocf_exit_reason "[$FINDIF] failed" exit $rc } INTERFACE=`echo $findif_out | awk '{print $1}'` LISTROUTE=`$IP2UTIL route list dev $INTERFACE scope link $PROTO match $ipaddress` [ -z "$PROTO" ] && PROTO=`echo $LISTROUTE | sed -n "s/$PROTOCLAUSE/\1/p"` if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_metric" ]; then METRIC="metric $OCF_RESKEY_metric" elif [ -z "$TABLE" ] || [ "${TABLE#table }" = "main" ]; then METRIC=`echo $LISTROUTE | sed -n "s/$METRICCLAUSE/\1/p"` else METRIC="" fi if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_destination" = "" ] ;then NETWORK=`echo $LISTROUTE | grep -m 1 -o '^[^ ]*'` if [ -z "$NETWORK" ]; then err_str="command '$IP2UTIL route list dev $INTERFACE scope link $PROTO" err_str="$err_str match $ipaddress' failed to find a matching route" if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "start" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "$err_str" exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS elif ! ocf_is_probe; then ocf_log warn "$err_str" else ocf_log debug "$err_str" fi fi else NETWORK="$OCF_RESKEY_destination" fi case $1 in start) srca_start $ipaddress ;; stop) srca_stop $ipaddress ;; status) srca_status $ipaddress ;; monitor) srca_status $ipaddress ;; validate-all) srca_validate_all ;; *) usage exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED ;; esac exit $? # # Version 0.3 2002/11/04 17:00:00 John Sutton # Name changed from IPsrcroute to IPsrcaddr and now reports errors # using ha_log rather than on stderr. # # Version 0.2 2002/11/02 17:00:00 John Sutton # Changed status output to "OK" to satisfy ResourceManager's # we_own_resource() function. # # Version 0.1 2002/11/01 17:00:00 John Sutton # First effort but does the job? # diff --git a/heartbeat/galera.in b/heartbeat/galera.in index cd2fee7c0..6aed3e4b6 100755 --- a/heartbeat/galera.in +++ b/heartbeat/galera.in @@ -1,1094 +1,1097 @@ #!@BASH_SHELL@ # # Copyright (c) 2014 David Vossel # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # ## # README. # # This agent only supports being configured as a multistate Promoted # resource. # # Unpromoted vs Promoted role: # # During the 'Unpromoted' role, galera instances are in read-only mode and # will not attempt to connect to the cluster. This role exists only as # a means to determine which galera instance is the most up-to-date. The # most up-to-date node will be used to bootstrap a galera cluster that # has no current members. # # The galera instances will only begin to be promoted to the Promoted role # once all the nodes in the 'wsrep_cluster_address' connection address # have entered read-only mode. At that point the node containing the # database that is most current will be promoted to Promoted. Once the first # Promoted instance bootstraps the galera cluster, the other nodes will be # promoted to Promoted as well. # # Example: Create a galera cluster using nodes rhel7-node1 rhel7-node2 rhel7-node3 # # pcs resource create db galera enable_creation=true \ # wsrep_cluster_address="gcomm://rhel7-auto1,rhel7-auto2,rhel7-auto3" meta promoted-max=3 --promoted # # By setting the 'enable_creation' option, the database will be automatically # generated at startup. The meta attribute 'promoted-max=3' means that all 3 # nodes listed in the wsrep_cluster_address list will be allowed to connect # to the galera cluster and perform replication. # # NOTE: If you have more nodes in the pacemaker cluster then you wish # to have in the galera cluster, make sure to use location contraints to prevent # pacemaker from attempting to place a galera instance on a node that is # not in the 'wsrep_cluster_address" list. # ## ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" != "meta-data" ]; then . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/mysql-common.sh NODENAME=$(ocf_attribute_target) fi # It is common for some galera instances to store # check user that can be used to query status # in this file if [ -f "/etc/sysconfig/clustercheck" ]; then . /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck elif [ -f "/etc/default/clustercheck" ]; then . /etc/default/clustercheck fi # Parameter defaults OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address_default="" OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map_default="" OCF_RESKEY_check_user_default="" OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd_default="" OCF_RESKEY_two_node_mode_default="false" : ${OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address=${OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map=${OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_check_user=${OCF_RESKEY_check_user_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd=${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_two_node_mode=${OCF_RESKEY_two_node_mode_default}} ####################################################################### # Defaults: OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd_use_empty_default=0 : ${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd_use_empty=${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd_use_empty_default}} ####################################################################### usage() { cat < 1.0 Resource script for managing galera database. Manages a galera instance Location of the MySQL server binary MySQL server binary Location of the MySQL client binary MySQL client binary Configuration file MySQL config Directory containing databases MySQL datadir User running MySQL daemon MySQL user Group running MySQL daemon (for logfile and directory permissions) MySQL group The logfile to be used for mysqld. MySQL log file The pidfile to be used for mysqld. MySQL pid file The socket to be used for mysqld. MySQL socket If the MySQL database does not exist, it will be created Create the database if it does not exist Additional parameters which are passed to the mysqld on startup. (e.g. --skip-external-locking or --skip-grant-tables) Additional parameters to pass to mysqld The galera cluster address. This takes the form of: gcomm://node,node,node Only nodes present in this node list will be allowed to start a galera instance. The galera node names listed in this address are expected to match valid pacemaker node names. If both names need to differ, you must provide a mapping in option cluster_host_map. Galera cluster address A mapping of pacemaker node names to galera node names. To be used when both pacemaker and galera names need to differ, (e.g. when galera names map to IP from a specific network interface) This takes the form of: pcmk1:node.1.galera;pcmk2:node.2.galera;pcmk3:node.3.galera where the galera resource started on node pcmk1 would be named node.1.galera in the wsrep_cluster_address Pacemaker to Galera name mapping Cluster check user. MySQL test user Cluster check user password. Empty passwords are ignored unless the parameter "check_passwd_use_empty" is set to 1. check password Use an empty "check_passwd" password. If this parameter is set to 1, "check_passwd" will be ignored and an empty password is used when calling the "mysql" client binary. check password use empty If running in a 2-node pacemaker cluster, rely on pacemaker quorum to allow automatic recovery even when the other node is unreachable. Use it with caution! (and fencing) Special recovery when running on a 2-node cluster END } get_option_variable() { local key=$1 $MYSQL $MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK -e "SHOW VARIABLES like '$key';" | tail -1 } get_status_variable() { local key=$1 $MYSQL $MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK -e "show status like '$key';" | tail -1 } set_bootstrap_node() { local node=$(ocf_attribute_target $1) ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $node -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-bootstrap" -v "true" } clear_bootstrap_node() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-bootstrap" -D } is_bootstrap() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-bootstrap" --quiet 2>/dev/null } set_no_grastate() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-no-grastate" -v "true" } clear_no_grastate() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-no-grastate" -D } is_no_grastate() { local node=$(ocf_attribute_target $1) ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $node -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-no-grastate" --quiet 2>/dev/null } clear_last_commit() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-last-committed" -D } set_last_commit() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-last-committed" -v $1 } get_last_commit() { local node=$(ocf_attribute_target $1) if [ -z "$node" ]; then ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-last-committed" --quiet 2>/dev/null else ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $node -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-last-committed" --quiet 2>/dev/null fi } clear_safe_to_bootstrap() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-safe-to-bootstrap" -D } set_safe_to_bootstrap() { ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-safe-to-bootstrap" -v $1 } get_safe_to_bootstrap() { local node=$(ocf_attribute_target $1) if [ -z "$node" ]; then ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $NODENAME -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-safe-to-bootstrap" --quiet 2>/dev/null else ${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute -N $node -l reboot --name "${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}-safe-to-bootstrap" --quiet 2>/dev/null fi } wait_for_sync() { local state=$(get_status_variable "wsrep_local_state") ocf_log info "Waiting for database to sync with the cluster. " while [ "$state" != "4" ]; do sleep 1 state=$(get_status_variable "wsrep_local_state") done ocf_log info "Database synced." } is_primary() { cluster_status=$(get_status_variable "wsrep_cluster_status") if [ "$cluster_status" = "Primary" ]; then return 0 fi if [ -z "$cluster_status" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Unable to retrieve wsrep_cluster_status, verify check_user '$OCF_RESKEY_check_user' has permissions to view status" else ocf_log info "Galera instance wsrep_cluster_status=${cluster_status}" fi return 1 } is_readonly() { local res=$(get_option_variable "read_only") if ! ocf_is_true "$res"; then return 1 fi cluster_status=$(get_status_variable "wsrep_cluster_status") if ! [ "$cluster_status" = "Disconnected" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } is_two_node_mode_active() { # crm_node or corosync-quorumtool cannot access various corosync # flags when running inside a bundle, so only count the cluster # members ocf_is_true "$OCF_RESKEY_two_node_mode" && crm_mon_no_validation -1X | xmllint --xpath "count(//nodes/node[@type='member'])" - | grep -q -w 2 } is_last_node_in_quorate_partition() { # when a network split occurs in a 2-node cluster, pacemaker # fences the other node and try to retain quorum. So until # the fencing is resolved (and the status of the peer node # is clean), we shouldn't consider ourself quorate. local partition_members=$(${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_node -p | wc -w) local quorate=$(${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_node -q) local clean_members=$(crm_mon_no_validation -1X | xmllint --xpath 'count(//nodes/node[@type="member" and @unclean="false"])' -) [ "$partition_members" = 1 ] && [ "$quorate" = 1 ] && [ "$clean_members" = 2 ] } master_exists() { if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "demote" ]; then # We don't want to detect master instances during demote. # 1. we could be detecting ourselves as being master, which is no longer the case. # 2. we could be detecting other master instances that are in the process of shutting down. # by not detecting other master instances in "demote" we are deferring this check # to the next recurring monitor operation which will be much more accurate return 1 fi # determine if a master instance is already up and is healthy ocf_version_cmp "$OCF_RESKEY_crm_feature_set" "3.1.0" res=$? if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_crm_feature_set" ] || [ $res -eq 2 ]; then XMLOPT="--output-as=xml" ocf_version_cmp "$OCF_RESKEY_crm_feature_set" "3.2.0" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then crm_mon_no_validation -1 $XMLOPT >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then XMLOPT="--as-xml" fi fi else XMLOPT="--as-xml" fi crm_mon_no_validation -1 $XMLOPT | grep -q -i -E "resource.*id=\"${INSTANCE_ATTR_NAME}\".*role=\"(Promoted|Master)\".*active=\"true\".*orphaned=\"false\".*failed=\"false\"" return $? } clear_master_score() { local node=$(ocf_attribute_target $1) if [ -z "$node" ]; then ocf_promotion_score -D else ocf_promotion_score -D -N $node fi } set_master_score() { local node=$(ocf_attribute_target $1) if [ -z "$node" ]; then ocf_promotion_score -v 100 else ocf_promotion_score -N $node -v 100 fi } promote_everyone() { for node in $(echo "$OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address" | sed 's/gcomm:\/\///g' | tr -d ' ' | tr -s ',' ' '); do local pcmk_node=$(galera_to_pcmk_name $node) if [ -z "$pcmk_node" ]; then ocf_log err "Could not determine pacemaker node from galera name <${node}>." return else node=$pcmk_node fi set_master_score $node done } greater_than_equal_long() { # there are values we need to compare in this script # that are too large for shell -gt to process echo | awk -v n1="$1" -v n2="$2" '{if (n1>=n2) printf ("true"); else printf ("false");}' | grep -q "true" } galera_to_pcmk_name() { local galera=$1 if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map" ]; then echo $galera else echo "$OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map" | tr ';' '\n' | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/:/ /' | awk -F' ' '$2=="'"$galera"'" {print $1;exit}' fi } pcmk_to_galera_name() { local pcmk=$1 if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map" ]; then echo $pcmk else echo "$OCF_RESKEY_cluster_host_map" | tr ';' '\n' | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/:/ /' | awk -F' ' '$1=="'"$pcmk"'" {print $2;exit}' fi } detect_first_master() { local best_commit=0 local last_commit=0 local missing_nodes=0 local nodes="" local nodes_recovered="" local all_nodes local best_node_gcomm local best_node local safe_to_bootstrap all_nodes=$(echo "$OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address" | sed 's/gcomm:\/\///g' | tr -d ' ' | tr -s ',' ' ') best_node_gcomm=$(echo "$all_nodes" | sed 's/^.* \(.*\)$/\1/') best_node=$(galera_to_pcmk_name $best_node_gcomm) if [ -z "$best_node" ]; then ocf_log err "Could not determine initial best node from galera name <${best_node_gcomm}>." return fi # avoid selecting a recovered node as bootstrap if possible for node in $all_nodes; do local pcmk_node=$(galera_to_pcmk_name $node) if [ -z "$pcmk_node" ]; then ocf_log err "Could not determine pacemaker node from galera name <${node}>." return else node=$pcmk_node fi if is_no_grastate $node; then nodes_recovered="$nodes_recovered $node" else nodes="$nodes $node" fi done for node in $nodes_recovered $nodes; do # On clean shutdown, galera sets the last stopped node as 'safe to bootstrap', # so use this hint when we can safe_to_bootstrap=$(get_safe_to_bootstrap $node) # Special case for 2-node clusters: during a network split, rely on # pacemaker's quorum to check whether we can restart galera if [ "$safe_to_bootstrap" != "1" ] && [ "$node" = "$NODENAME" ] && is_two_node_mode_active; then is_last_node_in_quorate_partition if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "Survived a split in a 2-node cluster, considering ourselves safe to bootstrap" safe_to_bootstrap=1 fi fi if [ "$safe_to_bootstrap" = "1" ]; then # Galera marked the node as safe to boostrap during shutdown. Let's just # pick it as our bootstrap node. ocf_log info "Node <${node}> is marked as safe to bootstrap." best_node=$node # We don't need to wait for the other nodes to report state in this case missing_nodes=0 break fi last_commit=$(get_last_commit $node) if [ -z "$last_commit" ]; then ocf_log info "Waiting on node <${node}> to report database status before Master instances can start." missing_nodes=1 continue fi # this means -1, or that no commit has occured yet. if [ "$last_commit" = "18446744073709551615" ]; then last_commit="0" fi greater_than_equal_long "$last_commit" "$best_commit" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then best_node=$(ocf_attribute_target $node) best_commit=$last_commit fi done if [ $missing_nodes -eq 1 ]; then return fi ocf_log info "Promoting $best_node to be our bootstrap node" set_bootstrap_node $best_node set_master_score $best_node } detect_safe_to_bootstrap() { local safe_to_bootstrap="" local uuid="" local seqno="" if [ -f ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat ]; then ocf_log info "attempting to read safe_to_bootstrap flag from ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat" safe_to_bootstrap=$(sed -n 's/^safe_to_bootstrap:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' < ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat) uuid=$(sed -n 's/^uuid:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' < ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat) seqno=$(sed -n 's/^seqno:\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' < ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat) fi if [ -z "$uuid" ] || \ [ "$uuid" = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ]; then clear_safe_to_bootstrap return fi if [ "$safe_to_bootstrap" = "1" ]; then if [ -z "$seqno" ] || [ "$seqno" = "-1" ]; then clear_safe_to_bootstrap return fi fi if [ "$safe_to_bootstrap" = "1" ] || [ "$safe_to_bootstrap" = "0" ]; then set_safe_to_bootstrap $safe_to_bootstrap else clear_safe_to_bootstrap fi } detect_last_commit() { local last_commit local recover_args="--defaults-file=$OCF_RESKEY_config \ --pid-file=$OCF_RESKEY_pid \ --socket=$OCF_RESKEY_socket \ --datadir=$OCF_RESKEY_datadir" local recovery_file_regex='s/.*WSREP\:.*position\s*recovery.*--log_error='\''\([^'\'']*\)'\''.*/\1/p' local recovered_position_regex='s/.*WSREP\:\s*[R|r]ecovered\s*position.*\:\(.*\)\s*$/\1/p' # codership/galera#354 # Some ungraceful shutdowns can leave an empty gvwstate.dat on # disk. This will prevent galera to join the cluster if it is # configured to attempt PC recovery. Removing that file makes the # node fall back to the normal, unoptimized joining process. if [ -f ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/gvwstate.dat ] && \ [ ! -s ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/gvwstate.dat ]; then ocf_log warn "empty ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/gvwstate.dat detected, removing it to prevent PC recovery failure at next restart" rm -f ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/gvwstate.dat fi ocf_log info "attempting to detect last commit version by reading ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat" last_commit="$(cat ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat | sed -n 's/^seqno.\s*\(.*\)\s*$/\1/p')" if [ -z "$last_commit" ] || [ "$last_commit" = "-1" ]; then local tmp=$(mktemp) chown $OCF_RESKEY_user:$OCF_RESKEY_group $tmp # if we pass here because grastate.dat doesn't exist, # try not to bootstrap from this node if possible if [ ! -f ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat ]; then set_no_grastate fi ocf_log info "now attempting to detect last commit version using 'mysqld_safe --wsrep-recover'" $SU - $OCF_RESKEY_user -s /bin/sh -c \ "${OCF_RESKEY_binary} $recover_args --wsrep-recover --log-error=$tmp 2>/dev/null" last_commit="$(cat $tmp | sed -n $recovered_position_regex | tail -1)" if [ -z "$last_commit" ]; then # Galera uses InnoDB's 2pc transactions internally. If # server was stopped in the middle of a replication, the # recovery may find a "prepared" XA transaction in the # redo log, and mysql won't recover automatically local recovery_file="$(cat $tmp | sed -n $recovery_file_regex)" if [ -e $recovery_file ]; then cat $recovery_file | grep -q -E '\[ERROR\]\s+Found\s+[0-9]+\s+prepared\s+transactions!' 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # we can only rollback the transaction, but that's OK # since the DB will get resynchronized anyway ocf_log warn "local node <${NODENAME}> was not shutdown properly. Rollback stuck transaction with --tc-heuristic-recover" $SU - $OCF_RESKEY_user -s /bin/sh -c \ "${OCF_RESKEY_binary} $recover_args --wsrep-recover \ --tc-heuristic-recover=rollback --log-error=$tmp 2>/dev/null" last_commit="$(cat $tmp | sed -n $recovered_position_regex | tail -1)" if [ ! -z "$last_commit" ]; then ocf_log warn "State recovered. force SST at next restart for full resynchronization" rm -f ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat # try not to bootstrap from this node if possible set_no_grastate fi fi fi fi rm -f $tmp fi if [ ! -z "$last_commit" ]; then ocf_log info "Last commit version found: $last_commit" set_last_commit $last_commit return $OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_exit_reason "Unable to detect last known write sequence number" clear_last_commit return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi } # For galera, promote is really start galera_promote() { local rc local extra_opts local bootstrap local safe_to_bootstrap master_exists if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # join without bootstrapping extra_opts="--wsrep-cluster-address=${OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address}" else bootstrap=$(is_bootstrap) if ocf_is_true $bootstrap; then # The best node for bootstrapping wasn't cleanly shutdown. Allow # bootstrapping anyways if [ "$(get_safe_to_bootstrap)" = "0" ]; then sed -ie 's/^\(safe_to_bootstrap:\) 0/\1 1/' ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat ocf_log info "safe_to_bootstrap in ${OCF_RESKEY_datadir}/grastate.dat set to 1 on node ${NODENAME}" fi ocf_log info "Node <${NODENAME}> is bootstrapping the cluster" extra_opts="--wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm://" else # We are being promoted without having the bootstrap # attribute in the CIB, which means we are supposed to # join a cluster; however if we end up here, there is no # Master remaining right now, which means there is no # cluster to join anymore. So force a demotion, and and # let the RA decide later which node should be the next # bootstrap node. ocf_log warn "There is no running cluster to join, demoting ourself" clear_master_score return $OCF_SUCCESS fi fi galera_monitor if [ $? -eq $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER ]; then if ocf_is_true $bootstrap; then promote_everyone clear_bootstrap_node ocf_log info "boostrap node already up, promoting the rest of the galera instances." fi clear_safe_to_bootstrap clear_last_commit return $OCF_SUCCESS fi # last commit/safe_to_bootstrap flag are no longer relevant once promoted clear_last_commit clear_safe_to_bootstrap mysql_common_prepare_dirs mysql_common_start "$extra_opts" rc=$? if [ $rc != $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $rc fi galera_monitor rc=$? if [ $rc != $OCF_SUCCESS -a $rc != $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Failed initial monitor action" return $rc fi is_readonly if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Failure. Master instance started in read-only mode, check configuration." return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi is_primary if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Failure. Master instance started, but is not in Primary mode." return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi if ocf_is_true $bootstrap; then promote_everyone clear_bootstrap_node # clear attribute no-grastate. if last shutdown was # not clean, we cannot be extra-cautious by requesting a SST # since this is the bootstrap node clear_no_grastate ocf_log info "Bootstrap complete, promoting the rest of the galera instances." else # if this is not the bootstrap node, make sure this instance # syncs with the rest of the cluster before promotion returns. wait_for_sync # sync is done, clear info about last startup clear_no_grastate fi ocf_log info "Galera started" return $OCF_SUCCESS } galera_demote() { mysql_common_stop rc=$? if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] && [ $rc -ne $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Failed to stop Master galera instance during demotion to Master" return $rc fi # if this node was previously a bootstrap node, that is no longer the case. clear_bootstrap_node clear_last_commit clear_no_grastate clear_safe_to_bootstrap # Clear master score here rather than letting pacemaker do so once # demote finishes. This way a promote cannot take place right # after this demote even if pacemaker is requested to do so. It # will first have to run a start/monitor op, to reprobe the state # of the other galera nodes and act accordingly. clear_master_score # record last commit for next promotion detect_safe_to_bootstrap detect_last_commit rc=$? return $rc } galera_start() { local rc local galera_node galera_node=$(pcmk_to_galera_name $NODENAME) if [ -z "$galera_node" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Could not determine galera name from pacemaker node <${NODENAME}>." return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi echo $OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address | grep -q -F $galera_node if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ocf_exit_reason "local node <${NODENAME}> (galera node <${galera_node}>) must be a member of the wsrep_cluster_address <${OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address}> to start this galera instance" return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi galera_monitor if [ $? -eq $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER ]; then ocf_exit_reason "master galera instance started outside of the cluster's control" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi mysql_common_prepare_dirs detect_safe_to_bootstrap detect_last_commit rc=$? if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $rc fi master_exists if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "Master instances are already up, setting master score so this instance will join galera cluster." set_master_score $NODENAME else clear_master_score detect_first_master fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } galera_monitor() { local rc local galera_node local status_loglevel="err" # Set loglevel to info during probe if ocf_is_probe; then status_loglevel="info" fi mysql_common_status $status_loglevel rc=$? if [ $rc -eq $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then last_commit=$(get_last_commit $node) if [ -n "$last_commit" ]; then # if last commit is set, this instance is considered started in slave mode rc=$OCF_SUCCESS master_exists if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then detect_first_master else # a master instance exists and is healthy, promote this # local read only instance # so it can join the master galera cluster. set_master_score fi fi return $rc elif [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $rc fi # if we make it here, mysql is running. Check cluster status now. galera_node=$(pcmk_to_galera_name $NODENAME) if [ -z "$galera_node" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Could not determine galera name from pacemaker node <${NODENAME}>." return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi echo $OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address | grep -q -F $galera_node if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ocf_exit_reason "local node <${NODENAME}> (galera node <${galera_node}>) is started, but is not a member of the wsrep_cluster_address <${OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address}>" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi is_primary if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if ocf_is_probe; then # restore master score during probe # if we detect this is a master instance set_master_score fi rc=$OCF_RUNNING_MASTER else ocf_exit_reason "local node <${NODENAME}> is started, but not in primary mode. Unknown state." rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $rc } galera_stop() { local rc # make sure the process is stopped mysql_common_stop rc=$1 clear_safe_to_bootstrap clear_last_commit clear_master_score clear_bootstrap_node clear_no_grastate return $rc } galera_validate() { - if ! ocf_is_ms; then - ocf_exit_reason "Galera must be configured as a multistate Master/Slave resource." - return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED + if [ "$OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" -eq 10 ]; then + if ! ocf_is_ms; then + ocf_exit_reason "Galera must be configured as a multistate Master/Slave resource." + return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED + fi fi if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_wsrep_cluster_address" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Galera must be configured with a wsrep_cluster_address value." return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi mysql_common_validate } case "$1" in meta-data) meta_data exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; usage|help) usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; esac +[ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "start" ] && OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10 galera_validate rc=$? LSB_STATUS_STOPPED=3 if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then case "$1" in stop) exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; monitor) exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING;; status) exit $LSB_STATUS_STOPPED;; *) exit $rc;; esac fi if [ -z "${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd}" ]; then # This value is automatically sourced from /etc/sysconfig/checkcluster if available OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} fi if [ -z "${OCF_RESKEY_check_user}" ]; then # This value is automatically sourced from /etc/sysconfig/checkcluster if available OCF_RESKEY_check_user=${MYSQL_USERNAME} fi : ${OCF_RESKEY_check_user="root"} MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK="-nNE --user=${OCF_RESKEY_check_user}" if ocf_is_true "${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd_use_empty}"; then MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK="$MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK --password=" elif [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd}" ]; then MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK="$MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK --password=${OCF_RESKEY_check_passwd}" fi # This value is automatically sourced from /etc/sysconfig/checkcluster if available if [ -n "${MYSQL_HOST}" ]; then MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK="$MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK -h ${MYSQL_HOST}" fi # This value is automatically sourced from /etc/sysconfig/checkcluster if available if [ -n "${MYSQL_PORT}" ]; then MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK="$MYSQL_OPTIONS_CHECK -P ${MYSQL_PORT}" fi # What kind of method was invoked? case "$1" in start) galera_start;; stop) galera_stop;; status) mysql_common_status err;; monitor) galera_monitor;; promote) galera_promote;; demote) galera_demote;; validate-all) exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; *) usage exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED;; esac # vi:sw=4:ts=4:et: diff --git a/heartbeat/mpathpersist.in b/heartbeat/mpathpersist.in index 0e2c2a4a0..8a46b9930 100644 --- a/heartbeat/mpathpersist.in +++ b/heartbeat/mpathpersist.in @@ -1,681 +1,686 @@ #!@BASH_SHELL@ # # # OCF Resource Agent compliant PERSISTENT SCSI RESERVATION on multipath devices resource script. # Testversion for a mpathpersist implementation for demo purposes by Andreas Thomas # # Copyright (c) 2017 Evgeny Nifontov, lwang@suse.com, # Andreas Tomas, # Zhu Lingshan # All Rights Reserved. # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # # OCF instance parameters # OCF_RESKEY_binary # OCF_RESKEY_devs # OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_no # OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay # # TODO # # 1) PROBLEM: devices which were not accessible during 'start' action, will be never registered/reserved # TODO: 'Master' and 'Slave' registers new devs in 'monitor' action # TODO: 'Master' reserves new devs in 'monitor' action #Defaults OCF_RESKEY_mpathpersist_binary_default="mpathpersist" OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_no_default=1 OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type_default=1 OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base_default=0 OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor_default=100 OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay_default=30 ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs # set default values : ${OCF_RESKEY_mpathpersist_binary=${OCF_RESKEY_mpathpersist_binary_default}} # binary name for the resource : ${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_no=${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_no_default}} # number of required devices : ${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type=${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type_default}} # reservation type : ${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base_default}} # master score base : ${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor_default}} # device factor for master score : ${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay_default}} # delay for master score ####################################################################### meta_data() { cat < 1.0 This resource agent manages SCSI persistent reservations on multipath devices. "mpathpersist" from multipath-tools is used, please see its documentation. Should be used as multistate (Promotable) resource Unpromoted registers its node id ("crm_node -i") as reservation key ( --param-sark ) on each device in the params "devs" list. Promoted reserves all devices from params "devs" list with reservation "--prout-type" value from "reservation_type" parameter. Please see man sg_persist(8) and mpathpersist(8) for reservation_type details. Manages SCSI persistent reservations on multipath devices The name of the binary that manages the resource. the binary name of the resource Device list. Multiple devices can be listed with blank space as separator. Shell wildcards are allowed. device list Minimum number of "working" devices from device list 1) existing 2) "mpathpersist --in --read-keys <device>" works (Return code 0) resource actions "start","monitor","promote" and "validate-all" return "OCF_ERR_INSTALLED" if the actual number of "working" devices is less than "required_devs_no". resource actions "stop" and "demote" tries to remove reservations and registration keys from all working devices, but always return "OCF_SUCCESS" minimum number of working devices reservation type reservation type master_score_base value "master_score_base" value is used in "master_score" calculation: master_score = master_score_base + master_score_dev_factor * working_devs if set to bigger value in mpathpersist resource configuration on some node, this node will be "preferred" for promoted role. base master_score value Working device factor in promoted calculation each "working" device provides additional value to "master_score", so the node that sees more devices will be preferred for the "Promoted"-role Setting it to 0 will disable this behavior. working device factor in master_score calculation promoted/unpromoted decreases/increases its master_score after delay of "master_score_delay" seconds so if some device gets inaccessible, the unpromoted decreases its promoted first and the resource will no be watched and after this device reappears again the promoted increases its master_score first this can work only if the master_score_delay is bigger then monitor interval on both promoted and unpromoted Setting it to 0 will disable this behavior. master_score decrease/increase delay time END exit $OCF_SUCCESS } mpathpersist_init() { if ! ocf_is_root ; then ocf_log err "You must be root to perform this operation." exit $OCF_ERR_PERM fi MPATHPERSIST="${OCF_RESKEY_mpathpersist_binary}" check_binary $MPATHPERSIST ROLE=$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_role NOW=$(date +%s) RESOURCE="${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME="master-${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" PENDING_VAR_NAME="pending-$MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME" #only works with corocync CRM_NODE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_node" NODE_ID_DEC=$($CRM_NODE -i) NODE=$($CRM_NODE -l | $GREP -w ^$NODE_ID_DEC) NODE=${NODE#$NODE_ID_DEC } NODE=${NODE% *} MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --lifetime=reboot --name=$MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME --node=$NODE" PENDING_ATTRIBUTE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --lifetime=reboot --name=$PENDING_VAR_NAME --node=$NODE" NODE_ID_HEX=$(printf '0x%x' $NODE_ID_DEC) if [ -z "$NODE_ID_HEX" ]; then ocf_log err "Couldn't get node id with \"$CRM_NODE\"" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: NODE:$NODE, ROLE:$ROLE, NODE_ID DEC:$NODE_ID_DEC HEX:$NODE_ID_HEX" DEVS="${OCF_RESKEY_devs}" REQUIRED_DEVS_NO="${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_no}" RESERVATION_TYPE="${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type}" MASTER_SCORE_BASE="${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base}" MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR="${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor}" MASTER_SCORE_DELAY="${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay}" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: DEVS=$DEVS" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: REQUIRED_DEVS_NO=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NO" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: RESERVATION_TYPE=$RESERVATION_TYPE" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_BASE=$MASTER_SCORE_BASE" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR=$MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_DELAY=$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY" #expand path wildcards DEVS=$(echo $DEVS) if [ -z "$DEVS" ]; then ocf_log err "\"devs\" not defined" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi mpathpersist_check_devs mpathpersist_get_status } mpathpersist_action_usage() { cat <&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then WORKING_DEVS+=($dev) echo "$READ_KEYS" | $GREP -w $NODE_ID_HEX\$ >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then REGISTERED_DEVS+=($dev) READ_RESERVATION=`$MPATHPERSIST --in --read-reservation $dev 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$READ_RESERVATION" | $GREP -w $NODE_ID_HEX\$ >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RESERVED_DEVS+=($dev) fi reservation_key=`echo $READ_RESERVATION | $GREP -o 'Key = 0x[0-9a-f]*' | $GREP -o '0x[0-9a-f]*'` if [ -n "$reservation_key" ]; then DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION+=($dev) RESERVATION_KEYS+=($reservation_key) fi fi fi fi done WORKING_DEVS_NO=${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: working devices: `mpathpersist_echo_array ${WORKING_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: number of working devices: $WORKING_DEVS_NO" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: registered devices: `mpathpersist_echo_array ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: reserved devices: `mpathpersist_echo_array ${RESERVED_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: devices with reservation: `mpathpersist_echo_array ${DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: reservation keys: `mpathpersist_echo_array ${RESERVATION_KEYS[*]}`" MASTER_SCORE=$(($MASTER_SCORE_BASE + $MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR*$WORKING_DEVS_NO)) ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: master_score: $MASTER_SCORE_BASE + $MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR*$WORKING_DEVS_NO = $MASTER_SCORE" } mpathpersist_check_devs() { for dev in $DEVS do if [ -e "$dev" ]; then EXISTING_DEVS+=($dev) fi done EXISTING_DEVS_NO=${#EXISTING_DEVS[*]} if [ $EXISTING_DEVS_NO -lt $REQUIRED_DEVS_NO ]; then ocf_log err "Number of existing devices=$EXISTING_DEVS_NO less then required_devs_no=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NO" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi } mpathpersist_is_registered() { for registered_dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do if [ "$registered_dev" == "$1" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } mpathpersist_get_reservation_key() { for array_index in ${!DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]} do if [ "${DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[$array_index]}" == "$1" ]; then echo ${RESERVATION_KEYS[$array_index]} return 0 fi done echo "" } mpathpersist_echo_array() { str_count=0 arr_str="" for str in "$@" do arr_str="$arr_str[$str_count]:$str " str_count=$(($str_count+1)) done echo $arr_str } mpathpersist_parse_act_pending() { ACT_PENDING_TS=0 ACT_PENDING_SCORE=0 if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then ACT_PENDING_TS=${ACT_PENDING%%_*} ACT_PENDING_SCORE=${ACT_PENDING##*_} fi } mpathpersist_clear_pending() { if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then DO_PENDING_UPDATE="YES" NEW_PENDING="" fi } mpathpersist_new_master_score() { DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE="YES" NEW_MASTER_SCORE=$1 } mpathpersist_new_pending() { DO_PENDING_UPDATE="YES" NEW_PENDING=$1 } # Functions invoked by resource manager actions mpathpersist_action_start() { ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$MASTER_SCORE ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update="" if [ $WORKING_DEVS_NO -lt $REQUIRED_DEVS_NO ]; then ocf_log err "$RESOURCE: Number of working devices=$WORKING_DEVS_NO less then required_devs_no=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NO" exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi for dev in ${WORKING_DEVS[*]} do if mpathpersist_is_registered $dev ; then : OK else ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --register --param-sark=$NODE_ID_HEX $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi done return $OCF_SUCCESS } mpathpersist_action_stop() { if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE stop: already no registrations" else # Clear preference for becoming master ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --delete ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --delete for dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX $dev done fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } mpathpersist_action_monitor() { ACT_MASTER_SCORE=`$MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --query --quiet 2>&1` ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_MASTER_SCORE=$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ACT_PENDING=`$PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --query --quiet 2>&1` ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING=$ACT_PENDING" mpathpersist_parse_act_pending ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING_TS=$ACT_PENDING_TS" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING_VAL=$ACT_PENDING_SCORE" ocf_log debug "$MASTER_SCORE, $ACT_MASTER_SCORE, $ROLE" DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE="NO" DO_PENDING_UPDATE="NO" if [ -n "$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ] then if [ $ACT_MASTER_SCORE -eq $MASTER_SCORE ]; then mpathpersist_clear_pending else case $ROLE in Master) if [ $MASTER_SCORE -lt $ACT_MASTER_SCORE ]; then if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ] then if [ $(($NOW-$ACT_PENDING_TS-$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY)) -ge 0 ]; then mpathpersist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE mpathpersist_clear_pending fi else if [ $MASTER_SCORE_DELAY -eq 0 ]; then mpathpersist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE mpathpersist_clear_pending else mpathpersist_new_pending "${NOW}_${MASTER_SCORE}" fi fi else mpathpersist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE mpathpersist_clear_pending fi ;; Slave) if [ $MASTER_SCORE -gt $ACT_MASTER_SCORE ]; then if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then if [ $(($NOW-$ACT_PENDING_TS-$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY)) -ge 0 ]; then mpathpersist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE mpathpersist_clear_pending fi else if [ $MASTER_SCORE_DELAY -eq 0 ]; then mpathpersist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE mpathpersist_clear_pending else mpathpersist_new_pending "${NOW}_${MASTER_SCORE}" fi fi else mpathpersist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE mpathpersist_clear_pending fi ;; *) ;; esac fi fi if [ $DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE == "YES" ]; then ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$NEW_MASTER_SCORE fi if [ $DO_PENDING_UPDATE == "YES" ]; then ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update=$NEW_PENDING fi if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: no registrations" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -eq ${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ]; then return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER fi if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq ${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ]; then if [ $RESERVATION_TYPE -eq 7 ] || [ $RESERVATION_TYPE -eq 8 ]; then if [ ${#DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]} -gt 0 ]; then return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi fi ocf_log err "$RESOURCE monitor: unexpected state" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } mpathpersist_action_promote() { if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -gt 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE promote: already master" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${WORKING_DEVS[*]} do reservation_key=`mpathpersist_get_reservation_key $dev` case $RESERVATION_TYPE in 1|3|5|6) if [ -z "$reservation_key" ]; then ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --preempt --param-sark=$reservation_key --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi ;; 7|8) if [ -z "$reservation_key" ]; then ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else ocf_log info "$RESOURCE promote: there already exist an reservation holder, all registrants become reservation holders" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ;; *) return $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac done return $OCF_SUCCESS } mpathpersist_action_demote() { case $RESERVATION_TYPE in 1|3|5|6) if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE demote: already slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${RESERVED_DEVS[*]} do ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --release --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ;; 7|8) #in case of 7/8, --release won't release the reservation unless unregister the key. if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE demote: already slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do ocf_run $MPATHPERSIST --out --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ;; *) return $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac return $OCF_SUCCESS } mpathpersist_action_notify() { local n_type="$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type" local n_op="$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource local n_active="$#" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource local n_stop="$#" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource local n_start="$#" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE notify: $n_type for $n_op - counts: active $n_active - starting $n_start - stopping $n_stop" return $OCF_SUCCESS } mpathpersist_action_validate_all () { - - if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_master_max" != "1" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "7" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "8" ]; then - ocf_log err "Master options misconfigured." - exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED + if [ "$OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" -eq 10 ]; then + if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_master_max" != "1" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "7" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "8" ]; then + ocf_log err "Master options misconfigured." + exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED + fi fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Incorrect parameter count." mpathpersist_action_usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi ACTION=$1 case $ACTION in meta-data) meta_data ;; validate-all) mpathpersist_init mpathpersist_action_validate_all ;; start|promote|monitor|stop|demote) ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: starting action \"$ACTION\"" mpathpersist_init + if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "start" ]; then + OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10 + mpathpersist_action_validate_all + fi mpathpersist_action_$ACTION exit $? ;; notify) mpathpersist_action_notify exit $? ;; usage|help) mpathpersist_action_usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; *) mpathpersist_action_usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac diff --git a/heartbeat/sg_persist.in b/heartbeat/sg_persist.in index 16048ea6f..620c02f4a 100644 --- a/heartbeat/sg_persist.in +++ b/heartbeat/sg_persist.in @@ -1,694 +1,699 @@ #!@BASH_SHELL@ # # # OCF Resource Agent compliant PERSISTENT SCSI RESERVATION resource script. # # # Copyright (c) 2011 Evgeny Nifontov and lwang@suse.com All Rights Reserved. # # "Heartbeat drbd OCF Resource Agent: 2007, Lars Marowsky-Bree" was used # as example of multistate OCF Resource Agent. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # # OCF instance parameters # OCF_RESKEY_binary # OCF_RESKEY_devs # OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof # OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay # # TODO # # 1) PROBLEM: devices which were not accessible during 'start' action, will be never registered/reserved # TODO: 'Master' and 'Salve' registers new devs in 'monitor' action # TODO: 'Master' reserves new devs in 'monitor' action ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs # Parameter defaults OCF_RESKEY_binary_default="sg_persist" # binary name for the resource OCF_RESKEY_devs_default="" # device list OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof_default="1" # number of required devices OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type_default="1" # reservation type OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base_default="0" # master score base OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor_default="100" # device factor for master score OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay_default="30" # delay for master score : ${OCF_RESKEY_binary=${OCF_RESKEY_binary_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_devs=${OCF_RESKEY_devs_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof=${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type=${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay_default}} ####################################################################### meta_data() { cat < 1.0 This resource agent manages SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATIONS. "sg_persist" from sg3_utils is used, please see its documentation. Should be used as multistate (Master/Slave) resource Slave registers its node id ("crm_node -i") as reservation key ( --param-rk ) on each device in the "devs" list. Master reserves all devices from "devs" list with reservation "--prout-type" value from "reservation_type" parameter. Manages SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATIONS The name of the binary that manages the resource. the binary name of the resource Device list. Multiple devices can be listed with blank space as separator. Shell wildcards are allowed. device list Minimum number of "working" devices from device list 1) existing 2) "sg_persist --read-keys \$device" works (Return code 0) resource actions "start","monitor","promote" and "validate-all" return "\$OCF_ERR_INSTALLED" if the actual number of "working" devices is less then "required_devs_nof". resource actions "stop" and "demote" tries to remove reservations and registration keys from all working devices, but always return "\$OCF_SUCCESS" minimum number of working devices reservation type reservation type master_score_base value "master_score_base" value is used in "master_score" calculation: master_score = \$master_score_base + \$master_score_dev_factor * \$working_devs if set to bigger value in sg_persist resource configuration on some node, this node will be "preferred" for master role. base master_score value Working device factor in master_score calculation each "working" device provides additional value to "master_score", so the node that sees more devices will be preferred for the "Master"-role Setting it to 0 will disable this behavior. working device factor in master_score calculation master/slave decreases/increases its master_score after delay of \$master_score_delay seconds so if some device gets inaccessible, the slave decreases its master_score first and the resource will no be watched and after this device reappears again the master increases its master_score first this can work only if the master_score_delay is bigger then monitor interval on both master and slave Setting it to 0 will disable this behavior. master_score decrease/increase delay time END exit $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_init() { if ! ocf_is_root ; then ocf_log err "You must be root to perform this operation." exit $OCF_ERR_PERM fi SG_PERSIST=${OCF_RESKEY_binary} check_binary $SG_PERSIST ROLE=$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_role NOW=$(date +%s) RESOURCE="${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME="master-${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE//:/-}" PENDING_VAR_NAME="pending-$MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME" #only works with corocync CRM_NODE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_node" NODE_ID_DEC=$($CRM_NODE -i) NODE=$($CRM_NODE -l | $GREP -w ^$NODE_ID_DEC) NODE=${NODE#$NODE_ID_DEC } NODE=${NODE% *} MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --lifetime=reboot --name=$MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME --node=$NODE" PENDING_ATTRIBUTE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --lifetime=reboot --name=$PENDING_VAR_NAME --node=$NODE" NODE_ID_HEX=$(printf '0x%x' $NODE_ID_DEC) if [ -z "$NODE_ID_HEX" ]; then ocf_log err "Couldn't get node id with \"$CRM_NODE\"" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: NODE:$NODE, ROLE:$ROLE, NODE_ID DEC:$NODE_ID_DEC HEX:$NODE_ID_HEX" DEVS=${OCF_RESKEY_devs} REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF=${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof} RESERVATION_TYPE=${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type} MASTER_SCORE_BASE=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base} MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor} MASTER_SCORE_DELAY=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay} ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: DEVS=$DEVS" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: RESERVATION_TYPE=$RESERVATION_TYPE" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_BASE=$MASTER_SCORE_BASE" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR=$MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_DELAY=$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY" #expand path wildcards DEVS=$(echo $DEVS) if [ -z "$DEVS" ]; then ocf_log err "\"devs\" not defined" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi sg_persist_check_devs sg_persist_get_status } sg_persist_action_usage() { cat <&1` [ $? -eq 0 ] || continue WORKING_DEVS+=($dev) echo "$READ_KEYS" | $GREP -qw $NODE_ID_HEX\$ [ $? -eq 0 ] || continue REGISTERED_DEVS+=($dev) READ_RESERVATION=`$SG_PERSIST --in --read-reservation $dev 2>&1` [ $? -eq 0 ] || continue echo "$READ_RESERVATION" | $GREP -qw $NODE_ID_HEX\$ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RESERVED_DEVS+=($dev) fi reservation_key=`echo $READ_RESERVATION | $GREP -o 'Key=0x[0-9a-f]*' | $GREP -o '0x[0-9a-f]*'` if [ -n "$reservation_key" ]; then DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION+=($dev) RESERVATION_KEYS+=($reservation_key) fi done WORKING_DEVS_NOF=${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: working devices: `sg_persist_echo_array ${WORKING_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: number of working devices: $WORKING_DEVS_NOF" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: registered devices: `sg_persist_echo_array ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: reserved devices: `sg_persist_echo_array ${RESERVED_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: devices with reservation: `sg_persist_echo_array ${DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: reservation keys: `sg_persist_echo_array ${RESERVATION_KEYS[*]}`" MASTER_SCORE=$(($MASTER_SCORE_BASE + $MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR*$WORKING_DEVS_NOF)) ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: master_score: $MASTER_SCORE_BASE + $MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR*$WORKING_DEVS_NOF = $MASTER_SCORE" } sg_persist_check_devs() { for dev in $DEVS do if [ -e "$dev" ]; then EXISTING_DEVS+=($dev) fi done EXISTING_DEVS_NOF=${#EXISTING_DEVS[*]} if [ $EXISTING_DEVS_NOF -lt $REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF ]; then ocf_log err "Number of existing devices=$EXISTING_DEVS_NOF less then required_devs_nof=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi } sg_persist_is_registered() { for registered_dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do if [ "$registered_dev" == "$1" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } sg_persist_get_reservation_key() { for array_index in ${!DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]} do if [ "${DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[$array_index]}" == "$1" ]; then echo ${RESERVATION_KEYS[$array_index]} return 0 fi done echo "" } sg_persist_echo_array() { str_count=0 arr_str="" for str in "$@" do arr_str="$arr_str[$str_count]:$str " str_count=$(($str_count+1)) done echo $arr_str } sg_persist_parse_act_pending() { ACT_PENDING_TS=0 ACT_PENDING_SCORE=0 if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then ACT_PENDING_TS=${ACT_PENDING%%_*} ACT_PENDING_SCORE=${ACT_PENDING##*_} fi } sg_persist_clear_pending() { if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then DO_PENDING_UPDATE="YES" NEW_PENDING="" fi } sg_persist_new_master_score() { DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE="YES" NEW_MASTER_SCORE=$1 } sg_persist_new_pending() { DO_PENDING_UPDATE="YES" NEW_PENDING=$1 } # Functions invoked by resource manager actions sg_persist_action_start() { ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$MASTER_SCORE ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update="" if [ $WORKING_DEVS_NOF -lt $REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF ]; then ocf_log err "$RESOURCE: Number of working devices=$WORKING_DEVS_NOF less then required_devs_nof=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF" exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi for dev in ${WORKING_DEVS[*]} do if sg_persist_is_registered $dev ; then : OK else ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --register --param-rk=0 --param-sark=$NODE_ID_HEX $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi done return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_stop() { if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE stop: already no registrations" else # Clear preference for becoming master ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --delete ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --delete for dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev done fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_monitor() { ACT_MASTER_SCORE=`$MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --query --quiet 2>/dev/null` ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_MASTER_SCORE=$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ACT_PENDING=`$PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --query --quiet 2>/dev/null` ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING=$ACT_PENDING" sg_persist_parse_act_pending ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING_TS=$ACT_PENDING_TS" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING_VAL=$ACT_PENDING_SCORE" ocf_log debug "$MASTER_SCORE, $ACT_MASTER_SCORE, $ROLE" DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE="NO" DO_PENDING_UPDATE="NO" if [ -n "$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ] then if [ $ACT_MASTER_SCORE -eq $MASTER_SCORE ]; then sg_persist_clear_pending else case $ROLE in Master) if [ $MASTER_SCORE -lt $ACT_MASTER_SCORE ]; then if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ] then if [ $(($NOW-$ACT_PENDING_TS-$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY)) -ge 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi else if [ $MASTER_SCORE_DELAY -eq 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending else sg_persist_new_pending "${NOW}_${MASTER_SCORE}" fi fi else sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi ;; Slave) if [ $MASTER_SCORE -gt $ACT_MASTER_SCORE ]; then if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then if [ $(($NOW-$ACT_PENDING_TS-$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY)) -ge 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi else if [ $MASTER_SCORE_DELAY -eq 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending else sg_persist_new_pending "${NOW}_${MASTER_SCORE}" fi fi else sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi ;; *) ;; esac fi fi if [ $DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE == "YES" ]; then ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$NEW_MASTER_SCORE fi if [ $DO_PENDING_UPDATE == "YES" ]; then ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update=$NEW_PENDING fi if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: no registrations" if [ -n "$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ]; then ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --delete ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --delete fi return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -eq ${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ]; then if [ -z "$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ]; then ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$MASTER_SCORE ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update="" fi return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER fi if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq ${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ]; then if [ -z "$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ]; then ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$MASTER_SCORE ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update="" fi if [ $RESERVATION_TYPE -eq 7 ] || [ $RESERVATION_TYPE -eq 8 ]; then if [ ${#DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]} -gt 0 ]; then return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi fi ocf_log err "$RESOURCE monitor: unexpected state" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } sg_persist_action_promote() { if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -gt 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE promote: already master" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${WORKING_DEVS[*]} do reservation_key=`sg_persist_get_reservation_key $dev` case $RESERVATION_TYPE in 1|3|5|6) if [ -z "$reservation_key" ]; then ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --preempt --param-sark=$reservation_key --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi ;; 7|8) if [ -z "$reservation_key" ]; then ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else ocf_log info "$RESOURCE promote: there already exist an reservation holder, all registrants become reservation holders" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ;; *) return $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac done return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_demote() { case $RESERVATION_TYPE in 1|3|5|6) if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE demote: already slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${RESERVED_DEVS[*]} do ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --release --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ;; 7|8) #in case of 7/8, --release won't release the reservation unless unregister the key. if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE demote: already slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ;; *) return $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_notify() { local n_type="$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type" local n_op="$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource local n_active="$#" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource local n_stop="$#" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource local n_start="$#" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE notify: $n_type for $n_op - counts: active $n_active - starting $n_start - stopping $n_stop" return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_validate_all () { - - if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_master_max" != "1" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "7" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "8" ]; then - ocf_log err "Master options misconfigured." - exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED + if [ "$OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" -eq 10 ]; then + if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_master_max" != "1" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "7" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "8" ]; then + ocf_log err "Master options misconfigured." + exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED + fi fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Incorrect parameter count." sg_persist_action_usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi ACTION=$1 case $ACTION in meta-data) meta_data ;; validate-all) sg_persist_init sg_persist_action_validate_all ;; start|promote|monitor|stop|demote) ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: starting action \"$ACTION\"" sg_persist_init + if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "start" ]; then + OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10 + sg_persist_action_validate_all + fi sg_persist_action_$ACTION exit $? ;; notify) sg_persist_action_notify exit $? ;; usage|help) sg_persist_action_usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; *) sg_persist_action_usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac