diff --git a/heartbeat/sg_persist b/heartbeat/sg_persist index d7b089782..4d518ef0e 100755 --- a/heartbeat/sg_persist +++ b/heartbeat/sg_persist @@ -1,674 +1,674 @@ #!/bin/bash # # # OCF Resource Agent compliant PERSISTENT SCSI RESERVATION resource script. # # # Copyright (c) 2011 Evgeny Nifontov and lwang@suse.com All Rights Reserved. # # "Heartbeat drbd OCF Resource Agent: 2007, Lars Marowsky-Bree" was used # as example of multistate OCF Resource Agent. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # # OCF instance parameters # OCF_RESKEY_binary # OCF_RESKEY_devs # OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof # OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor # OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay # # TODO # # 1) PROBLEM: devices which were not accessible during 'start' action, will be never registered/reserved # TODO: 'Master' and 'Salve' registers new devs in 'monitor' action # TODO: 'Master' reserves new devs in 'monitor' action ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs # set default values : ${sg_persist_binary="sg_persist"} # binary name for the resource : ${devs=""} # device list : ${required_devs_nof=1} # number of required devices : ${reservation_type=1} # reservation type : ${master_score_base=0} # master score base : ${master_score_dev_factor=100} # device factor for master score : ${master_score_delay=30} # delay for master score ####################################################################### meta_data() { cat < 1.1 This resource agent manages SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATIONS. "sg_persist" from sg3_utils is used, please see its documentation. Should be used as multistate (Master/Slave) resource Slave registers its node id ("crm_node -i") as reservation key ( --param-rk ) on each device in the "devs" list. Master reservs all devices from "devs" list with reservation "--prout-type" value from "reservation_type" parameter. Manages SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATIONS The name of the binary that manages the resource. the binary name of the resource Device list. Multiple devices can be listed with blank space as separator. Shell wildcars are allowed. device list Minimum number of "working" devices from device list 1) existing 2) "sg_persist --read-keys \$device" works (Return code 0) resource actions "start","monitor","promote" and "validate-all" return "\$OCF_ERR_INSTALLED" if the actual number of "working" devices is less then "required_devs_nof". resource actions "stop" and "demote" tries to remove reservations and registration keys from all working devices, but always return "\$OCF_SUCCESS" minimum number of working devices reservation type reservation type master_score_base value "master_score_base" value is used in "master_score" calculation: master_score = \$master_score_base + \$master_score_dev_factor * \$working_devs if set to bigger value in sg_persist resource configuration on some node, this node will be "preferred" for master role. base master_score value Working device factor in master_score calculation each "working" device provides additional value to "master_score", so the node that sees more devices will be preferred for the "Master"-role Setting it to 0 will disable this behavior. working device factor in master_score calculation master/slave decreases/increases its master_score after delay of \$master_score_delay seconds so if some device gets inaccessible, the slave decreases its master_score first and the resource will no be watched and after this device reappears again the master increases its master_score first this can work only if the master_score_delay is bigger then monitor interval on both master and slave Setting it to 0 will disable this behavior. master_score decrease/increase delay time END exit $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_init() { if ! ocf_is_root ; then ocf_log err "You must be root to perform this operation." exit $OCF_ERR_PERM fi SG_PERSIST=${OCF_RESKEY_binary:-"$sg_persist_binary"} check_binary $SG_PERSIST ROLE=$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_role NOW=$(date +%s) RESOURCE="${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME="master-${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE//:/-}" PENDING_VAR_NAME="pending-$MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME" #only works with corocync CRM_NODE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_node" NODE_ID_DEC=$($CRM_NODE -i) NODE=$($CRM_NODE -l | $GREP -w ^$NODE_ID_DEC) NODE=${NODE#$NODE_ID_DEC } NODE=${NODE% *} MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --lifetime=reboot --name=$MASTER_SCORE_VAR_NAME --node=$NODE" CRM_MASTER="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_master --lifetime=reboot" PENDING_ATTRIBUTE="${HA_SBIN_DIR}/crm_attribute --lifetime=reboot --name=$PENDING_VAR_NAME --node=$NODE" NODE_ID_HEX=$(printf '0x%x' $NODE_ID_DEC) if [ -z "$NODE_ID_HEX" ]; then ocf_log err "Couldn't get node id with \"$CRM_NODE\"" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: NODE:$NODE, ROLE:$ROLE, NODE_ID DEC:$NODE_ID_DEC HEX:$NODE_ID_HEX" DEVS=${OCF_RESKEY_devs:=$devs} REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF=${OCF_RESKEY_required_devs_nof:=$required_devs_nof} RESERVATION_TYPE=${OCF_RESKEY_reservation_type:=$reservation_type} MASTER_SCORE_BASE=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_base:=$master_score_base} MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_dev_factor:=$master_score_dev_factor} MASTER_SCORE_DELAY=${OCF_RESKEY_master_score_delay:=$master_score_delay} ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: DEVS=$DEVS" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: RESERVATION_TYPE=$RESERVATION_TYPE" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_BASE=$MASTER_SCORE_BASE" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR=$MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: MASTER_SCORE_DELAY=$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY" #expand path wildcards DEVS=$(echo $DEVS) if [ -z "$DEVS" ]; then ocf_log err "\"devs\" not defined" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi sg_persist_check_devs sg_persist_get_status } sg_persist_action_usage() { cat <&1` [ $? -eq 0 ] || continue WORKING_DEVS+=($dev) echo "$READ_KEYS" | $GREP -qw $NODE_ID_HEX\$ [ $? -eq 0 ] || continue REGISTERED_DEVS+=($dev) READ_RESERVATION=`$SG_PERSIST --in --read-reservation $dev 2>&1` [ $? -eq 0 ] || continue echo "$READ_RESERVATION" | $GREP -qw $NODE_ID_HEX\$ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RESERVED_DEVS+=($dev) fi reservation_key=`echo $READ_RESERVATION | $GREP -o 'Key=0x[0-9a-f]*' | $GREP -o '0x[0-9a-f]*'` if [ -n "$reservation_key" ]; then DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION+=($dev) RESERVATION_KEYS+=($reservation_key) fi done WORKING_DEVS_NOF=${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: working devices: `sg_persist_echo_array ${WORKING_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: number of working devices: $WORKING_DEVS_NOF" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: registered devices: `sg_persist_echo_array ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: reserved devices: `sg_persist_echo_array ${RESERVED_DEVS[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: devices with reservation: `sg_persist_echo_array ${DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]}`" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: reservation keys: `sg_persist_echo_array ${RESERVATION_KEYS[*]}`" MASTER_SCORE=$(($MASTER_SCORE_BASE + $MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR*$WORKING_DEVS_NOF)) ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: master_score: $MASTER_SCORE_BASE + $MASTER_SCORE_DEV_FACTOR*$WORKING_DEVS_NOF = $MASTER_SCORE" } sg_persist_check_devs() { for dev in $DEVS do if [ -e "$dev" ]; then EXISTING_DEVS+=($dev) fi done EXISTING_DEVS_NOF=${#EXISTING_DEVS[*]} if [ $EXISTING_DEVS_NOF -lt $REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF ]; then ocf_log err "Number of existing devices=$EXISTING_DEVS_NOF less then required_devs_nof=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF" exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi } sg_persist_is_registered() { for registered_dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do if [ "$registered_dev" == "$1" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } sg_persist_get_reservation_key() { for array_index in ${!DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]} do if [ "${DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[$array_index]}" == "$1" ]; then echo ${RESERVATION_KEYS[$array_index]} return 0 fi done echo "" } sg_persist_echo_array() { str_count=0 arr_str="" for str in "$@" do arr_str="$arr_str[$str_count]:$str " str_count=$(($str_count+1)) done echo $arr_str } sg_persist_parse_act_pending() { ACT_PENDING_TS=0 ACT_PENDING_SCORE=0 if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then ACT_PENDING_TS=${ACT_PENDING%%_*} ACT_PENDING_SCORE=${ACT_PENDING##*_} fi } sg_persist_clear_pending() { if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then DO_PENDING_UPDATE="YES" NEW_PENDING="" fi } sg_persist_new_master_score() { DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE="YES" NEW_MASTER_SCORE=$1 } sg_persist_new_pending() { DO_PENDING_UPDATE="YES" NEW_PENDING=$1 } # Functions invoked by resource manager actions sg_persist_action_start() { ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$MASTER_SCORE ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update="" if [ $WORKING_DEVS_NOF -lt $REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF ]; then ocf_log err "$RESOURCE: Number of working devices=$WORKING_DEVS_NOF less then required_devs_nof=$REQUIRED_DEVS_NOF" exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi for dev in ${WORKING_DEVS[*]} do if sg_persist_is_registered $dev ; then : OK else - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --register --param-rk=0 --param-sark=$NODE_ID_HEX $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --register --param-rk=0 --param-sark=$NODE_ID_HEX $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi done return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_stop() { if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE stop: already no registrations" else # Clear preference for becoming master ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --delete ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --delete for dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev done fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_monitor() { ACT_MASTER_SCORE=`$MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --query --quiet 2>&1` ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_MASTER_SCORE=$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ACT_PENDING=`$PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --query --quiet 2>&1` ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING=$ACT_PENDING" sg_persist_parse_act_pending ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING_TS=$ACT_PENDING_TS" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: ACT_PENDING_VAL=$ACT_PENDING_SCORE" ocf_log debug "$MASTER_SCORE, $ACT_MASTER_SCORE, $ROLE" DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE="NO" DO_PENDING_UPDATE="NO" if [ -n "$ACT_MASTER_SCORE" ] then if [ $ACT_MASTER_SCORE -eq $MASTER_SCORE ]; then sg_persist_clear_pending else case $ROLE in Master) if [ $MASTER_SCORE -lt $ACT_MASTER_SCORE ]; then if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ] then if [ $(($NOW-$ACT_PENDING_TS-$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY)) -ge 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi else if [ $MASTER_SCORE_DELAY -eq 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending else sg_persist_new_pending "${NOW}_${MASTER_SCORE}" fi fi else sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi ;; Slave) if [ $MASTER_SCORE -gt $ACT_MASTER_SCORE ]; then if [ -n "$ACT_PENDING" ]; then if [ $(($NOW-$ACT_PENDING_TS-$MASTER_SCORE_DELAY)) -ge 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi else if [ $MASTER_SCORE_DELAY -eq 0 ]; then sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending else sg_persist_new_pending "${NOW}_${MASTER_SCORE}" fi fi else sg_persist_new_master_score $MASTER_SCORE sg_persist_clear_pending fi ;; *) ;; esac fi fi if [ $DO_MASTER_SCORE_UPDATE == "YES" ]; then ocf_run $MASTER_SCORE_ATTRIBUTE --update=$NEW_MASTER_SCORE fi if [ $DO_PENDING_UPDATE == "YES" ]; then ocf_run $PENDING_ATTRIBUTE --update=$NEW_PENDING fi if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE monitor: no registrations" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -eq ${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ]; then return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER fi if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq ${#WORKING_DEVS[*]} ]; then if [ $RESERVATION_TYPE -eq 7 ] || [ $RESERVATION_TYPE -eq 8 ]; then if [ ${#DEVS_WITH_RESERVATION[*]} -gt 0 ]; then return $OCF_RUNNING_MASTER else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi else return $OCF_SUCCESS fi fi ocf_log err "$RESOURCE monitor: unexpected state" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC } sg_persist_action_promote() { if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -gt 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE promote: already master" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${WORKING_DEVS[*]} do reservation_key=`sg_persist_get_reservation_key $dev` case $RESERVATION_TYPE in 1|3|5|6) if [ -z "$reservation_key" ]; then - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --preempt --param-sark=$reservation_key --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --preempt --param-sark=$reservation_key --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi ;; 7|8) if [ -z "$reservation_key" ]; then - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --reserve --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi else ocf_log info "$RESOURCE promote: there already exist an reservation holder, all registrants become reservation holders" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ;; *) return $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac done return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_demote() { case $RESERVATION_TYPE in 1|3|5|6) if [ ${#RESERVED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE demote: already slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${RESERVED_DEVS[*]} do - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --release --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --release --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --prout-type=$RESERVATION_TYPE $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ;; 7|8) #in case of 7/8, --release won't release the reservation unless unregister the key. if [ ${#REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "$RESOURCE demote: already slave" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi for dev in ${REGISTERED_DEVS[*]} do - ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev + ocf_run $SG_PERSIST --out --no-inquiry --register --param-rk=$NODE_ID_HEX --param-sark=0 $dev if [ $? -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done ;; *) return $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_notify() { local n_type="$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_type" local n_op="$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_operation" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_active_resource local n_active="$#" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_stop_resource local n_stop="$#" set -- $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_start_resource local n_start="$#" ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE notify: $n_type for $n_op - counts: active $n_active - starting $n_start - stopping $n_stop" return $OCF_SUCCESS } sg_persist_action_validate_all () { if [ "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_master_max" != "1" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "7" ] && [ "$RESERVATION_TYPE" != "8" ]; then ocf_log err "Master options misconfigured." exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Incorrect parameter count." sg_persist_action_usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS fi ACTION=$1 case $ACTION in meta-data) meta_data ;; validate-all) sg_persist_init sg_persist_action_validate_all ;; start|promote|monitor|stop|demote) ocf_log debug "$RESOURCE: starting action \"$ACTION\"" sg_persist_init sg_persist_action_$ACTION exit $? ;; notify) sg_persist_action_notify exit $? ;; usage|help) sg_persist_action_usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; *) sg_persist_action_usage exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS ;; esac