diff --git a/heartbeat/aws-vpc-move-ip b/heartbeat/aws-vpc-move-ip index 26ca6007d..af697adbe 100755 --- a/heartbeat/aws-vpc-move-ip +++ b/heartbeat/aws-vpc-move-ip @@ -1,412 +1,412 @@ #!/bin/sh # # # OCF resource agent to move an IP address within a VPC in the AWS # # Copyright (c) 2017 Markus Guertler (SUSE) # Based on code of Adam Gandelman (GitHub ec2-resource-agents/elasticip) # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs # Defaults OCF_RESKEY_awscli_default="/usr/bin/aws" OCF_RESKEY_profile_default="default" OCF_RESKEY_ip_default="" OCF_RESKEY_address_default="" OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_default="" OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role_default="" OCF_RESKEY_interface_default="eth0" OCF_RESKEY_monapi_default="false" : ${OCF_RESKEY_awscli=${OCF_RESKEY_awscli_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_profile=${OCF_RESKEY_profile_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_ip=${OCF_RESKEY_ip_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_address=${OCF_RESKEY_address_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_routing_table=${OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role=${OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_interface=${OCF_RESKEY_interface_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_monapi=${OCF_RESKEY_monapi_default}} ####################################################################### USAGE="usage: $0 {start|stop|status|meta-data}"; ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # Functions # ############################################################################### metadata() { cat < 2.0 Resource Agent to move IP addresses within a VPC of the Amazon Webservices EC2 by changing an entry in an specific routing table Move IP within a VPC of the AWS EC2 Path to command line tools for AWS Path to AWS CLI tools Valid AWS CLI profile name (see ~/.aws/config and 'aws configure') profile name VPC private IP address VPC private IP Deprecated IP address param. Use the ip param instead. Deprecated VPC private IP Address Name of the routing table(s), where the route for the IP address should be changed. If declaring multiple routing tables they should be separated by comma. Example: rtb-XXXXXXXX,rtb-YYYYYYYYY routing table name(s) Role to use to query/update the route table route table query/update role Name of the network interface, i.e. eth0 network interface name Enable enhanced monitoring using AWS API calls to check route table entry Enhanced Monitoring END } execute_cmd_as_role(){ cmd=$1 role=$2 - output="$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn $role --role-session-name AWSCLI-RouteTableUpdate --profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile --output=text)" + output="$($OCF_RESKEY_awscli sts assume-role --role-arn $role --role-session-name AWSCLI-RouteTableUpdate --profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile --output=text)" export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$(echo $output | awk -F" " '$4=="CREDENTIALS" {print $5}')" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$(echo $output | awk -F" " '$4=="CREDENTIALS" {print $7}')" export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="$(echo $output | awk -F" " '$4=="CREDENTIALS" {print $8}')" #Execute command ocf_log debug "Assumed Role ${role}" - ocf_log debug "$(aws sts get-caller-identity)" + ocf_log debug "$($OCF_RESKEY_awscli sts get-caller-identity)" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" response="$($cmd)" unset output AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN echo $response } ec2ip_set_address_param_compat(){ # Include backward compatibility for the deprecated address parameter if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_ip" ] && [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_address" ]; then OCF_RESKEY_ip="$OCF_RESKEY_address" fi } ec2ip_validate() { - for cmd in aws ip curl; do + for cmd in $OCF_RESKEY_awscli ip curl; do check_binary "$cmd" done if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_profile" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "profile parameter not set" return $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED fi EC2_INSTANCE_ID="$(curl -s" if [ -z "${EC2_INSTANCE_ID}" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Instance ID not found. Is this a EC2 instance?" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } ec2ip_monitor() { MON_RES="" if ocf_is_true ${OCF_RESKEY_monapi} || [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "start" ] || ocf_is_probe; then for rtb in $(echo $OCF_RESKEY_routing_table | sed -e 's/,/ /g'); do ocf_log info "monitor: check routing table (API call) - $rtb" if [[ -z "${OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role}" ]]; then cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli --profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile --output text ec2 describe-route-tables --route-table-ids $rtb --query RouteTables[*].Routes[?DestinationCidrBlock=='$OCF_RESKEY_ip/32'].InstanceId" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE="$($cmd)" else cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli --output text ec2 describe-route-tables --route-table-ids $rtb --query RouteTables[*].Routes[?DestinationCidrBlock=='$OCF_RESKEY_ip/32'].InstanceId" ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE="$(execute_cmd_as_role "$cmd" $OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role)" fi ocf_log debug "Overlay IP is currently routed to ${ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE}" if [ -z "$ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE" ]; then ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE="" fi if [ "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" != "$ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE" ]; then ocf_log warn "not routed to this instance ($EC2_INSTANCE_ID) but to instance $ROUTE_TO_INSTANCE on $rtb" MON_RES="$MON_RES $rtb" fi sleep 1 done if [ ! -z "$MON_RES" ]; then return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi else ocf_log debug "monitor: Enhanced Monitoring disabled - omitting API call" fi cmd="ip addr show to $OCF_RESKEY_ip up" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" RESULT=$($cmd | grep "$OCF_RESKEY_ip") if [ -z "$RESULT" ]; then ocf_log warn "IP $OCF_RESKEY_ip not assigned to running interface" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi ocf_log debug "route in VPC and address assigned" return $OCF_SUCCESS } ec2ip_drop() { cmd="ip addr delete ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 dev $OCF_RESKEY_interface" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" $cmd rc=$? if [ "$rc" -gt 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "command failed, rc $rc" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi # delete remaining route-entries if any ip route show to exact ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 dev $OCF_RESKEY_interface | xargs -r ip route delete ip route show table local to exact ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 dev $OCF_RESKEY_interface | xargs -r ip route delete return $OCF_SUCCESS } ec2ip_get_and_configure() { MAC_FILE="/sys/class/net/${OCF_RESKEY_interface}/address" if [ -f $MAC_FILE ]; then cmd="cat ${MAC_FILE}" else cmd="ip -br link show dev ${OCF_RESKEY_interface} | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3" fi ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" MAC_ADDR="$(eval $cmd)" rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "command failed, rc: $rc" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ocf_log debug "MAC address associated with interface ${OCF_RESKEY_interface}: ${MAC_ADDR}" cmd="curl -s${MAC_ADDR}/interface-id" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" EC2_NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID="$(eval $cmd)" rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "command failed, rc: $rc" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ocf_log debug "network interface id associated MAC address ${MAC_ADDR}: ${EC2_NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID}" for rtb in $(echo $OCF_RESKEY_routing_table | sed -e 's/,/ /g'); do if [[ -z "${OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role}" ]]; then cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli --profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile --output text ec2 replace-route --route-table-id $rtb --destination-cidr-block ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 --network-interface-id $EC2_NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" $cmd else cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli --output text ec2 replace-route --route-table-id $rtb --destination-cidr-block ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 --network-interface-id $EC2_NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID" update_response="$(execute_cmd_as_role "$cmd" $OCF_RESKEY_routing_table_role)" fi rc=$? if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "command failed, rc: $rc" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi sleep 1 done # Reconfigure the local ip address ec2ip_drop cmd="ip addr add ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}/32 dev $OCF_RESKEY_interface" ocf_log debug "executing command: $cmd" $cmd rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ]; then ocf_log warn "command failed, rc: $rc" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } ec2ip_stop() { ocf_log info "EC2: Bringing down IP address $OCF_RESKEY_ip" ec2ip_monitor if [ $? = $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then ocf_log info "EC2: Address $OCF_RESKEY_ip already down" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ec2ip_drop if [ $? != $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ec2ip_monitor if [ $? != $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then ocf_log error "EC2: Couldn't bring down IP address $OCF_RESKEY_ip on interface $OCF_RESKEY_interface." return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ocf_log info "EC2: Successfully brought down $OCF_RESKEY_ip" return $OCF_SUCCESS } ec2ip_start() { ocf_log info "EC2: Moving IP address $OCF_RESKEY_ip to this host by adjusting routing table $OCF_RESKEY_routing_table" ec2ip_monitor if [ $? = $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then ocf_log info "EC2: $OCF_RESKEY_ip already started" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ocf_log info "EC2: Adjusting routing table and locally configuring IP address" ec2ip_get_and_configure rc=$? if [ $rc != $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then ocf_log error "Received $rc from 'aws'" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ec2ip_monitor if [ $? != $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then ocf_log error "EC2: IP address couldn't be configured on this host (IP: $OCF_RESKEY_ip, Interface: $OCF_RESKEY_interface)" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } ############################################################################### # # MAIN # ############################################################################### case $__OCF_ACTION in meta-data) metadata exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; usage|help) echo $USAGE exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; esac if ! ocf_is_root; then ocf_log err "You must be root for $__OCF_ACTION operation." exit $OCF_ERR_PERM fi ec2ip_set_address_param_compat ec2ip_validate case $__OCF_ACTION in start) ec2ip_start;; stop) ec2ip_stop;; monitor) ec2ip_monitor;; validate-all) exit $?;; *) echo $USAGE exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED ;; esac diff --git a/heartbeat/aws-vpc-route53.in b/heartbeat/aws-vpc-route53.in index ca6556951..b06b93726 100644 --- a/heartbeat/aws-vpc-route53.in +++ b/heartbeat/aws-vpc-route53.in @@ -1,430 +1,448 @@ #!@BASH_SHELL@ # # Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. # # Copyright 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies # of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do # so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR # OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # # # OCF resource agent to move an IP address within a VPC in the AWS # Written by Stefan Schneider , Martin Tegmeier (AWS) # Based on code of Markus Guertler# # # # OCF resource agent to move an IP address within a VPC in the AWS # Written by Stefan Schneider (AWS) , Martin Tegmeier (AWS) # Based on code of Markus Guertler (SUSE) # # Mar. 15, 2017, vers 1.0.2 + ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs +# Defaults +OCF_RESKEY_awscli_default="/usr/bin/aws" +OCF_RESKEY_profile_default="default" OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid_default="" OCF_RESKEY_fullname_default="" OCF_RESKEY_ip_default="local" OCF_RESKEY_ttl_default=10 +: ${OCF_RESKEY_awscli=${OCF_RESKEY_awscli_default}} +: ${OCF_RESKEY_profile=${OCF_RESKEY_profile_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid:=${OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_fullname:=${OCF_RESKEY_fullname_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_ip:=${OCF_RESKEY_ip_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_ttl:=${OCF_RESKEY_ttl_default}} +####################################################################### + +AWS_PROFILE_OPT="--profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile --cli-connect-timeout 10" ####################################################################### + usage() { cat <<-EOT usage: $0 {start|stop|status|monitor|validate-all|meta-data} EOT } metadata() { cat < 1.0 Update Route53 record of Amazon Webservices EC2 by updating an entry in a hosted zone ID table. AWS instances will require policies which allow them to update Route53 ARecords: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1471878724000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets", "route53:GetChange", "route53:ListResourceRecordSets", ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] } Example Cluster Configuration: Use a configuration in "crm configure edit" which looks as follows. Replace hostedzoneid, fullname and profile with the appropriate values: primitive res_route53 ocf:heartbeat:aws-vpc-route53 \ params hostedzoneid=EX4MPL3EX4MPL3 fullname=service.cloud.example.corp. profile=cluster \ op start interval=0 timeout=180 \ op stop interval=0 timeout=180 \ op monitor interval=300 timeout=180 \ meta target-role=Started Update Route53 VPC record for AWS EC2 + + + +Path to command line tools for AWS + +Path to AWS CLI tools + + + + + +The name of the AWS CLI profile of the root account. This +profile will have to use the "text" format for CLI output. +The file /root/.aws/config should have an entry which looks +like: + + [profile cluster] + region = us-east-1 + output = text + +"cluster" is the name which has to be used in the cluster +configuration. The region has to be the current one. The +output has to be "text". + +AWS Profile Name + + + Hosted zone ID of Route 53. This is the table of the Route 53 record. AWS hosted zone ID + The full name of the service which will host the IP address. Example: service.cloud.example.corp. Note: The trailing dot is important to Route53! Full service name + IP (local (default), public or secondary private IP address (e.g. A secondary private IP can be setup with the awsvip agent. Type of IP or secondary private IP address (local, public or e.g. + Time to live for Route53 ARECORD ARECORD TTL - - -The name of the AWS CLI profile of the root account. This -profile will have to use the "text" format for CLI output. -The file /root/.aws/config should have an entry which looks -like: - - [profile cluster] - region = us-east-1 - output = text - -"cluster" is the name which has to be used in the cluster -configuration. The region has to be the current one. The -output has to be "text". - -AWS Profile Name - - + END } r53_validate() { ocf_log debug "function: validate" # Check for required binaries ocf_log debug "Checking for required binaries" for command in curl dig; do check_binary "$command" done # Full name [[ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_fullname" ]] && ocf_log error "Full name parameter not set $OCF_RESKEY_fullname!" && exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED # Hosted Zone ID [[ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid" ]] && ocf_log error "Hosted Zone ID parameter not set $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid!" && exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED # Type of IP/secondary IP address case $OCF_RESKEY_ip in local|public|*.*.*.*) ;; *) ocf_exit_reason "Invalid value for ip: ${OCF_RESKEY_ip}" exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED esac # profile [[ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_profile" ]] && ocf_log error "AWS CLI profile not set $OCF_RESKEY_profile!" && exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED # TTL [[ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_ttl" ]] && ocf_log error "TTL not set $OCF_RESKEY_ttl!" && exit $OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED ocf_log debug "Testing aws command" - aws --version 2>&1 + $OCF_RESKEY_awscli --version 2>&1 if [ "$?" -gt 0 ]; then ocf_log error "Error while executing aws command as user root! Please check if AWS CLI tools (Python flavor) are properly installed and configured." && exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED fi ocf_log debug "ok" - if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_profile" ]; then - AWS_PROFILE_OPT="--profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile --cli-connect-timeout 10" - else - AWS_PROFILE_OPT="--profile default --cli-connect-timeout 10" - fi - return $OCF_SUCCESS } r53_start() { # # Start agent and config DNS in Route53 # ocf_log info "Starting Route53 DNS update...." _get_ip r53_monitor if [ $? != $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then ocf_log info "Could not start agent - check configurations" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } r53_stop() { # # Stop operation doesn't perform any API call or try to remove the DNS record # this mostly because this is not necessarily mandatory or desired # the start and monitor functions will take care of changing the DNS record # if the agent starts in a different cluster node # ocf_log info "Bringing down Route53 agent. (Will NOT remove Route53 DNS record)" return $OCF_SUCCESS } r53_monitor() { # # For every start action the agent will call Route53 API to check for DNS record # otherwise it will try to get results directly bu querying the DNS using "dig". # Due to complexity in some DNS architectures "dig" can fail, and if this happens # the monitor will fallback to the Route53 API call. # # There will be no failure, failover or restart of the agent if the monitor operation fails # hence we only return $OCF_SUCESS in this function # # In case of the monitor operation detects a wrong or non-existent Route53 DNS entry # it will try to fix the existing one, or create it again # # ARECORD="" IPREGEX="^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$" r53_validate ocf_log debug "Checking Route53 record sets" # _get_ip # if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" = "start" ] || ocf_is_probe ; then # - cmd="aws $AWS_PROFILE_OPT route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid --query ResourceRecordSets[?Name=='$OCF_RESKEY_fullname']" + cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli $AWS_PROFILE_OPT route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid --query ResourceRecordSets[?Name=='$OCF_RESKEY_fullname']" ocf_log info "Route53 Agent Starting or probing - executing monitoring API call: $cmd" CLIRES="$($cmd 2>&1)" rc=$? ocf_log debug "awscli returned code: $rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then CLIRES=$(echo $CLIRES | grep -v '^$') ocf_log warn "Route53 API returned an error: $CLIRES" ocf_log warn "Skipping cluster action due to API call error" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ARECORD=$(echo $CLIRES | grep RESOURCERECORDS | awk '{ print $5 }') # if ocf_is_probe; then # # Prevent R53 record change during probe # if [[ $ARECORD =~ $IPREGEX ]] && [ "$ARECORD" != "$IPADDRESS" ]; then ocf_log debug "Route53 DNS record $ARECORD found at probing, disregarding" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi fi else # cmd="dig +retries=3 +time=5 +short $OCF_RESKEY_fullname 2>/dev/null" ocf_log info "executing monitoring command : $cmd" ARECORD="$($cmd)" rc=$? ocf_log debug "dig return code: $rc" # if [[ ! $ARECORD =~ $IPREGEX ]] || [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then ocf_log info "Fallback to Route53 API query due to DNS resolution failure" - cmd="aws $AWS_PROFILE_OPT route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid --query ResourceRecordSets[?Name=='$OCF_RESKEY_fullname']" + cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli $AWS_PROFILE_OPT route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid --query ResourceRecordSets[?Name=='$OCF_RESKEY_fullname']" ocf_log debug "executing monitoring API call: $cmd" CLIRES="$($cmd 2>&1)" rc=$? ocf_log debug "awscli return code: $rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then CLIRES=$(echo $CLIRES | grep -v '^$') ocf_log warn "Route53 API returned an error: $CLIRES" ocf_log warn "Monitor skipping cluster action due to API call error" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi ARECORD=$(echo $CLIRES | grep RESOURCERECORDS | awk '{ print $5 }') fi # fi ocf_log info "Route53 DNS record pointing $OCF_RESKEY_fullname to IP address $ARECORD" # if [ "$ARECORD" == "$IPADDRESS" ]; then ocf_log info "Route53 DNS record $ARECORD found" return $OCF_SUCCESS elif [[ $ARECORD =~ $IPREGEX ]] && [ "$ARECORD" != "$IPADDRESS" ]; then ocf_log info "Route53 DNS record points to a different host, setting DNS record on Route53 to this host" _update_record "UPSERT" "$IPADDRESS" return $OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log info "No Route53 DNS record found, setting DNS record on Route53 to this host" _update_record "UPSERT" "$IPADDRESS" return $OCF_SUCCESS fi return $OCF_SUCCESS } _get_ip() { case $OCF_RESKEY_ip in local|public) IPADDRESS="$(curl -s${OCF_RESKEY_ip}-ipv4)";; *.*.*.*) IPADDRESS="${OCF_RESKEY_ip}";; esac } _update_record() { # # This function is the one that will actually execute Route53's API call # and configure the DNS record using the correct API calls and parameters # # It creates a temporary JSON file under /tmp with the required API payload # # Failures in this function are critical and will cause the agent to fail # update_action="$1" IPADDRESS="$2" ocf_log info "Updating Route53 $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid with $IPADDRESS for $OCF_RESKEY_fullname" ROUTE53RECORD="$(maketempfile)" if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$ROUTE53RECORD" ]; then ocf_exit_reason "Failed to create temporary file for record update" exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi cat >>"$ROUTE53RECORD" <<-EOF { "Comment": "Update record to reflect new IP address for a system ", "Changes": [ { "Action": "$update_action", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": "$OCF_RESKEY_fullname", "Type": "A", "TTL": $OCF_RESKEY_ttl, "ResourceRecords": [ { "Value": "$IPADDRESS" } ] } } ] } EOF - cmd="aws --profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid --change-batch file://$ROUTE53RECORD " + cmd="$OCF_RESKEY_awscli $AWS_PROFILE_OPT route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $OCF_RESKEY_hostedzoneid --change-batch file://$ROUTE53RECORD " ocf_log debug "Executing command: $cmd" CLIRES="$($cmd 2>&1)" rc=$? ocf_log debug "awscli returned code: $rc" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then CLIRES=$(echo $CLIRES | grep -v '^$') ocf_log warn "Route53 API returned an error: $CLIRES" ocf_log warn "Skipping cluster action due to API call error" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi CHANGEID=$(echo $CLIRES | awk '{ print $12 }') ocf_log debug "Change id: $CHANGEID" rmtempfile $ROUTE53RECORD CHANGEID=$(echo $CHANGEID | cut -d'/' -f 3 | cut -d'"' -f 1 ) ocf_log debug "Change id: $CHANGEID" STATUS="PENDING" MYSECONDS=20 while [ "$STATUS" = 'PENDING' ]; do sleep $MYSECONDS - STATUS="$(aws --profile $OCF_RESKEY_profile route53 get-change --id $CHANGEID | grep CHANGEINFO | awk -F'\t' '{ print $4 }' |cut -d'"' -f 2 )" + STATUS="$($OCF_RESKEY_awscli $AWS_PROFILE_OPT route53 get-change --id $CHANGEID | grep CHANGEINFO | awk -F'\t' '{ print $4 }' |cut -d'"' -f 2 )" ocf_log debug "Waited for $MYSECONDS seconds and checked execution of Route 53 update status: $STATUS " done } ############################################################################### case $__OCF_ACTION in usage|help) usage exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; meta-data) metadata exit $OCF_SUCCESS ;; start) r53_validate || exit $? r53_start ;; stop) r53_stop ;; monitor) r53_monitor ;; validate-all) r53_validate ;; *) usage exit $OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED ;; esac exit $?