diff --git a/src/_layouts/home.html b/src/_layouts/home.html index 6db2f10..65f2917 100644 --- a/src/_layouts/home.html +++ b/src/_layouts/home.html @@ -1,207 +1,204 @@ --- layout: clusterlabs ---

Quick Overview

{% image Deploy-small.png %}


We support many deployment scenarios, from the simplest 2-node standby cluster to a 32-node active/active configuration. We can also dramatically reduce hardware costs by allowing several active/passive clusters to be combined and share a common backup node.

{% image Monitor-small.png %}


We monitor the system for both hardware and software failures. In the event of a failure, we will automatically recover your application and make sure it is available from one of the remaning machines in the cluster.

{% image Recover-small.png %}


After a failure, we use advanced algorithms to quickly determine the optimum locations for services based on relative node preferences and/or requirements to run with other cluster services (we call these "constraints").

Why clusters

At its core, a cluster is a distributed finite state machine capable of co-ordinating the startup and recovery of inter-related services across a set of machines.

System HA is possible without a cluster manager, but you save many headaches using one anyway

Even a distributed and/or replicated application that is able to survive the failure of one or more components can benefit from a higher level cluster:

While SYS-V init replacements like systemd can provide deterministic recovery of a complex stack of services, the recovery is limited to one machine and lacks the context of what is happening on other machines - context that is crucial to determine the difference between a local failure, clean startup or recovery after a total site failure.


The ClusterLabs stack, incorporating Corosync and Pacemaker defines an Open Source, High Availability cluster offering suitable for both small and large deployments.


"The definitive open-source high-availability stack for the Linux platform builds upon the Pacemaker cluster resource manager."
-- LINUX Journal, "Ahead of the Pack: the Pacemaker High-Availability Stack"

A Pacemaker stack is built on five core components:

We describe each of these in more detail as well as other optional components such as CLIs and GUIs.


Pacemaker has been around since 2004 and is primarily a collaborative effort between Red Hat and SUSE, however we also receive considerable help and support from the folks at LinBit and the community in general.

Corosync also began life in 2004 but was then part of the OpenAIS project. It is primarily a Red Hat initiative, with considerable help and support from the folks in the community.

The core ClusterLabs team is made up of full-time developers from Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Czech Repulic, England, Germany, Sweden and the USA. Contributions to the code or documentation are always welcome.

The ClusterLabs stack ships with most modern enterprise distributions and has been deployed in many critical environments including Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS) which uses Pacemaker to ensure its air traffic control systems are always available.