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* Copyright 2004-2024 the Pacemaker project contributors
* The version control history for this file may have further details.
* This source code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 or later (LGPLv2.1+) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#include <stdbool.h> // bool
#include <strings.h> // strcasecmp()
#include <glib.h> // gboolean, guint
#include <libxml/tree.h> // xmlNode
#include <crm/lrmd_events.h> // lrmd_event_data_t
#include <glib.h> // GList, GHashTable
#include <libxml/tree.h> // xmlNode
#include <crm/common/nodes.h>
#include <crm/common/resources.h> // enum rsc_start_requirement, etc.
#include <crm/common/scheduler_types.h> // pcmk_resource_t, pcmk_node_t
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \file
* \brief APIs related to actions
* \ingroup core
//! Default timeout (in milliseconds) for non-metadata actions
// @COMPAT We don't need a separate timeout for metadata, much less a longer one
//! \deprecated Default timeout (in milliseconds) for metadata actions
// Action names as strings
#define PCMK_ACTION_CANCEL "cancel"
#define PCMK_ACTION_CLEAR_FAILCOUNT "clear_failcount"
#define PCMK_ACTION_CLONE_ONE_OR_MORE "clone-one-or-more"
#define PCMK_ACTION_DELETE "delete"
#define PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTE "demote"
#define PCMK_ACTION_DEMOTED "demoted"
#define PCMK_ACTION_DO_SHUTDOWN "do_shutdown"
#define PCMK_ACTION_LIST "list"
#define PCMK_ACTION_LRM_DELETE "lrm_delete"
#define PCMK_ACTION_LOAD_STOPPED "load_stopped"
#define PCMK_ACTION_MAINTENANCE_NODES "maintenance_nodes"
#define PCMK_ACTION_META_DATA "meta-data"
#define PCMK_ACTION_METADATA "metadata"
#define PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_FROM "migrate_from"
#define PCMK_ACTION_MIGRATE_TO "migrate_to"
#define PCMK_ACTION_MONITOR "monitor"
#define PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFIED "notified"
#define PCMK_ACTION_NOTIFY "notify"
#define PCMK_ACTION_OFF "off"
#define PCMK_ACTION_ON "on"
#define PCMK_ACTION_ONE_OR_MORE "one-or-more"
#define PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTE "promote"
#define PCMK_ACTION_PROMOTED "promoted"
#define PCMK_ACTION_REBOOT "reboot"
#define PCMK_ACTION_RELOAD "reload"
#define PCMK_ACTION_RELOAD_AGENT "reload-agent"
#define PCMK_ACTION_RUNNING "running"
#define PCMK_ACTION_START "start"
#define PCMK_ACTION_STATUS "status"
#define PCMK_ACTION_STONITH "stonith"
#define PCMK_ACTION_STOP "stop"
#define PCMK_ACTION_STOPPED "stopped"
#define PCMK_ACTION_VALIDATE_ALL "validate-all"
// Possible actions (including some pseudo-actions)
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
enum action_tasks {
pcmk_action_unspecified = 0, // Unspecified or unknown action
pcmk_action_monitor, // Monitor
// Each "completed" action must be the regular action plus 1
pcmk_action_stop, // Stop
pcmk_action_stopped, // Stop completed
pcmk_action_start, // Start
pcmk_action_started, // Start completed
pcmk_action_notify, // Notify
pcmk_action_notified, // Notify completed
pcmk_action_promote, // Promote
pcmk_action_promoted, // Promoted
pcmk_action_demote, // Demote
pcmk_action_demoted, // Demoted
pcmk_action_shutdown, // Shut down node
pcmk_action_fence, // Fence node
no_action = pcmk_action_unspecified,
monitor_rsc = pcmk_action_monitor,
stop_rsc = pcmk_action_stop,
stopped_rsc = pcmk_action_stopped,
start_rsc = pcmk_action_start,
started_rsc = pcmk_action_started,
action_notify = pcmk_action_notify,
action_notified = pcmk_action_notified,
action_promote = pcmk_action_promote,
action_promoted = pcmk_action_promoted,
action_demote = pcmk_action_demote,
action_demoted = pcmk_action_demoted,
shutdown_crm = pcmk_action_shutdown,
stonith_node = pcmk_action_fence,
// Possible responses to a resource action failure
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
enum action_fail_response {
/* The order is (partially) significant here; the values from
* pcmk_on_fail_ignore through pcmk_on_fail_fence_node are in order of
* increasing severity.
* @COMPAT The values should be ordered and numbered per the "TODO" comments
* below, so all values are in order of severity and there is room for
* future additions, but that would break API compatibility.
* @TODO For now, we just use a function to compare the values specially, but
* at the next compatibility break, we should arrange things
* properly so we can compare with less than and greater than.
// @TODO Define as 10
pcmk_on_fail_ignore = 0, // Act as if failure didn't happen
// @TODO Define as 30
pcmk_on_fail_restart = 1, // Restart resource
// @TODO Define as 60
pcmk_on_fail_ban = 2, // Ban resource from current node
// @TODO Define as 70
pcmk_on_fail_block = 3, // Treat resource as unmanaged
// @TODO Define as 80
pcmk_on_fail_stop = 4, // Stop resource and leave stopped
// @TODO Define as 90
pcmk_on_fail_standby_node = 5, // Put resource's node in standby
// @TODO Define as 100
pcmk_on_fail_fence_node = 6, // Fence resource's node
// @COMPAT Values below here are out of desired order for API compatibility
// @TODO Define as 50
pcmk_on_fail_restart_container = 7, // Restart resource's container
// @TODO Define as 40
* Fence the remote node created by the resource if fencing is enabled,
* otherwise attempt to restart the resource (used internally for some
* remote connection failures).
pcmk_on_fail_reset_remote = 8,
// @TODO Define as 20
pcmk_on_fail_demote = 9, // Demote if promotable, else stop
action_fail_ignore = pcmk_on_fail_ignore,
action_fail_recover = pcmk_on_fail_restart,
action_fail_migrate = pcmk_on_fail_ban,
action_fail_block = pcmk_on_fail_block,
action_fail_stop = pcmk_on_fail_stop,
action_fail_standby = pcmk_on_fail_standby_node,
action_fail_fence = pcmk_on_fail_fence_node,
action_fail_restart_container = pcmk_on_fail_restart_container,
action_fail_reset_remote = pcmk_on_fail_reset_remote,
action_fail_demote = pcmk_on_fail_demote,
// Action scheduling flags
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
enum pe_action_flags {
// No action flags set (compare with equality rather than bit set)
pcmk_no_action_flags = 0,
// Whether action does not require invoking an agent
pcmk_action_pseudo = (1 << 0),
// Whether action is runnable
pcmk_action_runnable = (1 << 1),
// Whether action should not be executed
pcmk_action_optional = (1 << 2),
// Whether action should be added to transition graph even if optional
pcmk_action_always_in_graph = (1 << 3),
// Whether operation-specific instance attributes have been unpacked yet
pcmk_action_attrs_evaluated = (1 << 4),
// Whether action is allowed to be part of a live migration
pcmk_action_migratable = (1 << 7),
// Whether action has been added to transition graph
pcmk_action_added_to_graph = (1 << 8),
// Whether action is a stop to abort a dangling migration
pcmk_action_migration_abort = (1 << 11),
* Whether action is an ordering point for minimum required instances
* (used to implement ordering after clones with \c PCMK_META_CLONE_MIN
* configured, and ordered sets with \c PCMK_XA_REQUIRE_ALL set to
pcmk_action_min_runnable = (1 << 12),
// Whether action is recurring monitor that must be rescheduled if active
pcmk_action_reschedule = (1 << 13),
// Whether action has already been processed by a recursive procedure
pcmk_action_detect_loop = (1 << 14),
// Whether action's inputs have been de-duplicated yet
pcmk_action_inputs_deduplicated = (1 << 15),
// Whether action can be executed on DC rather than own node
pcmk_action_on_dc = (1 << 16),
pe_action_pseudo = pcmk_action_pseudo,
pe_action_runnable = pcmk_action_runnable,
pe_action_optional = pcmk_action_optional,
pe_action_print_always = pcmk_action_always_in_graph,
pe_action_have_node_attrs = pcmk_action_attrs_evaluated,
pe_action_implied_by_stonith = (1 << 6),
pe_action_migrate_runnable = pcmk_action_migratable,
pe_action_dumped = pcmk_action_added_to_graph,
pe_action_processed = (1 << 9),
pe_action_clear = (1 << 10),
pe_action_dangle = pcmk_action_migration_abort,
pe_action_requires_any = pcmk_action_min_runnable,
pe_action_reschedule = pcmk_action_reschedule,
pe_action_tracking = pcmk_action_detect_loop,
pe_action_dedup = pcmk_action_inputs_deduplicated,
pe_action_dc = pcmk_action_on_dc,
/* @COMPAT enum pe_link_state and enum pe_ordering are currently needed for
* struct pe_action_wrapper_s (which is public) but should be removed at an
* API compatibility break when that can be refactored and made internal
//! \deprecated Do not use
enum pe_link_state {
pe_link_not_dumped = 0,
pe_link_dumped = 1,
pe_link_dup = 2,
enum pe_ordering {
pe_order_none = 0x0,
pe_order_optional = 0x1,
pe_order_apply_first_non_migratable = 0x2,
pe_order_implies_first = 0x10,
pe_order_implies_then = 0x20,
pe_order_promoted_implies_first = 0x40,
pe_order_implies_first_migratable = 0x80,
pe_order_runnable_left = 0x100,
pe_order_pseudo_left = 0x200,
pe_order_implies_then_on_node = 0x400,
pe_order_probe = 0x800,
pe_order_restart = 0x1000,
pe_order_stonith_stop = 0x2000,
pe_order_serialize_only = 0x4000,
pe_order_same_node = 0x8000,
pe_order_implies_first_printed = 0x10000,
pe_order_implies_then_printed = 0x20000,
pe_order_asymmetrical = 0x100000,
pe_order_load = 0x200000,
pe_order_one_or_more = 0x400000,
pe_order_anti_colocation = 0x800000,
pe_order_preserve = 0x1000000,
pe_order_then_cancels_first = 0x2000000,
pe_order_trace = 0x4000000,
pe_order_implies_first_master = pe_order_promoted_implies_first,
// Action sequenced relative to another action
// @COMPAT This should be internal
struct pe_action_wrapper_s {
// @COMPAT This should be uint32_t
enum pe_ordering type; // Group of enum pcmk__action_relation_flags
// @COMPAT This should be a bool
enum pe_link_state state; // Whether action has been added to graph yet
pcmk_action_t *action; // Action to be sequenced
// Implementation of pcmk_action_t
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
struct pe_action_s {
int id; // Counter to identify action
* When the controller aborts a transition graph, it sets an abort priority.
* If this priority is higher, the action will still be executed anyway.
* Pseudo-actions are always allowed, so this is irrelevant for them.
int priority;
pcmk_resource_t *rsc; // Resource to apply action to, if any
pcmk_node_t *node; // Node to execute action on, if any
xmlNode *op_entry; // Action XML configuration, if any
char *task; // Action name
char *uuid; // Action key
char *cancel_task; // If task is "cancel", the action being cancelled
char *reason; // Readable description of why action is needed
//@ COMPAT Change to uint32_t at a compatibility break
enum pe_action_flags flags; // Group of enum pe_action_flags
enum rsc_start_requirement needs; // Prerequisite for recovery
enum action_fail_response on_fail; // Response to failure
enum rsc_role_e fail_role; // Resource role if action fails
GHashTable *meta; // Meta-attributes relevant to action
GHashTable *extra; // Action-specific instance attributes
/* Current count of runnable instance actions for "first" action in an
* ordering dependency with pcmk__ar_min_runnable set.
int runnable_before; // For Pacemaker use only
* Number of instance actions for "first" action in an ordering dependency
* with pcmk__ar_min_runnable set that must be runnable before this action
* can be runnable.
int required_runnable_before;
// Actions in a relation with this one (as pcmk__related_action_t *)
GList *actions_before;
GList *actions_after;
/* This is intended to hold data that varies by the type of action, but is
* not currently used. Some of the above fields could be moved here except
* for API backward compatibility.
void *action_details;
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
const char *pcmk_action_text(enum action_tasks action);
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
enum action_tasks pcmk_parse_action(const char *action_name);
// @COMPAT Make this internal when we can break API backward compatibility
//! \deprecated Do not use (public access will be removed in a future release)
const char *pcmk_on_fail_text(enum action_fail_response on_fail);
// For parsing various action-related string specifications
gboolean parse_op_key(const char *key, char **rsc_id, char **op_type,
guint *interval_ms);
gboolean decode_transition_key(const char *key, char **uuid, int *transition_id,
int *action_id, int *target_rc);
gboolean decode_transition_magic(const char *magic, char **uuid,
int *transition_id, int *action_id,
int *op_status, int *op_rc, int *target_rc);
// @COMPAT Either these shouldn't be in libcrmcommon or lrmd_event_data_t should
int rsc_op_expected_rc(const lrmd_event_data_t *event);
gboolean did_rsc_op_fail(lrmd_event_data_t *event, int target_rc);
bool crm_op_needs_metadata(const char *rsc_class, const char *op);
xmlNode *crm_create_op_xml(xmlNode *parent, const char *prefix,
const char *task, const char *interval_spec,
const char *timeout);
bool pcmk_is_probe(const char *task, guint interval);
bool pcmk_xe_is_probe(const xmlNode *xml_op);
bool pcmk_xe_mask_probe_failure(const xmlNode *xml_op);
#ifdef __cplusplus
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Sat, Jan 25, 5:35 AM (9 h, 25 m)
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actions.h (16 KB)
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