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diff --git a/cts/ b/cts/
index 0731452654..ba0da8757a 100755
--- a/cts/
+++ b/cts/
@@ -1,1881 +1,1883 @@
# Copyright 2008-2021 the Pacemaker project contributors
# The version control history for this file may have further details.
# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
# Set the exit status of a command to the exit code of the last program to
# exit non-zero. This is bash-specific.
set -o pipefail
# Note on portable usage of sed: GNU/POSIX/*BSD sed have a limited subset of
# compatible functionality. Do not use the -i option, alternation (\|),
# \0, or character sequences such as \n or \s.
USAGE_TEXT="Usage: cts-cli [<options>]
--help Display this text, then exit
-V, --verbose Display any differences from expected output
-t 'TEST [...]' Run only specified tests (default: 'dates tools crm_mon acls validity upgrade rules')
-p DIR Look for executables in DIR (may be specified multiple times)
-v, --valgrind Run all commands under valgrind
-s Save actual output as expected output"
# If readlink supports -e (i.e. GNU), use it
readlink -e / >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
test_home="$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")"
test_home="$(dirname "$0")"
: ${shadow=cts-cli}
shadow_dir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.shadow.XXXXXXXXXX)
tests="dates tools crm_mon acls validity upgrade rules"
# These constants must track crm_exit_t values
reset_shadow_cib_version() {
SHADOWPATH="$(crm_shadow --file)"
# sed -i isn't portable :-(
cp -p "$SHADOWPATH" "${SHADOWPATH}.$$" # preserve permissions
sed -e 's/epoch="[0-9]*"/epoch="1"/g' \
-e 's/num_updates="[0-9]*"/num_updates="0"/g' \
-e 's/admin_epoch="[0-9]*"/admin_epoch="0"/g' \
# A newly created empty CIB might or might not have a rsc_defaults section
# depending on whether the --with-resource-stickiness-default configure
# option was used. To ensure regression tests behave the same either way,
# delete any rsc_defaults after creating or erasing a CIB.
delete_shadow_resource_defaults() {
cibadmin --delete --xml-text '<rsc_defaults/>'
# The above command might or might not bump the CIB version, so reset it
# to ensure future changes result in the same version for comparison.
create_shadow_cib() {
export CIB_shadow_dir="${shadow_dir}"
SHADOW_CMD="$VALGRIND_CMD crm_shadow --batch --force --create-empty"
if [ -z "$VALIDATE_WITH" ]; then
$SHADOW_CMD "$shadow" 2>&1
$SHADOW_CMD "$shadow" --validate-with="${VALIDATE_WITH}" 2>&1
export CIB_shadow="$shadow"
function _test_assert() {
target=$1; shift
validate=$1; shift
cib=$1; shift
app=`echo "$cmd" | sed 's/\ .*//'`
printf "* Running: $app - $desc\n" 1>&2
printf "=#=#=#= Begin test: $desc =#=#=#=\n"
export outfile=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.output.XXXXXXXXXX)
eval $VALGRIND_CMD $cmd 2>&1 | tee $outfile
if [ x$cib != x0 ]; then
printf "=#=#=#= Current cib after: $desc =#=#=#=\n"
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q
# Do not validate if running under valgrind, even if told to do so. Valgrind
# will output a lot more stuff that is not XML, so it wouldn't validate anyway.
if [ "$validate" = "1" ] && [ "$VALGRIND_CMD" = "" ] && [ $rc = 0 ] && [ "$XMLLINT_CMD" != "" ]; then
# The sed command filters out the "- validates" line that xmllint will output
# on success. grep cannot be used here because "grep -v 'validates$'" will
# return an exit code of 1 if its input consists entirely of "- validates".
$XMLLINT_CMD --noout --relaxng "$PCMK_schema_directory/api/api-result.rng" "$outfile" 2>&1 | sed -n '/validates$/ !p'
if [ $rc = 0 ]; then
printf "=#=#=#= End test: %s - $(crm_error --exit $rc) (%d) =#=#=#=\n" "$desc" $rc
printf "=#=#=#= End test: %s - Failed to validate (%d) =#=#=#=\n" "$desc" $rc
printf "=#=#=#= End test: %s - $(crm_error --exit $rc) (%d) =#=#=#=\n" "$desc" $rc
rm -f "$outfile"
if [ $rc -ne $target ]; then
num_errors=$(( $num_errors + 1 ))
printf "* Failed (rc=%.3d): %-14s - %s\n" $rc $app "$desc"
printf "* Failed (rc=%.3d): %-14s - %s\n" $rc $app "$desc (`which $app`)" 1>&2
printf "* Passed: %-14s - %s\n" $app "$desc"
num_passed=$(( $num_passed + 1 ))
function test_assert() {
_test_assert $1 0 $2
function test_assert_validate() {
_test_assert $1 1 $2
function test_crm_mon() {
local TMPXML
export CIB_file="$test_home/cli/crm_mon.xml"
desc="Basic text output"
cmd="crm_mon -1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output without node section"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --exclude=nodes"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output without the node section"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --exclude=nodes"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Text output with only the node section"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --exclude=all --include=nodes"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# The above test doesn't need to be performed for other output formats. It's
# really just a test to make sure that blank lines are correct.
desc="Complete text output"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML includes everything already so there's no need for a complete test
desc="Complete text output with detail"
cmd="crm_mon -1R --include=all"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML includes detailed output already
desc="Complete brief text output"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --brief"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output grouped by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --group-by-node"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML does not have a brief output option
desc="Complete brief text output grouped by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --group-by-node --brief"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output grouped by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --output-as=xml --group-by-node"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --node=cluster01"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by node"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as xml --include=all --node=cluster01"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by tag"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --node=even-nodes"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by tag"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --include=all --node=even-nodes"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by resource tag"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --resource=fencing-rscs"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by resource tag"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --include=all --resource=fencing-rscs"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output filtered by node that doesn't exist"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --node=blah"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by node that doesn't exist"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --node=blah"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML already includes inactive resources
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --node=cluster02"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML already includes inactive resources
desc="Complete text output filtered by primitive resource"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --resource=Fencing"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by primitive resource"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=Fencing"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by group resource"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --resource=exim-group"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by group resource"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=exim-group"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by group resource member"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --resource=Public-IP"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by group resource member"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=Email"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by clone resource"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --resource=ping-clone"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by clone resource"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=ping-clone"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by clone resource instance"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --resource=ping"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by clone resource instance"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=ping"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output filtered by exact clone resource instance"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --show-detail --resource=ping:0"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by exact clone resource instance"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=ping:1"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output filtered by resource that doesn't exist"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --resource=blah"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by resource that doesn't exist"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=blah"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by tag"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --resource=inactive-rscs"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle resource"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --resource=httpd-bundle"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by inactive bundle resource"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=httpd-bundle"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled IP address resource"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --resource=httpd-bundle-ip-"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by bundled IP address resource"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=httpd-bundle-ip-"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled container"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --resource=httpd-bundle-docker-1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by bundled container"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=httpd-bundle-docker-2"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundle connection"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --resource=httpd-bundle-0"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by bundle connection"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=httpd-bundle-0"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Basic text output with inactive resources, filtered by bundled primitive resource"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --resource=httpd"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output filtered by bundled primitive resource"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=httpd"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output, filtered by clone name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --show-detail --resource=mysql-clone-group"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output, filtered by clone name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=mysql-clone-group"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output, filtered by group name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --show-detail --resource=mysql-group"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output, filtered by group name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=mysql-group"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --show-detail --resource=mysql-group:1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output, filtered by exact group instance name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=mysql-group:1"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --show-detail --resource=mysql-proxy"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output, filtered by primitive name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=mysql-proxy"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Complete text output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --include=all --show-detail --resource=mysql-proxy:1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output, filtered by exact primitive instance name in cloned group"
cmd="crm_mon --output-as=xml --resource=mysql-proxy:1"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
export CIB_file="$test_home/cli/crm_mon-partial.xml"
desc="Text output of partially active resources"
cmd="crm_mon -1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="XML output of partially active resources"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML already includes inactive resources
desc="Complete brief text output, with inactive resources"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --include=all --brief"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# XML does not have a brief output option
desc="Complete brief text output grouped by node, with inactive resources"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --include=all --group-by-node --brief"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Text output of partially active resources, with inactive resources, filtered by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r --node=cluster01"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Text output of partially active resources, filtered by node"
cmd="crm_mon -1 --output-as=xml --node=cluster01"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
export CIB_file=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.crm_mon.xml.XXXXXXXXXX)
sed -e '/maintenance-mode/ s/false/true/' "$test_home/cli/crm_mon.xml" > $CIB_file
desc="Text output of all resources with maintenance-mode enabled"
cmd="crm_mon -1 -r"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
rm -r "$CIB_file"
unset CIB_file
function test_tools() {
local TMPXML
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
TMPORIG=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
desc="Validate CIB"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Configure something before erasing"
cmd="crm_attribute -n cluster-delay -v 60s"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Require --force for CIB erasure"
cmd="cibadmin -E"
test_assert $CRM_EX_UNSAFE
desc="Allow CIB erasure with --force"
cmd="cibadmin -E --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# Skip outputting the resulting CIB in the previous command, and delete
# rsc_defaults now, so tests behave the same regardless of build options.
# Verify the output after erasure
desc="Query CIB"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
# Save a copy of the CIB for a later test
cibadmin -Q > "$TMPORIG"
desc="Set cluster option"
cmd="crm_attribute -n cluster-delay -v 60s"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query new cluster option"
cmd="cibadmin -Q -o crm_config | grep cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query cluster options"
cmd="cibadmin -Q -o crm_config > $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Set no-quorum policy"
cmd="crm_attribute -n no-quorum-policy -v ignore"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete nvpair"
cmd="cibadmin -D -o crm_config --xml-text '<nvpair id=\"cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay\"/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create operation should fail"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o crm_config --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_EXISTS
desc="Modify cluster options section"
cmd="cibadmin -M -o crm_config --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query updated cluster option"
cmd="cibadmin -Q -o crm_config | grep cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Set duplicate cluster option"
cmd="crm_attribute -n cluster-delay -v 40s -s duplicate"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail"
cmd="crm_attribute -n cluster-delay -v 30s"
test_assert $CRM_EX_MULTIPLE
desc="Set cluster option with -s"
cmd="crm_attribute -n cluster-delay -v 30s -s duplicate"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete cluster option with -i"
cmd="crm_attribute -n cluster-delay -D -i cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create node1 and bring it online"
cmd="crm_simulate --live-check --in-place --node-up=node1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create node attribute"
cmd="crm_attribute -n ram -v 1024M -N node1 -t nodes"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query new node attribute"
cmd="cibadmin -Q -o nodes | grep node1-ram"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Set a transient (fail-count) node attribute"
cmd="crm_attribute -n fail-count-foo -v 3 -N node1 -t status"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query a fail count"
cmd="crm_failcount --query -r foo -N node1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete a transient (fail-count) node attribute"
cmd="crm_attribute -n fail-count-foo -D -N node1 -t status"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Digest calculation"
cmd="cibadmin -Q | cibadmin -5 -p 2>&1 > /dev/null"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
# This update will fail because it has version numbers
desc="Replace operation should fail"
cmd="cibadmin -R --xml-file $TMPORIG"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OLD
desc="Default standby value"
cmd="crm_standby -N node1 -G"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Set standby status"
cmd="crm_standby -N node1 -v true"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query standby value"
cmd="crm_standby -N node1 -G"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete standby value"
cmd="crm_standby -N node1 -D"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create a resource"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id=\"dummy\" class=\"ocf\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\"/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -p is-managed -v false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -g is-managed"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Remove a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -d is-managed"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create another resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -p target-role -v Stopped --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Show why a resource is not running"
cmd="crm_resource -Y -r dummy"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Remove another resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -d target-role --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Create a resource attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -p delay -v 10s"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="List the configured resources"
cmd="crm_resource -L"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="List the configured resources in XML"
cmd="crm_resource -L --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List IDs of instantiated resources"
cmd="crm_resource -l"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Show XML configuration of resource"
cmd="crm_resource -q -r dummy"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Require a destination when migrating a resource that is stopped"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -M"
test_assert $CRM_EX_USAGE
desc="Don't support migration to non-existent locations"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -M -N"
test_assert $CRM_EX_NOSUCH
desc="Create a fencing resource"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id=\"Fence\" class=\"stonith\" type=\"fence_true\"/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Bring resources online"
cmd="crm_simulate --live-check --in-place -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Try to move a resource to its existing location"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --move --node node1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_EXISTS
desc="Move a resource from its existing location"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --move"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Clear out constraints generated by --move"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --clear"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Default ticket granted state"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -G granted -d false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Set ticket granted state"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -r --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query ticket granted state"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -G granted"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete ticket granted state"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -D granted --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Make a ticket standby"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -s"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query ticket standby state"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -G standby"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Activate a ticket"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -a"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete ticket standby state"
cmd="crm_ticket -t ticketA -D standby"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Ban a resource on unknown node"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -B -N host1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_NOSUCH
desc="Create two more nodes and bring them online"
cmd="crm_simulate --live-check --in-place --node-up=node2 --node-up=node3"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Ban dummy from node1"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -B -N node1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Show where a resource is running"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -W"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Show constraints on a resource"
cmd="crm_resource -a -r dummy"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Ban dummy from node2"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -B -N node2 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Relocate resources due to ban"
cmd="crm_simulate --live-check --in-place -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Move dummy to node1"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -M -N node1 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Clear implicit constraints for dummy on node2"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -U -N node2"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Drop the status section"
cmd="cibadmin -R -o status --xml-text '<status/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Create a clone"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<clone id=\"test-clone\"><primitive id=\"test-primitive\" class=\"ocf\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\"/></clone>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Create a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-primitive --meta -p is-managed -v false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-primitive --meta -p is-managed -v false --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Update resource meta attribute with duplicates"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-clone --meta -p is-managed -v true"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Update resource meta attribute with duplicates (force clone)"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-clone --meta -p is-managed -v true --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Update child resource meta attribute with duplicates"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-primitive --meta -p is-managed -v false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete resource meta attribute with duplicates"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-clone --meta -d is-managed"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete resource meta attribute in parent"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-primitive --meta -d is-managed"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create a resource meta attribute in the primitive"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-primitive --meta -p is-managed -v false --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Update existing resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-clone --meta -p is-managed -v true"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create a resource meta attribute in the parent"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-clone --meta -p is-managed -v true --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Copy resources"
cmd="cibadmin -Q -o resources > $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Delete resource parent meta attribute (force)"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-clone --meta -d is-managed --force"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Restore duplicates"
cmd="cibadmin -R -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete resource child meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r test-primitive --meta -d is-managed"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<group id="dummy-group"> \
<primitive id="dummy1" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"\/> \
<primitive id="dummy2" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"\/> \
desc="Create a resource meta attribute in dummy1"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy1 --meta -p is-managed -v true"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Create a resource meta attribute in dummy-group"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy-group --meta -p is-managed -v false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
cibadmin -D -o resource --xml-text '<group id="dummy-group">'
desc="Specify a lifetime when moving a resource"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --move --node node2 --lifetime=PT1H"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Try to move a resource previously moved with a lifetime"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --move --node node1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Ban dummy from node1 for a short time"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -B -N node1 --lifetime=PT1S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Remove expired constraints"
sleep 2
cmd="crm_resource --clear --expired"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
# Clear has already been tested elsewhere, but we need to get rid of the
# constraints so testing delete works. It won't delete if there's still
# a reference to the resource somewhere.
desc="Clear all implicit constraints for dummy"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy -U"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Delete a resource"
cmd="crm_resource -D -r dummy -t primitive"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
unset CIB_shadow
unset CIB_shadow_dir
rm -f "$TMPXML" "$TMPORIG"
desc="Create an XML patchset"
cmd="crm_diff -o $test_home/cli/crm_diff_old.xml -n $test_home/cli/crm_diff_new.xml"
test_assert $CRM_EX_ERROR 0
export CIB_file="$test_home/cli/constraints.xml"
for rsc in prim1 prim2 prim3 prim4 prim5 prim6 prim7 prim8 prim9 \
prim10 prim11 prim12 prim13 group clone; do
desc="Check locations and constraints for $rsc"
cmd="crm_resource -a -r $rsc"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Recursively check locations and constraints for $rsc"
cmd="crm_resource -A -r $rsc"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Check locations and constraints for $rsc in XML"
cmd="crm_resource -a -r $rsc --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Recursively check locations and constraints for $rsc in XML"
cmd="crm_resource -A -r $rsc --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
export CIB_file="$test_home/cli/crm_resource_digests.xml"
desc="Show resource digests"
cmd="crm_resource --digests -r rsc1 -N node1 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Show resource digests with overrides"
cmd="$cmd CRM_meta_interval=10000 CRM_meta_timeout=20000"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
export CIB_file="$test_home/cli/crmadmin-cluster-remote-guest-nodes.xml"
desc="List all nodes"
cmd="crmadmin -N | wc -l | grep 11"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List cluster nodes"
cmd="crmadmin -N cluster | wc -l | grep 6"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List guest nodes"
cmd="crmadmin -N guest | wc -l | grep 2"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List remote nodes"
cmd="crmadmin -N remote | wc -l | grep 3"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List cluster,remote nodes"
cmd="crmadmin -N cluster,remote | wc -l | grep 9"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List guest,remote nodes"
cmd="crmadmin -N guest,remote | wc -l | grep 5"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
export CIB_file="$test_home/cli/crm_mon.xml"
desc="List a promotable clone resource"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-clone"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List the primitive of a promotable clone resource"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-rsc"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List a single instance of a promotable clone resource"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-rsc:0"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List another instance of a promotable clone resource"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-rsc:1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List a promotable clone resource in XML"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-clone --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List the primitive of a promotable clone resource in XML"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-rsc --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List a single instance of a promotable clone resource in XML"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-rsc:0 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="List another instance of a promotable clone resource in XML"
cmd="crm_resource --locate -r promotable-rsc:1 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
export CIB_file="-"
desc="Check that CIB_file=\"-\" works - crm_mon"
cmd="cat $test_home/cli/crm_mon.xml | crm_mon -1"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Check that CIB_file=\"-\" works - crm_resource"
cmd="cat $test_home/cli/crm_resource_digests.xml | crm_resource --digests -r rsc1 -N node1 --output-as=xml"
test_assert_validate $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Check that CIB_file=\"-\" works - crmadmin"
cmd="cat $test_home/cli/crmadmin-cluster-remote-guest-nodes.xml | crmadmin -N | wc -l | grep 11"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_file
"2019-01-01 00:00:00Z" # Start with no end
"2019-01-01 00:00:00Z/" # Start with only a trailing slash
"PT2S/P1M" # Two durations
"2019-13-01 00:00:00Z/P1M" # Out-of-range month
"20191077T15/P1M" # Out-of-range day
"2019-10-01T25:00:00Z/P1M" # Out-of-range hour
"2019-10-01T24:00:01Z/P1M" # Hour 24 with anything but :00:00
"PT5H/20191001T007000Z" # Out-of-range minute
"2019-10-01 00:00:80Z/P1M" # Out-of-range second
"2019-10-01 00:00:10 +25:00/P1M" # Out-of-range offset hour
"20191001T000010 -00:61/P1M" # Out-of-range offset minute
"P1Y/2019-02-29 00:00:00Z" # Feb. 29 in non-leap-year
"2019-01-01 00:00:00Z/P" # Duration with no values
"P1Z/2019-02-20 00:00:00Z" # Invalid duration unit
"P1YM/2019-02-20 00:00:00Z" # No number for duration unit
function test_dates() {
# Ensure invalid period specifications are rejected
for spec in '' "${INVALID_PERIODS[@]}"; do
desc="Invalid period - [$spec]"
cmd="iso8601 -p \"$spec\""
test_assert $CRM_EX_INVALID_PARAM 0
desc="2014-01-01 00:30:00 - 1 Hour"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2014-01-01 00:30:00Z' -D P-1H -E '2013-12-31 23:30:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Valid date - Feb 29 in leap year"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2020-02-29 00:00:00Z' -E '2020-02-29 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="Valid date - using 'T' and offset"
cmd="iso8601 -d '20191201T131211 -05:00' -E '2019-12-01 18:12:11Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="24:00:00 equivalent to 00:00:00 of next day"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2019-12-31 24:00:00Z' -E '2020-01-01 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
for y in 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 40; do
cmd="iso8601 -d '20$y-W01-7 00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="20$y-W01-7 - round-trip"
cmd="iso8601 -d '20$y-W01-7 00Z' -W -E '20$y-W01-7 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
cmd="iso8601 -d '20$y-W01-1 00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="20$y-W01-1 - round-trip"
cmd="iso8601 -d '20$y-W01-1 00Z' -W -E '20$y-W01-1 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
cmd="iso8601 -d '2009-W53-7 00:00:00Z' -W -E '2009-W53-7 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="epoch + 2 Years 5 Months 6 Minutes"
cmd="iso8601 -d 'epoch' -D P2Y5MT6M -E '1972-06-01 00:06:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="2009-01-31 + 1 Month"
cmd="iso8601 -d '20090131T000000Z' -D P1M -E '2009-02-28 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="2009-01-31 + 2 Months"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2009-01-31 00:00:00Z' -D P2M -E '2009-03-31 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="2009-01-31 + 3 Months"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2009-01-31 00:00:00Z' -D P3M -E '2009-04-30 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="2009-03-31 - 1 Month"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2009-03-31 01:00:00 +01:00' -D P-1M -E '2009-02-28 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="2038-01-01 + 3 Months"
cmd="iso8601 -d '2038-01-01 00:00:00Z' -D P3M -E '2038-04-01 00:00:00Z'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
function test_acl_loop() {
local TMPXML
# Make sure we're rejecting things for the right reasons
export PCMK_trace_functions=pcmk__check_acl,pcmk__apply_creation_acl
export PCMK_stderr=1
CIB_user=root cibadmin --replace --xml-text '<resources/>'
### no ACL ###
export CIB_user=unknownguy
desc="$CIB_user: Query configuration"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
desc="$CIB_user: Set enable-acl"
cmd="crm_attribute -n enable-acl -v false"
desc="$CIB_user: Set stonith-enabled"
cmd="crm_attribute -n stonith-enabled -v false"
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id=\"dummy\" class=\"ocf\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\"/>'"
### deny /cib permission ###
export CIB_user=l33t-haxor
desc="$CIB_user: Query configuration"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
desc="$CIB_user: Set enable-acl"
cmd="crm_attribute -n enable-acl -v false"
desc="$CIB_user: Set stonith-enabled"
cmd="crm_attribute -n stonith-enabled -v false"
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id=\"dummy\" class=\"ocf\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\"/>'"
### observer role ###
export CIB_user=niceguy
desc="$CIB_user: Query configuration"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="$CIB_user: Set enable-acl"
cmd="crm_attribute -n enable-acl -v false"
desc="$CIB_user: Set stonith-enabled"
cmd="crm_attribute -n stonith-enabled -v false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id=\"dummy\" class=\"ocf\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\"/>'"
export CIB_user=root
desc="$CIB_user: Query configuration"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
desc="$CIB_user: Set stonith-enabled"
cmd="crm_attribute -n stonith-enabled -v true"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id=\"dummy\" class=\"ocf\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\"/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
### deny /cib permission ###
export CIB_user=l33t-haxor
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -p target-role -v Stopped"
desc="$CIB_user: Query a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -g target-role"
desc="$CIB_user: Remove a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -d target-role"
### observer role ###
export CIB_user=niceguy
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -p target-role -v Stopped"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="$CIB_user: Query a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -g target-role"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="$CIB_user: Remove a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -d target-role"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="$CIB_user: Create a resource meta attribute"
cmd="crm_resource -r dummy --meta -p target-role -v Started"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
### read //meta_attributes ###
export CIB_user=badidea
desc="$CIB_user: Query configuration - implied deny"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
### deny /cib, read //meta_attributes ###
export CIB_user=betteridea
desc="$CIB_user: Query configuration - explicit deny"
cmd="cibadmin -Q"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --delete --xml-text '<acls/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
### observer role ###
export CIB_user=niceguy
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - remove acls"
cmd="cibadmin --replace --xml-file $TMPXML"
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy2" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - create resource"
cmd="cibadmin --replace --xml-file $TMPXML"
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" crm_attribute -n enable-acl -v false
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - modify attribute (deny)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace --xml-file $TMPXML"
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --replace --xml-text '<nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-enable-acl" name="enable-acl"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - delete attribute (deny)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace --xml-file $TMPXML"
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="nothing interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - create attribute (deny)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace --xml-file $TMPXML"
### admin role ###
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="nothing interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - create attribute (direct allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="something interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - modify attribute (direct allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - delete attribute (direct allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
### super_user role ###
export CIB_user=joe
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="nothing interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - create attribute (inherited allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="something interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - modify attribute (inherited allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - delete attribute (inherited allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
### rsc_writer role ###
export CIB_user=mike
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="nothing interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - create attribute (allow overrides deny)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="something interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - modify attribute (allow overrides deny)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - delete attribute (allow overrides deny)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
### rsc_denied role ###
export CIB_user=chris
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="nothing interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - create attribute (deny overrides allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
# Set as root since setting as chris failed
CIB_user=root cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="nothing interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="something interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - modify attribute (deny overrides allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
# Set as root since setting as chris failed
CIB_user=root cibadmin --modify --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" description="something interesting"/>'
CIB_user=root cibadmin -Q > "$TMPXML"
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
CIB_user=root CIB_file="$TMPXML" CIB_shadow="" cibadmin -Ql
desc="$CIB_user: Replace - delete attribute (deny overrides allow)"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
function test_acls() {
local TMPXML
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.acls.xml.XXXXXXXXXX)
create_shadow_cib pacemaker-1.3
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<acl_user id="l33t-haxor">
<deny id="crook-nothing" xpath="/cib"/>
<acl_user id="niceguy">
<role_ref id="observer"/>
<acl_user id="bob">
<role_ref id="admin"/>
<acl_user id="joe">
<role_ref id="super_user"/>
<acl_user id="mike">
<role_ref id="rsc_writer"/>
<acl_user id="chris">
<role_ref id="rsc_denied"/>
<acl_role id="observer">
<read id="observer-read-1" xpath="/cib"/>
<write id="observer-write-1" xpath="//nvpair[@name=&apos;stonith-enabled&apos;]"/>
<write id="observer-write-2" xpath="//nvpair[@name=&apos;target-role&apos;]"/>
<acl_role id="admin">
<read id="admin-read-1" xpath="/cib"/>
<write id="admin-write-1" xpath="//resources"/>
<acl_role id="super_user">
<write id="super_user-write-1" xpath="/cib"/>
<acl_role id="rsc_writer">
<deny id="rsc-writer-deny-1" xpath="/cib"/>
<write id="rsc-writer-write-1" xpath="//resources"/>
<acl_role id="rsc_denied">
<write id="rsc-denied-write-1" xpath="/cib"/>
<deny id="rsc-denied-deny-1" xpath="//resources"/>
desc="Configure some ACLs"
cmd="cibadmin -M -o acls --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Enable ACLs"
cmd="crm_attribute -n enable-acl -v true"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Set cluster option"
cmd="crm_attribute -n no-quorum-policy -v ignore"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="New ACL"
cmd="cibadmin --create -o acls --xml-text '<acl_user id=\"badidea\"><read id=\"badidea-resources\" xpath=\"//meta_attributes\"/></acl_user>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Another ACL"
cmd="cibadmin --create -o acls --xml-text '<acl_user id=\"betteridea\"><read id=\"betteridea-resources\" xpath=\"//meta_attributes\"/></acl_user>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Updated ACL"
cmd="cibadmin --replace -o acls --xml-text '<acl_user id=\"betteridea\"><deny id=\"betteridea-nothing\" xpath=\"/cib\"/><read id=\"betteridea-resources\" xpath=\"//meta_attributes\"/></acl_user>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
test_acl_loop "$TMPXML"
printf "\n\n !#!#!#!#! Upgrading to latest CIB schema and re-testing !#!#!#!#!\n"
printf "\nUpgrading to latest CIB schema and re-testing\n" 1>&2
export CIB_user=root
desc="$CIB_user: Upgrade to latest CIB schema"
cmd="cibadmin --upgrade --force -V"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
test_acl_loop "$TMPXML"
unset CIB_shadow_dir
rm -f "$TMPXML"
function test_validity() {
local TMPBAD
TMPGOOD=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.validity.good.xml.XXXXXXXXXX)
TMPBAD=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.validity.bad.xml.XXXXXXXXXX)
create_shadow_cib pacemaker-1.2
export PCMK_trace_functions=apply_upgrade,update_validation,cli_config_update
export PCMK_stderr=1
cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy1" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive id="dummy2" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"/>'
cibadmin -C -o constraints --xml-text '<rsc_order id="ord_1-2" first="dummy1" first-action="start" then="dummy2"/>'
cibadmin -Q > "$TMPGOOD"
desc="Try to make resulting CIB invalid (enum violation)"
cmd="cibadmin -M -o constraints --xml-text '<rsc_order id=\"ord_1-2\" first=\"dummy1\" first-action=\"break\" then=\"dummy2\"/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_CONFIG
sed 's|"start"|"break"|' "$TMPGOOD" > "$TMPBAD"
desc="Run crm_simulate with invalid CIB (enum violation)"
cmd="crm_simulate -x $TMPBAD -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_CONFIG 0
desc="Try to make resulting CIB invalid (unrecognized validate-with)"
cmd="cibadmin -M --xml-text '<cib validate-with=\"pacemaker-9999.0\"/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_CONFIG
sed 's|"pacemaker-1.2"|"pacemaker-9999.0"|' "$TMPGOOD" > "$TMPBAD"
desc="Run crm_simulate with invalid CIB (unrecognized validate-with)"
cmd="crm_simulate -x $TMPBAD -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_CONFIG 0
desc="Try to make resulting CIB invalid, but possibly recoverable (valid with X.Y+1)"
cmd="cibadmin -C -o configuration --xml-text '<tags/>'"
test_assert $CRM_EX_CONFIG
sed 's|</configuration>|<tags/></configuration>|' "$TMPGOOD" > "$TMPBAD"
desc="Run crm_simulate with invalid, but possibly recoverable CIB (valid with X.Y+1)"
cmd="crm_simulate -x $TMPBAD -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
sed 's|[ ][ ]*validate-with="[^"]*"||' "$TMPGOOD" > "$TMPBAD"
desc="Make resulting CIB valid, although without validate-with attribute"
cmd="cibadmin -R --xml-file $TMPBAD"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Run crm_simulate with valid CIB, but without validate-with attribute"
cmd="crm_simulate -x $TMPBAD -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
# this will just disable validation and accept the config, outputting
# validation errors
sed -e 's|[ ][ ]*validate-with="[^"]*"||' \
-e 's|\([ ][ ]*epoch="[^"]*\)"|\10"|' -e 's|"start"|"break"|' \
desc="Make resulting CIB invalid, and without validate-with attribute"
cmd="cibadmin -R --xml-file $TMPBAD"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Run crm_simulate with invalid CIB, also without validate-with attribute"
cmd="crm_simulate -x $TMPBAD -S"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK 0
unset CIB_shadow_dir
rm -f "$TMPGOOD" "$TMPBAD"
test_upgrade() {
local TMPXML
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
create_shadow_cib pacemaker-2.10
desc="Set stonith-enabled=false"
cmd="crm_attribute -n stonith-enabled -v false"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<primitive id="mySmartFuse" class="ocf" provider="experiment" type="SmartFuse">
<op id="mySmartFuse-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="40s"/>
<op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-inputpower" name="monitor" interval="30s">
<instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-instanceparams">
<nvpair id="mySmartFuse-inputpower-requires" name="requires" value="inputpower"/>
<op id="mySmartFuse-monitor-outputpower" name="monitor" interval="2s">
<instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams">
<nvpair id="mySmartFuse-outputpower-requires" name="requires" value="outputpower"/>
<instance_attributes id="mySmartFuse-params">
<nvpair id="mySmartFuse-params-ip" name="ip" value=""/>
<!-- a bit hairy but valid -->
<instance_attributes id-ref="mySmartFuse-outputpower-instanceparams"/>
desc="Configure the initial resource"
cmd="cibadmin -M -o resources --xml-file $TMPXML"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Upgrade to latest CIB schema (trigger 2.10.xsl + the wrapping)"
cmd="cibadmin --upgrade --force -V -V"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Query a resource instance attribute (shall survive)"
cmd="crm_resource -r mySmartFuse -g requires"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
unset CIB_shadow_dir
rm -f "$TMPXML"
test_rules() {
local TMPXML
cibadmin -C -o resources --xml-text '<primitive class="ocf" id="dummy" provider="heartbeat" type="Dummy" />'
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-too-many-date-expressions" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-rule-too-many-date-expressions" score="INFINITY" boolean-op="or">
<date_expression id="cli-date-expression-1" operation="gt" start="2020-01-01 01:00:00 -0500"/>
<date_expression id="cli-date-expression-2" operation="lt" end="2019-01-01 01:00:00 -0500"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-prefer-dummy-expired" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-prefer-rule-dummy-expired" score="INFINITY">
<date_expression id="cli-prefer-lifetime-end-dummy-expired" operation="lt" end="2019-01-01 12:00:00 -05:00"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
if [ "$(uname)" == "FreeBSD" ]; then
tomorrow=$(date -v+1d +"%F %T %z")
tomorrow=$(date --date=tomorrow +"%F %T %z")
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-prefer-dummy-not-yet" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-prefer-rule-dummy-not-yet" score="INFINITY">
<date_expression id="cli-prefer-lifetime-end-dummy-not-yet" operation="gt" start="${tomorrow}"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-only-years" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-only-years" score="INFINITY">
<date_expression id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-only-years-expr" operation="date_spec">
<date_spec id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-only-years-spec" years="2019"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-without-years" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-without-years" score="INFINITY">
<date_expression id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-without-years-expr" operation="date_spec">
<date_spec id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-without-years-spec" hours="20" months="1,3,5,7"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-years-moon" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-years-moon" score="INFINITY">
<date_expression id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-years-moon-expr" operation="date_spec">
<date_spec id="cli-prefer-dummy-date_spec-years-moon-spec" years="2019" moon="1"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
TMPXML=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
cat <<EOF > "$TMPXML"
<rsc_location id="cli-no-date_expression" rsc="dummy">
<rule id="cli-no-date_expression-rule" score="INFINITY">
<expression id="ban-apache-expr" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="node3"/>
cibadmin -C -o constraints -x "$TMPXML"
rm -f "$TMPXML"
desc="Try to check a rule that doesn't exist"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r blahblah"
test_assert $CRM_EX_NOSUCH
desc="Try to check a rule that has too many date_expressions"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-rule-too-many-date-expressions"
desc="Verify basic rule is expired"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-expired"
test_assert $CRM_EX_EXPIRED
desc="Verify basic rule worked in the past"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-expired -d 20180101"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Verify basic rule is not yet in effect"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-not-yet"
desc="Verify date_spec rule with years has expired"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-only-years"
test_assert $CRM_EX_EXPIRED
desc="Verify date_spec rule with years is in effect"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-only-years -d 20190201"
test_assert $CRM_EX_OK
desc="Try to check a rule whose date_spec does not contain years="
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-without-years"
test_assert $CRM_EX_NOSUCH
desc="Try to check a rule whose date_spec contains years= and moon="
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-prefer-rule-dummy-date_spec-years-moon"
test_assert $CRM_EX_NOSUCH
desc="Try to check a rule with no date_expression"
cmd="crm_rule -c -r cli-no-date_expression-rule"
unset CIB_shadow_dir
# Process command-line arguments
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
shift 2
export G_SLICE=always-malloc
export PATH="$2:$PATH"
echo "$USAGE_TEXT"
exit $CRM_EX_OK
echo "error: unknown option $1"
echo "$USAGE_TEXT"
for t in $tests; do
case "$t" in
dates) ;;
tools) ;;
acls) ;;
validity) ;;
upgrade) ;;
rules) ;;
crm_mon) ;;
echo "error: unknown test $t"
echo "$USAGE_TEXT"
XMLLINT_CMD=$(which xmllint 2>/dev/null)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "xmllint is missing - install it to validate command output"
# Check whether we're running from source directory
SRCDIR=$(dirname $test_home)
if [ -x "$SRCDIR/tools/crm_simulate" ]; then
export PATH="$SRCDIR/tools:$PATH"
echo "Using local binaries from: $SRCDIR/tools"
if [ -x "$SRCDIR/xml" ]; then
export PCMK_schema_directory="$SRCDIR/xml"
echo "Using local schemas from: $PCMK_schema_directory"
+ export PCMK_schema_directory=@CRM_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY@
for t in $tests; do
echo "Testing $t"
TMPFILE=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cts-cli.$t.XXXXXXXXXX)
test_$t > "$TMPFILE"
# last-rc-change= is always numeric in the CIB. However, for the crm_mon
# test we also need to compare against the XML output of the crm_mon
# program. There, these are shown as human readable strings (like the
# output of the `date` command).
sed -e 's/cib-last-written.*>/>/'\
-e 's/Last updated: .*/Last updated:/' \
-e 's/Last change: .*/Last change:/' \
-e 's/(version .*)/(version)/' \
-e 's/last_update time=\".*\"/last_update time=\"\"/' \
-e 's/last_change time=\".*\"/last_change time=\"\"/' \
-e 's/ api-version=\".*\" / api-version=\"X\" /' \
-e 's/ version=\".*\" / version=\"\" /' \
-e 's/request=\".*\(crm_[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)/request=\"\1/' \
-e 's/crm_feature_set="[^"]*" //'\
-e 's/validate-with="[^"]*" //'\
-e 's/Created new pacemaker-.* configuration/Created new pacemaker configuration/'\
-e 's/.*\(pcmk__.*\)@.*\.c:[0-9][0-9]*)/\1/g' \
-e 's/.*\(unpack_.*\)@.*\.c:[0-9][0-9]*)/\1/g' \
-e 's/.*\(update_validation\)@.*\.c:[0-9][0-9]*)/\1/g' \
-e 's/.*\(apply_upgrade\)@.*\.c:[0-9][0-9]*)/\1/g' \
-e 's/ last-rc-change=\"[A-Za-z0-9: ]*\"//'\
-e 's|^/tmp/cts-cli\.validity\.bad.xml\.[^:]*:|validity.bad.xml:|'\
-e 's/^Entity: line [0-9][0-9]*: //'\
-e 's/\(validation ([0-9][0-9]* of \)[0-9][0-9]*\().*\)/\1X\2/' \
-e 's/^Migration will take effect until: .*/Migration will take effect until:/' \
-e 's/ end=\"[0-9][-+: 0-9]*Z*\"/ end=\"\"/' \
-e 's/ start=\"[0-9][-+: 0-9]*Z*\"/ start=\"\"/' \
-e 's/^Error checking rule: Device not configured/Error checking rule: No such device or address/' \
-e 's/^lt-//' \
-e 's/ocf::/ocf:/' \
-e 's/Masters:/Promoted:/' \
-e 's/Slaves:/Unpromoted:/' \
-e 's/Master/Promoted/' \
-e 's/Slave/Unpromoted/' \
"$TMPFILE" > "${TMPFILE}.$$"
mv -- "${TMPFILE}.$$" "$TMPFILE"
if [ $do_save -eq 1 ]; then
cp "$TMPFILE" $test_home/cli/regression.$t.exp
rm -rf "${shadow_dir}"
if [ $verbose -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\n\nResults"
for t in $tests; do
if [ $verbose -eq 1 ]; then
diff -wu $test_home/cli/regression.$t.exp "$TMPFILE"
diff -w $test_home/cli/regression.$t.exp "$TMPFILE" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\n\nSummary"
for t in $tests; do
grep -e '^\* \(Passed\|Failed\)' "$TMPFILE"
if [ $num_errors -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$num_errors tests failed; see output in:"
for t in $tests; do
echo " $TMPFILE"
elif [ $failed -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$num_passed tests passed but output was unexpected; see output in:"
for t in $tests; do
echo " $TMPFILE"
echo $num_passed tests passed
for t in $tests; do
rm -f "$TMPFILE"
crm_shadow --force --delete $shadow >/dev/null 2>&1
exit $CRM_EX_OK

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Jan 25, 11:23 AM (1 d, 7 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(65 KB)

Event Timeline