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No OneTemporary

# This works on the following firmware versions:
# 01.03.00
# 02.00.00
# 04.01.00
# 04.01.02
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::Telnet ();
my $ME = $0;
defined fileno STDOUT or return;
close STDOUT and return;
warn "$ME: failed to close standard output: $!\n";
$? ||= 1;
# Get the program name from $0 and strip directory names
my $pname = $_;
$opt_o = 'disable'; # Default fence action
# WARNING!! Do not add code bewteen "#BEGIN_VERSION_GENERATION" and
# "#END_VERSION_GENERATION" It is generated by the Makefile
sub usage
print "Usage:\n";
print "\n";
print "$pname [options]\n";
print "\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " -a <ip> IP address or hostname of switch\n";
print " -h usage\n";
print " -l <name> Login name\n";
print " -n <num> Port number to disable\n";
print " -o <string> Action: disable (default), enable or metadata\n";
print " -p <string> Password for login\n";
print " -S <path> Script to run to retrieve login password\n";
print " -q quiet mode\n";
print " -V version\n";
exit 0;
sub fail
($msg) = @_;
print $msg."\n" unless defined $opt_q;
$t->close if defined $t;
exit 1;
sub fail_usage
print STDERR $msg."\n" if $msg;
print STDERR "Please use '-h' for usage.\n";
exit 1;
sub version
print "$pname $RELEASE_VERSION $BUILD_DATE\n";
exit 0;
sub print_metadata
print '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<resource-agent name="fence_mcdata" shortdesc="I/O Fencing agent for McData FC switches" >
fence_mcdata is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with McData FC switches. It logs into a McData switch via telnet and disables a specified port. Disabling the port which a machine is connected to effectively fences that machine. Lengthy telnet connections to the switch should be avoided while a GFS cluster is running because the connection will block any necessary fencing actions.
After a fence operation has taken place the fenced machine can no longer connect to the McData FC switch. When the fenced machine is ready to be brought back into the GFS cluster (after reboot) the port on the McData FC switch needs to be enabled. This can be done by running fence_mcdata and specifying the enable action.
<parameter name="action" unique="1" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-o [action]" />
<content type="string" default="disable" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Fencing Action</shortdesc>
<parameter name="ipaddr" unique="1" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-a [ip]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">IP Address or Hostname</shortdesc>
<parameter name="login" unique="1" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-l [name]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login Name</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd" unique="1" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-p [password]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Login password or passphrase</shortdesc>
<parameter name="passwd_script" unique="1" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-S [script]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Script to retrieve password</shortdesc>
<parameter name="port" unique="1" required="1">
<getopt mixed="-n [id]" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Physical plug number or name of virtual machine</shortdesc>
<parameter name="help" unique="1" required="0">
<getopt mixed="-h" />
<content type="string" />
<shortdesc lang="en">Display help and exit</shortdesc>
<action name="enable" />
<action name="disable" />
<action name="status" />
<action name="metadata" />
sub get_options_stdin
my $opt;
my $line = 0;
while( defined($in = <>) )
$_ = $in;
# strip leading and trailing whitespace
# skip comments
next if /^#/;
next unless $opt;
($name,$val)=split /\s*=\s*/, $opt;
if ( $name eq "" )
print STDERR "parse error: illegal name in option $line\n";
exit 2;
# DO NOTHING -- this field is used by fenced
elsif ($name eq "agent" ) { }
elsif ($name eq "ipaddr" )
$opt_a = $val;
elsif ($name eq "login" )
$opt_l = $val;
elsif (($name eq "option" ) || ($name eq "action"))
$opt_o = $val;
elsif ($name eq "passwd" )
$opt_p = $val;
elsif ($name eq "passwd_script" )
$opt_S = $val;
elsif ($name eq "port" )
$opt_n = $val;
sub telnet_error
fail "failed: telnet returned: ".$t->errmsg;
if (@ARGV > 0) {
getopts("a:hl:n:o:p:S:qV") || fail_usage ;
usage if defined $opt_h;
version if defined $opt_V;
fail_usage "Unknown parameter." if (@ARGV > 0);
if ((defined $opt_o) && ($opt_o =~ /metadata/i)) {
exit 0;
fail_usage "No '-a' flag specified." unless defined $opt_a;
fail_usage "No '-n' flag specified." unless defined $opt_n;
fail_usage "No '-l' flag specified." unless defined $opt_l;
if (defined $opt_S) {
$pwd_script_out = `$opt_S`;
if ($pwd_script_out) {
$opt_p = $pwd_script_out;
fail_usage "No '-p' or '-S' flag specified." unless defined $opt_p;
fail_usage "Unrecognised action '$opt_o' for '-o' flag"
unless $opt_o =~ /^(disable|enable)$/i;
} else {
if ((defined $opt_o) && ($opt_o =~ /metadata/i)) {
exit 0;
fail "failed: no IP address" unless defined $opt_a;
fail "failed: no plug number" unless defined $opt_n;
fail "failed: no login name" unless defined $opt_l;
if (defined $opt_S) {
$pwd_script_out = `$opt_S`;
if ($pwd_script_out) {
$opt_p = $pwd_script_out;
fail "failed: no password" unless defined $opt_p;
fail "failed: unrecognised action: $opt_o"
unless $opt_o =~ /^(disable|enable)$/i;
my $block=1;
fail "failed: unrecognised action: $opt_o"
# Set up and log in
$t = new Net::Telnet;
# Send Username
# Send Password
#> # Set switch to comma delimited output
#> $t->print("commadelim 1");
#> $t->waitfor('/\>/');
# Block/Unblock the desired port
$t->print("config port blocked $opt_n $block");
($text, $match) = $t->waitfor('/\>/');
# Verfiy that the port has been blocked/unblocked
$t->print("config port show $opt_n");
($text, $match) = $t->waitfor('/\>/');
# scan the port configurations to make sure that
# the port is in the state we told it to be in
# Output from the prvious command will look like:
# Root> config port show 0
# Port Information
# Port Number: 0
# Name: name
# Blocked: true
# Extended Distance: false
# Type: gPort
my $fail=1;
@lines = split /\n/,$text;
foreach my $line (@lines)
my $field = "";
my $b_state = "";
if ( $line =~ /^(.*):\s*(\S*)/ )
$field = $1;
$b_state = $2;
next unless ( $field eq "Blocked" );
if ( ($block && $b_state eq "true") ||
(!$block && $b_state eq "false") ||
($block && $b_state eq "Blocked") ||
(!$block && $b_state eq "Unblocked") )
$fail = 0;
# log out of the switch
print "failed: unexpected port state\n" unless $opt_q;
print "success: port $opt_n ".($block?"disabled":"enabled")."\n"
unless defined $opt_q;
exit $fail;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Wed, Feb 26, 1:23 PM (18 h, 18 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (8 KB)

Event Timeline