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diff --git a/tools/ocft/db2 b/tools/ocft/db2
index 0af51a849..4bcd23ab1 100644
--- a/tools/ocft/db2
+++ b/tools/ocft/db2
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
# db2
# This test assumes a db2 ESE instance with two partions and a database.
# Default is instance=db2inst1, database=ocft
# adapt this in set_testenv below
# Simple steps to generate a test environment (if you don't have one):
# A virtual machine with 1200MB RAM is sufficient
# - download an eval version of DB2 server from IBM
# - create an user "db2inst1" in group "db2inst1"
# As root
# - install DB2 software in some location
# - create instance
# cd <this_location>/instance
# ./db2icrt -s ese -u db2inst1 db2inst1
# - adapt profile of db2inst1 as instructed by db2icrt
# As db2inst1
# # allow to run with small memory footprint
# db2start
# db2start dbpartitionnum 1 add dbpartitionnum hostname $(uname -n) port 1 without tablespaces
# db2stop
# db2start
# db2 create database ocft
# Done
# In order to install a real cluster refer to
HangTimeout 40
# nothing
CASE-BLOCK set_testenv
- Var OCFT_instance=db2inst
+ Var OCFT_instance=db2inst1
Var OCFT_db=ocft
CASE-BLOCK crm_setting
Var OCF_RESKEY_instance=$OCFT_instance
Var OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_timeout=30000
CASE-BLOCK default_status
AgentRun stop
CASE-BLOCK prepare
Include set_testenv
Include crm_setting
Include default_status
CASE "check base env"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "check base env: invalid 'OCF_RESKEY_instance'"
Include prepare
Var OCF_RESKEY_instance=no_such
CASE "invalid instance config"
Include prepare
Bash eval mv ~$OCFT_instance/sqllib ~$OCFT_instance/sqllib-
BashAtExit eval mv ~$OCFT_instance/sqllib- ~$OCFT_instance/sqllib
CASE "unimplemented command"
Include prepare
CASE "normal start"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "normal stop"
Include prepare
AgentRun start
AgentRun stop OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "double start"
Include prepare
AgentRun start
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "double stop"
Include prepare
AgentRun stop OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "started: monitor"
Include prepare
AgentRun start
AgentRun monitor OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "not started: monitor"
Include prepare
AgentRun monitor OCF_NOT_RUNNING
CASE "killed instance: monitor"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
AgentRun monitor OCF_SUCCESS
BashAtExit rm /tmp/ocft-helper1
Bash echo "su $OCFT_instance -c '. ~$OCFT_instance/sqllib/db2profile; db2nkill 0 >/dev/null 2>&1'" > /tmp/ocft-helper1
Bash sh -x /tmp/ocft-helper1
AgentRun monitor OCF_NOT_RUNNING
CASE "overload param instance by admin"
Include prepare
Var OCF_RESKEY_instance=no_such
Var OCF_RESKEY_admin=$OCFT_instance
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
CASE "check start really activates db"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
BashAtExit rm /tmp/ocft-helper2
Bash echo "su $OCFT_instance -c '. ~$OCFT_instance/sqllib/db2profile; db2 get snapshot for database on $OCFT_db>/dev/null'" > /tmp/ocft-helper2
Bash sh -x /tmp/ocft-helper2
CASE "multipartion test"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
AgentRun monitor OCF_SUCCESS
# start does not start partion 1
Var OCF_RESKEY_dbpartitionnum=1
AgentRun monitor OCF_NOT_RUNNING
# now start 1
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
AgentRun monitor OCF_SUCCESS
# now stop 1
AgentRun stop OCF_SUCCESS
AgentRun monitor OCF_NOT_RUNNING
# does not affect 0
Var OCF_RESKEY_dbpartitionnum=0
AgentRun monitor OCF_SUCCESS
# fault injection does not work on the 1.0.4 client due to a hardcoded path
CASE "simulate hanging db2stop (not meaningful for 1.0.4 agent)"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
Bash [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/db2stop ]
BashAtExit rm /usr/local/bin/db2stop
Bash echo -e "#!/bin/sh\necho fake db2stop\nsleep 10000" > /usr/local/bin/db2stop
Bash chmod +x /usr/local/bin/db2stop
AgentRun stop OCF_SUCCESS
# fault injection does not work on the 1.0.4 client due to a hardcoded path
CASE "simulate not stopping db2stop (not meaningful for 1.0.4 agent)"
Include prepare
AgentRun start OCF_SUCCESS
Bash [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/db2stop ]
BashAtExit rm /usr/local/bin/db2stop
Bash echo -e "#!/bin/sh\necho fake db2stop\nexit 0" > /usr/local/bin/db2stop
Bash chmod +x /usr/local/bin/db2stop
AgentRun stop OCF_SUCCESS

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Feb 27, 5:10 AM (1 d, 19 h ago)
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Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(4 KB)

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