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Drop "default" as an allowed value for some meta-attributes
Open, LowPublic


Currently, "default" is an allowed value for is-managed, resource-stickiness, migration-threshold, and target-role. At the time of writing, the first three are in pe__unpack_resource() and target-role is in get_target_role().

"default" was added as an allowed value by commit 5050638. It seems never to have been documented, so no one should be using it or even aware of it.


Also drop special handling for "#default" as a meta-attribute value. The "#default" handling code was added by commit ea1359b. It seems that it was never documented except as an allowed value for the target-role meta-attribute. In that use case, it's now considered an invalid value.

The documentation for "target-role=#default" was only in the crm.dtd file (not in the doc books), which was removed in 2.0.0 by commit 79a739c.

Any user relying on it is relying on undefined and undocumented behavior.

We will also have to update some tests. When we drop the "#default" line from add_hash_param(), a "#default" value gets added to a resource's meta-attributes if present in the XML. This results in a resource definition change, which would change two test outputs.


An XSL transform should drop these, so this should be done at a new minor or (preferably) major series release.

Event Timeline

nrwahl2 triaged this task as Normal priority.Jan 2 2024, 3:22 PM
nrwahl2 created this task.
nrwahl2 created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".
nrwahl2 added a project: Restricted Project.Jan 2 2024, 3:46 PM
nrwahl2 added a project: Pacemaker (3.0.0).

I suspect the use case for this feature was being able to set an explicit value in one block of meta-attributes, then have another rule-based block of attributes that resets the value to the default. Simply omitting the meta-attribute from the rule-based block wouldn't cause the explicit value to be removed.

However since the same effect can be achieved by setting the explicit value in another rule-based block, I think we can still drop support.

nrwahl2 changed the task status from Open to WIP.Jul 2 2024, 5:36 AM
nrwahl2 claimed this task.
This comment was removed by nrwahl2.
nrwahl2 removed a project: Restricted Project.Jul 9 2024, 4:43 AM
kgaillot changed the task status from WIP to Open.Nov 4 2024, 10:34 AM
kgaillot removed nrwahl2 as the assignee of this task.
kgaillot removed a project: Pacemaker (3.0.0).
kgaillot lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Low.Jan 2 2025, 4:32 PM
kgaillot updated the task description. (Show Details)
kgaillot added a project: Restricted Project.