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Document "automatic" (on) and "on_target" attributes of stonith device actions
Open, LowPublic


And add to OCF spec if fence agents should conform to OCF.

I'm creating a task because I'm not sure if this should be documented in Pacemaker Explained, the OCF spec, or both.

Event Timeline

nrwahl2 triaged this task as Normal priority.Jan 26 2024, 9:11 PM
nrwahl2 created this task.
nrwahl2 created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".
nrwahl2 renamed this task from Document "automatic" attribute of stonith device "on" actions to Document "automatic" (on) and "on_target" attributes of stonith device actions.Jan 26 2024, 9:20 PM
kgaillot lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Low.Jan 2 2025, 4:29 PM