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Fence devices with node-based rules are probably unpacked incorrectly
Open, LowPublic


register_if_fencing_device() calls get_meta_attributes() to unpack a resource's meta-attributes given a node for rule evaluation purposes. The meta-attributes were already unpacked without a node when the resource was unpacked. get_meta_attributes() will not overwrite existing values, so most likely any rule-based attributes will not take effect if there is a non-rule-based value already present.

This needs to be confirmed, then the fix would be to empty the existing rsc->meta table before unpacking it again.

Event Timeline

kgaillot triaged this task as Normal priority.Feb 6 2024, 11:01 AM
kgaillot created this task.
kgaillot created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".
kgaillot added a project: Restricted Project.
kgaillot lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Low.Jan 2 2025, 4:25 PM