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Clean up properly if CTS test is interrupted
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Jan 7 2025, 11:19 AM
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Some regression tests use the Corosync object to create a temporary Corosync configuration, saving the original (if any) to a temporary name, and restoring the original when the test ends. However if a test crashes or is interrupted by the user, the original will not be restored.

Similarly on an interrupt or crash, corosync may be left running, or other test-specific cleanup may be left undone.

Use exception handling and/or atexit() to ensure the proper cleanup is always done.

Event Timeline

kgaillot created this task.
kgaillot created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".
kgaillot renamed this task from Restore original corosync.conf if regression test is interrupted to Clean up properly if CTS test is interrupted.Jan 7 2025, 12:22 PM
kgaillot updated the task description. (Show Details)