Similar to CLPR#3823 Med: cts: Add missing crm_simulate regression tests back to cts-cli.
Prior to conversion to Python, there was one test for crm_diff:
desc="Create an XML patchset" cmd="crm_diff -o $test_home/cli/crm_diff_old.xml -n $test_home/cli/crm_diff_new.xml" test_assert $CRM_EX_ERROR 0
Not sure what other tests might be missing. 2025/02/07:
clumens 7:41 AM
You can't just grep, because a lot of test names changed for various reasons (including just shell -> python). That makes it look worse than it is. Assuming we know how to count, I think there's actually "only" 50-ish tests different. So I guess I'll take some headache medicine and look at these the hard way.clumens 8:00 AM
42 of the missing tests are from "Upgrading to latest CIB schema and re-testing", which I am sure Ken and I talked about and decided to not bring forward, but I can't find any reference for that at the moment. Two more are because we no longer support phases of the moon. I haven't tracked down the others yet.clumens 8:21 AM
But yeah, it looks like there are about 10 crm_simulate tests missing, which would explain why main passes and 2.1 does not. So I'll work on adding those, and then all branches can be failing.