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crm_diff regression test was removed during conversion to Python
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Similar to CLPR#3823 Med: cts: Add missing crm_simulate regression tests back to cts-cli.

Prior to conversion to Python, there was one test for crm_diff:

desc="Create an XML patchset"
cmd="crm_diff -o $test_home/cli/crm_diff_old.xml -n $test_home/cli/crm_diff_new.xml"
test_assert $CRM_EX_ERROR 0

Not sure what other tests might be missing. 2025/02/07:

clumens 7:41 AM
You can't just grep, because a lot of test names changed for various reasons (including just shell -> python). That makes it look worse than it is. Assuming we know how to count, I think there's actually "only" 50-ish tests different. So I guess I'll take some headache medicine and look at these the hard way.

clumens 8:00 AM
42 of the missing tests are from "Upgrading to latest CIB schema and re-testing", which I am sure Ken and I talked about and decided to not bring forward, but I can't find any reference for that at the moment. Two more are because we no longer support phases of the moon. I haven't tracked down the others yet.

clumens 8:21 AM
But yeah, it looks like there are about 10 crm_simulate tests missing, which would explain why main passes and 2.1 does not. So I'll work on adding those, and then all branches can be failing.

Event Timeline

nrwahl2 triaged this task as Normal priority.Wed, Mar 26, 8:13 PM
nrwahl2 created this task.
nrwahl2 created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".