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Do not call ocf_attribute_target in the meta-data function


Do not call ocf_attribute_target in the meta-data function

Starting with pacemaker-1.1.19 a "crm_node -n" call triggers
a CRM_OP_NODE_INFO cluster operation. If this is called
from a bundle with 1.1.19 code (or later) running on a 1.1.18
cluster, during a meta-data call we will get the following error in the
cluster logs:
Jul 14 11:35:27 [20041] controller-0 crmd: error: handle_request: Unexpected request (node-info) sent to non-DC node
Jul 14 11:35:27 [20041] controller-0 crmd: error: handle_request: Unexpected <create_request_adv origin="send_node_info_request" t="crmd" version="3.0.14" subt="request" reference="node-info-crm_node-1531568127-1" crm_task="node-info" crm_sys_to="crmd" crm_sys_from="e67698a2-6f50-45fc-b8de-423c94e11c99" acl_target="root" crm_user="root" src="controller-0"/>

By not calling ocf_attribute_target (which triggers a crm_node -n
call) when polling for meta-data we do not run into this issue.

This can easily get triggered when creating a resource invoking
crm_node -n inside a 1.1.19 container with pcs, as that invokes
the 'meta-data' action explicitely.

Co-Authored-By: Damien Ciabrini <dciabrin@redhat.com>
Suggested-By: Ken Gaillot <kgaillot@redhat.com>


Michele Baldessari <michele@acksyn.org>Authored on Jul 16 2018, 2:24 PM
rR0603cad1bd37: Merge pull request #1167 from collabora-gce/alias

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