High: sapdb.sh: Pass start/stop timeouts to saphostctrl
Pass the timeout on stop/start operation to saphostctrl in order to avoid that SAPDatabase will run into timeout with big databases.
-with big SAP Hana Databases, saphostctrl is running into a timeout when a start/stop is triggered, because Ocf::heartbeat:SAPDatabase is not passing the timeout parameter to saphostctrl and saphostctrl is using default start/stop timeout which is not enough.
-saphostctrl running into a timeout is reporting the exit code to Ocf::heartbeat:SAPDatabase and Pacemaker is interpreting the response as a fail operation, even if the SAP Hana is stopping / starting in background.
-saphostctrl accept timeout as argument:
-dbname <DB name> -dbtype <ada|db6|mss...> [-dbhost <hostname>] [-dbinstance <instance name>] [-dbuser <DB admin username>] [-dbpass <DB admin password>] [-timeout <timeout in sec>] [-service] [-instance] [-force] StopDatabase -dbname <DB name> -dbtype <ada|db6|mss...> [-dbhost <hostname>] [-dbinstance <instance name>] [-dbuser <DB admin username>] [-dbpass <DB admin password>] [-timeout <timeout in sec>] [-service] [-instance] [-force]
Fixes: #801
Fixes: #802