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Test: scheduler: update regression test outputs for ordering change


Test: scheduler: update regression test outputs for ordering change

Nearly all of these changes are clear improvements:

  • For ordered clones (including all bundles), each instance is now ordered relative to every later instance, so additional orderings can be seen in relevant dot files and additional dependencies in exp files.
  • The previous code added orderings for required actions, but these could be later flipped to optional. These no-longer-relevant orderings would show up in the dot graphs as dashed (not in transition graph). This is no longer done, so those orderings are gone from the dot files.
  • As a result, some of the summary actions are listed in a different order. For example, stops of any instance are now after probes of any instance.

The bundle-order-fencing, bundle-order-stop-on-remote, and
cancel-behind-moving-remote tests resulted in bundle instances being listed in
rsc->children differently. I'm not sure why that happened, but the actual
action orderings did not change, just how they're listed in the summary
display, so I think it's OK.


kgaillotAuthored on Apr 12 2023, 10:30 AM
rP596a3ae779d2: Low: scheduler: order clone instances properly