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XML: schemas: restructure rule schema for planned incompatible changes


XML: schemas: restructure rule schema for planned incompatible changes

This extends previous work to more exactly specify which rule syntax is allowed
in which contexts, specifically:

  • The lifetime element (within constraints) is deprecated
  • Node expressions are both allowed and implemented only in instance_attributes within bundle, clone, group, op, primitive, and template elements, and in meta_attributes in op and op_defaults elements
  • value-source is allowed in expression elements, but only with literal as its value
  • value is prohibited for defined and not_defined operations, and required for all other operations
  • The role attribute of rule elements is used only within location constraints
  • Support for multiple rules within a location constraint is deprecated.

To preserve backward compatibility, the invalid syntax is merely marked with
comments for now, for easier removal later.


kgaillotAuthored on Mar 12 2024, 11:14 AM
rP99208a6fae01: Test: cts-cli: strip schema version when comparing output