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Feature: tools: select technical or human-friendly output of failed actions


Feature: tools: select technical or human-friendly output of failed actions

This overhauls the failed action display in crm_mon. If --show-detail is given
(or Pacemaker was built with --enable-compat-2.0), the display will be more
technically oriented, otherwise, a more human-friendly display is given.

Here are some examples, with the previous code or --show-detail currently:

Failed Resource Actions:

  • ClusterIP:0_monitor_30000 on fc16-builder 'not running' (7): call=11, status='complete', last-rc-change='Wed Feb 22 11:04:34 2012', queued=0ms, exec=20ms
  • petulant_stop_0 on rhel7-1 'unknown' (198): call=323, status='Timed Out', last-rc-change='Wed Nov 28 12:35:41 2018', queued=0ms, exec=95134ms
  • vm_idcc_devel_migrate_to_0 on ha-idg-1 'error' (1): call=427, status='complete', exitreason='idcc_devel: live migration to ha-idg-2-private failed: 1', last-rc-change='Thu Jun 6 04:00:43 2019', queued=4ms, exec=657ms
  • rsc1_monitor_10000 on sles11-1 'not installed' (5): call=26, status='Not installed', last-rc-change='Thu Aug 8 20:20:39 2013', queued=0ms, exec=0ms

And the same failures with the current code without --show-detail:

Failed Resource Actions:

  • ClusterIP:0 30s-interval monitor on fc16-builder returned 'not running' at Wed Feb 22 11:04:34 2012 after 20ms
  • petulant stop on rhel7-1 could not be executed (Timed Out) at Wed Nov 28 12:35:41 2018 after 1m35.134s
  • vm_idcc_devel migrate_to on ha-idg-1 returned 'error' because 'idcc_devel: live migration to ha-idg-2-private failed: 1' at Thu Jun 6 04:00:43 2019 after 657ms
  • rsc1 10s-interval monitor on sles11-1 could not be executed (Not installed) at Thu Aug 8 20:20:39 2013


kgaillotAuthored on Oct 13 2021, 5:24 PM
rP4f939feb06f6: Refactor: scheduler: functionize showing failed action technical details

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