Low: log: Allow CIB upgrade messages to start with W, I, D
Doc: xml: Correct documentation of colocation/order lifetime transform
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops nagios/upstart resources
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops rkt bundles
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops restart-type meta-attr
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops can_fail or...
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops colocation/order lifetimes
Test: cts-scheduler: Split multiple top-level location constraint rules
Test: cts-scheduler: Drop nvpairs without value attribute
Low: xml: Info if schema transformation drops empty groups or clones
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops moon phase
Low: xml: Warn if schema transformation drops remove-after-stop property
Merge pull request #3741 from nrwahl2/nrwahl2-T896
Build: maint: fix heading in changelog generation
Fix: scheduler: avoid memory leak when freeing node copies
Fix: controller: avoid memory leak when updating join phase
API: libcrmcommon: add pcmk_common_cleanup()
Low: various: clean up library memory at child exit
Low: pacemaker-remoted: improve exit codes for schema failures
Merge pull request #3748 from kgaillot/release3
Doc: ChangeLog: update for 3.0.0-rc1 release
Fix: scheduler: avoid memory leak when freeing node copies
Build: maint: fix heading in changelog generation
Fix: controller: avoid memory leak when updating join phase
API: libcrmcommon: add pcmk_common_cleanup()
Low: various: clean up library memory at child exit
Low: pacemaker-remoted: improve exit codes for schema failures
Merge pull request #3745 from kgaillot/fixes
Merge pull request #3746 from HideoYamauchi/systemd_pending10
Mid: systemd: Fix when monitor of systemd resource continues to be pending.
Mid: systemd: If the state is Pending at the time of probe, execute follow up…
CLPR#3747 fixes the case of ACLs that refer to dropped elements, but it doesn't do anything special for replaced elements yet.
Build: rpm: Ignore the lib-package-without-%mklibname rpmlint error
Merge pull request #3743 from clumens/rpmlint-3.0
Merge pull request #3742 from clumens/rpmlint-2.1
Build: rpm: Ignore the lib-package-without-%mklibname rpmlint error
Refactor: Remove global booth_conf variable from notify_client.
Refactor: Remove global booth_conf variable from list_peers.
Merge pull request #154 from clumens/notify-client
Refactor: Remove global booth_conf variable from network functions.
Refactor: libcrmcommon: best practices for pcmk__xe_dereference_children()
Test: libcrmcommon: add unit tests for pcmk__xe_dereference_children()
Refactor: libcrmcommon,libpe_rules: move make_pairs() to libcrmcommon
Refactor: scheduler: convert populate_hash() into an XML child iterator
Refactor: libcrmcommon,libpe_rules: move unpack_attr_set() to libcrmcommon
Log: libcrmcommon: drop unhelpful trace message
Test: libcrmcommon: add unit tests for pcmk__unpack_nvpair_block()
Merge pull request #3730 from kgaillot/rules
Build: rpm: Ignore the lib-package-without-%mklibname rpmlint error
Merge pull request #3739 from clumens/rpmlint
Merge pull request #429 from kronosnet/stable1-proposed
Convert time_t to unsigned long long before formatting (#431)
Check packets come from the correct interface
awsvip: let user specify which interface to use, and make the parameter…
aws.sh: add get_interface_mac()
Merge pull request #1997 from oalbrigt/awsvip-interface
spec: update Requires paths for RHEL10/CentOS 10
Merge pull request #1998 from oalbrigt/spec-update-reqs
Merge pull request #156 from gao-yan/SBD_DELAY_START-bool-false
Fix: sbd-inquisitor: avoid parsing SBD_DELAY_START as a time duration if its…
totemknet: Handle new knet2 datafd API
Add optional header to messages sent back to the application (#433)
spec: Use GitHub source URL
aws.sh/ocf-shellfuncs: add ability to fresh token if it's invalid
aws.sh: chmod 600 $TOKEN_FILE, add get_instance_id() with DMI support, and use…
Merge pull request #1995 from oalbrigt/aws-improvements
High: storage-mon: Correct the timing of setting notification values to storage…
Merge pull request #1996 from HideoYamauchi/bugfix_storage_mon2
Mid: storage-mon RA: Wait until monitor confirms the startup pid according to…
clumens changed the status of
T912: Fix or drop COPR builds from
Open to
My guess as to why this stopped working is that the API key you use to link github and copr is only good for 180 days and then must be regenerated.
kgaillot moved
T916: Fix ACL regression before 3.0.0-rc1 from
Restricted Project Column to
Restricted Project Column on the
Restricted Project board.
kgaillot moved
T916: Fix ACL regression before 3.0.0-rc1 from
Restricted Project Column to
Restricted Project Column on the
Restricted Project board.
Build: release.mk: Fix the fallback setting of VERSION.
Build: rpm: Define a fallback value for GIT.
Build: copr: Fix the copr Makefile.
Merge pull request #3737 from clumens/copr
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Guard function bodies in procfs.c.
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Move opening /proc/self/fd into a function.
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Move sysrq_trigger into procfs.c.
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Remove guards in pcmk__locate_sbd.
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Remove guards in panic_local_nonroot.
Refactor: daemons: Pass the server we're throttling as an argument.
Refactor: daemons: Use true/false instead of TRUE/FALSE...
Refactor: daemons: Improve code formatting in throttle functions.
Refactor: daemons: Move throttling code into libcrmcommon
Merge pull request #3736 from clumens/procfs
XSL has some mechanism for this, and we already have an appropriate logger in C.
Doc: ChangeLog: update for 3.0.0-rc1 release