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Jun 10 2024
Jun 10 2024
clumens committed rP152ea0d717da: Refactor: python, CTS: Remove Test.add_cmd_expected_fail. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: python, CTS: Remove Test.add_cmd_expected_fail.
clumens committed rPc557b2330d3b: Refactor: python, CTS: Remove Test.add_cmd_no_wait. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: python, CTS: Remove Test.add_cmd_no_wait.
clumens committed rP318d82b03e6b: Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_cmd_and_kill. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_cmd_and_kill.
clumens committed rPd7ad8566bf4d: Refactor: CTS: ExecTest.add_cmd should call the super class. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: CTS: ExecTest.add_cmd should call the super class.
clumens committed rPe13c8e7c5dc8: Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_cmd_check_stdout. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_cmd_check_stdout.
clumens committed rP4bf2453ddb7f: Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_cmd_expected_fail. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_cmd_expected_fail.
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rP337e0d21255b: Merge pull request #3498 from clumens/cts-exec-pylint (authored by kgaillot).
Merge pull request #3498 from clumens/cts-exec-pylint
clumens committed rP5a713ad8bc0b: Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_sys_cmd. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: CTS: Remove ExecTest.add_sys_cmd.
clumens committed rP3f7d1f34b9ce: Refactor: python, CTS: Remove the _new_cmd functions. (authored by clumens).
Refactor: python, CTS: Remove the _new_cmd functions.
nrwahl2 committed rP343e57d02d0a: Doc: libcrmcommon: Drop mentions of XML_ATTR_DIFF (authored by nrwahl2).
Doc: libcrmcommon: Drop mentions of XML_ATTR_DIFF
nrwahl2 committed rP6dc074e6dfc2: Refactor: libcrmcommon, attrd: Drop PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_FLUSH (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon, attrd: Drop PCMK__ATTRD_CMD_FLUSH
nrwahl2 committed rP462fbfbcc7e8: Low: libcrmcluster: Default remote_state_from_cib() to false (authored by nrwahl2).
Low: libcrmcluster: Default remote_state_from_cib() to false
nrwahl2 committed rPd3981d2d6aaa: Refactor: libpe_status: Drop support for per-resource failcounts (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libpe_status: Drop support for per-resource failcounts
nrwahl2 committed rP4dcb43bdc760: Test: cts-scheduler: Drop per-resource fail counts (authored by nrwahl2).
Test: cts-scheduler: Drop per-resource fail counts
nrwahl2 committed rP845daef411fb: Test: cts-scheduler: Drop orphaned last-failure nvpairs (authored by nrwahl2).
Test: cts-scheduler: Drop orphaned last-failure nvpairs
nrwahl2 committed rP1cad6fcbfc43: Refactor: controller: Drop compat guard for DC transient attr clearing (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: controller: Drop compat guard for DC transient attr clearing
nrwahl2 committed rP37d7c4aa3648: Refactor: libcrmcommon: New PCMK__XA_ACL_TARGET string constant (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: New PCMK__XA_ACL_TARGET string constant
nrwahl2 committed rP790c090600fd: Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK_XA_TAG for ACLs (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK_XA_TAG for ACLs
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK__XA_REF
Test: cts-cli: Drop old ACL syntax
nrwahl2 committed rPcc4898c498df: Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK__XE_ROLE_REF (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK__XE_ROLE_REF
nrwahl2 committed rPe5eb296942d0: Refactor: libcrmcommon: Don't treat tag as kind in parse_acl_entry() (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Don't treat tag as kind in parse_acl_entry()
nrwahl2 committed rP3974166244fa: Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK__XE_ACL_USER (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK__XE_ACL_USER
nrwahl2 committed rP208f4b764f81: Refactor: libcrmcommon: Clean up parse_acl_entry() (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Clean up parse_acl_entry()
nrwahl2 committed rP2bbb0addd7f3: Refactor: controller: Drop compatibility ack from do_lrm_cancel() (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: controller: Drop compatibility ack from do_lrm_cancel()
nrwahl2 committed rPc008df98113a: Refactor: controller, libpacemaker: Drop compat CRM_OP_PROBED code (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: controller, libpacemaker: Drop compat CRM_OP_PROBED code
nrwahl2 committed rPbad607b44dfd: Refactor: controller: Drop compat refresh code for remote 1.1.9 (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: controller: Drop compat refresh code for remote 1.1.9
nrwahl2 committed rP4261abf1a919: Test: cts-scheduler: Drop reprobe-target_rc test (authored by nrwahl2).
Test: cts-scheduler: Drop reprobe-target_rc test
nrwahl2 committed rPab3ba12d8a74: Refactor: libpacemaker: Don't test feature set < 2.1 (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libpacemaker: Don't test feature set < 2.1
nrwahl2 committed rP7323cd9db7a6: Refactor: based: Drop unused parts of cib_diff_notify() (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: based: Drop unused parts of cib_diff_notify()
nrwahl2 committed rP34f6f34a51f9: API: libcrmcommon: Drop {PCMK,HA}_quorum_type environment variable (authored by nrwahl2).
API: libcrmcommon: Drop {PCMK,HA}_quorum_type environment variable
nrwahl2 committed rP2d97598efaf6: Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop version arg from pcmk__digest_xml() (authored by nrwahl2).
Refactor: libcrmcommon: Drop version arg from pcmk__digest_xml()
Doc: books, fencer: Drop old daemon names
nrwahl2 committed rPed35ef994fdf: API: tools: cibadmin --md5-sum-versioned no longer prints feature set (authored by nrwahl2).
API: tools: cibadmin --md5-sum-versioned no longer prints feature set
nrwahl2 closed T773: Drop support for STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP instance attribute in device configuration as Merged by committing rP48d539e846af: API: fencer, libstonithd: Drop support for "action" fencing param.
Jun 10 2024, 12:37 PM · Pacemaker (3.0.0), Pacemaker: Future Release Series, Pacemaker: Fencing, Restricted Project
nrwahl2 committed rP48d539e846af: API: fencer, libstonithd: Drop support for "action" fencing param (authored by nrwahl2).
API: fencer, libstonithd: Drop support for "action" fencing param
nrwahl2 committed rPe29df9d267b0: Test: cts-cli: Update daemons output for doc change (authored by nrwahl2).
Test: cts-cli: Update daemons output for doc change
nrwahl2 committed rP21c7f9f432cd: API: libcrmcommon: Drop {PCMK,HA}_cib_timeout environment variable (authored by nrwahl2).
API: libcrmcommon: Drop {PCMK,HA}_cib_timeout environment variable
nrwahl2 committed rPd74d17dc9a8f: API: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK_mcp and HA_mcp environment variables (authored by nrwahl2).
API: libcrmcommon: Drop PCMK_mcp and HA_mcp environment variables
nrwahl2 committed rP06140622ace0: API: pacemakerd: Drop {PCMK,HA}_shutdown_delay environment variable (authored by nrwahl2).
API: pacemakerd: Drop {PCMK,HA}_shutdown_delay environment variable
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rP66dbd029d23f: Merge pull request #3508 from nrwahl2/nrwahl2-compat_drops (authored by kgaillot).
Merge pull request #3508 from nrwahl2/nrwahl2-compat_drops
nrwahl2 committed rP72d5b8da34fe: Doc: libpe_status: Drop COMPAT note in generate_fail_regex() (authored by nrwahl2).
Doc: libpe_status: Drop COMPAT note in generate_fail_regex()
nrwahl2 committed rP01be6d6b6fe4: Doc: Pacemaker Administration: Correct version compatibility table (authored by nrwahl2).
Doc: Pacemaker Administration: Correct version compatibility table
clumens changed the status of T833: crm_simulate shouldn't skip fancy text if simulation and score output is shown from Open to WIP.
Jun 10 2024, 12:04 PM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
kgaillot committed rPb3a1a91ba87d: Low: scheduler: avoid core-dump on trace message (authored by kgaillot).
Low: scheduler: avoid core-dump on trace message
kgaillot committed rP995f5360eb5b: Low: scheduler: use -INFINITY promotion score for inactive instances (authored by kgaillot).
Low: scheduler: use -INFINITY promotion score for inactive instances
kgaillot committed rP0584aed34f00: Log: scheduler: improve promotion score message for inactive instances (authored by kgaillot).
Log: scheduler: improve promotion score message for inactive instances
kgaillot committed rP6223209e22d7: Test: cts-lab: rsyslog rate-limiting messages may vary in wording (authored by kgaillot).
Test: cts-lab: rsyslog rate-limiting messages may vary in wording
kgaillot committed rPcccda695454e: Low: libcrmcommon: bounds-check ISO 8601 duration elements (authored by kgaillot).
Low: libcrmcommon: bounds-check ISO 8601 duration elements
kgaillot committed rPd8f14dc83e5a: Low: libcrmcommon: reject ISO 8601 duration without any values (authored by kgaillot).
Low: libcrmcommon: reject ISO 8601 duration without any values
kgaillot committed rPd7ad96f17bf0: Test: libcrmcommon: add unit tests for crm_time_parse_duration() (authored by kgaillot).
Test: libcrmcommon: add unit tests for crm_time_parse_duration()
kgaillot committed rPa753db45768d: Test: scheduler: update expected output for recent changes (authored by kgaillot).
Test: scheduler: update expected output for recent changes
kgaillot committed rPfcc13e25eea5: Test: cts-cli: update expected output for recent changes (authored by kgaillot).
Test: cts-cli: update expected output for recent changes
kgaillot committed rP21887a90f796: Doc: ChangeLog: add missed entry for 2.1.8-rc1 (authored by kgaillot).
Doc: ChangeLog: add missed entry for 2.1.8-rc1
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rP5efb16b4640f: Merge pull request #3516 from kgaillot/release (authored by kgaillot).
Merge pull request #3516 from kgaillot/release
root <root@sites.clusterlabs.org> committed rW722c586149db: Update Ruby gems (authored by root <root@sites.clusterlabs.org>).
Update Ruby gems
root <root@sites.clusterlabs.org> committed rW9c3f583bda47: Update README.md for dependency version changes (authored by root <root@sites.clusterlabs.org>).
Update README.md for dependency version changes
root <root@sites.clusterlabs.org> committed rW1541dba2c9f9: Update Ruby Gems (authored by root <root@sites.clusterlabs.org>).
Update Ruby Gems
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rW92e439349cd0: Merge pull request #41 from kaneter/sidebar (authored by kgaillot).
Merge pull request #41 from kaneter/sidebar
Teruyoshi Kaneko <kaneko.teruyoshi@nttcom.co.jp> committed rWcc0fff65cbe4: Update wiki link in sidebar (authored by Teruyoshi Kaneko <kaneko.teruyoshi@nttcom.co.jp>).
Update wiki link in sidebar
kgaillot renamed T833: crm_simulate shouldn't skip fancy text if simulation and score output is shown from Allow non-fancy scores with fancy simulation in crm_simulate to crm_simulate shouldn't skip fancy text if simulation and score output is shown.
Jun 10 2024, 10:59 AM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
kgaillot assigned T833: crm_simulate shouldn't skip fancy text if simulation and score output is shown to clumens.
Jun 10 2024, 10:59 AM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
kgaillot triaged T833: crm_simulate shouldn't skip fancy text if simulation and score output is shown as Normal priority.
Jun 10 2024, 10:44 AM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project
Jun 7 2024
Jun 7 2024
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rR5a120c19ca73: Merge pull request #1945 from gianlucapiccolo/fix-1944 (authored by oalbrigt).
Merge pull request #1945 from gianlucapiccolo/fix-1944
Gianluca Piccolo <gianluca.piccolo@wuerth-phoenix.com> committed rR4b09b3e467a7: Fix #1944 (authored by Gianluca Piccolo <gianluca.piccolo@wuerth-phoenix.com>).
Fix #1944
Yes we're adding it twice which does seem like a bug.
(pcmk__apply_coloc_to_priority) trace: Applied master-prefers-vpcip to rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00:2 promotion priority (now 199 after adding 199) (set_instance_priority) trace: Assigning rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00:2 priority = 199 ... (sort_promotable_instances) trace: Adding scores for rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00-clone: initial promotion priority for rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00:2 is 199 (add_promotion_priority_to_node_score) trace: Added cumulative priority of rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00:2 (199) to score on ib1-az1-dbn1 (now 199) (pcmk__add_this_with) trace: Adding colocation master-prefers-vpcip (rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00-clone with vpcip using #uname @99) to 'this with' list for rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00-clone (apply_coloc_to_dependent) trace: Applying colocation master-prefers-vpcip (promoted rsc_SAPHana_I13_HDB00-clone with vpcip) @99 (add_node_scores_matching_attr) trace: ib1-az1-dbn1: 199 + 0.000099 * 1000000 = 298
Jun 7 2024, 2:24 AM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Pacemaker: Scheduler
Jun 6 2024
Jun 6 2024
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rPba984fa065dd: prevent to free 'op_reply' repeatedly in 'stonith_send_command' (authored by tomyouyou <yxszyn@163.com>).
prevent to free 'op_reply' repeatedly in 'stonith_send_command'
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rPa0d3c5fedd45: Merge pull request #3514 from tomyouyou/tomyouyou-prevent_free_repeated (authored by kgaillot).
Merge pull request #3514 from tomyouyou/tomyouyou-prevent_free_repeated
kgaillot committed rP351144c8d958: API: libcrmcommon: add pcmk_node_t private member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: add pcmk_node_t private member
kgaillot committed rP768edfd16400: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s uname member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s uname member
kgaillot committed rPc365fe7cc825: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s id member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s id member
kgaillot committed rP5fd06a257ec6: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s type member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s type member
API: libcrmcommon: drop enum node_type
Refactor: libcrmcommon: add node flags
kgaillot committed rPdfa05ce8b721: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s standby member (node->details… (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s standby member (node->details…
kgaillot committed rPc561eb1658f3: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s standby_onfail member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s standby_onfail member
kgaillot committed rP599dd018c18e: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s unseen member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s unseen member
kgaillot committed rPaf7f7487d466: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s is_dc member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s is_dc member
kgaillot committed rP3c5ade6caf88: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s expected_up member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s expected_up member
kgaillot committed rP76ef6fc86133: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s rsc_discovery_enabled member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s rsc_discovery_enabled member
kgaillot committed rP8494b1b51187: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_requires_reset member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_requires_reset member
kgaillot committed rP3084d0aa1417: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_was_fenced member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_was_fenced member
kgaillot committed rP1bef960538b0: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_maintenance member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_maintenance member
kgaillot committed rPeeb523b4302b: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s unpacked member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s unpacked member
kgaillot committed rP20eedfcf6c3f: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s num_resources member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s num_resources member
kgaillot committed rP01077febaf0d: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_rsc member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s remote_rsc member
kgaillot committed rP93e422203b60: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s allocated_rsc member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s allocated_rsc member
kgaillot committed rPa32c5ea8a407: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s attrs member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s attrs member
kgaillot committed rP1d96b039f472: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s utilization member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s utilization member
kgaillot committed rPae4aa9cacef3: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s digest_cache member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s digest_cache member
kgaillot committed rP58bb073232de: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s priority member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s priority member
kgaillot committed rPef5e422d94fa: API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s scheduler member (authored by kgaillot).
API: libcrmcommon: drop struct pe_node_shared_s scheduler member
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rP9862d2574140: Merge pull request #3512 from kgaillot/drop (authored by nrwahl2).
Merge pull request #3512 from kgaillot/drop
Jun 6 2024, 3:18 PM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Pacemaker: Scheduler
Jun 6 2024, 3:17 PM · Pacemaker (2.1.8), Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Pacemaker: Scheduler
gao-yan committed rP5c29b675b8b4: Fix: libpacemaker: correctly retrieve any existing fail-count for increment (authored by gao-yan).
Fix: libpacemaker: correctly retrieve any existing fail-count for increment
GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rP917fbfa1186c: Merge pull request #3513 from gao-yan/retrieve-fail-count-2.1 (authored by kgaillot).
Merge pull request #3513 from gao-yan/retrieve-fail-count-2.1
nrwahl2 claimed T773: Drop support for STONITH_ATTR_ACTION_OP instance attribute in device configuration.
Jun 6 2024, 6:02 AM · Pacemaker (3.0.0), Pacemaker: Future Release Series, Pacemaker: Fencing, Restricted Project